View Full Version : Lets Go Racing

05-27-12, 17:07
Just turned on the race as Darrius Rucker was about to sing the national anthem and noticed the honor guard behind him had Magpul mags in the rifles :)

Go 88, Jr for the win !!!!!!!


05-27-12, 17:22
He did pretty good as well.. Sometimes I think NASCAR searches for the worst possible singers.. LOL.. Ron

05-27-12, 17:49
I'm a Kevin Harvick fan myself, good eye on that one though... I caught it too.

05-27-12, 17:59
I pull for the dark side.. Rowdy all the way.. 8) Ron

05-27-12, 18:42
JJ's still just coasting around with the fastest car out there. Get ready to break out the brooms.

05-27-12, 18:57
JJ's still just coasting around with the fastest car out there. Get ready to break out the brooms.

My wife is a big Jimmy Johnson fan.. Ron

PS: She likes drivers whose first and last names start with the same letter... LOL

Alex V
05-28-12, 09:56
"I watch NASCAR for the racing. Yeah and I watch porn for the acting"
-Robin Williams.


Have to say tho, the Grand Prix of Manaco was the most boring F1 race I have seen. And I was at Indy when only 6 cars took the grid.

05-28-12, 12:25
Have to say tho, the Grand Prix of Manaco was the most boring F1 race I have seen. And I was at Indy when only 6 cars took the grid.

Monaco has always been pretty much just a parade since the advent of the aerodynamic era in the 70's, you know that.

The 6 car grid... I don't know what was sadder, that turn of events or Indy owners thinking they could build an F1 track.
Bring back Watkins Glen dammit!
No bus stop chicane, just the outer loop (if going for the original configuration) or the employment of 'the boot' like they do when CART or whatever the hell they call them this year runs the track (which they won't because the F1 cars will be embarrassingly faster than the CART, just like at Montreal)

AFA Indy 500, it was interesting to see Takumo Sato actually do decent after a seemingly endless streak of ineptitude throughout his career. And wouldn't you know it, he proved it on the last lap LOL

Too bad Jean Alesi was black flagged for inability to maintain pace, and shame on Lotus for allowing it to happen.

The *hillbillies went pretty much as they always do, lots of lefts.
About the only truly worthy part being that little boy Danica Patrick getting shoved down the pit entry road because of an inability to manage keeping speed UP to something near the pit road limit.

*Yes, I realize they are highly skilled professionals running in a expensive and technically advanced sport, but its still fun to pick.

Just like harrassing the govornment motors fans when they field give or take 70% of the grid and still get thier asses handed to them by Ford hybrids, Toyota old lady 4 doors and Dodge retro-rod land yachts.
Hell, even if GM does manage a win its because they were running a Chrysler gearbox and a Ford differential :D

05-28-12, 12:29
Not to put too keen of an edge on it.. BUT.. 8)Ron

05-28-12, 16:03
With F1 it's that Spain, Monaco, an France are virtually always reliability parades with little change following qualifying. Every once in a while one chassis can hold such impressive pace with the primes that they might nab one spot if coupled with a screaming in/out lap and stop, but that's about it.

What I'd give for a closed wheel racing series with the rules of 'you have 2.0L of displacement, the driver compartment must be made of this tube steel and withstand X impact, and a minimum weight of Y' and nothing else.

NASCAR is entertaining in that it's a 43 car iteration of the IROC concept with a bit more emphasis on execution and car setup, and that there are legitimately 5 teams at any given time that are a threat to win the race - something I haven't seen in open wheel racing in the last decade (outside of the '05 WoO and the '12 F1 seasons).

05-29-12, 14:28
The only thing entertaining about NASCAR is when someone crashes.