View Full Version : SEAL's Slam Obama

05-01-12, 04:33

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

By Toby Harnden

PUBLISHED: 18:35 EST, 30 April 2012 | UPDATED: 19:34 EST, 30 April 2012

Suwannee Tim
05-01-12, 04:51
Good. Notice the news comes from the UK, not the US MSM. I thought OBL should have been captured, simply disappeared in the middle of the night then taken to a secret prison in Eastern Europe or elsewhere and interrogated until he was used up then tried in a secret military trial, found guilty, hanged and dumped, not buried, dumped at sea. But what do I know?

President Obama is the expert here. After all, he located OBL, planned the mission, assembled and trained the SEAL team then called the shots as they executed the raid. He would have led the raid personally but of course the First Lady and Secret Service would not hear of it.

05-01-12, 06:52
This about sums it up. :rolleyes:


Just wait until the movie comes out, though. :o


05-01-12, 07:14
Prime Time American Kabuki Theatre

Funny as heck cartoons.

And people want to debate/discuss credibility issues regarding legitimacy of US news, media etc.

Astonishing & disgusting.

05-01-12, 07:27
I found it a new low for a POTUS as well...he really should stop digging his hole, but my guess is the advisors will continue with an attack campain instead of discussing substance of the country's issues.

05-01-12, 09:16
Even Arianna Huffington called the ad "despicable". I can't wait until November so we can end this God forsaken failed experiment.


05-01-12, 09:59

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign

By Toby Harnden

PUBLISHED: 18:35 EST, 30 April 2012 | UPDATED: 19:34 EST, 30 April 2012

All presidents will take as much credit as possible for the successes, and distance themselves from the failures, especially in an election year regardless of party.

That's politics and far from unique to Obama, that's for sure.

That does not mean people don't have a right to call a pres when he does it, but military men doing the ugly work and having some politician (attempt) to take credit for it, old as humanity.

I don't like it either, but it sure aint no surprise or unique to this current president.

Military men who do the ugly work have every right to resent it but it's time honored D baggery of all politicians to date.

05-01-12, 10:30
Isn't it against the USCMJ to bad mouth the CINC?

05-01-12, 12:31
Funny how this current POTUS is almost as quick to blame others for his failures in office as he is to take credit for something any red-blooded American knows was not his doing.

I have obama-worshippers at work who give him full credit for "killing UBL". They get very upset when I responded: "Funny, I never new obama was a Navy SEAL!"

05-01-12, 15:38
Well I hope they don't post this on their Facebook pages otherwise they will get a other-than-honourable discharge like that USMC Sergeant Gary Stein.



05-01-12, 16:16
All presidents will take as much credit as possible for the successes, and distance themselves from the failures, especially in an election year regardless of party.

That's politics and far from unique to Obama, that's for sure.

That does not mean people don't have a right to call a pres when he does it, but military men doing the ugly work and having some politician (attempt) to take credit for it, old as humanity.

I don't like it either, but it sure aint no surprise or unique to this current president.

Military men who do the ugly work have every right to resent it but it's time honored D baggery of all politicians to date.

I completely disagree with your premiss.

Nixon never took credit for the moon landing.

Bush running for his 2nd term, never took credit for taking out Saddam.

Truman never took credit for the Manhattan Project.

Heroes don't brag!

Only small men!

Edit forgot to add: Under Bush enhance interrogation identified the only source who was the courier for Bin Laden. This resulted in our intelligence community tracking him down and then our men, took him out.

05-03-12, 21:27
Nixon didn't take credit, sure........... but at the same time the douche-bag was hamming it up talking to Mr Armstrong taking away precious surface time blabbering, he was slashing NASA's budget, deleting the last few REAL science missions, and destroying any and every possibility for a decent follow up ensuring continuing presence on the Lunar surface, all because he desperately needed to allocate some more funding for that "limited conflict" in SE Asia....
Hence the questionable (now discontinued) STS program, and the fact that 40 FOURTY years years later we still have not gone back.
Worse, we currently have no manned spaceflight capability whatsoever....

Truman had no idea there was a Manhattan project until April 24th 1945 - little credit on that one...

Bush...wel.. would you want credit for that one?

If history serves us, those mentioned were many things, but heroes...?

05-03-12, 22:24
Nixon didn't take credit, sure........... but at the same time the douche-bag was hamming it up talking to Mr Armstrong taking away precious surface time blabbering, he was slashing NASA's budget, deleting the last few REAL science missions, and destroying any and every possibility for a decent follow up ensuring continuing presence on the Lunar surface, all because he desperately needed to allocate some more funding for that "limited conflict" in SE Asia....
Hence the questionable (now discontinued) STS program, and the fact that 40 FOURTY years years later we still have not gone back.
Worse, we currently have no manned spaceflight capability whatsoever....

Truman had no idea there was a Manhattan project until April 24th 1945 - little credit on that one...

Bush...wel.. would you want credit for that one?

If history serves us, those mentioned were many things, but heroes...?

And Obama has done so much better for NASA? Riiight... :rolleyes:

None of this detracts from the fact that it is in exceedingly poor taste for Obama to take credit for bagging OBL, when it was a multi-year, multi-administration effort, culminating in a daring raid by the SEALs to get him. Nothing you say will change that. Nothing.

05-04-12, 02:20
Well I hope they don't post this on their Facebook pages otherwise they will get a other-than-honourable discharge like that USMC Sergeant Gary Stein.



That guy is a ****ing idiot. Would he openly criticize his Battalion Commander and expect no repercussions?

05-04-12, 02:25
Wasn't it up to Admiral Mcraven anyway?

05-04-12, 09:40
And Obama has done so much better for NASA? Riiight... :rolleyes:

None of this detracts from the fact that it is in exceedingly poor taste for Obama to take credit for bagging OBL, when it was a multi-year, multi-administration effort, culminating in a daring raid by the SEALs to get him. Nothing you say will change that. Nothing.

That i agree on.

Your observation is correct -Obama's record on supporting NASA's Ares/Orion project, and NASA in general is shocking and abysmal.
Throwing money on private enterprise (SpaceX etc.) to get us in back in LEO in a more cost efficient fashion is all good and well, but his "vision" and "policy" regarding long-term (Lunar and beyond) exploration is none existent.

Which would be the one thing that really gives the economy and our psyche a well deserved boost - looking at what Apollo did for us, this is an established fact.

Cancelling the STS and giving nothing in return is not exactly what should be considered the best way keeping us on top of the manned space-flight heap. Not with China gearing up to go there, albeit with recycled Soyouz-technology.

So yep - he is a douche. And after that last little incident at the US embassy in China, fair to say he is a spineless douche.
Nobel Peace price....PLEASE!!!!!!:bad:

05-04-12, 10:14
Didn't you get a good look at the Team that ACTUALLY killed Osama?

According TO Obama... :rolleyes:


05-04-12, 10:18
That i agree on.

Your observation is correct -Obama's record on supporting NASA's Ares/Orion project, and NASA in general is shocking and abysmal.
Throwing money on private enterprise (SpaceX etc.) to get us in back in LEO in a more cost efficient fashion is all good and well, but his "vision" and "policy" regarding long-term (Lunar and beyond) exploration is none existent.

Which would be the one thing that really gives the economy and our psyche a well deserved boost - looking at what Apollo did for us, this is an established fact.

Cancelling the STS and giving nothing in return is not exactly what should be considered the best way keeping us on top of the manned space-flight heap. Not with China gearing up to go there, albeit with recycled Soyouz-technology.

So yep - he is a douche. And after that last little incident at the US embassy in China, fair to say he is a spineless douche.
Nobel Peace price....PLEASE!!!!!!:bad:

I could forgive cutting NASA if it was a last resort and all the fluff had already been cut out of the budget. It hasn't. Space exploration is a valid pursuit of science that helps us as a species in the long term. Expecting private, for profit business to foot the bill with no short term payoff is foolish. They're not going to do it. Not for long anyway. :(

05-04-12, 10:37
(Manned) Space exploration is really the only thing that will keep us viable as a species - we can only use up so much of our Earth-originated resources before they run out. Its elementary, and the obvious next step.
Considering the abundance and wealth of elements and energy floating around for the picking, really, it is not a matter of being able to afford it, but not having the luxury not to.
What's even more baffling is that it would be a win-win proposition, a sure investment that would pay dividends to every following generation.
Unfortunately as long as we avoid making those logical but hard decisions we will be stuck and remain a little species.

05-04-12, 10:58
So when Bush's tearful face was featured in the 2008 RNC convention's video involving MA2 Michael Monsoor's posthumously awarded Medal of Honor...that was inappropriate too, right?

05-04-12, 12:30
So when Bush's tearful face was featured in the 2008 RNC convention's video involving MA2 Michael Monsoor's posthumously awarded Medal of Honor...that was inappropriate too, right?

I don't know, was he taking credit for MA2 Monsoor's heroic acts? :(

05-04-12, 14:02
So when Bush's tearful face was featured in the 2008 RNC convention's video involving MA2 Michael Monsoor's posthumously awarded Medal of Honor...that was inappropriate too, right?

Now that I think about it, yes it was (wasn't what I initially posted). But of course the ceremony itself was genuine and respectable.

05-04-12, 22:14
So when Bush's tearful face was featured in the 2008 RNC convention's video involving MA2 Michael Monsoor's posthumously awarded Medal of Honor...that was inappropriate too, right?

Edited to avoid the ban hammer. ****ing looks like TOS in here right now.

05-05-12, 12:20
Former AG Michael Mukasey says Obama regime drafted highly lawyered memo to blame military if Osama Bin Laden mission failed

Scroll to 00:55 through 2:00


05-09-12, 20:19
All right gents time for some law to be laid down:

Navy SEAL hands Obama his arse

Posted by radiopatriot in American Spirit ≈ 175 Comments

Former Navy SEAL, Benjamin Smith took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

That oath has no expiration date. As an author, speaker, political strategist and ardent Constitutionalist, Benjamin Smith continues to battle tyranny and defend the freedoms that enabled American exceptionalism. Benjamin is a regular contributor to multiple news outlets including Breitbart and Fox News.

Benjamin Smith will appear on Fox News Sunday night at 10 pm EST to further discuss this subject.


By Benjamin Smith

President Barack Hussein Obama – STOP using the Navy SEALS as a campaign ploy. Because with all due respect, (what little I have for you), you do NOT speak for me.

You have a movie about SEALS within the past year trying to identify with me, with the navy SEALS, and with anything that might improve your polling numbers…and yet it is all a sham to hide a weak un-American man desperate to claim the victories of others for his own.

You Sir are trying to take the credit for what the American People have achieved in killing Bin Laden. Your use of the SEALs accomplishment as a campaign slogan is nothing less than despicable. I, as a former Navy SEAL do not accept your taking credit for Osama Bin Laden’s death. The American Military accomplished that feat.

Yet now that it is useful, you Mr. President, continue to refer to the event as if it were YOU and you alone which accomplished the worthy task of slaying one of America’s greatest enemies. You say “I directed”, “I Continued”, “My Intelligence Community”, “My national security team”, “I determined that I had enough….”, “My direction…”

Yet reliable sources continue to report that not only did you attempt to stop or delay Bin Laden’s demise, you did not even leave the golf course for the situation room until 20 minutes before SEAL Team 6 took out Osama Bin Laden. Even the clothes you wore in the situation room betray this fact. This is a Commander in Chief? A man who takes credit for actions largely taken while he was out golfing?

We men who have taken the oath, say ENOUGH. You do not speak for me, a former Navy SEAL, or any one of the league of men whom I have earned the right to be among. You are simply a man running for an office. Yet you behave as a glory-hoarding ruler. You campaign to be our leader, yet in reality you wish to be our Master.

The American people are the ones who got Bin Laden… You did Not! We have fought wars and slugged it with Vast Terror Organizations to get to the man you say YOU killed. The United Sates of America has won you a title sir and you have spent the last three years trying to beg, borrow and bow as you GIVE IT ALL AWAY. You just happened to be president of the USA when WE THE PEOPLE got Osama Bin Laden. We do not see you as heroic or stoic, we see you as the guy who let America Go. We got fat and weak and you gave it all away. That is your credit – you bow to foreign leaders and pander to the press. You do not represent me as a Military Man. You do not represent me as a SEAL. You do not represent me as an AMERICAN!

You do not speak for me or any American military man because though you may now be Commander in Chief, you are not the man to whom we can point our sons and say “This is the American dream, this is American exceptionalism, this is what I wish for your future”, because you Sir are NONE of these things. You Sir, are the antithesis of American Exceptionalism. Your idols are Saul Alinksi and Karl Marx and your revolutionary dreams and anti-American ideals poison your every policy. Your every action betrays the fact that in your soul you do not understand what it is to be an American, not what America truly is. Your agenda from the beginning has been to get rid of and kill everything that is and ever was American. You who so easily dismisses America’s greatness and bows to foreigners… YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME. YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE NAVY SEALS. YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE MILITARY MAN AND you SHALL NOT claim as your prize that which you have not earned. The Navy SEALS are NOT a campaign slogan to be bantered about for play. Nor are our accomplishments, including the demise of Osama Bin Laden, yours to claim.

So you DO NOT speak for me. And I will not stand for your use and abuse of my brethren the SEALS.
For Liberty,

Benjamin Smith

05-09-12, 20:54
All right gents time for some law to be laid down:


Thanks for sharing the story/link.

3 AE
05-09-12, 22:29
All right gents time for some law to be laid down:

Holy shit! Talk about a verbal beatdown. I would be totally disgraced as an American if I was on the receiving end of that speech. It would be like those sorry souls who claim their imaginary acts of heroism and medals awarded when the truth comes out about their lies. Pretty shameful. As the POTUS I would expect him to be a class act, not acting like a desperate politician.

05-10-12, 01:38
All presidents will take as much credit as possible for the successes, and distance themselves from the failures, especially in an election year regardless of party.

That's politics and far from unique to Obama, that's for sure.

I might say since WWII this is the case but WWII and before not all would do this ?

but I do think now and moving forward we need one who will not do this !!!!!!

05-10-12, 02:05
Like it or not the boss takes the credit and the blame when things go bad. The old saying the buck stops here means something. If Bush were in the Whitehouse we would not be having this discussion. Personally I am just glad Bin Laden is dead.

05-10-12, 02:33
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

05-10-12, 05:38
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

I think the issue for me is the grandiose claims coming out of his campaign that he was carrying some massive weight or burden with the decision. Especially since these claims are coming a full year later. This one actually seems fairly easy to me - especially since the public backlash would have been massive had it become public that we had his location and not tried.

05-10-12, 11:15
All right gents time for some law to be laid down:

Am I glad you posted the text to this because it seems that the obamists might have gotten to the website owners. The link is no longer valid (HTTP Status 404).

05-10-12, 11:24
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

I think you are missing the point. Kudos to him for actually having the nads to give the Green Light. But shame on him and his cronies for making it sound like:
- He personally killed UBL.
- "His Navy SEALs" carried out the raid.
- "His Intelligence Operatives" found UBL's whereabouts.

One of the lessons I took to heart from Officer Candidate School is the Soldiers assigned to your unit are not "your" Soldiers until they consider you "their Lieutenant, Captain, or Leader".

Like I told the obama ass-kissers at my office, it shows very poor Leadership to take credit for something that someone else actually did, even if you are the C-in-C.

I am willing to bet that he would have fired all sorts of people had the SEALs failed (highly unlikely, but not impossible), they hit the wrong house (bad intelligence), or if (God forbid) they lost personnel in the process.

05-10-12, 17:27
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

the funny thing is all presidents wouldve done the same thing, who wouldnt? So how does this make Obama special? Not only that, if the operation failed he had already planned a lawyered up a memo to blame the military. That is a real dick move.

05-10-12, 21:10
I am willing to bet that he would have fired all sorts of people had the SEALs failed (highly unlikely, but not impossible), they hit the wrong house (bad intelligence), or if (God forbid) they lost personnel in the process.

What would be the appropriate response to a failed military campaign that resulted in a huge black eye for the US and its Special Warfare community, and also cost the lives of numerous servicemembers then?

the funny thing is all presidents wouldve done the same thing, who wouldnt? So how does this make Obama special? Not only that, if the operation failed he had already planned a lawyered up a memo to blame the military. That is a real dick move.

Proof? Isnt that what M4C is all about? Not making unsubstantiated claims?

05-10-12, 21:23
scroll up, its been posted in #24


05-10-12, 22:38
scroll up, its been posted in #24


Ya, Ive seen that. While I have no doubt that Obama or any other politician would have done the same, I did ask for proof. Please show me some if you get the time.

05-11-12, 08:55
What would be the appropriate response to a failed military campaign that resulted in a huge black eye for the US and its Special Warfare community, and also cost the lives of numerous servicemembers then?...

It depends on why the mission failed. Mission failure due to incompetence on behalf of the Combat Commander, Intel Officer, Ops Officer, or Team Leaders should not be treated the same as mission failure due to unforeseen circumstances (IE: bad intelligence provided by a mole, the Local Military units responding to what they perceive as an attack on their soil, failure of otherwise well-maintained equipment, uncontrollable environmental changes, etc.).

If the the team was not adequately trained, prepared, or equipped; then that is a leadership issue that should be addressed regardless if the mission failed or succeeded. If you punish your Soldiers for failures due to elements that are beyond anyone's control; then you should not be their leader. I am currently assigned to this type of a unit - and all it has done is teach the assigned Leaders that they are safer not to take the initiative (which is why I have requested to transfer out of that unit). The result is ineffective Leadership and Soldiers that spends more of their time trying to cover their asses than trying to excel.

If your supposed Commander-in-Chief and his cronies placed such restrictive ROEs on your unit that you can't help but fail (IE: Mogadishu) then someone else's head should roll (IE: the CinC, SecDef, etc.).

I hope this clarifies things.

05-11-12, 21:11
I think the issue for me is the grandiose claims coming out of his campaign that he was carrying some massive weight or burden with the decision. Especially since these claims are coming a full year later. This one actually seems fairly easy to me - especially since the public backlash would have been massive had it become public that we had his location and not tried.

the funny thing is all presidents wouldve done the same thing, who wouldnt?

Watch the second half with the interview of Peter Bergen. He states that there was no proof that Bin Laden was at the compound and the probability of him being there were less than there were that WMD's were in Iraq. To say that it was a "no brainer" choice when his advisors were against the raid and anyone would've done the same would be wrong IMO.


05-12-12, 07:55
If you watch the documentary "Killing Bin Laden" on The History Channel you'd think Obammy face shot the ****er himself.

05-13-12, 01:12
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

but he made sure he had a OUT in case it went bad of course he and clinton sounds like were only worried about his political career if it went south ! not the SEALS !

the only weight carried was buy the Military none by him at all !!!

from some other sources sounds like it was more or less OK we got you covered you can make the call and either way you come out ahead so might as well go for it !

if it went bad he would play to the left and disavow anything
they of course succeeded so he played it to the right to try to sound like the good guy !

either way he USED the SEALS for his political purpose and thats the bottom line how I see it and others I know see it !

I think stuff like this is a anyone in office would do it as its out of their hands in most ways like others said !

the grandstanding and making sure he was covering himself ready to bury a good person just reinforces what most think already !

05-13-12, 01:17
If you watch the documentary "Killing Bin Laden" on The History Channel you'd think Obammy face shot the ****er himself.

watched that and thought about the same thing !!!

he acted like he did everything !!!!!

05-13-12, 01:29
Blatantly ripped from another forum, but too priceless to go unused! :D


05-13-12, 01:48
I'm no Obama fan, but would you all rather him say no in these kinds of situations? Would you rather him not give the go ahead? I think he has proven to be a president that likes using his kill option, especially with the Navy SEALS. I'd consider it an honor if the president himself was calling on my unit as his personal hit squad.

He did give the go ahead, he did allow a risky mission with a whole lot wieghing on it to go through, for that I give him props. You will rarely find me saying that. Obviously he wasnt there, but I think if it were a republican calling the shots, the left would call him a war-mongerer and the right would call him strong and decisive.

I don't know, I feel like usually that level of involvement just makes stuff worse. The higher up the chain you go, the more political the decision gets.

05-13-12, 08:35
Listening to this morning news, MI6 is really pissed off. That was their operation in Yemen (underwear bomber) and someone on the Obama team notified the press.

Years of planning and another spike from the administration wiped it out.

Also on FoxNews this morning Sen Feinstein said that the press leak “has to be prosecuted” calling the leak “serious” and harmful to to sources and methods.

08-15-12, 03:35
Bringing this one back . . .

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks


08-15-12, 08:58
You just have to wonder what role this administration's decision to divulge still-classified information to the press and the film makers of "Zero Dark Thirty" contributed to the August 6, 2011 ambush that killed 36 to include members of DEVGRU?

In comparison, how many years after Operation Eagle Claw was SFOD-A's involvement or existence was officially made public?

Suwannee Tim
08-15-12, 13:01

is funny.

08-15-12, 16:00
You just have to wonder what role this administration's decision to divulge still-classified information to the press and the film makers of "Zero Dark Thirty" contributed to the August 6, 2011 ambush that killed 36 to include members of DEVGRU?

In comparison, how many years after Operation Eagle Claw was SFOD-A's involvement or existence was officially made public?


08-15-12, 17:00
You didnt kill that, someone else made that happen

08-15-12, 18:10
You didnt kill that, someone else made that happen


08-15-12, 20:01
In case you guy's haven't seen this thread yet . . .


08-18-12, 06:31
All presidents will take as much credit as possible for the successes, and distance themselves from the failures, especially in an election year regardless of party.

That's politics and far from unique to Obama, that's for sure.

That does not mean people don't have a right to call a pres when he does it, but military men doing the ugly work and having some politician (attempt) to take credit for it, old as humanity.

I don't like it either, but it sure aint no surprise or unique to this current president.

Military men who do the ugly work have every right to resent it but it's time honored D baggery of all politicians to date.

That's what I was thinking, too. They would have. Even wiser to "let it go".