View Full Version : Rand Paul threatens President's life!

05-14-12, 02:57
I understand most of you don't accept HuffPo as a legitimate news source, and I know that they RARELY do any real investigative journalism, but just take a look at this article:


I cant believe Rand Paul would pose in a picture holding a gun to a superimposed picture of our dear leader like, and to make matters worse he is holding an assault rifle; a deadly one at that!

And all for what? Obama never stopped Korea from sending over all those deadly M1 Garands! And then there is this gem, didnt you know Mr. Paul, didnt you?

...preaching to folks about some ridiculous Obama gun ban that exists only in a fantasy world...

I cant believe you would be so depraved Mr. Paul. To stand there, rifle in hand, with that look of evil on your face aiming right at our leader is just sick.

I ask that you all read the comments. There you will find insightful, educated, and unbiased comments from some really awesome people.

Great article HuffPo, A+ world-class journalism at its finest. This is even scarier that Palin's targets!

05-14-12, 07:24

The fact that an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil whitey, DEIGN appear in the same PICTURE, as Dear Leader, would be enough to 'offend' them.

Putting a gun in the same picture - be it aimed up, down, left, right, or completely disassembled - simply makes them look like they're chewing a mouthful of Alka-Seltzers. :p

05-14-12, 13:04
First class propaganda from Huffington that would have made Goebbels proud. I'm assuming LSHD comments are satire.

I expected to see Rand Paul, holding a gun, pointed at a picture of Obama. What is actually there is a picture of Rand Pauls head, a picture of Obamas head, and a picture of a M1 Garand by itself.

They claim it's pointed at his head, technically it's oriented towards his hairline. Nothing more than manufactured hype and hysteria as we've come to expect from Huffington.

05-14-12, 16:49
First class propaganda from Huffington that would have made Goebbels proud. I'm assuming LSHD comments are satire.

I expected to see Rand Paul, holding a gun, pointed at a picture of Obama. What is actually there is a picture of Rand Pauls head, a picture of Obamas head, and a picture of a M1 Garand by itself.

They claim it's pointed at his head, technically it's oriented towards his hairline. Nothing more than manufactured hype and hysteria as we've come to expect from Huffington.

Exactly to all 3 paragraphs.

I was like "Damn, Rand Paul pointing an assault weapon at Obama? Not that I mind, but you cant do that now adays..."

Then I click the link, and he didn't even ****ing make the picture yet from reading the comments and the article you'd think Rand Paul was on the white house lawn shooting rounds through the Oval Office window.

05-14-12, 16:55
He's being sarcastic, no need to get upset.

Edit: I was referring to the writer of the article, of course. It would seem impossible for anyone to think that would fly, yet there we have it. But at least the Huff's efforts had the gun reversed, now they say it points to Paul's head. :rolleyes:

05-14-12, 16:55
Taken from a friends response to this on Facebook:

As for the position of the rifle, rifles are generally shown flat pointed to the right. This is because the action bar is on the right, and photographing a rifle pointed to the left puts the action bar on the bottom. This means decent photos are harder the action bar protrudes downward. If you'd like to see evidence of this, go to Google and search the term "rifle." (No period or quotes.) Then click images. You'll note that the vast majority are pointed to the right.

05-14-12, 17:14
We're fully engrossed in the mean season and I expect everything done in the political arena to be blown up into hateful, vitriolic rhetoric.

Seems like business as usual to me. :(

05-14-12, 17:18
We're fully engrossed in the mean season and I expect everything done in the political arena to be blown up into hateful, vitriolic rhetoric.

Seems like business as usual to me. :(

+1 this.

05-14-12, 17:29
He's being sarcastic, no need to get upset.

Edit: I was referring to the writer of the article, of course. It would seem impossible for anyone to think that would fly, yet there we have it. But at least the Huff's efforts had the gun reversed, now they say it points to Paul's head. :rolleyes:

If you mean the author at the HP was being sarcastic, I think you need to check again. If you mean LSHD, I think everyone knows that.

Pretty pathetic that NAGR.org had the flip the image of the Garand to appease those who believe everyone who isn't a Democrat is trying to kill Obama.

The good news is that we can now start spreading the word about how Obama pointed a LOADED M1 Garand at Rand Paul and threatened to kill him during the election campaign process and how the entire event was instigated by the Huffington Post who is also trying to kill Rand.

Heavy Metal
05-14-12, 18:25
They are getting desperate. They see the one losing in November and their world beign swept away andy they are getting stupid desperate.

05-14-12, 19:41
They are getting desperate. They see the one losing in November and their world beign swept away andy they are getting stupid desperate.

Sadly one could also interpret it as how powerful they have actually become. Political correctness and holding Obama above all threats, real or imagined, is so strong that NAGR.org actually changed a photo that had absolutely nothing wrong with it.

05-14-12, 21:39
If you mean the author at the HP was being sarcastic, I think you need to check again. If you mean LSHD, I think everyone knows that.

Actually it was neither, I just poorly worded my post. What I meant to say is that it was so absurd that you would almost have to believe it was some sort of joke.

We all know that anyone can essentially write anything they want and have it published somewhere, but even for the Huff post this is a new low. As you stated, pure propaganda no doubt, but still truly shameful in nature regardless. Hard to believe anyone who is smart enough to tie their shoes in the morning could possibly buy into it, yet somehow it happens.

05-14-12, 21:56
Actually it was neither, I just poorly worded my post. What I meant to say is that it was so absurd that you would almost have to believe it was some sort of joke.

Gotcha. I was 99% certain you were trying to say something else or that I was somehow reading it wrong so I had to ask.

We all know that anyone can essentially write anything they want and have it published somewhere, but even for the Huff post this is a new low. As you stated, pure propaganda no doubt, but still truly shameful in nature regardless. Hard to believe anyone who is smart enough to tie their shoes in the morning could possibly buy into it, yet somehow it happens.

****ing scary ain't it. Even worse, they believe that shit and vote accordingly.

05-15-12, 10:27
I understand most of you don't accept HuffPo as a legitimate news source, and I know that they RARELY do any real investigative journalism...

There is at least one exception worth mentioning. Radley Balko is an excellent journalist who started working at Huffpro last year. Of course, he isn't a liberal and worked at Reason and Cato, as well as running a fantastic blog on government corruption.

05-16-12, 08:36
"President Obama has not advocated for any form of national gun ban, and has actually signed several measures that enhance the rights of gun owners."

Just sprayed my morning coffee all over....

So in all fairness - as per Wikipedia;
"However, in January 2012, two nations agreed on sale of 87,000 M1 Garand rifles, and the government of Korea is in discussion with U.S. civilian arm dealers."

A sale which, according to the editorial in HP - who apparently have access to info we don't - has been approved and they are being shipped as we speak?

I yearn for the days when news was just that, devoid of spin, slant and bias, and opinions were in a different section of the paper.
All sides are guilty as charged.