View Full Version : How real is the political threat?

05-01-12, 06:18
If we don't see a regime change in the US executive branch in November, what are the chances that we will see increased gun control measures - particularily as they'd relate to ARs - and, if even remotely likely, do we think the legislation would be a term 2, year 1 initiative?

I ask because I want to purchase my first AR, but I don't want to be pressured to buy.

Thanks for your thoughts.

05-01-12, 06:45
I'd count on him signing imperial fiats (executive orders) against anything more 'threatening' than a pea shooter, before the re-immaculation parade is finished. He's just THAT petty...

05-01-12, 08:08
Anyone remember when the news covered the first hundred days like he was the next savior of our country? Or when he signed the order closing guantanamo?.... It probably wouldn't be a good idea to pass anti gun legislation after the circus of an election that is coming our way, and expect any measure to be fought pretty viscously by the legislative branch

05-01-12, 08:13
If BO signs into order something that is vast and all encompasing, meaning the 2nd amendment has no basis for firearms ownership any longer, the order will be disobeyed as much as possible just like most of the sensible gun laws we already have on the books. I doubt there will be an all out attack on the 2nd amendment but some sort of lame Assault Rifle type ban would probably come to fruition. Just my opinion is all.

He is also going to have a lot more on his plate come January, when the tax cuts expire, funding gets trimmed and the whole political arena in DC implodes.

05-01-12, 08:17
It all depends on congress.......

Doc Safari
05-01-12, 09:05
Barry is a follower of Cass Sunstein. Sunstein believes you "nudge" things to get them to go in your direction.

No, there won't be an assault weapons ban. What they will do is sign an executive order making the "sporting purposes" definition a lot stricter. Probably if you stick to AR's you won't notice much difference, but if you like foreign hi-capacity weapons you may find your favorites banned by fiat. Ditto for hi-cap magazines.

You may also find them cooking up obscure ways to apply arcane laws so that ammo prices skyrocket and whatnot.

Just be wary and don't get complacent.

05-01-12, 09:19
Inane discussion in the wrong forum... Of course the OP doesn't meet the requirement to start the thread in the correct forum.

05-01-12, 09:22
Wrong forum. Moved to GD.

05-01-12, 09:43
If we don't see a regime change in the US executive branch in November, what are the chances that we will see increased gun control measures - particularily as they'd relate to ARs - and, if even remotely likely, do we think the legislation would be a term 2, year 1 initiative?

I ask because I want to purchase my first AR, but I don't want to be pressured to buy.

Thanks for your thoughts.

No one really knows what will happen after November. I think a good solution if you don't want to spend the money for a complete rifle is to purchase a completed lower either a BCM or LMT which are in the $300-$350 range. The lower is considered the firearm portion of the AR. Also, during the last panic of 2008-2009 the cost of complete rifles and lower receivers went up considerably but upper receivers did not increase much price wise.

05-01-12, 10:41
Look for end-arounds, which this administration is known for. Avoid Congress, avoid the Constitution, reach out to the UN and join their control legislation and the EU model organizations via executive order or whatever, in order to sidestep national sovereignty/constitutionality issues.

05-01-12, 10:51
If we don't see a regime change in the US executive branch in November, what are the chances that we will see increased gun control measures - particularily as they'd relate to ARs - and, if even remotely likely, do we think the legislation would be a term 2, year 1 initiative?

I ask because I want to purchase my first AR, but I don't want to be pressured to buy.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I suggest you take the initiative & do more research on, Geo-Politics, Geopolitical agendas, Suspension of Constitution during Martial Law (the period varies according to SME's), NDAA, UN Agenda 21, Various recent EO's etc.

If your thinking along traditional beliefs, paradigms, axioms your behind the 8 ball...

It's transpiring for a reason.....

05-01-12, 11:22
No one really knows what will happen after November. I think a good solution if you don't want to spend the money for a complete rifle is to purchase a completed lower either a BCM or LMT which are in the $300-$350 range. The lower is considered the firearm portion of the AR. Also, during the last panic of 2008-2009 the cost of complete rifles and lower receivers went up considerably but upper receivers did not increase much price wise.

This is what I did. I bought two LMT complete lowers and if for some reason something goes wrong, I can complete them pretty easily.

I dont know what to expect in the future, but I dont get a sunshiney happy feeling...

05-01-12, 11:51
Never say never.

05-01-12, 14:02
If we don't see a regime change in the US executive branch in November, what are the chances that we will see increased gun control measures - particularily as they'd relate to ARs - and, if even remotely likely, do we think the legislation would be a term 2, year 1 initiative?

I ask because I want to purchase my first AR, but I don't want to be pressured to buy.

Thanks for your thoughts.

The fact that he was willing to sign the Bill HR 347 into law despite the First Amendment guaranteeing our right to conduct a peaceable protest should tell you something.

Alex V
05-01-12, 14:24
Ordered a PredatAR... 14-16 week wait! Looks like others are int he same mind set.

Have a complete lower sitting around w/o upper and may get another one. But mostly I think I'll stock up on ammo. Every month my expences check [for mileage and so forth] is around $250 so I'll just order a $200 worth of ammo each month lol.

05-01-12, 15:08
Do we really need another "What if AWB" thread?