View Full Version : REVOLUTION... on NBC!

05-14-12, 07:19
Don't look now - NBC might finally have something worth watching, for the first time since the 4th season of the A-Team in 1986 (NO ONE considers the 5th season WORTH watching... :o )!!!


Might hafta catch it on Hulu though - Monday nights are Scout Troop meeting night.

30 cal slut
05-14-12, 07:31
looks kinda goofy. i'm game, i guess.

05-14-12, 07:38
looks kinda goofy. i'm game, i guess.

Yeahhh... hot chicks with bows & arrows, and defending your cul-de-sac with Mosins does strike me as bass-ackwards. :rolleyes: At least seeing the special effects of HOW the world shuts down, oughta be worth the price of admission though. :D

30 cal slut
05-14-12, 07:47
the retro elements seem to be echoing firefly/serenity.

i might have to work on my transition to slingshot when my 60 lb compound bow craps out on me. ;)

05-18-12, 01:28
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up on this show, right up my alley.

For those that care, Netflix is thinking of brining back Jericho. Civil War 2 anyone? :cool:

05-18-12, 03:27
NBC:rolleyes:... JJ Abrams:rolleyes:... I can tell you the last episode right now... it was Bush, Cheney and the Defense Industry that did it:p

05-18-12, 07:05
It dosent look bad I have sat through worse and the chick is hot

Alex V
05-18-12, 09:23
Kinda One Second After... Im in...

05-18-12, 09:36
I just kind of wonder what exactly is the motivation for msm type networks to make shows like this and the other prepper type shows in the first place? Also firearm oriented shows? I mean, I understand that you produce what will sell, and especially with the 2012 craziness, I see that side of it. But is there anything more to it? With the big gov and anti-gun agendas, does it not seem at least slightly odd to see these shows being produced? Or am I just reading too much into it?

05-18-12, 10:31
I just kind of wonder what exactly is the motivation for msm type networks to make shows like this and the other prepper type shows in the first place? Also firearm oriented shows? I mean, I understand that you produce what will sell, and especially with the 2012 craziness, I see that side of it. But is there anything more to it? With the big gov and anti-gun agendas, does it not seem at least slightly odd to see these shows being produced? Or am I just reading too much into it?

It's just jitters, man. The world is a better place for more people than it's ever been in all of history. We've reached the next stage of human evolution, where technology and collective scientific knowledge is changing us faster than natural processes ever could. We are more in control, both physically and in the sense of having a mental grasp, of the world around us than we've ever been. So naturally, people are jittery.

If you won the lottery, wouldn't you feel a nervous, pressing need to claim your prize? Like if you waited too long, it might be invalid, or you might lose the ticket, etc. etc etc ? We're most nervous right before a big payoff, but also right before it is 100% guaranteed.

Similarly, the world is set for extreme change in the next hundred or so years at a pace that's growing increasingly fast. Despite what the doomsdayers say, the potential for positive, transformative change is HUGE. But, they are right in a way; there is potential, albeit remote, for things to go wrong (the chance for something to go wrong at all is not remote, but the potential for something to go so catastrophically wrong that we get set back to square one is pretty far-fetched).

This trend towards end of the world shows is just a capitalization on these jitters, a way to make money. Anyone who tells you on a cyclic schedule every few months or so that the world is about to end, or there's about to be chaos in the streets, is simply the ultimate manifestation of these jitters. And that's a good sign, because the payoff is probably going to be BIG.

05-18-12, 10:52
Crossbow, yes. I need a cross bow. Is there a chart for crossbows?

05-18-12, 13:07
This series sounds like it's based on the Dies the Fire series of books by S.M. Stirling. There are differences- in Dies the Fire even internal combustion quit working (fuel & gunpowder would still burn but not generate enough pressure to do any work). But there are similarities, such as the source of the blackout being Long Island (in watching the trailer, that's where the lights go off first and radiates out from there). Book series tells an interesting story, but the first couple have some Mary Sue characters and it gets preachy about certain religions being really cool and others being too stupid to survive the new world order which made getting through the book difficult.

Series has potential. It will either be pretty good or hokey. I guess we'll look for a place to watch this online and see how it plays out

05-18-12, 13:23
Thank god that even in a post-electromagnetic apocalypse, there remains an adequate supply of hair product.

05-18-12, 13:36
Never has it been safer to be alive than any other time in history. People bitch about income disparity between the extremes but it is irrelevant. Things have gotten better over the entire spectrum. The middle class of today has far more homes, cars, and toys like boats and motorcycles than the middle class of 50 years ago. The poorest in many parts of the world have access to free, clean drinking water. Kings used to die from dysentery. As long as technology continues to plug along, things will keep getting better. I plan to die on Mars.

Netflix is thinking of brining back Jericho
This. I don't watch much TV and I don't have cable but found that a great series and recently revisited it on Netflix.

05-18-12, 14:38
Crossbow, yes. I need a cross bow. Is there a chart for crossbows?

Then you sir need the PSE Tactical Assault Crossbow (http://www.tac15.com/)! :D


30 cal slut
05-19-12, 06:16
Then you sir need the PSE Tactical Assault Crossbow (http://www.tac15.com/)! :D


Wow, think I could swap out that stock for a Magpul? :confused::D

05-19-12, 07:51
Thank god that even in a post-electromagnetic apocalypse, there remains an adequate supply of hair product.

I know... It sort of bugs me. I mean I get that overall, people will want to watch a young hot chick done up rather than dirty and smelling like Swiss cheese. I like how Walking Dead cast are always dirty, sweaty, and no makeup, they should follow that formula. So the uncle trained at Eli's school of swordplay I guess?

05-19-12, 11:36
I know... It sort of bugs me. I mean I get that overall, people will want to watch a young hot chick done up rather than dirty and smelling like Swiss cheese. I like how Walking Dead cast are always dirty, sweaty, and no makeup, they should follow that formula.

Good observation and agreed.

So the uncle trained at Eli's school of swordplay I guess?

Now that made me LOL. :D

08-03-12, 21:55

Saw the previews, was gonna check it out.

Then on wends was cruisin back from Chick-filatio (I was one of those people:p) and they were filming for a episode for next season(2) right around the corner from my place. Set had a bunch of guys in civil war era meets hugo boss looking uniforms and weird rifles holed up in a old diner. They mentioned militia's in some of the promo's. Wonder how they're gonna spin that one.


08-03-12, 22:24
I'll add it to the DVR. I hope it's good.

08-03-12, 23:46
.... They mentioned militia's in some of the promo's. Wonder how they're gonna spin that one.

They will be the ones who caused all the trouble of course. :p
(ie, The Postman)


Honestly I think it's going to be really lame.
It seems like a blatant attempt to capitalize on the Hunger Games' getting everyone spazzed out about bows. Seriously. And it's gotten to the point where everytime I see a show with swords that's not set in midieval eras I just groan.
Kind of like Terra Nova which seemed like a pretty blatant combo of Avatar and Jurassic Park.

But I will still be watching the first episode or so just to see. Who knows- maybe it'll be awesome.

08-03-12, 23:58
I'll give it a chance, not really setting my expectations very high.

08-04-12, 02:39
Some one was faster on the draw. . .


08-04-12, 10:06
Abc has one coming out founding fathers to demonize militias :rolleyes: I'll watch it to see what companies run ads and advise I will now stop using their products.

08-04-12, 10:15
Some one was faster on the draw. . .


That's bullshit I searched " Revolution TV" before I posted this thread.

sent from my gun using my sights

08-04-12, 10:16
Then you sir need the PSE Tactical Assault Crossbow (http://www.tac15.com/)! :D


Those crossbows are the Cat's Meow "MK". Expensive but, deadly accurate & mucho comfy to shoot.

Excellent design.

08-04-12, 12:33
Kinda One Second After... Im in...

I believe they are pursuing the Hunger Games viewers/ fans. It looks like there may be some similarities, including the beautiful female lead (protagonist).

I'm not usually an NBC fan but I will watch. I was still pissed when they cancelled South Land and Prime Suspect.

08-05-12, 04:44
Crossbow, yes. I need a cross bow. Is there a chart for crossbows?

Just use one that is Darrel Dixon approved.

Travis B
08-20-12, 08:47
I was in town getting married and saw them filming this scene.


Saw the previews, was gonna check it out.

Then on wends was cruisin back from Chick-filatio (I was one of those people:p) and they were filming for a episode for next season(2) right around the corner from my place. Set had a bunch of guys in civil war era meets hugo boss looking uniforms and weird rifles holed up in a old diner. They mentioned militia's in some of the promo's. Wonder how they're gonna spin that one.


08-20-12, 14:06
I just kind of wonder what exactly is the motivation for msm type networks to make shows like this and the other prepper type shows in the first place? Also firearm oriented shows? I mean, I understand that you produce what will sell, and especially with the 2012 craziness, I see that side of it. But is there anything more to it? With the big gov and anti-gun agendas, does it not seem at least slightly odd to see these shows being produced? Or am I just reading too much into it?

Originally in Hollywood MOST anti-gun or political propaganda movies were "sheep in wolves' clothing". They were westerns and war films dating back to the 50s or earlier. One of my favorite westerns of all time is Angel and The Badman (John Wayne) and it is 100% and anti-gun themed movie. The way writers intend to influence you and more often than not our kids is within the images they intend to destroy...usually using the subtleties that will color your thinking with a metaphor that is inline with "their" way of thinking that will appear to the audience in real life someday and their little seed has been planted years before to manipulate your thought processes. At show development meetings this is discussed at great length how to weave these messages into story and dialogue.

The way this is done to our children is criminal.
The film Happy Feet is so overtly shameless at this that I personally think it should be banned. Cartoons for kids should only address basic fundamentals of good and bad, right and wrong and have no right to sneak in their own morality and politics on our children. I think they should pass legislation that all children's shows TV or film should have to post publicly what ALL themes and underlying themes exist within the show to allow parents to make the decision to allow kids to watch it. We are allowing Hollywood to brainwash us and our kids with this garbage. Right under our noses.

09-20-12, 21:03
As to be expected & mentioned above, they demonized militias. Gotta get the average dumb fawk paranoid of the term & anyone associated with it.

09-20-12, 21:42
As to be expected & mentioned above, they demonized militias. Gotta get the average dumb fawk paranoid of the term & anyone associated with it.

I see what you are saying and agree to an extent. IMO this show is drawing from the militia in The Postman. I think groups like this would form from some of the survivors after a collapse. You would have a bunch of guys who were rat race office workers one day raping and pillaging the next. Strength in numbers and all that . . .

09-20-12, 22:17
I was going to give it a try until I saw the one guy with a handgun had a Desert Eagle .50. Seriously, 15 years after social collapse and the Desert Eagle is chugging along. Ammo is apparently plentiful to keep it going for 15 years. Freshly polished as well. Everyone else has muskets and bows. I'm guessing the AR/M16's wore out. Maybe a 1911, glock or a revolver. Seriously, a Desert Eagle?

09-20-12, 22:19
You guys think I am bad about duplicate threads?


09-21-12, 04:15
I just finished watching it on demand. Pretty lame. Most of the cheezy Sci-Fi channel productions are done much better. I should have watched that re-run of Lizard Lick Towing instead.

Straight Shooter
09-21-12, 07:03
This show f-ing SUCKED. I mean, chinsy acting, BAD sets, just unbelievable all around. Aint no doubt just 15 years after SHTF there will be PLENTY of modern weapons and ammo around. This was the first time in at least 15 years Ive watched ANY show on ANY network tv, and now I remember why. About any old sci-fi flick/show from the 70's beats this shit. Wont last a season I bet.

Alex V
09-21-12, 07:25
I believe they are pursuing the Hunger Games viewers/ fans. It looks like there may be some similarities, including the beautiful female lead (protagonist).

I'm not usually an NBC fan but I will watch. I was still pissed when they cancelled South Land and Prime Suspect.

Maybe both...

The father (now dead) is named Miles Matheson, his daughter and son obviosly have the same last name... that last name is awefuly close to John Matherson who is the main character in One Second After. Change one letter and you don't have to pay royalties probably.

Reminds me of the movie Demolition Man when Sandra Bullock was named Lenina Huxley, if we look at the book Brave New World which was written by Aldous Huxley and one of the main character's name was Lenina Crowne.

They god the idea from somewhere, if I was a bettin' man I would say One Second After. Then changed it up to get in on the ground floor of the Hunger Games fad.

09-21-12, 07:51
Maybe both...

The father (now dead) is named Miles Matheson, his daughter and son obviosly have the same last name... that last name is awefuly close to John Matherson who is the main character in One Second After. Change one letter and you don't have to pay royalties probably.

Reminds me of the movie Demolition Man when Sandra Bullock was named Lenina Huxley, if we look at the book Brave New World which was written by Aldous Huxley and one of the main character's name was Lenina Crowne.

They god the idea from somewhere, if I was a bettin' man I would say One Second After. Then changed it up to get in on the ground floor of the Hunger Games fad.

That's some pretty accurate shooting there IMO. I turned it off after the hokey 1 on 40 sword fight. This show is just bad. I wish ABC had kept V...

09-21-12, 08:50
The way this is done to our children is criminal.
The film Happy Feet is so overtly shameless at this that I personally think it should be banned. Cartoons for kids should only address basic fundamentals of good and bad, right and wrong and have no right to sneak in their own morality and politics on our children. I think they should pass legislation that all children's shows TV or film should have to post publicly what ALL themes and underlying themes exist within the show to allow parents to make the decision to allow kids to watch it. We are allowing Hollywood to brainwash us and our kids with this garbage. Right under our noses.

How about we not encourage the government to take any more control over our basic freedoms (in this case, freedom of speech). The last thing we need is someone at the government telling us what's right for our kids - what happens when someone you disagree with is in control?

Instead, why don't we as parents take on the responsibility of either pre-screening shows for our kids, or watching them with them for the first several times. It can be a pain in the ass - Lord knows I don't enjoy watching "My Little Pony", but it's what you do when you want to take responsibility for raising your own children.

Alex V
09-21-12, 09:32
That's some pretty accurate shooting there IMO. I turned it off after the hokey 1 on 40 sword fight. This show is just bad. I wish ABC had kept V...

that one was full of cheese... but the chick is kinda hot, so I'll give it one more chance lol

09-21-12, 09:49
They were back at the same location filming the rest of the episode by my house. I seen an advanced showing here locally about 2 weeks ago of 1st episode and wondered about the brand new clothes.

But really, did you expect any different then a deagle?

sent from mah gun,using my sights

10-23-12, 18:12
Watched up to last week, can't satand it....After 15 years with NO power everyone is So Clean and there close look NEW.....Give me a break. I call Bull Shit!!!! Just my .02Cents.

10-23-12, 18:19
Watched up to last week, can't satand it....After 15 years with NO power everyone is So Clean and there close look NEW.....Give me a break. I call Bull Shit!!!! Just my .02Cents.

Dude, I'm with you. I tried hard to watch it & like it but it's sooooo cheesy, I won't be watching another episode. My wife even commented about the cheese factor. LOL!

10-23-12, 18:49
They could have taken a page from the Walking Dead where EVERYONE is filthy and their clothes are stained and tattered. ;)

I trump up the cheeze to the fact that NBC is marketing this "family" show towards the Hunger Games crowd . . . teenage females.

10-23-12, 21:29

10-23-12, 23:35
"Tomorrow, When The War Began" is Australian's answer to the end of civilization shows and I watched the pilot and thought it was well done and VERY well acted for Australian TV. I would watch it if it were available here. (Chinese are the bad guys:D)

10-24-12, 00:37
"Tomorrow, When The War Began" is Australian's answer to the end of civilization shows and I watched the pilot and thought it was well done and VERY well acted for Australian TV. I would watch it if it were available here. (Chinese are the bad guys:D)

is it a new series ? or the film from 2010 ?

10-24-12, 00:52
I thought it was a pilot... haven't kept up, but for a show designed for a kid demographic I'd actually watch it. Lead actress is going places with or without the show.

10-24-12, 01:09
"Tomorrow, When The War Began" is Australian's answer to the end of civilization shows and I watched the pilot and thought it was well done and VERY well acted for Australian TV. I would watch it if it were available here. (Chinese are the bad guys:D)

Given the geography . . . that is not to far off the mark.

10-25-12, 02:11
How about we not encourage the government to take any more control over our basic freedoms (in this case, freedom of speech). The last thing we need is someone at the government telling us what's right for our kids - what happens when someone you disagree with is in control?

Instead, why don't we as parents take on the responsibility of either pre-screening shows for our kids, or watching them with them for the first several times. It can be a pain in the ass - Lord knows I don't enjoy watching "My Little Pony", but it's what you do when you want to take responsibility for raising your own children.

While I completely understand what M4Fundi is complaining about and agree with that complaint, I wholeheartedly endorse your reply. If only more parents took the time (not to suggest M4Fundi doesn't).

10-25-12, 02:16
Back on topic.

This show mostly sucks. Decent premise that was made ridiculous to the extreme. I think a no electricity society would be closer to The Road than the nonsense on this show. And the constant swashbuckling only makes it gayer.

But what sucks most of all is my wife got into it so now I have to keep watching this stupid shit. I guess at least she also likes Strike Back.

10-25-12, 02:59
While I completely understand what M4Fundi is complaining about and agree with that complaint, I wholeheartedly endorse your reply. If only more parents took the time (not to suggest M4Fundi doesn't).

Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, because I agree wholeheartedly with your replies as well, but my intent was not to suggest censorship of a message per se, but to demand the message be age appropriate and at the least be absolutely transparent. Subliminal imagery has been banned by most regulatory agencies, why should we allow "hidden" messages in our children's shows???? The government should not be saying what you "can" show the kids, but the government should be allowed to say that you have to say to parents "what" you are saying to the kids so the parents can make educated decisions without having to prescreen every movie/show. Unfortunately most parents do not prescreen or screen with their kids and most parents in my experience do not have the sophistication to pickup on the hidden themes either. Its the constant "hidden" that gets my hackles up.

10-25-12, 13:39
Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, because I agree wholeheartedly with your replies as well, but my intent was not to suggest censorship of a message per se, but to demand the message be age appropriate and at the least be absolutely transparent. Subliminal imagery has been banned by most regulatory agencies, why should we allow "hidden" messages in our children's shows???? The government should not be saying what you "can" show the kids, but the government should be allowed to say that you have to say to parents "what" you are saying to the kids so the parents can make educated decisions without having to prescreen every movie/show. Unfortunately most parents do not prescreen or screen with their kids and most parents in my experience do not have the sophistication to pickup on the hidden themes either. Its the constant "hidden" that gets my hackles up.

As stated before I get it and I agree.

Really political social engineering has no place in children's movies. And part of me thinks if they can warn me about language and nudity they can warn me about political content.

But ultimately the sad fact is movies and tv shows are LOADED with this crap and no warnings or regulations are going to take the place of knowing what your child is going to watch. Granted that is sometimes a tall order, especially if it is a film in theaters.

Probably the best thing you can do is point out the manipulation to your children and raise them to watch everything as an independent thinker and decide their own values.