View Full Version : Vet told he'd never walk again....

05-04-12, 19:03
Just watch: http://www.viddler.com/v/9e8ceec7

05-04-12, 20:11
Good for him. Is losing the ability to walk common among paratroopers?

P.S. The original Coldplay song is better.


05-04-12, 20:35
"I fell many times. But I got back up."

That's tuly life.

05-04-12, 20:42
BS story, homeboy was collecting V.A. bennies for so long he decided he's rather become the "one in a million" story for a little 15 minutes of fame. The falling down was so fake it instills anger in me. There are so many Veterans that are far worse off then this guy and then there are these kind of guys that milk the system. Yoga cured him, yea that's the ticket.

05-04-12, 21:50
I, too, am skeptical. Several of the falls didn't really look right (and you'd think if he was really falling that much he'd move some of his shit out of the way instead of crashing into it day in and day out for over a year) , and his constant frenetic arm waving that I guess is supposed to show lack of balance and/or strength seems to be strictly for the benefit of the camera. I went through a period of three months when I couldn't walk due to injury, had to do all sorts of stretches and other rehab etc and while it wasn't uncommon for me to stick one or both of my arms out for balance, I quickly discovered the hard way that spinning them like a loon just jeopardized what little balance I had. If that shit really helped, you'd see the circus folk do it.

Couple that with the ridiculously cheesy muzak (the only thing worse than Coldplay is a cover of Coldplay:rolleyes:) and the psuedo "inspirational" text stills that end with some guy who swears the doctors told him he'd never walk again bounding around like Pippi freaking Longstocking and my bullshit detector is off the chart.

Call me an ass if you want, but that's how I see it.