View Full Version : Army doctor ruled a real conscientious objector

01-12-08, 15:11
What do you think of this:


Well, it's kind of long, so let me sum up:

Doctor went to med school on a military scholarship (and expressly said she was not a CO in the app), got her orders for active duty, and then turned in a conscientious objector application, along with letters from priests in her church. The Army's investigator recommended it be granted since it looked like she had been a lifelong member of the church but didn't embrace the pacifist elements of its teaching until after her (Egyptian Army) veteran dad died, and she saw some TV shows including a documentary about the "civilian casualties" in Iraq.

The Army's Conscientious Objector Review Board voted 2-1 to turn her down. She sued in federal court in Massachusetts, and oddly enough, the Massachusetts judge granted relief. The Army appealed to the First Circuit, which ruled 2-1 that she was a real live CO and should be kicked out of the Army, although it looks like she will have to pay back $180,000 in med school scholarship. The opinion noted that federal courts hardly ever give COs a break, but they said the Army and CORB just plain disregarded evidence of sincerity, so bye bye Miss Not-So-American Pie.

I dunno. I suppose if there's enough Army docs to go around, and she really doesn't want to be there, then turn her loose, although with an other than honorable discharge, and a bill for $180,000. This also shows the power of liberal propaganda in enabling liberals to believe what they already wanted to believe.

01-12-08, 15:23
I am pleasantly suprised that she is being made to repay the cost of her Med School training! I agree with what you said, she doesn't want to be there... boot her. But at least they aren't just axing her as fast as possible and are at least making her repay the benefits she received. Hell... should make her pay with interest!

01-12-08, 16:26
When I was in the Army, the first medic I met was a CO. The only difference between him and the rest of us was he didn't have a weapon assigned to him. I fail to see the difference between his situation and that of this doctor (other than the fact the medic was a man of his word).

01-12-08, 16:40
I hate stuff like that, I remember finishing up college in the days just after 9/11 (like 9/13 or so) and hearing these girls in the hall complaining how, "they didn't join the army to get shot at...". I told them yeah, that sucks , now you have to actually earn that G.I Bill education, huh? People like that turn my stomach, only in it for what they can get out of it. Serving themselves, not their country. Although I don't know if I where in Iraq if I would want a Doc who didn't want to be there, and who possibly didn't want me there, patching me up. Glad they are making her pay the money back.


01-12-08, 17:42
She should be led by the ear to the nearest mil transport and shipped to the Baghdad trauma room where she can work on Iraqi pacifists.

01-12-08, 17:44
Shes a real piece of Shit!

01-12-08, 23:16
Send her to Ft. Leavenworth to practice on the inmates. That should make her feel all warm and fuzzy.

ETA: To make sure that no one misunderstands my meaning, she should be sent there for the fraud she perpetrated. Even if she's not convicted of fraud, there is no reason why she should be allowed to not do military service. It really irks me when I hear that crap, "I didn't plan on going to war when I joined" crap. When I joined I fully expected that I might find myself in a war. I had long before considered that possibility and whether I could kill someone.

01-12-08, 23:42
... and she saw some TV shows including a documentary about the "civilian casualties" in Iraq.

So send her ass to Baghdad and let her use the medical training to patch up some of those civilian casualties as part of a CA program. Problem solved.

Don Robison
01-12-08, 23:52
Let her work that 180K off being the morale troop............................................................................................................................................................................in a Liberian AIDS colony.

01-13-08, 18:28
Conscientious objection flew when there was still a DRAFT. When you VOLUNTEER for service and then refuse to ship when your country needs you, you are a worthless ****ing liar.

At a minimum this little tart perpetrated fraud. I sincerely hope that she is refused a medical license AT THE VERY LEAST.

01-13-08, 20:49
My point exactly.

01-13-08, 23:11
That is Treason, and should be treated as such. And ANY LAWYER representing her should be considered the same DAMN THING! The worthless cheating poor excuse for a human was NOT drafted against its will, IT VOLUTEERED! OUR Gov. cannot tell the diff?

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one's sovereign or nation.

My $.02.

01-14-08, 01:12
In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of disloyalty to one's sovereign or nation.

Um, no. Treason is specifically defined in article 3 of the Constitution:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

01-17-08, 14:55
Conscientious objection flew when there was still a DRAFT. When you VOLUNTEER for service and then refuse to ship when your country needs you, you are a worthless ****ing liar.

At a minimum this little tart perpetrated fraud. I sincerely hope that she is refused a medical license AT THE VERY LEAST.

Exactly, she signed up.

We had the same thing happen around here with some National Guard members who were called up. They were minorities, and a civil rights organization took up their cause saying that they only joined to get college paid for, not to acutally go to war. They shipped most of them off, but a couple did go AWOL and got dishonorably discharged.

01-18-08, 16:56
My uncle was a CO and field-medic in 'Nam. He did his time. She should do hers, sans weapons.

01-18-08, 19:06
as a conscientous objector would she really be opposed to helping the victims of war? :confused:

i mean shit, she's being asked to save lives, not kill... seems like kind of a crappy thing to cop out of, regardless of your politics.

01-18-08, 19:27
She was trained to be a Army doc then refuses to practice her MOS, then why sign up in the first place? What a bitch.