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View Full Version : Turkey, Debating A Women's Right To Bear Arms

05-19-12, 08:49
Debate? What debate? If the society and other men refuse to stand up for the women in their society, they damn well should be able to defend themselves from this abuse.

"Hayrettin Bulan with the women's group Sefkat-Der, which means "compassion foundation," shocked some people with a call for a vigorous self-defense program for women, including giving them guns and teaching them how to use them. Bulan says it's just one of a series of measures his group recommends..."


There should be no debate. Enough is enough and some times that's all that stands between you and your abuser.

05-19-12, 11:57
But if women can be armed, how will men safely rape them, beat them, kidnap them and murder them for being whores...or witches?

I think Middle Eastern countries has a far bigger social problem to solve before they worry about right to be armed. Right now it's like discussing right to be armed for slaves in a country that still has legal slavery.

05-19-12, 12:37
But if women can be armed, how will men safely rape them, beat them, kidnap them and murder them for being whores...or witches?

I think Middle Eastern countries has a far bigger social problem to solve before they worry about right to be armed. Right now it's like discussing right to be armed for slaves in a country that still has legal slavery.

"Armed slave" is a bit of the oxymoron no? Agreed, they have much larger problems, but gotta start some place and I'm glad to see this group coming to the conclusion living like a prisoner, not a great option for the women. Some good quotes in the article like:

Hayrettin Bulan with the women's group Sefkat-Der, which means "compassion foundation," shocked some people with a call for a vigorous self-defense program for women, including giving them guns and teaching them how to use them. Bulan says it's just one of a series of measures his group recommends, but it's gotten by far the most attention.

"We're telling these battered women: If the government won't protect you, learn to protect yourselves. Self-defense is a legitimate right. Carry pepper spray, learn martial arts, and yes, go to the range and learn to shoot a gun," Bulan says. "It amazes me that people think it's fine for a shop owner to have a gun to protect his money, but a woman can't have one to save her life."

No one there is going to change anything to protect these women, so someone (and ex LEO) is recommending they learn to defend themselves. Some times real change comes from some movement, and perhaps beating their women to death for "honor" or some such BS will be reduced when the women decides she's had enough of it.

Amazing how fast men who like to abuse women back down when the woman is willing to go down fighting. I can see a women's movement like the spreading around the region and making either real change, or exposing the total lack of laws, or enforcement of the laws, protecting women. I can hope at least... :cool:

05-19-12, 19:29
We should give every woman in A-stan a Kel-tec 32acp before we leave, kind of like the Allies dropping those one use guns in WWII.

05-19-12, 20:29
The only for sure rights women in Turkey have is the right to bear children. Moderate my ass.

05-20-12, 18:15
It's pretty apparent that Turkey - as beautiful as it is and and rich in history, culture and wonderful people, has some major "hidden" flaws.
Consider it being one of the most westernized Islamic states, albeit on paper a secular state, but with those of the Muslim faith simply making out the majority of the population at 99%......
(And as associate member of the EEC they are really trying hard, but them Euro's are still a bit shaky about letting them Muslim hordes stampede in....).
In large urban and metropolitan area's it indeed being very westernized, but once going rural (Go east, Anatolia) it's an entirely different ballgame.

With that in mind, one item and argument of staggering epic proportions is how every Muslim "scholar" and practitioner of the Islamic faith keeps mentioning it being such an enlightened faith, with it's inherent respect for women (which is why the veils et al?) and personal freedom in general, but it being really misunderstood, and those questioning it just being uninformed.

But I daresay whenever and wherever the rubber meets the road and boots hit the ground, it is more or less the opposite. Without exception:
In every practical application so far, bar none, it is an oppressive religion that suppresses and demeans women, with practically every "Sharia" subscribing society making women into second-class citizens.

I challenge anyone to proof me wrong - show me this Islamic society where life is good, freedom is a-plenty and Sharia Law is just and fair for all.
Perhaps time to call the bullshit, I say.

Caveat - in general I have little regards for organized religion, any, period, more like to consider myself an equal opportunity offender. So no bias here - just for the record.

05-21-12, 17:06
We should give every woman in A-stan a Kel-tec 32acp before we leave, kind of like the Allies dropping those one use guns in WWII.

FP-45 Liberator. I don't think there were really ever deployed, as I heard stories that most of them ended up at the bottom of the ocean.