View Full Version : U.S. Releasing Taliban fighters

05-07-12, 17:27
Hasn't anyone thought that these fighters might actually lie to get out of prison? No wonder why the Afghan war is so messed up.:rolleyes:


05-07-12, 17:41
Hasn't anyone thought that these fighters might actually lie to get out of prison? No wonder why the Afghan war is so messed up.:rolleyes:


A similar method was used with success in Iraq, whereby known fighters who could have been jailed for a long time were released with pre-conditions such as pledging to not fight CF or ISF. It later became known as the reconciliation process and was instrumental in turning the tide in 2007-2008 when combined simultaneously with a huge increase in kill/capture missions. By at once stepping up the pressure by killing and capturing them where they slept and at the same time offering a way for the fighters to alleviate that pressure through reconciliation, we were able to get many to lay down their arms and submit to governance.

While I do not think it will work in Afghanistan, and prima facie do not believe it's a good decision at all, you need to keep in mind the incredible complexity of the situation. Decisions that make sense at the tactical level are often counterproductive and harmful at the strategic level and vice-versa. The people making this decision obviously believe that the potential damage releasing these fighters can cause on the tactical level is outweighed by the strategic benefit of increasing our ability to negotiate effectively. With less than 2 years until the pullout date, and negotiation almost necessary at this point, they just might be right. Not a single one of us here is privy to the information necessary to make definitive judgement about this decision.

This is going to turn into a dogpile where a bunch of people who have no idea what they're talking about will slam this decision no matter what I say, but trust that things are not as simple as reading this article and saying "that's stupid."

05-07-12, 19:34
Yes, it has worked to a degree in Iraq, but in AFG, I bet 75% or greater, will rejoin the fight simply because they know the end date to US involvement. Unfortunately most will want the notoriety of having had a hand in driving the foreign invaders out, after the fact, to strengthen their position in any future Taliban governance. Ultimately, it's a foolish political move of appeasement for the Karzi government, and since our time is coming to an end, it serves as a face saving measure for the US. Everyone knows if they are handed over to Afghan care, they'd escape or be freed/pardoned anyway.

05-07-12, 19:45
Yes, it has worked to a degree in Iraq, but in AFG, I bet 75% or greater, will rejoin the fight simply because they know the end date to US involvement. Unfortunately most will want the notoriety of having had a hand in driving the foreign invaders out, after the fact, to strengthen their position in any future Taliban governance. Ultimately, it's a foolish political move of appeasement for the Karzi government, and since our time is coming to an end, it serves as a face saving measure for the US. Everyone knows if they are handed over to Afghan care, they'd escape or be freed/pardoned anyway.

Yeah, this is essentially why I said I don't think it will work in the Afghan theater. The internal politics aren't really accessible to us, but I think your assessment is pretty accurate.

05-07-12, 20:09
We will wind up leaving Afghanistan exactly as we found it, this minus several thousand inhabitants. Only good part in the end is that they probably won't be eager to do anything there to encourage another one of our visits.

05-07-12, 21:40
Dont guys from gitmo show up all the time dead next to there buddys?

05-08-12, 11:33
Yep. The difference is that Iraq was a civilization before the invasion and would like to return to that now that we're gone. Afghanistan is far more tribal and development isn't a significant concern to them. Being left alone with their fierce pride and retrograde way of life is.

05-08-12, 12:18
We will wind up leaving Afghanistan exactly as we found it, this minus several thousand inhabitants. Only good part in the end is that they probably won't be eager to do anything there to encourage another one of our visits.

+1 this.

I can vividly remember everyone in 02' on my PSD Team for D0S in Trashcanistan saying basically exactly the same thing.

We are all older now, wonder how many are wiser ?

05-08-12, 12:30
+1 this.

I can vividly remember everyone in 02' on my PSD Team for D0S in Trashcanistan saying basically exactly the same thing.

We are all older now, wonder how many are wiser ?

All the one's that aren't dead. :(