View Full Version : Marine dies after rescuing woman

05-12-12, 20:10
Rip Marine...

Ms Luce of Golden Valley, Texas, is hospitalized in serious but stable condition after escaping with the help of one of the four victims, 27-year-old Austin Anderson of Ringwood, Oklahoma, who later succumbed to his injuries.

Mr Anderson, a former Marine who had served two tours in Iraq before attending ORU, according to fellow graduate and friend Brooke Ninowski, was among the three other passengers who graduated from the university last Saturday.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2143585/Plane-crash-kills-recent-graduates-flying-Christian-youth-retreat.html#ixzz1uhvxdeR4

05-12-12, 20:19
A selfless act by a true hero. Now standing guard at Heavens gate.

05-12-12, 21:49
This is always the worst part about exceptional men. Typically they are the first to go because they regularly engage in selfless acts. This also explains the surplus in politicians and lawyers.

05-12-12, 23:46
Fair winds and following seas, Sgt. Anderson. You leave an honorable legacy behind you.

05-13-12, 00:42
And we read about it in a British newspaper?

05-13-12, 02:12
And we read about it in a British newspaper?

Sad ain't it. Along with the Straits it just didn't make the cut.

05-13-12, 13:31
Sad ain't it. Along with the Straits it just didn't make the cut.

We agree that while this country still has great people, it is pretty much a lost cause. I am filling out paperwork for dual citizenship as we speak. I will eject on my terms and before I have to. I cannot do four more years.

Unfortunately Romney will not appeal to the McDonalds eating, Ebonics speaking, and white guilt crowd. That cover's the dumb white trash, vote based on color, and George Clooney types of America.:help:

05-13-12, 16:29
We agree that while this country still has great people, it is pretty much a lost cause. I am filling out paperwork for dual citizenship as we speak. I will eject on my terms and before I have to. I cannot do four more years.

Unfortunately Romney will not appeal to the McDonalds eating, Ebonics speaking, and white guilt crowd. That cover's the dumb white trash, vote based on color, and George Clooney types of America.:help:

The older I get and the more people (especially younger ones) and places I am exposed to I realize that this country is going into the dumpster. People, well culture, has changed to the point to where heroes aren't recognized as true heroes, just like this Marine was.
Just a few weeks ago there was a bad car wreck right beside my work. A lady was pulling out of the gas station trying to merge into traffic while talking on her cell phone. She completely missed the log truck coming her way and she got nailed. I heard it and ran outside. She was about 125 yards from my position. Her car was halfway in the road and the other half of the vehicle turned back into the gas station driveway. I ran as fast as I could and was the first to her car. She was conscious and appeared in good health. I asked her if she could move and feel everything and began trying to get into the vehicle. About that time two patrol cars pulled up and I let them take over and started waving off traffic until more emergency services could secure the scene.
I say all that for this: after letting the police take over with the woman in the wrecked car I looked back at the gas station and saw at least 10 people staring at the wreck dumbfounded. They didn't do a freaking thing and I knew they were there long enough to have seen this whole thing take place. Heck one of them had his cell phone up taking pictures WHILE there was an injured person sitting there helpless. I was over a football field away and heck they were in the same gas station no more than 50 feet away. My own horn I am not trying to toot here but it just made me absolutely sick to see these people standby and do....nothing.
Its sad when heroes such as this Marine are downplayed and the only thing people show an interest in are things that just dont really matter in the long run. People need heroes and images of greatness to inspire them. Its too bad most inspiration nowadays comes from MTV, reality shows, video games, movies and tv littered with losers, perverts, lowlifes, and potheads. It is more shameful that when people truly are heroic we only hear it in a newspaper from another country.
