View Full Version : Naked "Zombie" shot

05-27-12, 21:30
Some people take this zombie thing too far.

This is kinda crazy though, dude was shot "Multiple" times.

I wonder if it was a headshot??? :no:


05-28-12, 01:22
If it just happens once, hey it's just Miami being Miami. It happens again, I'm loading mags. :D

05-28-12, 01:39
The world we live in...

Evil Colt 6920
05-28-12, 02:10
A Miami police officer fatally shot a naked man chewing the face of another man Saturday afternoon on a downtown causeway off-ramp... Seriously? WTF is wrong with people:confused:

05-28-12, 02:33
IMHO the LEO showed resonable care to prevent further serious bodily injury or death to the vic.

Not to mention he saved the FL tax payers MILLIONS!

05-28-12, 02:52
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"

05-28-12, 07:22
The report I read on this said the man could have been on a new form of LSD. Crazy stupid drugs at it again.

05-28-12, 09:11
The report I read on this said the man could have been on a new form of LSD. Crazy stupid drugs at it again.

The majority of reports involving "excited delirium" indicate acute cocaine intoxication as the primary cause. There apparently was a separate, though somewhat similar, incident in April where medical records indicated the attacker had ingested LSD.


Regardless, the article linked above has one source stating the victim was missing up to 80% of his face and the attacker was actually swallowing the flesh. That is seriously messed up.

So when does season three of The Walking Dead kick off?

05-28-12, 09:48
Soooooo tired of the zombie bullshit.

PCP is a hell of a drug.

05-28-12, 10:19
Shit, can you imagine playing Resident Evil while dropping acid? You'd never recover from that

05-28-12, 10:41
Shit, can you imagine playing Resident Evil while dropping acid? You'd never recover from that

I went to see Altered States in an altered state back in the day. Almost shit my pants when a dog started chasing us as we walked home. :shout:

05-28-12, 13:20
What about where it also says the perp "growled" at the cop who was telling the man to stop eating the dudes face? This is something out of a horror movie. Walking Dead show comes to mind.

05-28-12, 13:37
The report I read on this said the man could have been on a new form of LSD. Crazy stupid drugs at it again.

Is it called "rage (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289043/)"?

05-29-12, 07:08
Rabies. People can get it and it alters social behaviour. This is not happening at a good time my wife and i are going to a nursing conference in flordia. Time to pop pmags.

05-29-12, 16:22
Miami witness describes horror of cannibalistic attack (http://news.yahoo.com/miami-witness-describes-horror-cannibalistic-attack-202739465.html)

Worst Acid Trip in History Blamed in Miami Face-Chewing Attack (http://news.yahoo.com/worst-acid-trip-history-blamed-miami-face-chewing-131126972.html;_ylt=AspcEse5WHxlPiXfqLAnN6fzWed_;_ylu=X3oDMTRvMzFwYjk3BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDTmV3cyBmb3IgeW91BHBrZwMwZGIxYWM4NS1iNDczLTNmYTUtOGYxYy1hMDQxNjgxZjRmMzYEcG9zAzMEc2VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDZmExOGVhZTAtYTk4Zi0xMWUxLWJiZGYtY2UxYWY2MWEzZDdj;_ylg=X3oDMTJwOWhvcWIzBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNjU1ZDAyYjMtMmQ4Zi0zOTA1LTg1YzgtMDc5MzAzODdhYmJjBHBzdGNhdANIZWFsdGgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3)


05-29-12, 22:26
Hopefully the bite victim is being kept in a maximum security ICU until they can determine if he's infected.


05-29-12, 23:23
So why were they naked?

05-30-12, 06:28
So why were they naked?

According to the articles in some of those links provided above, the super LSD/bath salt stuff increased the user's body temperature so high that during their hallucination they take off their clothes to cool off.

05-30-12, 09:07
So why were they naked?

There is a syndrome called "excited delirium" associated with (among other things) acute drug toxicity. Symptoms include hallucinations, bizarre and violent behavior, elevated pain threshold, increased strength, and hyperthermia (elevated body temperature).

Some individuals who have experienced this condition, which is still considered a controversial diagnosis, report they felt as though they were burning up from the inside out and stripped off their clothes in an effort to cool themselves.


05-30-12, 11:56
A guy in My High school had a bad trip and stripped down running through the streets saying he was on fire :p. he was never the same after that . the family put him in the Nut house and then Moved after he was released .

what i thought was crazy was the Guy that sold him the Hit of LSD bragged about it ."My shit is that good " and people stood in line to Buy it i was just 16 then But was Like wtf IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE :jester:

05-30-12, 13:10
A guy in My High school had a bad trip and stripped down running through the streets saying he was on fire :p. he was never the same after that . :

Heres another guy that was never the same after the invisible fire got him....


His traumatic experience


05-30-12, 14:58
I wish they would stop calling it 'bad' LSD and just call it LSD. That just makes kids think that they can take LSD without problems as long as they check the date code on it or something.

05-30-12, 15:44
Classic case of excited dilerium. Ive seen some dudes experiencing it that are just bat shit crazy. A doctor told me that some of these guys have an internal temp of around 105 degrees. Many times they end up dead from a heart attack.

Had one guy that was trying to kill himself so he was jumping into traffic. After being hit by a Chevy Tahoe going 35 mph and, according to witnesses, flying 10-15 yards through the air he then got into a fist fight with the driver for not killing him.

I have seen a guy at jail snap the chain on his handcuffs.

Also had one recently that stripped down and was running down the street. He then dove head first through a glass window. He landed in bed with a local tranny who freaked out and beat him to death with a clothes iron.

05-30-12, 15:51
Classic case of excited dilerium. Ive seen some dudes experiencing it that are just bat shit crazy. A doctor told me that some of these guys have an internal temp of around 105 degrees. Many times they end up dead from a heart attack.

Had one guy that was trying to kill himself so he was jumping into traffic. After being hit by a Chevy Tahoe going 35 mph and, according to witnesses, flying 10-15 yards through the air he then got into a fist fight with the driver for not killing him.

I have seen a guy at jail snap the chain on his handcuffs.

Also had one recently that stripped down and was running down the street. He then dove head first through a glass window. He landed in bed with a local tranny who freaked out and beat him to death with a clothes iron.

Its called a smoother. ;)

05-30-12, 15:56
As more information is released about this case it sounds like Ronald Poppo (the vic) was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He is homeless and lives under a bridge in the area. I saw some of the crime scene photos today and the vic had his shirt on but was nude from the waste down with his pants laying next to him. I would assume that Rudy Eugene (the crack head zombie) attacked Mr. Poppo at random and undressed him.

FUBAR for sure and another example why one should ALWAYS CCW.

05-30-12, 16:18
I think it just goes to show how far mental health care has slipped.

05-30-12, 16:52
I think it just goes to show how far mental health care has slipped.

Pending the toxicology report from the ME's office, all indicators are that Rudy Eugene had in jested LSD/bath salts prior to the assault. I fail to see how mental health care is supposed to prevent individuals from making the choice to in jest illegal narcotics.

That Miami LEO saved FL tax payers millions.

Doc Safari
05-30-12, 17:24
The thing to take away from this is that these types of attacks are on the increase, and are likely to remain on the increase.

Imagine if you and your family were coming out of a restaurant and the Hannibal Lechter imitator chose one of your loved ones as his victim.

We must all be more situationally aware than ever before.

05-30-12, 18:25
Pending the toxicology report from the ME's office, all indicators are that Rudy Eugene had in jested LSD/bath salts prior to the assault. I fail to see how mental health care is supposed to prevent individuals from making the choice to in jest illegal narcotics.

That Miami LEO saved FL tax payers millions.

Randy was ****ed up before whatever got into his system. Read what his family has said about him. This isn't to mitigate what he did. His exwife had said something to the effect that he always felt as if everyone was trying to "get him". That would be a red flag.

I'm not one to push social programs down everyone's throat. There was a big push in this country to deinstitute mentally ill people and put them back out in the community. Now you get face chewers.

I can't tell you day to day how many people I run into that shouldn't be on the street. Even the victim in this case, living under a bridge isn't a move of a rational person. I haven't meet anyone who was homeless just because they were down on their luck. It's a toxic combination of substance abuse and mental illness.

Don't think ol' boy just did some bath salts, lost his shit and started eating a guy. When you start stacking drugs on top of mental issues, things get screwed up fast.

05-30-12, 20:05
Randy was ****ed up before whatever got into his system. Read what his family has said about him. This isn't to mitigate what he did. His exwife had said something to the effect that he always felt as if everyone was trying to "get him". That would be a red flag.

This is a reoccrruing theme I see in these cases. At the end of the day I don't care what excuses his "family" cries to the media about. If he can't control himself in society then a chest full of hollow points sure as hell will.

I'm not one to push social programs down everyone's throat. There was a big push in this country to deinstitute mentally ill people and put them back out in the community. Now you get face chewers.

I'm not for government involement either, and I sure don't want more taxes for governement handouts.

I can't tell you day to day how many people I run into that shouldn't be on the street. Even the victim in this case, living under a bridge isn't a move of a rational person. I haven't meet anyone who was homeless just because they were down on their luck. It's a toxic combination of substance abuse and mental illness.

Reagan said it best,"You can't help those who simply will not be helped. One problem that we've had, even in the best of times, is people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice." - Ronald Reagan, 31 January 1984, on Good Morning America

05-30-12, 20:12
This is a reoccrruing theme I see in these cases. At the end of the day I don't care what excuses his "family" cries to the media about. If he can't control himself in society then a chest full of hollow points sure as hell will.

I'm not for government involement either, and I sure don't want more taxes for governement handouts.

Reagan said it best,"You can't help those who simply will not be helped. One problem that we've had, even in the best of times, is people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice." - Ronald Reagan, 31 January 1984, on Good Morning America

I don't think his family was making excuses for him, I think they were softly trying to say he was ****ed up in the head.

I agree with Reagan, but you're going to pay for it one way or another. Be it in prisons or mental institutions. Or when you call 911 and the police and medical services are all being ate up by the regulars.

05-30-12, 20:23
I agree with Reagan, but you're going to pay for it one way or another. Be it in prisons or mental institutions. Or when you call 911 and the police and medical services are all being ate up by the regulars.

This particular case (good ending) the LEO put the zombie down and saved millions in clothing/feeding/housing/and better health care than most of our seniors could ever hope to receive. To bad this isn't ALWAYS the case.

05-30-12, 22:35
Heres another guy that was never the same after the invisible fire got him....


His traumatic experience


:jester::jester::jester: Thank you i needed a good laugh I have only seen bits and pieces of that Movie but I did see that part .

I didn't know that your internal temp would go up. I would think that is why Dude was never right in the head ,I bet it boiled his brain .
I have heard of people losing their hearing at High temps at young ages .
it just make you think what in the hell and why in the hell would you take something like that ? the New Fad here is that Fake pot that is basically air freshener .what happen just just sneaking one of dads beers .
I had to try and explain this to My 11 year old daughter .Lucky for me she has a good head on her shoulders and wants nothing to do with crap like that .well a father can Hope peer pressure won't get the best of her :secret:

05-30-12, 23:31
This particular case (good ending) the LEO put the zombie down and saved millions in clothing/feeding/housing/and better health care than most of our seniors could ever hope to receive. To bad this isn't ALWAYS the case.

I think a better ending would be not to have a guy's face chewed on.

The citizens of Flordia are going to be footing the victim's medical bills for years. I don't know the guy, but his is one set of shoes I sure wouldn't want to walk in...I see guys work for 6 months to recover from shoulder surgery. Imagine the recovery from having most of your face eaten off, not to mention probably a detox on top of it.

06-02-12, 23:45
I won't post them here, but there are pictures now released of the victim's face at the hospital. It's graphic, but if you want to see it, Google image search: Ronald Poppo face and turn the "Safesearch" content filtering off. This guy did a number on him.

06-03-12, 01:04
I really wish I didn't go and see that. Graphic is a serious understatement. It gave me the same adrenalin dump and nauseous feeing that the beheading videos gave me. Screw morbid curiosity

06-04-12, 01:46
I saw the pic a few days ago, and wished I hadn't. It's amazing the guy's still alive. There is literally no flesh left above the mouth.

06-04-12, 04:03
If y'all thought that was bad, then don't Google or Best Gore the crack head who scraped his own face off with a piece of broken mirror after he in jested angel dust. :eek:

Look like some creation out of Fangoria. . .

06-04-12, 05:56
I don't understand the psychology behind why sites like best gore are popular or even exist. It's perverse and grotesque. Not saying I would ban it, just saying I don't understand why there's a market for it.

06-04-12, 08:51
I don't understand the psychology behind why sites like best gore are popular or even exist. It's perverse and grotesque. Not saying I would ban it, just saying I don't understand why there's a market for it.

Natural human curiosity. We like to see just how animalistic our race can be without actually doing the act. Safe human beings are drawn to gore because its an aspect of life that they may never experience, so of course curiosity will abound.

06-21-12, 16:57
I heard today that he was on some form of psychotropic meds! No other info provided.