View Full Version : CNN Writer Describes Her Feelings Of Jealousy Toward Her Baby Daughter

05-10-12, 17:59
How does one define this liberal woman's article?

"How's my girl?" Daniel would ask when I was still pregnant, clearly a reference to the unborn in the room -- dude, my eyes are up here! Then there was the time he returned from a work trip in Taiwan with a cute little gift for me, and a really awesome gift for the baby -- a plush, pink pig toy that I immediately wished was mine.

Don't get me wrong -- it's wonderful to see my husband so enthused and enamored with our baby. I wouldn't want it any other way. But there's definitely a slow adjustment at work here. Even as the baby approaches 18 months of age, hearing Daniel call her "my princess" makes me contemplate putting his shoes in the dishwasher.

You really have to read all of it to believe it. Maybe the world should end on Dec whatever.


05-10-12, 18:19
Wow. Some of the comments are hilarious too.

Pork Chop
05-10-12, 18:27
Wow. Someone just now realizing that the universe doesn't revolve around her?

What a self centered bitch.

05-10-12, 18:29
Some folks want kids so they can have a creature that'll focus all their attention on them. Then they realize their mate focuses their attention on the little booger too and the jealousy sets in. Bad reason to have kids.

05-10-12, 20:35
How does one define this liberal woman's article?

You really have to read all of it to believe it. Maybe the world should end on Dec whatever.


Yes, the fact this fetid c_ _t took the time to write such a piece much less have it published is beyond my powers of comprehension.

Humans have always been and always will be savage to their fellow creatures. But it does appear that human civilization as a whole is in fact de-evolving at an accelerated pace much like Europe experianced after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

My MIL and FIL/SMIL are like this, they never have once put their daughter first, ever. My wife has written them off and it has done her good to exclude such toxic individuals from our life.

F_ _king narcissists . . . :rolleyes:

05-10-12, 20:51
Poor baby hadn't even come in to this world yet and her mother is starting to resent her

Narcissistic bitch

05-10-12, 21:13
Yeah, somebody being honest about having conflicted emotions and expressing those sentiments with some humor ... what a bitch!

And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

Seriously, what planet are you guys living on?

05-10-12, 21:38
Yeah, somebody being honest about having conflicted emotions and expressing those sentiments with some humor ... what a bitch!

And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

Seriously, what planet are you guys living on?

Well currently Earth, it is depraved to be jealous of your unborn child. This is the type of bitch that will drown her children in a lake while they are strapped into their child safety seats and Oprah and Dr. Phil will come to her rescue cause she was "depressed".

05-10-12, 21:51
Yeah, somebody being honest about having conflicted emotions and expressing those sentiments with some humor ... what a bitch!

And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

Seriously, what planet are you guys living on?

We know better than to write an article about it or say it out loud and expect sympathy and support.


Paging Joan Crawford.

05-10-12, 22:02

05-10-12, 22:57
I feel bad for the poor idiot that foolishly impregnated her. At least his priorities aren't totally moonbat.

Mauser KAR98K
05-10-12, 23:58
Upload, process, download, delete to recycle bin. Welcome to the modern age.

05-11-12, 08:27
I feel sooooo sorry for that baby. Maybe we should consider sterilizing people like this?

05-11-12, 09:20
Yeah, somebody being honest about having conflicted emotions and expressing those sentiments with some humor ... what a bitch!

And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

Seriously, what planet are you guys living on?

It's really hard to believe anyone could support that loathsome woman. Obviously you have no children of your own, in fact I'd bet on it. If you do then I have no further comment.

Anyhow, in 5 years here I've never been tempted to go the route Moose Knuckle did and call a woman a "cu*t", but this woman has become the exception. In fact that may actually be a nicer term for her than she deserves. The moment my son was born and placed by the nurse into my hands I was no longer first in my life, I was second to him. It was then and still is now my saving grace and I would never, ever want to go back.

Pork Chop
05-11-12, 09:30
And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

No, not me. Not once, ever.

Anyhow, in 5 years here I've never been tempted to go the route Moose Knuckle did and call a woman a "cu*t", but this woman has become the exception. In fact that may actually be a nicer term for her than she deserves. The moment my son was born and placed by the nurse into my hands I was no longer first in my life, I was second to him. It was then and still is now my saving grace and I would never, ever want to go back.

Absolutely, 100% this.

05-11-12, 12:44
Honestly, the real problem is not petty, selfish, narcissistic women...the problem is the men who marry them because they happen to be pleasing to look at or even worse, start families with them.

Then men who do not look deeper into their choice of spouse and only consider the sole criteria of physical appeal (which fades) and are unconcerned about how decent a person she may be actually deserve the marriages and the lives they get. The men who use only wealth and power to attract a mate deserve the kind of female who places the highest priority on wealth and power just as the women who use only sexuality and physical attractiveness to attract a mate deserve the kind of man who is only interested in sexuality and physical attractiveness.

Sadly the children are innocent victims of two less than desirable parents, but that is often the case.

05-11-12, 13:59
I work hard everyday to make sure that in 20-25 years, I make some young man's life difficult. I'm not going to be giving away my daughter, I'm lobbing a hand-grenade over the wall.


This whole women's lib as "women are better, keep you man down" has got to stop. My mom is a secretary at a school and the stuff she sees from young women and how they treat guys makes her sick.

05-11-12, 15:13
My mom is a secretary at a school and the stuff she sees from young women and how they treat guys makes her sick.

This sounds like a classic case of blue ball school days combined with being p_ _ _y whipped. Them boys need to man up already.

05-11-12, 15:33
There's a line in the movie "Overboard" in which a spoiled, rich Goldie Hawn is admonished, "If you have a baby, then YOU can't be the baby anymore."

Hawn is considerably taken back by this new (to her) idea.

05-11-12, 15:50
So it is messed up she has these emotions.

Instead of profiting from it by writing a cnn blog she should have taken hank hill's advice:

HANK: Luanne, sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Now there's two ways you can deal with it. You can cry -- and that's the path you've chosen -- or you can not cry.
LUANNE: How do you not cry?
HANK: Well, instead of letting it out, try holding it in. Every time you have a feeling, just stick it into a little pit inside your stomach and never let it out.
LUANNE (trying it): Are you supposed to have a pain under your rib?
HANK: Yes. That's natural. The body doesn't want to swallow its emotions. But now you go ahead and put that pain inside your stomach too.
LUANNE: I think it's workin', Uncle Hank. I feel sick, but not sad.

Just bury that f'd up emotion deep inside until it dies.

05-11-12, 16:53
So it is messed up she has these emotions.

Instead of profiting from it by writing a cnn blog she should have taken hank hill's advice:

HANK: Luanne, sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Now there's two ways you can deal with it. You can cry -- and that's the path you've chosen -- or you can not cry.
LUANNE: How do you not cry?
HANK: Well, instead of letting it out, try holding it in. Every time you have a feeling, just stick it into a little pit inside your stomach and never let it out.
LUANNE (trying it): Are you supposed to have a pain under your rib?
HANK: Yes. That's natural. The body doesn't want to swallow its emotions. But now you go ahead and put that pain inside your stomach too.
LUANNE: I think it's workin', Uncle Hank. I feel sick, but not sad.

Just bury that f'd up emotion deep inside until it dies.

Oh fer ****s sake.

Baby blues and related emotions are NORMAL.

What is NOT normal is writing a blog about it and expecting anything other than criticism. More importantly, those sentiments are now there for everyone to see. Gonna be great fun for the daughter to read how Mom resented her as a baby one day.

If a woman has these feelings she should:

1. Talk to her husband so he realizes he married an insecure baby and he knows that he needs to continue to cater to her ridiculously narcissistic personality so she won't resent the baby.

2. Talk to her psychiatrist so he can help her overcome her personal deficiencies that cause her to actually resent her own child.

3. Talk to a good friend (if she actually has one of those) who will keep such views in confidence and hopefully tell her she is being a selfish bitch and needs to grow up and act like a Mom.

But instead she put it on the internet so she could scream "ME! ME! ME!" and then sit back and wait for the sympathy and support that is surely coming.

This crap isn't new, and it isn't unique to women. For centuries Men have had children when they didn't expect them or plan for them. Sometimes it was even done on purpose to trap them. And it is NORMAL for a man in such circumstances to realize his life is now forever changed and that he has new and difficult obligations and responsibilities.

But if you are a ****ing man, once you are done feeling sorry for yourself because you have to get a real job, provide for your family, can't play with the boys every ****ing night and are probably done sticking your dick in every hole that will have you you go do what you have to do to the best of your ability.

Women, if they are decent human beings, understand and accept their obligations.

05-11-12, 18:14
Oh fer ****s sake.

Baby blues and related emotions are NORMAL.

I don't know what your context for the definition of "baby blues" is, but if my son's mother somehow extinguished the exhilaration and even felt jealous of her own child after birth, I would have immediately both lost all respect for her and begun to plan for the end. This so her narcissistic dysfunction didn't spread to others, of course.

05-11-12, 18:31
I don't know what your context for the definition of "baby blues" is, but if my son's mother somehow extinguished the exhilaration and even felt jealous of her own child after birth, I would have immediately both lost all respect for her and begun to plan for the end. This so her narcissistic dysfunction didn't spread to others, of course.

I hate to break this to you, but all women experience some form of depression after child birth. Hell some even experience it during pregnancy. Their hormones are all jacked up. Some get weepy, some get angry, some have 9 months of PMS. Some know that their hormones are swinging out of whack as their body deals with babydom and just go on with life with no one the wiser.

The feelings are normal. Hell, I was scared shitless even though it took us forever to get pregnant and we were older and more mature. So there is a chance that people saw me as being touchy, or wound tight. Maybe even an more of an asshole than normal.

What isn't normal is to dwell on them and write BS articles about them. You man up and go about being the best damned parent you can be, which means that from the day you realize you're about to have a baby youve just been demoted to the #2 spot and all efforts go to insuring that the baby is taken care of first and foremost in any and every way. Not that bloody difficult. At least not for my wife and I, nor for most of America. The whiny I need to express my feelings to the world types are thankfully a minority still.

05-11-12, 18:51
I hate to break this to you, but all women experience some form of depression after child birth. Hell some even experience it during pregnancy. Their hormones are all jacked up. Some get weepy, some get angry, some have 9 months of PMS. Some know that their hormones are swinging out of whack as their body deals with babydom and just go on with life with no one the wiser.

This is what I don't understand, how did my grandmother spit out five kids, cook, clean, and be Ms. Molly home maker while living on a working farm? I guess the women of yesteryear didn't have time to sit around and dwell upon how depressed they were.

05-11-12, 18:56
She can just make it up by breast feeding the kid until grade school...that will teach the daddy to adore her child.

05-11-12, 19:33
This is what I don't understand, how did my grandmother spit out five kids, cook, clean, and be Ms. Molly home maker while living on a working farm? I guess the women of yesteryear didn't have time to sit around and dwell upon how depressed they were.

The same way you deal with physical pain or emotional pain from training/exercise etc. Deal with it, suppress it and carry on. If I stopped to blog about how my head hurt everytime I got punched my gym time would be greatly reduced.

05-11-12, 20:10
I don't know what your context for the definition of "baby blues" is, but if my son's mother somehow extinguished the exhilaration and even felt jealous of her own child after birth, I would have immediately both lost all respect for her and begun to plan for the end. This so her narcissistic dysfunction didn't spread to others, of course.

To clarify, I think people are fallible and sometimes fall prey to the less noble traits and emotions of a human being, especially on a temporary basis. Just as you and I may entertain certain violent responses to things we find completely unacceptable and then return to a more responsible mindset and endure the ****tards of the world in whatever coping manner we use that prevents us from burning their house down and shooting idiots as they flee out the front door.

In a similar way I can understand and accept both men and women who might temporarily dwell on themselves as long as they can get over themselves in short order and return to their usual role of a responsible parent. In a way a person who can be a responsible parent despite these occasional tendencies is actually pretty impressive as it is a greater feat than those who don't have to overcome such things.

Now I can't stress enough things like frequency and the qualifier that they do actually get over themselves and are responsible and decent parents. I don't think any of that applies to the person in the OP.

I also suspect that we are merely discussing an extremely fine distinction as I find myself in nearly perfect agreement with your previous posts. I'm simply making allowances for mere mortals who sometimes entertain such thoughts but overcome them.

05-11-12, 20:43
To clarify, I think people are fallible and sometimes fall prey to the less noble traits and emotions of a human being, especially on a temporary basis. Just as you and I may entertain certain violent responses to things we find completely unacceptable and then return to a more responsible mindset..

Well said, no doubt. And certainly I would be the last here to preach how perfect I am, despite my best efforts especially as a parent.

Before I continue any further with an explanation, may I ask if you have children?

05-11-12, 23:10
Well said, no doubt. And certainly I would be the last here to preach how perfect I am, despite my best efforts especially as a parent.

Before I continue any further with an explanation, may I ask if you have children?

I don't think any explanation is necessary. I think I completely understand and agree with your most of your overall views on this issue. I was simply clarifying mine so they wouldn't be misunderstood or construed as any kind of support for people like the one in the OP.

05-12-12, 00:01
Yeah, somebody being honest about having conflicted emotions and expressing those sentiments with some humor ... what a bitch!

And guys never get jealous of all the attention new moms shower on their babies. Or get all ****ed up around the whole "whore-Madonna" thing.

Seriously, what planet are you guys living on?

Curious, where does it stop, this tolerance of total, or near total, depravity, seriously?

05-12-12, 07:26
Curious, where does it stop, this tolerance of total, or near total, depravity, seriously?

What ****ing depravity? The author states she is head-over-heels in love with her new daughter, expresses deep gratitude for a loving, adoring, and supportive husband, and simply acknowledges having some conflicted emotions during a major period of adjustment and recalibration in her closest relationships.

And for this she gets crucified by a pack of self-rightous, moralizing, emotionally constipated men who are shocked and enraged to learn that women aren't Stepford wives. Gimme a ****ing break. And try actually reading the article rather than just jumping on the groupthink bandwagon with some kneejerk reaction.

05-12-12, 10:31
Honestly, the real problem is not petty, selfish, narcissistic women...the problem is the men who marry them because they happen to be pleasing to look at or even worse, start families with them.

Then men who do not look deeper into their choice of spouse and only consider the sole criteria of physical appeal (which fades) and are unconcerned about how decent a person she may be actually deserve the marriages and the lives they get. The men who use only wealth and power to attract a mate deserve the kind of female who places the highest priority on wealth and power just as the women who use only sexuality and physical attractiveness to attract a mate deserve the kind of man who is only interested in sexuality and physical attractiveness.

Sadly the children are innocent victims of two less than desirable parents, but that is often the case.

+1 100% correct & a bigger part of the problem caused by men is radifying/supporting the behavior. Most men would never accept responsibility for their part in it unfortunately. Some men finally realize after a couple/several marriages & mitigate the self inflicted $ damage, others continue the hemoraging.

I See it all the time @ restaurants/outings etc. Hen Pecked/pussified/groveling men the lastest rage...

Interestingly if your perspicacious enough, you'll notice almost the same "Mission Statement" mentality amongst UDA's, Entitlement Freaks, Welfare Habitual Abusers, Progressive party members....

05-12-12, 11:32
Her viewpoint is sickening but not surprising considering how hard this country has worked to start producing people with this mindset. The mindset that each and every one of us are so important and special that we should never have to feel bad about anything.

Adversity is no longer looked at as something that strengthens us, but as something that we shouldn't have to tolerate under any circumstances.

We have grown a whole generation of people entirely too concerned with their own well-being and not that of the greater good (funny how that worked out seeing as how progressives are the architects of this. Not sure it has worked out quite the way they planned).

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are exactly like this. So enamored of their own pleasure centers that they abdicate good parenting for having a good time. The real pisser is that they make fun of my wife and I when we cancel social engagements, vacations, etc when one of our kids has done something that requires actual punishment/grounding.

Their argument? "Why should we have to pay when one of our children does something wrong? That's not fair." No shit. It's called parenting and fair doesn't figure into it at all.

If you're a parent you make sacrifices. That's the deal. Otherwise you're just a sperm donor or catcher.