View Full Version : Mounted lights, What you're running, and why

05-23-12, 23:31
I was sitting on the couch surfing the web when I heard a vehicle door shut outside, which is uncommon for where I live out in the boonies at this time of night (12:05 AM EST). The old geezers that live across from me are out of town and the next closest house is 500 meters away. I picked up the AR and walked outside, scanning around the perimeter of my property for perpetrators. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but as I was making my last round I noticed that my light wasn't as bright as I thought it would be out to range. The aperture is pretty small, giving it a wider spill than one might get with a larger aperture. But still, 180 lumens at 4000 candela out of my streamlight protac 2l.. I guess I just expected more.

I like the light because of the size and weight, and it fits great in the viking tactics mount, however I was disappointed at the brightness out past 60 meters or so.

What lights are you guys running, and why? Do you lean more toward larger, more powerful lights, or smaller and lighter compacts. I don't want to hear "I use light "x" and love it", give me a reason why you chose your particular illumination tool. Thanks in advance

05-24-12, 00:45
There's already a sticky on this.