View Full Version : "Battleship" The Movie - Go See It

30 cal slut
05-18-12, 21:22
I went in with low expectations.

I enjoyed it even with the cheesy parts and dialogue and plot-line non sequiturs.

The kids will love it, especially if they are into the board game.

+ Very pro US military.

+ Pays homage to our vets.

+ Some small arms porn - an HK-416 here, a few Barrett 50's there.

+ Some big bore Mighty Mo porn.

+ Last year the Marines kicked some alien ass (Battle Los Angeles), this time it's the Navy's turn. And one Army Lt. Col.

+ Protagonist has some funny dialogue with a SEAL at the end.

Trailer here:


Violence and killing, didn't hear any salty language.

05-18-12, 21:53
I thought Marines were part of the Navy. :)

Thanks for heads up though.
I almost never go to movies due to always being let down.

05-18-12, 22:24
Let's see...

1. A "transformers" movie disguised as a alien movie.

2. Rihanna's acting debut as a hardcore "kick ass" GI Jane.

3. The typical "summer blockbuster" (a month early) cliche filled sensation designed for people who thought MIB 2 was "awesome."

4. Another painful to watch CGI jizzfest where the primary characters are awesome robotic aliens, explosions, guns and a pop star who rescues the world.

I think I'll pass. I still have my copy of Independence Day if I need to watch some "awesomeness."

Heavy Metal
05-18-12, 22:47
I would not go see any Movie till I saw The Avengers. Best superhero movie ever. Best movie since LOTR peroid!

Joss Whedon is a mfing genius!

05-18-12, 23:23
Joss Whedon is a mfing genius!

Serenity and Firefly FTW!

05-19-12, 02:13
Rihanna? **** that noise. I won't pay for anything involving that trashy skank.

05-19-12, 02:52
Let's see...

1. A "transformers" movie disguised as a alien movie.

2. Rihanna's acting debut as a hardcore "kick ass" GI Jane.

3. The typical "summer blockbuster" (a month early) cliche filled sensation designed for people who thought MIB 2 was "awesome."

4. Another painful to watch CGI jizzfest where the primary characters are awesome robotic aliens, explosions, guns and a pop star who rescues the world.

I think I'll pass. I still have my copy of Independence Day if I need to watch some "awesomeness."

This pretty much somes up my thoughts on the matter except for Independence Day as I feel the same way about that film.

I'll save my money for Ridley Scott's Prometheus next month, Space Jockey anyone? :cool:

3 AE
05-19-12, 03:42
I thought Marines were part of the Navy. :)

Thanks for heads up though.
I almost never go to movies due to always being let down.

I once asked a Marine that. He politely replied, "No sir. The Navy is part of the Marine Corps." :D

30 cal slut
05-19-12, 06:13
One of the previews was Prometheus...was awesome to see it on the big screen. Full frontal space jockey nudity.

Can't wait! :D

05-19-12, 06:37
Seems like one of Michael Bays' crumpled-up wastebasket ideas. :rolleyes:

05-19-12, 07:20
Battleship got surprisingly good reviews. Sounds like it's worth watching, but it will be on iTunes soon enough at $4.99. Likewise Prometheus.

05-19-12, 07:38
Let's see...

1. A "transformers" movie disguised as a alien movie.

2. Rihanna's acting debut as a hardcore "kick ass" GI Jane.

3. The typical "summer blockbuster" (a month early) cliche filled sensation designed for people who thought MIB 2 was "awesome."

4. Another painful to watch CGI jizzfest where the primary characters are awesome robotic aliens, explosions, guns and a pop star who rescues the world.

I think I'll pass. I still have my copy of Independence Day if I need to watch some "awesomeness."

Sounds like a fine rental, but not something I'll go to the movies for. My home theater is darn good, so I go to theaters rarely.Might check out the Avengers in RD Imax however.

05-19-12, 08:24
Marvel heroes are bitches.
Just shit tons of angst, petulance, narcissism and emotional issues for each and every one of them.
No variation on the theme except for color of costume or how big or small a dick they turn into.

You couldn't give me a free ticket, a ride both ways, and a BJ with the buttered popcorn and malt to go see a 'Stan Lee epic'

Don't even get me going on that Action Comics ultimate fag daddy illegal alien all powerful holier than thou vaginal life support system known as 'Superman' or the rest of the ilk called Super *insert dog, boy, girl, rubber cock, cooking spray, AA battery or whatever other spinoff here*

DC makes heroes you can believe in dammit!

Wow, sorry folks.
Just really had to get that off my chest....


In regard to Prometheus, do I understand correctly that its a sort of prequel to the first Alien movie?

05-19-12, 09:10
I would not go see any Movie till I saw The Avengers. Best superhero movie ever. Best movie since LOTR peroid!

Joss Whedon is a mfing genius!

+1,000,000... I am not a huge movie goer. I've only seen two in the last year (Hunger Games and the Avengers). Even though I just saw it, I would not have any problems going back to watch it again today.

05-19-12, 09:11
In regard to Prometheus, do I understand correctly that its a sort of prequel to the first Alien movie?

I read that it was originally conceived as such back in 2001, but subsequent re-engineering (according to Wikipedia) led to "a separate story that precedes the story of Alien but is not directly connected to that franchise. According to [Ridley] Scott, though the film shares "strands of Alien's DNA, so to speak", and takes place in the same universe, Prometheus will explore its own mythology and ideas."

05-19-12, 10:14
Let's see...

1. A "transformers" movie disguised as a alien movie.

2. Rihanna's acting debut as a hardcore "kick ass" GI Jane.

3. The typical "summer blockbuster" (a month early) cliche filled sensation designed for people who thought MIB 2 was "awesome."

4. Another painful to watch CGI jizzfest where the primary characters are awesome robotic aliens, explosions, guns and a pop star who rescues the world.

I think I'll pass. I still have my copy of Independence Day if I need to watch some "awesomeness."


05-19-12, 10:29
Col. injured in Iraq lands role in ‘Battleship’

By Scott Bowles - USA Today
Posted : Thursday May 17, 2012 9:44:42 EDT

LOS ANGELES — Greg Gadson’s departure from Baghdad was a sudden one.

Gadson, then a lieutenant colonel with the Second Battalion and 32nd Field Artillery, was returning from a memorial service for two soldiers when his vehicle passed a roadside bomb on May 7, 2007.

Gadson remembers the detonation sending his body tumbling through rubble, then medics placing him on a stretcher in a helicopter, his severed feet sitting in his lap. He awakened days later at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., his legs amputated above the knees.

“When you come to grips with the injuries like that, you don’t think of anything in your future,” he says. “I never imagined anyone outside the military would be interested in me.”

Turns out a lot of folks were, including the New York Giants and now Hollywood. Gadson makes his acting debut in “Battleship,” playing Lt. Col. Mick Canales, a vet struggling with recovery much as Gadson did.

A 24-year veteran and director of the Army’s Wounded Warrior program, Gadson, now a colonel, says his goal in rehabilitation was never to become a spokesman for the wounded. It was just to walk again.

Not only would he regain mobility on “power prosthetic” legs — artificial limbs equipped with gyroscopes, accelerators and hydraulics to emulate a knee — Gadson would become a symbol of recovery. After the news media picked up his story, he began fielding offers to be a motivational speaker.

The complete story:


05-19-12, 11:52
This pretty much somes up my thoughts on the matter except for Independence Day as I feel the same way about that film.

I'll save my money for Ridley Scott's Prometheus next month, Space Jockey anyone? :cool:

My comment wasn't an endorsement of Independence Day, it has all of the drawbacks of every summer blockbuster. But it had higher production values and a more talented cast than most of the formula train that has followed behind it.

So if I need to watch this kind of mindless film, I'd rather watch that one than a failed attempt to be like Independence Day. But quite honestly I'd rather watch The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951).

Prometheus does look promising however. I've only seen one movie so far this year and that was the anniversary showing of Casablanca. Really cool to see it on the big screen.

05-19-12, 13:15

05-19-12, 15:46
It is a good action movie to go see. Like the OP I went in with low expectations but really enjoyed the movie.

The Action sequences were really good, the aliens were believable, and the acting was passable.

And it was probably the most Pro Military and Pro Vet movie I have seen in ages.

05-19-12, 16:00
I agree with tho couple of posters about Prometheus.
This will be my summer flick.

05-19-12, 17:16
I thought I saw a Promethius trailer where it had Weyland Industries cargo in it. Also the ship and giant looking alien look like the ship discovered in Alien.

05-19-12, 17:39
I thought I saw a Promethius trailer where it had Weyland Industries cargo in it. Also the ship and giant looking alien look like the ship discovered in Alien.

There are a few trailers out there.

05-19-12, 20:18
I've been a sci-fi fan all my life. This movie is over hyped, but it seems like a pretty decent flick. I too, am also looking forward to seeing Prometheus even more, since I have been a long time "Alien" franchise fan.

05-20-12, 03:01
I thought I saw a Promethius trailer where it had Weyland Industries cargo in it. Also the ship and giant looking alien look like the ship discovered in Alien.

Bingo! It's a Space Jockey, everyone forgot about the ship that the Nostromo found after receiving a "distress signal" from LV-426 and the franchise focused on the Xenomorphs (aliens) for the past six films. It's awesome that Scott is revisiting and making a movie about that ship and the Space Jockeys.

05-20-12, 05:14
Bingo! It's a Space Jockey, everyone forgot about the ship that the Nostromo found after receiving a "distress signal" from LV-426 and the franchise focused on the Xenomorphs (aliens) for the past six films. It's awesome that Scott is revisiting and making a movie about that ship and the Space Jockeys.

Should be interesting to see what the xenomorphs look like coming out of a Space Jockey.

We should really start a new thread about this.

05-20-12, 07:15
I was always told music and movies go in cycles. now I'm old enough to realize it.

Wasn't there a big super hero/science fiction craze is the late 70's early 80's. Looking from the more serious higher quality films of the early nineties, that stuff looks cheesy.

Not that there is anything wrong with that it's just that as I get older my ability to suspend disbelief and enjoy this stuff lessens. I used to love the original Star Wars films but struggle to get through them now.

I'm thinking better movies and music are only 2 or 3 years away.

I'll take a good crime, war or period film over superheroes and aliens any day.

05-20-12, 12:47
Seems like one of Michael Bays' crumpled-up wastebasket ideas. :rolleyes:

Peter Berg, the director of Battleship is also directing the upcoming Lone Survivor book to movie adaptation right?

ETA: Answered my own question:


Mark Wahlberg to possibly play Marcus Lutrell. This is the movie I pray they dont screw up. Peter Berg not only directed Battleship but also The Kingdom which is an excellent movie. Also I do believe Lutrell himself will be the main technical advisor on the set.


05-21-12, 01:17
I was always told music and movies go in cycles. now I'm old enough to realize it.

Wasn't there a big super hero/science fiction craze is the late 70's early 80's. Looking from the more serious higher quality films of the early nineties, that stuff looks cheesy.

Not that there is anything wrong with that it's just that as I get older my ability to suspend disbelief and enjoy this stuff lessens. I used to love the original Star Wars films but struggle to get through them now.

I'm thinking better movies and music are only 2 or 3 years away.

I'll take a good crime, war or period film over superheroes and aliens any day.

The movie Battleship in which this thread was started is based on the Hasbro board game of the same name. When I first heard they were making into a feature movie I was like. . .WTF? I played the game as a kid and there is no story line or substance to it. Many studios are struggling to make money so they are desperate for ideas.

You are correct in the 70's and early 80's there were many Marvel comics made into feature films and of course we all remember the TV series The Incredible Hulk. They are very dated, one reason why they are making them into feature length films now. The technology is there (CGI) to make films and do it “right” like they never could before, George Lucas eluded to this in several interviews since he made SW Episodes I, II, and III. Story line, dialogue, and character development are sacrificed for the eye candy effects.

05-21-12, 01:34
The real question is, does anyone in the movie say "You sunk my battleship!"? :dance3:

05-21-12, 10:17
I thought I saw a Promethius trailer where it had Weyland Industries cargo in it. Also the ship and giant looking alien look like the ship discovered in Alien.



Here is google for Alien itself on pictures of the ship from that movie.


It struck me when they showed they chair in the Prometheus trailer.

I would say prequeal after seeing that.

06-05-12, 19:47
Best part of Battleship was Alexander Skarsgård quipping, "Stay frosty."

Spoiler alert:
and firing up BB-63 with the veterans, holy crap that sent chills.

06-06-12, 09:02
The kids will love it,

Good call, the kids loved it.

06-06-12, 11:43
Best part of Battleship was Alexander Skarsgård quipping, "Stay frosty."

Spoiler alert:
and firing up BB-63 with the veterans, holy crap that sent chills.

Nice nod to Generation Kill.

06-08-12, 11:31
Don't even get me going on that Action Comics ultimate fag daddy illegal alien all powerful holier than thou vaginal life support system known as 'Superman' or the rest of the ilk called Super *insert dog, boy, girl, rubber cock, cooking spray, AA battery or whatever other spinoff here*

DC makes heroes you can believe in dammit!

Sorry, way off topic, but perhaps you haven't noticed that big circle with "DC" in it that appears on each issue of Action Comics...

Rant fail.

ETA: Unfortunately, by pointing this out, I have revealed myself to be something of a comic nerd. I also fail. :(