View Full Version : USA is doomed

05-04-12, 16:12
Our country is heading for certain destruction. The interview: Hannity with NYC OWS Harrison Schultz, my god this guy is 29 and his research monies is running out and what will he do! He is the voice of the enslaved generation that will destruct the USA.

We might think this guy is a nut, but the left and state run media is out there backing him.

Hopefully Hannity will interview his parents.

‘Occupy Wall Street‘ organizer Harrison Schultz sat down with Sean Hannity on last night’s show to discuss his views on the problems with capitalism … but what transpired on air was an explosive back-and-forth. Hannity challenged the protester on things like his claims of the NYPD’s involvement in planting rapists at Zuccotti Park, as well as how he expects the government to pay for demands of free housing, medical care, education and transportation. Plus, hear Schultz’s response when Hannity asks where the student loan money he lives off of actually comes from.

Scroll down and watch the interview.


Pork Chop
05-04-12, 16:26
Saw that last night.

It's pathetic, but not really surprising. All we can do is teach our kids what's right and show up at the voting booth. (not that that matters much anymore)

It makes me sick to see what we're becoming.

05-04-12, 16:40
Saw that this morning. Outstanding.

05-04-12, 16:49
Good post, thanks.
Discussed here many times ad nauseum.
All by design.
CLASSIC Cloward / Piven template.

Some more of her musings here:

The puppet masters already know the Thesis, Antithesis & Solution.
Hegelian Dialectic has been ruling like this for many years.
"Out of Chaos Comes Order"
By deliberately gaming the system w/ known Ideologies, beliefs they can prognosticate the outcome to further their ultimate Agenda which is TYRANNY.

Soros is front man & bankrolls the cause for obvious reasons etc.

FWIW, if they accomplish their agenda in it's entirety, YOU will not have the ability or CHOICE to teach YOUR children anything you believe. Of course under the radar etc.

05-04-12, 16:54
Panem et circenses...

05-04-12, 17:05
Saw it last night, and another interview today with Hannity on AM. I'm guessing he will never be hired unless Soros has use for him. Amazing how screwed up a person can get. He's got a very tough road ahead.

05-04-12, 17:09
Arrogant Ignorance.

Wonder what a country fully populated by people like him would look like?

05-04-12, 17:10
Around the cycle we go, full circle:

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved- I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other . . . . "

It's our job to make sure we stay free. Socialists will have to rely on lies, disinformation, and corruption to gain more power. All we have to do is tell the truth, teach others of our history and heritage, and speak out. If they ever gain enough power that they come to silence us and take our arms, God forbid it, well you all know what to do.

05-04-12, 19:21
We have a sitting US president who has had relations with the likes of Bill Ayers and Saul Alinsky. Is it any wonder we have youth movements like that of OWS?

Harrison Schultz and those like him, are a product of decades of "social engineering”. He is by definition the archetypal “global citizen”.

05-04-12, 19:44

05-04-12, 20:39
Meanwhile other threats go largely unreported:

If you're worried about radiation why don't you start a thread about it?

05-04-12, 20:52
Anarchy isn't easy...

Yeah, all that f***ing and crapping and fighting with the police can sure take it out of ya....
I also had no idea everything is going to be free soon . I'm going to start picking out houses tommorrow so I can get ahead of the rush.

That being said, I wish folks on these interview/talk shows (both sides) would figure out how to shut up and listen, instead if incessantly trying to talk over each other. Nobody gets anything said that way and it all turns into a waste of time for the listeners. :mad:

05-04-12, 21:11
I'll repost this here,

OWS May Day unrest:

05-04-12, 21:27
Wonder what a country fully populated by people like him would look like?

5th century Rome... as the Gauls were EATING the Romans... :eek:

05-04-12, 22:05
FWIW, if they accomplish their agenda in it's entirety, YOU will not have the ability or CHOICE to teach YOUR children anything you believe. Of course under the radar etc.

I've been trumpeting this warning since Gingrich & his contract with America days, when we had the "Frankfurt school psycho/social engineers" literally on the ropes, awaiting the death blows that never came. Instead Gingrich & friends, indulged in an orgy of greed, wrongly concluding that this Soviet funded intelligentsia would just capitulate, and come along for the joy ride!

They instead carried out a spectacular tactical retreat, withdrawing en masse into both the American educational system, and their media enterprises(networks, cable, Hollywood, music industries) where they had long held the pre-eminence, and then immediately went to work on America's youth. Two and a half decades later the "Weather Underground" owns the presidency, and the farthest fringes of the lunatic fringe are now the political mainstream, with the most radicalized loons such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John McCain Al Franken, Barbara Boxer, and rino incompetents like John Bohner, Linsdy Graham, Richard Lugar, Olympia Snowe ect.. running the show!

I personally believe we really have no real idea as to just how doomed we truly happen to be! This is a fatal flaw running its course, you don't survive such flaws, they are always terminal, always!

05-04-12, 22:12
If you're worried about radiation why don't you start a thread about it?

Not worried about it, but apologies for going off-topic. Intent was to note that there are other factors that can doom this country regardless of what political party is in power or how corrupt the thinking of the youth.

05-05-12, 23:20

05-06-12, 00:13
This guy claims to be an anarchist and capitalism has failed. How is that compatible with his idea that government should be big enough to provide for you from cradle to grave for free?

05-06-12, 09:00
While many of the OWS crowd seem to have no clear agenda or viable alternatives to the perceived economic injustices they are protesting, the simple fact is that capitalism, as it is currently employed, is an unsustainable economic system.

In a closed system with finite resources and exponential population growth, something's gotta give. An economic system whose viability is predicted on continued growth ad infinitum is a dead man walkin'.

What is required is an economic system based on "steady-state" sustainability, not unsustainable exponential growth. I certainly don't have the answer but some smart little ****er needs to design a better mousetrap or mankind's brief history on this rock is going to be the hominid equivalent of an algal bloom.

05-06-12, 09:59
While many of the OWS crowd seem to have no clear agenda or viable alternatives to the perceived economic injustices they are protesting, the simple fact is that capitalism, as it is currently employed, is an unsustainable economic system.

In a closed system with finite resources and exponential population growth, something's gotta give. An economic system whose viability is predicted on continued growth ad infinitum is a dead man walkin'.

What is required is an economic system based on "steady-state" sustainability, not unsustainable exponential growth. I certainly don't have the answer but some smart little ****er needs to design a better mousetrap or mankind's brief history on this rock is going to be the hominid equivalent of an algal bloom.

I'm not sure that your assumptions regrading the necessity of exponential population growth are correct when it comes to deregulated capitalism (or at least minimally regulated). Otherwise, I agree that the the current redistributive model of capitalism is doomed.

05-06-12, 13:54
Saw that last night.

It's pathetic, but not really surprising. All we can do is teach our kids what's right and show up at the voting booth. (not that that matters much anymore)

It makes me sick to see what we're becoming.

please don't lump my entire generation in with this guy. There's plenty of us working our asses off to make america a better place to live.

05-06-12, 18:07
The more you restrict capitalism, the less it resembles the definition of capitalism. What we have in America is corporate socialism or chrony capitalism. Some big companies with political pull get special exceptions and incentives from the government not available to their competitors. Some big shots with political pull get legislation passed which squashes competition. That's what most people would call cheating. It's far from fair and gives the well-connected a distinct advantage.

I don't mean fair as in "everyone should do equally well and lets restrict those that achieve and help those that fail". I mean fair as in "a level playing field, and let the innovation of a product or service sell itself". I don't believe in the "fairness" of political pull, bailouts, or subsidies like current photovoltaic solar tech. Look at UPS trying to drag down Fedex by using the government because Fedex's model excels over UPS. Nuts to UPS.

The Index of Economic Freedom dropped America a few more spots this year. We're now in 10th place! By contrast, Hong Kong has remained #1 since the WSJ and Heritiage Foundation created the index to measure economic freedoms almost 20 years ago. I've spent years in Hong Kong. It's about the closest thing to true, unrestricted capitalism as humanly possible. Public transportation is privately run and cheaper and more efficient than public transportation in America. The cleanest subways and trains I've ever encountered and almost all of it runs on a universal debit-type card. You can buy anything you want. Counterfeit, knock-off, or the real thing. Want a fake Rolex? Spend $10 with the street vendor. Want the real deal? Walk into the Rolex dealer around the corner. There is no one coddling you or holding your hand on how to spend your cash. Caveat emptor is assumed.

Dozens of Internet providers competing against one another. You can buy 1000MBit (yep, 1GBit!) internet service and television for under $30 a month. Unlimited cell phone plans in the same price ranges. It's $60 a month here for Comcast/Xfinity 6Mbit service on a 6 month promo which then jumps in price unless you call retentions and beg for another extension on the promo rate. Getting a "triple play" package of phone, Internet, and television runs you over $100 a month for basics. Want another ISP? Too bad! A smartphone plan will cost you about $70+ with taxes in the US. We have several providers here, but nowhere near the competition to bring down prices.


I don't think a lot of folks in America have seen true capitalism at work. We've been stuck with a quasi-capitalist system with a lot of government intrusion and collusion of large corporations and government circlejerking one another. I have problems with chrony capitalism but my solution is capitalism, not socialism or something liberals tend to point as a "viable alternative".

05-08-12, 11:34
I don't think a lot of folks in America have seen true capitalism at work. We've been stuck with a quasi-capitalist system with a lot of government intrusion and collusion of large corporations and government circlejerking one another. I have problems with chrony capitalism but my solution is capitalism, not socialism or something liberals tend to point as a "viable alternative".

Absolutely. We are not living under "real capitalism" in any sense. Our core operating principle that drives most decisions now appears to be not liberty, but egalitarianism. And this has led to a host of socialist actions by the government: redistribution, class warfare, intrusive social programs and policies, excessive regulation, crony capitalism, and on the list could go.

05-08-12, 19:50
I came across this goon today. I cannot believe our tax dollars go towards paying insane nuts like this filling the youth full of rubbish. I never saw this kind of insanity in college. I could see the political leanings of my various instructors but none of them did stuff like this and drew a line in the sand between interjecting personal opinion and doing their job.

A university professor lectures on students taking out student loans, then defaulting and finding ways to not pay back their obligations or having their wages garnished, then goes on to suggest that occupy protestors are entitled to foreclosed homes and discusses how to defend against being evicted as squatters and how to scam utilities that "predatory equity landlords" shut off.

Some gems:
"I can imagine a strike against accumulated student debt"
"I think we need to figure out exactly how students can protect themselves against reprisals if they refuse to pay their debts"
"...how can we defend those [squatted] houses that are occupied?"


05-08-12, 19:55
This guy claims to be an anarchist and capitalism has failed. How is that compatible with his idea that government should be big enough to provide for you from cradle to grave for free?

Because anarchists have cooler slogans on their t-shirts, which the gummint should ALSO supply him gratis. :rolleyes:

05-08-12, 20:19
I don't think a lot of folks in America have seen true capitalism at work. We've been stuck with a quasi-capitalist system with a lot of government intrusion and collusion of large corporations and government circlejerking one another. I have problems with chrony capitalism but my solution is capitalism, not socialism or something liberals tend to point as a "viable alternative".

The LAST example I saw, was when American Motors (AMC) went under, and Chrysler bought up the remnants. They kept the Jeeps, and dumped the Pacer, Gremlin, and Hornet - and then promptly went into bankruptcy themselves, and took a gummint bailout.

Yeah, Iacocca paid off early, but no doubt it's what inspired Obama to TRY & do the same... but he failed. All he did was protect Union buddies at taxpayer expense. :mad:

05-08-12, 21:40
Here's a hopefully positive item in the news today: http://nbcpolitics.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/08/11604125-six-term-senate-veteran-lugar-defeated-in-indiana-primary

"Six-term Senate veteran Lugar defeated in Indiana primary"

"Republican foreign policy elder statesman Sen. Richard Lugar, 80, first elected to the Senate in 1976, was defeated in the Indiana primary Tuesday by state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who was backed by conservatives ranging from the National Rifle Association to local Tea Party activists to the Washington-based fiscal conservative group the Club for Growth.

Mourdock scored a landslide victory, winning more than 60 percent of the vote with almost all precincts reporting."

05-09-12, 21:55
Am I the only one who finds it funny that a self proclaimed Anarchist wants to have the government take care of him??? Did sir deuchebag forget to sneak into mommy and daddy's room and google the definition if Anarchist before going out in public???

I'm hoping that he creates a backlash of people realizing just how stupid these people really are.

05-10-12, 14:50
Am I the only one who finds it funny that a self proclaimed Anarchist wants to have the government take care of him??? Did sir deuchebag forget to sneak into mommy and daddy's room and google the definition if Anarchist before going out in public???

I'm hoping that he creates a backlash of people realizing just how stupid these people really are.

That's what I thought was funny about the whole thing. Must just be another one of those "mall anarchists" just trying to piss his parents off.