View Full Version : Banning Vets from Owning Guns?

Dave L.
01-12-08, 05:05
What's up with this? I heard the NRA is supporting this...


01-12-08, 05:31
As another M4C member said a while ago, Mr. Pratt was spewing "Internet bunk."

A more informed perspective on H.R. 2640 is here (http://www.military.com/opinion/0,15202,151321_1,00.html?wh=wh).

H.R. 2640 previously was discussed on M4C here (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=8635) and here (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=8076).

President Bush signed it into law on January 8, 2008.

01-12-08, 14:32
The rumors are generally untrue, however most miss some of the interesting aspects of the issue.

After YEARS of saying there are enough gun laws on the books, the NRA backpedaled and agreed that, as a result of teh VA tech shooting, that we need more gun control laws. :rolleyes:

That makes it pretty clear to me where the NRA stands on rights. I don't need anyone claiming to represent me backpedaling on rights issue because of one mental with a gun. This is a pretty standard tactic for the NRA and one of the reasons I can't buy a machine gun without government hassle and large sums of money.

It will be interesting the hear down the road how many of the persons who were incorrectly listed in the NICS database are actually removed and able to purchase guns. My prediction is very few, the government is not interested in removing data from their computers.

01-12-08, 17:56
Like it or not, this is about politics. And politics is "the art of the possible."

Fight every battle to the enth principled degree? That'd be a fool's pursuit.

Hold the ground that matters. Win the war.

01-12-08, 23:49
Like it or not, this is about politics. And politics is "the art of the possible."

Fight every battle to the enth principled degree? That'd be a fool's pursuit.

Hold the ground that matters. Win the war.

Obviously your definition of ground that matters is different.:cool:

01-13-08, 12:36
I can see where all this is going. Even if your current military, law enf. or armed security and you sign your self in to a private mental health facility eventualy federal law is going to require the reporting of your treatment to big brother and you will be in the ncis system with out your knowledge. And that will be the end of your gun rights.

01-13-08, 17:41
This is, of course, all pure folly by the government. The government must appear strong so it must do something. The something does not have to work; it does not even have to really appear to work; it just has to be something.

When we banned mail order rifles we stopped all political assassins with long guns. When we banned Saturday night specials we disarmed all criminals. After the firearms we will ban swords, all knives that will cut butter and rocks over 2 grams.

The NRA has done more to hurt the gun culture than it ever did to help it.