View Full Version : Veteran shoots intruder with gun carried during Korean War

05-09-12, 22:19
Veteran shoots intruder with gun carried during Korean War

Ricciutti said he heard a noise at about 4:30 a.m. and could see someone coming into the room. He pulled a gun out of a drawer, yelled a warning at Hiles and then fired once, hitting him in the neck.

Ricciutti, who was born in Italy, said he came to the U.S. in 1937, and later served in a tank battalion during the Korean War.

"In the war I experienced a lot of bad things, but I had never experienced that in my own house," he said of the invasion.

Read more: Link (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/09/veteran-shoots-intruder-with-gun-carried-during-korean-war/#ixzz1uQuMfEMO)

3 AE
05-09-12, 22:38
An American soldier with a German Luger fighting in the Korean War now has to use it 60 years later. Who would have thought it? Glad everything worked out for the best.

05-10-12, 12:04
This line in the article just pisses me off to no end:
"I know the family. They're good people," he said, adding that they came over in tears to apologize for what Hiles allegedly did.

Allegedly, my ass!! :mad:

Kudos to this Korean War Vet who had the foresight to plan for such an emergency and the courage to carry it out!! :D

05-10-12, 12:31
I didn't know Americans carried Lugers in Korea so it a good story with a happy ending and I learned something too.;)

05-10-12, 13:05
I was so hoping it would have been a 1911...

Clint's "get off my lawn" line from Gran Torino comes to mind! :big_boss:

05-10-12, 13:22
Walt would be proud.

05-10-12, 15:09
When I read the thread title I was thinking the gun was going to be an M1 Garand ala Grand Torino style!


Good on the the home owner, one less oxygen thief in the world. . .

05-10-12, 21:07
When I read the thread title I was thinking the gun was going to be an M1 Garand ala Grand Torino style!


Good on the the home owner, one less oxygen thief in the world. . .

The oxygen thief is still alive and well. Per the local news article, it was just a grazing wound to the back of the neck. The burglar wasn't even incapacitated.

05-10-12, 21:34
The oxygen thief is still alive and well. Per the local news article, it was just a grazing wound to the back of the neck. The burglar wasn't even incapacitated.

Well shit.

It's only a matter of time before his lifestyle catches up to him.