View Full Version : "demise of guys"

05-29-12, 18:45
I guess some of you guys need to be careful...


Are video games & porn 'the demise of guys'?



05-29-12, 18:54
I thought is started with saving a child's self esteem 20+ years ago, now we have a generation of cry baby ass, entitled men. ...:confused:

05-29-12, 19:02
Hah! It's a much deeper rooted subject than merely video games and pornography.

Polictal correctness, dumbing down of our educational system, et al. The engines of social change take hold.

05-29-12, 19:54
Video games and porn are scapegoats. A convenient PC-ish excuse to target some of the only areas left that are typically dominated by males.

It's no different than past years where sports gatherings, fighting, smoking clubs, or other typically male-dominated activities were demonized.

05-29-12, 20:12
Is it sad that my first reaction upon seeing the photo for the article was, "really? A 15 yr. old console and they can't even get the kids to hold the controller properly? "

That being said, I'd really like to see the return of smoking clubs and fight clubs. I'd spend a lot more time out of the house.

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05-29-12, 22:22
I think the total pacification of men and society in general to blame. We're this generation and the 1.5 generations before it have been babied and pandered to and feel entitled to everything.

They don't know a hard day's work because nobody's allowed to put in a hard day's work until they're 16 or 18 years old. They don't understand what it is to earn something. They don't understand the value of personal property, because they don't have to fight for anything. They're taught violence is below civilized people, and that "violence is never the answer" I learned early on that dealing out a good ass-kicking was the ideal solution to a whole array of problems I came to face in my earlier years.
In high school, a kid pulled a knife on me while I was getting in my IH Scout II (damn I miss that truck...off topic, I digress) and under the seat lay an axe handle. A few swings later, the aggressor's squealing like a stuck pig on account of his now-broken hand and me taking his legs out from under him with a well-aimed swipe to the knee.

He never harassed me again. He turned into an alright guy after that, no charges pressed on either side, no action from administration (it was "questionable whether it occurred on school property" so they said it wasn't their jurisdiction), and everyone learned a valuable lesson in the process.

If my son did this today he'd be in cuffs getting a psych analysis before he could drop the axe handle.

05-29-12, 23:07
Want me to stop playing games and watching porn? Lose 50 pounds, serve me a good meal, give me oral sex and halfway pretend you give a shit about what I find interesting. So long as you continue giving me feminist, psychobabble bullshit about how I don't cater to YOUR needs, I'll continue checking out thank you very much! :D

05-29-12, 23:46
A little less video games filled with more outdoor activities would be a good thing. I havent owned a game console since the og gameboy and dont really miss them.

There was a good article in mens health about the whole culture of womens television with shit shows like the view and lifetime. Why are all lifetime shows about abused women? If someone isnt getting raped or beaten, its not Lifetime material.


05-29-12, 23:46
I dunno glocktogo, relationships are about give at least as much as take. If all you're looking for is me me me, it's not surprising some men never graduate to the maturity of manhood and stick with self-serve childish entertainment like videogames and porn.

05-30-12, 00:14
It seems women have a whole culture of self improvement, while the majority of men are content with cruising the couch with a fizzy,light colored piss beer and watching up to 7 hours of pre/post race/game commentary during which non-former-players with sports marketing degrees ramble on about minute facts even a actuary couldnt care about. Mean while women are learning about how to do everything, better.

Keep in mind you,being on this forum, you prob dont count,because you interested in this whole military centric industry of training to improve skill sets. Most men however, are complelely content with sitting,without a thought in thier heads,for 7 hours every sunday. You might think anyone attacking this male institution is part of the very movement we are discussing, but infact, the militant feminazis love you sitting there, doing nothing without a thought in your head. Look at TV shows like King of Queens, or whatever it is. There are others like it, the man,who is almost always fat, is portrayed as a bumbling idiot,and his saving grace in life is a rather foxy,smart, competent in everyway wife who wears the pants and the jacket.

Dont be this

05-30-12, 01:15
Want me to stop playing games and watching porn? Lose 50 pounds, serve me a good meal, give me oral sex and halfway pretend you give a shit about what I find interesting. So long as you continue giving me feminist, psychobabble bullshit about how I don't cater to YOUR needs, I'll continue checking out thank you very much! :D

I dunno glocktogo, relationships are about give at least as much as take. If all you're looking for is me me me, it's not surprising some men never graduate to the maturity of manhood and stick with self-serve childish entertainment like videogames and porn.

I think GTG is onto something. Modern women have been sold the line of modern liberal feminism that says that you don't need a man and they are inferior anyway. Women have lost the ability to get men to do anything. Women used to force men to stand up and achieve things, now women just look down on men and it is reinforced in modern media with the likes of the sitcoms above. Honor and distinction comes from taking a stand and that is incompatible with the metro-sexual, non-partisan/swing-voter, totally PC 'ideal' that gets touted as what a man 'should be'.

My grandfather expected a hot breakfast and dinner everyday and my grandmother expected grandpa to provide for that by whatever means- which sometimes meant two full time jobs. It wasn't that my grandmother was a push-over, she earned her pilots license back in the early 60s deep, down in the south. Good women expect their men to be great, and men expect their women to be worth it- both bringing out the best in each other. I just don't see that anymore. Hell, not being a drunk, gambling, filanderer gets you high marks nowadays.

He can be an ass, but sometimes you just have to bring out your inner Sean Connery.

05-30-12, 01:17
I dunno glocktogo, relationships are about give at least as much as take. If all you're looking for is me me me, it's not surprising some men never graduate to the maturity of manhood and stick with self-serve childish entertainment like videogames and porn.


In all seriousness, it SHOULD be a two way street. Don't sit on your fat, lazy ass and expect someone to bring you shit to make you happy, regardless of which sex you happen to be. Go out of your way to make things happen for the better. If you're doing it and your partner isn't, you're an enabler in a co-dependent relationship (people hate it when I point this out).

Video games and porn are perfectly fine, in moderation. Four hours of video games followed by 15 minutes of porn and asleep soon after, isn't moderation.

05-30-12, 01:34
Men won't do much of anything above the subsistence level if they can't get a woman that will tickle their fancy.

05-30-12, 07:24
What about the demise of women? bitch is never in the kitchen and wont do what I say.

05-30-12, 08:23
I dunno.. Leah is pretty good looking.. Just saying.. 8)Ron

Pork Chop
05-30-12, 08:35
I think GTG is onto something. Modern women have been sold the line of modern liberal feminism that says that you don't need a man and they are inferior anyway. Women have lost the ability to get men to do anything. Women used to force men to stand up and achieve things, now women just look down on men and it is reinforced in modern media with the likes of the sitcoms above. Honor and distinction comes from taking a stand and that is incompatible with the metro-sexual, non-partisan/swing-voter, totally PC 'ideal' that gets touted as what a man 'should be'.

My grandfather expected a hot breakfast and dinner everyday and my grandmother expected grandpa to provide for that by whatever means- which sometimes meant two full time jobs. It wasn't that my grandmother was a push-over, she earned her pilots license back in the early 60s deep, down in the south. Good women expect their men to be great, and men expect their women to be worth it- both bringing out the best in each other. I just don't see that anymore. Hell, not being a drunk, gambling, filanderer gets you high marks nowadays.

He can be an ass, but sometimes you just have to bring out your inner Sean Connery.

We deal with this shit all the time.

My wife & I have a very traditional 1950's family. I work (alot) and she stays home and raises our kids. Not so strange, right? wrong.

You can't believe the bullshit my wife gets from other women about this. Shit like, "I really admire you for trying the stay at home mom thing, but I just need to accomplish more than that" or "It's really quaint that you guys are so Leave it to beaver".

WTF? I don't hear stupid shit like that from other guys. At what point did being a mother to your kids become "quaint"? Maybe that's why their kids are all little bratty assholes.

It seems our society has not only lost the sense of what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, but it looks down its nose at those who still hang on to it.

05-30-12, 08:37
Found the article I read a while ago. This guy nails the whole movement right now.


05-30-12, 10:20
Discomfort, pain, uncertainty, hunger, exhaustion, and loss, tempered by will and conviction, supported by both failure and success is the foundation of character.

Given that pitifully few male children are exposed to any of those, except for artificial success, it's little surprise that they become nothing more then mewling whelps with anger management problems.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

05-30-12, 12:22
We deal with this shit all the time.

My wife & I have a very traditional 1950's family. I work (alot) and she stays home and raises our kids. Not so strange, right? wrong.

You can't believe the bullshit my wife gets from other women about this. Shit like, "I really admire you for trying the stay at home mom thing, but I just need to accomplish more than that" or "It's really quaint that you guys are so Leave it to beaver".

WTF? I don't hear stupid shit like that from other guys. At what point did being a mother to your kids become "quaint"? Maybe that's why their kids are all little bratty assholes.

It seems our society has not only lost the sense of what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, but it looks down its nose at those who still hang on to it.

Out of curiosity, how many of those career women are divorced that you know of if they've ever married? If so, I wonder if they even realize that could be why their kids act like brats? I'm not bashing divorcees or women working, just the intentional dismantling and degradation of family.

In all seriousness, it SHOULD be a two way street. Don't sit on your fat, lazy ass and expect someone to bring you shit to make you happy, regardless of which sex you happen to be. Go out of your way to make things happen for the better. If you're doing it and your partner isn't, you're an enabler in a co-dependent relationship (people hate it when I point this out).

Video games and porn are perfectly fine, in moderation. Four hours of video games followed by 15 minutes of porn and asleep soon after, isn't moderation.

Discomfort, pain, uncertainty, hunger, exhaustion, and loss, tempered by will and conviction, supported by both failure and success is the foundation of character.

Given that pitifully few male children are exposed to any of those, except for artificial success, it's little surprise that they become nothing more then mewling whelps with anger management problems.

I'm not saying my upbringing was perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I started working 40hr/week summers when I was 14 years old (I'm 34 now) for $2 an hour. The kids I went to school with laughed at me because we had home grown vegetables for dinner instead of pizza and burgers. We weren't glued to the TV and had the occasionally meaningful conversation. lol

The made for TV 7 day marriage reality shows and Desperate Housewives make it the norm for too many people. Not to mention the fu-fu and emasculated men the women carry around. To hear them tell it these men are the strong ones because they aren't afraid to get in touch with their feminine side. I'm a GUY -- I don't have a feminine side! That's like me asking my wife to act more butch. :sarcastic:

TV has been around for decades but you haven't seen it causing a 'demise of guys' until the couch potato generation. Video games, computers, internet, and cell phones are just scapegoats they can't blast PSAs across. That entails too much freedom and not enough regulation.
Kids aren't made to read books enough and use their imaginations because that's so old school now that they can "read," I mean **** around, on their laptops and tablets. Becoming an instant/continuous gratification junkie and not being forced to stop having fun and bust your ass at least once a week is the only thing to blame. Then you appreciate what you have.

05-30-12, 12:51
I guess some of you guys need to be careful...


Are video games & porn 'the demise of guys'?



Usual stuff: blaming outside forces for lack of personal responsibility that usually follows poor parenting and the cycle starts over. I don't play vid games because I don't have the time or interest, and I don't watch porn because I find it boring and generally does nothing for me. I do enjoy watching TV (what was blamed for all of societies ills prior to the 'net...) to relax a 1-3 hours, and blame no one but myself what what I watch and the possible impact it has on me, and so forth.

No one is helpless before vid games, porn, TV, etc. and a dose of actual parenting with kids tends to equip them much better as adults to know some self control and personal responsibility for their actions.

Did I often want to lie around on a Sat and watch TV all day as a kid? Yes, and my mother would throw me out of the house with my sake board and tell me to be back by dinner.

My niece and nephew are great kids. Why? Good Parenting.

05-30-12, 13:31
What about the demise of women? bitch is never in the kitchen and wont do what I say.

See http://dalrock.wordpress.com/

05-30-12, 14:05
I thought is started with saving a child's self esteem 20+ years ago, now we have a generation of cry baby ass, entitled men. ...:confused:


Porn and video games today; TV last generation; Rock and Roll before that. These are nothing more than excuses to turn our eyes away for the root cause of people issues. Aside from the small set of kids who actual have psychological problems, kids in general are a product of their parents. Asshole parents beget asshole children. Pointing the finger at some outside source of the problem is just another way of saying this isn't my fault. It's not my fault that my kid plays hours of video games. Well, dipshit who bought him the console or who allows him to do so. Yet another crutch for the "it's not my fault" generation.

"Scientist" who write assenine crap like this are IMO worse that the useful idiot sperm and egg donors we call parents today. They spout off idiotic theories and give people reason to believe that it really isn't their fault.

05-30-12, 15:23
Video games and porn are scapegoats. A convenient PC-ish excuse to target some of the only areas left that are typically dominated by males.

It's no different than past years where sports gatherings, fighting, smoking clubs, or other typically male-dominated activities were demonized.

Yep. If porn and video games really caused this kind of thing there would only be 184 people left on the planet.

Every serial killer and murders has the following things in common:

Breathes oxygen
Eats food
Generally wears clothes
Often drives a car
Usually has a job
Can be very intelligent
Some like the BTK can be heavily involved in the church
Often enjoys sex

So if you know anyone like that, you might want to alert the local authorities.

05-30-12, 15:25
Growing up in the 80's I was all about video games. I started out with an Atari 2600 and a TI 99/4A that I played games on. Then came the NES and Sega. The last console I bought was the first X-Box. While I enjoy the hell out of shooters I don't allow myself to buy the newest systems and games because I know that I can waste 8hrs in front of a TV in a blink of an eye.

Instead I focus on more important things.

05-30-12, 15:26
Asshole parents beget asshole children.

And that right there is usually the problem 99% of the time.

05-30-12, 17:47
What about the demise of women? bitch is never in the kitchen and wont do what I say.

Oh shit...!:p

It seems women have a whole culture of self improvement, while the majority of men are content with cruising the couch with a fizzy,light colored piss beer and watching up to 7 hours of pre/post race/game commentary during which non-former-players with sports marketing degrees ramble on about minute facts even a actuary couldnt care about. Mean while women are learning about how to do everything, better.

Keep in mind you,being on this forum, you prob dont count,because you interested in this whole military centric industry of training to improve skill sets. Most men however, are complelely content with sitting,without a thought in thier heads,for 7 hours every sunday. You might think anyone attacking this male institution is part of the very movement we are discussing, but infact, the militant feminazis love you sitting there, doing nothing without a thought in your head. Look at TV shows like King of Queens, or whatever it is. There are others like it, the man,who is almost always fat, is portrayed as a bumbling idiot,and his saving grace in life is a rather foxy,smart, competent in everyway wife who wears the pants and the jacket.

Dont be this

Sorry bro, but Leah Remini gets a pass...;)

05-30-12, 18:02
Oh shit...!:p

Sorry bro, but Leah Remini gets a pass...;)

She got about as big as K.J. for a while but when she was thinner yep I'd hit that. lol

05-30-12, 21:05

05-30-12, 21:50
Oh shit...!:p

Sorry bro, but Leah Remini gets a pass...;)

She's hot and I'd throw her a bone, but she's a Scientology freak, so clinically speaking, she's batshit crazy. :D

05-31-12, 00:07
See http://dalrock.wordpress.com/

"Red Pill Room" is also a good, well-written and well thought out blog.

05-31-12, 13:16
She's hot and I'd throw her a bone, but she's a Scientology freak,

Seriously? WTF is wrong with those people? It boggles the mind perfectly intelligent people could be that gullible (read stupid). Ugh.

A really bad sci fi writers tells the world he's going to create a religion, and does it, and actually gets people to both do it and give a ton of their $$$ to it. I repeat, WTF?! :help:

05-31-12, 13:21
I don't want her for her mind.. LOL... Ron

Pork Chop
05-31-12, 14:08
Seriously? WTF is wrong with those people? It boggles the mind perfectly intelligent people could be that gullible (read stupid). Ugh.

A really bad sci fi writers tells the world he's going to create a religion, and does it, and actually gets people to both do it and give a ton of their $$$ to it. I repeat, WTF?! :help:

That makes him a damn genius doesn't it?

I agree though, wtf? Only thing I can come up with is it's the "look at me" syndrome that much of Hollywood suffers from. The need to be sooooo different that you surpass weird and become cool or eccentric.

ETA: For the record, I think she's smokin hot, I just never would admit it until I saw everyone else do it.:p

05-31-12, 14:22
Rarely do I involve myself in pop culture endeavors but a quick wiki on her and I found this.


"Sharon thought me and Holly were too 'Ghetto'." and her eloquent tweet "Haters Gon' Hate" :lol:

She strikes me as the Jersey Shore psychotic type that would go apeshit on your ass if you hit it and quit it. No thank you.

Not to veer too much further off topic but her wiki lead me to this article about a Hollywood museum Psychiatry: An Industry of Death which her and some other Hollywood actors/actresses promoted.


And to my chagrin were listed two other fetching Hollywood ladies:


I guess it's in the water :sarcastic:

I'll stick with this doll http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004990/

She's also a Republican :D

05-31-12, 16:03
That makes him a damn genius doesn't it?

I agree though, wtf? Only thing I can come up with is it's the "look at me" syndrome that much of Hollywood suffers from. The need to be sooooo different that you surpass weird and become cool or eccentric.

ETA: For the record, I think she's smokin hot, I just never would admit it until I saw everyone else do it.:p

No different than all the Hollyweird types flocking to Anton Lavey satanism in the early 70s which was nothing more than a church dedicated to the "non belief" in religion with rituals designed to mock christianity.

I can understand not believing in christianity but an entire religion dedicated to it makes as much sense as a church dedicated to non belief in the easter bunny.

06-01-12, 15:51
The root cause is the increase of taxes and mandatory outputs from your budget.

While there are a lot more females in the work place today than 50 years ago you always have to ask why? Well 50 years ago a family of 4 had more disposable income than they do today. Look at how much property taxes and nickle and dime taxes have gone up. 50 years ago people didn't have to pay 200 a month for cell phones, 50 a month for internet, 100 a month for cable. Most people got by with a single vehicle. Now the wife needs a car (and insurance on the 2nd veh, registration fees, maint ect) because she has to work. Most people didn't have AC back then.

When you add up all the extra cost of our modern lives, and then the cost of the 2nd vehicle + work costs Id say in many cases you're basically spinning your wheels. But its up to each person if they can live without those modern goods and make do with one car.

You also have to think about jobs our (for us younger people anyways) parents had. A lot of the times you got a pension and you stayed in the same job with the same employer your whole life. Now there is a lot more moving around and most people go through several (professional level) jobs. Retirement is up to you. Might get 401k matching but the company provided retirement after 20 or 30 is gone. To get a job you might have to move across the country every 5 years. Out of all our friends here only one couple is native to the area. We have friends from PA, n. texas, houston, and myself I grew up in SoCal.

When you get back to the loss of "men" in society its because you take away that breadwinner status, add in the moving every few years thing, and I think its kinda takes away the pride males have in their house, their job, ect. We have also transformed from a production based society to service based society. How many people have jobs instead of making something everyday they go to "service" another business, ect? Look at all the IT folks. They are not making anything. They are servicing the client or other group within the company.

06-01-12, 16:07
I dunno glocktogo, relationships are about give at least as much as take. If all you're looking for is me me me, it's not surprising some men never graduate to the maturity of manhood and stick with self-serve childish entertainment like videogames and porn.

It cuts both ways.

Many women have become infected with the princess syndrome. No exercise, no cooking, no ambitions, etc..

Who needs to do anything when you are a self-entitled diva with caked on make up? Just get some dumb bastard to keep you alive!

06-01-12, 16:36
It cuts both ways.

Many women have become infected with the princess syndrome. No exercise, no cooking, no ambitions, etc..

Who needs to do anything when you are a self-entitled diva with caked on make up? Just get some dumb bastard to keep you alive!

There has always been that but its a lot more prevalent now.

It was acceptable when women stayed home and actually still "worked" all day. The dude came home to a clean house, laundry done and folded, there was not the obesity problems we have now. Lots of overweight women at home who throw some meal in a box slop on the table, and the dude comes home to toys all over the place from the kids, messy in general, and an overweight wife who has 5 year old "baby weight".

Not all women mind you. You just can't expect to get married and have a wife who knows how to take care of a house without being very choosy.

06-07-12, 00:39
more on this

interview with the authors of "Demise of Guys"


The porn effect on young men: A Q&A with the authors of 'The Demise of Guys' - Los Angeles Times



06-07-12, 11:29
Although the topic of this thread topic has some merit, the root cause, which some of us have touched on, has not been addressed by the author of this study/opinion, which is way off base. The issue with girly, feminized, metro sexual men, runs much much deeper. These articles address the real issues of the true demise and the typical "urban" male that we so often come across. This subject and these references, has been brought up by more than a few of the women I've dated in the past. Their common thread was that they won't date a guy without a military background.





THE SYSTEMATIC EMASCULATION OF MEN http://www.newswithviews.com/Levant/nancy82.htm

Are Women Feminizing Men? http://www.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_100/142b_dating_advice.html

06-07-12, 12:27
This is why I'm now glad my parents were older and old school.

Thank god they raised me right.

06-07-12, 12:41
So anybody read Ed Rendell's new book "A Nation of Wusses: How America's Leaders Lost the Guts to Make Us Great"?


I'm intrigued by any book that gets a positive jacket blurb from both Sean Hannity and Bill Clinton.

06-07-12, 13:02
It is interesting how you hear women say they want a more manly man and then when they get them they want to change them to be more feminine. I am not saying that guys cannot enjoy wine or a art gallery but ask me if I like it and I say no that you get all offended because I do not like the same things you do. I know a lot of women who lie to other women to keep them friends. My ex wife was like this and moving to the DC area it got worse with all the company dinners I had to attend with her and she would expect me to like eveything.

I hated the one time I had to go to her bosses house and they are vegitarians. When I found that out I had a meatlovers pizza delivered and ate it with another guy that brought a 12 pack of Coors out in the Drive way while talking about our tours in Iraq.

Oh and a $30 bottle of wine that tastes bad still tastes bad.

06-07-12, 13:44
more on this

interview with the authors of "Demise of Guys"


The porn effect on young men: A Q&A with the authors of 'The Demise of Guys' - Los Angeles Times



What a bunch of nonsense.

So her basic premise is men spend too much time watching porn and playing video games so they lack the ability to relate to females and in the bedroom attempt to recreate their porn fantasies?

Really? That's the indictment.

How about this. Women spend too much ****ing time watching Sex in the City, Housewives of Whatever ****ing County and soap operas and as a result are no longer to relate to real men in any meaningful way and to make matters worse they attempt to emulate all that "tv drama" in their relationships with men thus destroying those relationships.

See how easy it is to just bitch and not accept any responsibility for anything? Instead of realizing relationships are work and some people just aren't compatible we blame it on anyone else but us.

It was porn, it was Sex in the City, it was video games, it was World of Warcraft, it was Beavis & Butthead, it was Oprah, it was Playboy, it was Cosmopolitan.

The real issue is people are ****ing lazy and don't take the time to find and develop a relationship with the right person for them. Instead they go to a bar and buy someone a beer or spend 10 minute building a profile on match.com and then actually expect to find the person of their dreams.

06-07-12, 16:57
How about this. Women spend too much ****ing time watching Sex in the City, Housewives of Whatever ****ing County and soap operas and as a result are no longer to relate to real men in any meaningful way and to make matters worse they attempt to emulate all that "tv drama" in their relationships with men thus destroying those relationships.

See how easy it is to just bitch and not accept any responsibility for anything? Instead of realizing relationships are work and some people just aren't compatible we blame it on anyone else but us.

When Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook was made into a movie my EX-wife made a comment to me after she went and saw it with her mother, grand-mother, aunt, and sister. She said, “I want to be loved like that” implying that my love for her was somehow inadequate. So I rebutted by simply explaining to her that I would like to be loved in the same manner in which a certain scene from a particular pornographic film was choreographed.

That shut her up.

06-07-12, 22:13
I say we put man law in to effect right now! :big_boss:

Anyway my theory is mainstream media; everything from news, music, tv, movies etc.. has corrupted the majority of the peoples minds into lazy consuming zombies who take no responsibility for anything and expect hand outs as well as crush any ambitions. Just look at the tv shows with the highest ratings, the "musicians" who sell the most.. Pick up a snickers vs. a banana, drive thru mcdonalds vs. bring a deli sandwhich and fruit for lunch, jersey shore vs. a hour pting, 16 and pregnant vs. teaching your kids wrong and right, buying your kid an xbox vs. kicking their ass outside and telling them to go play, timeout vs. a good ass whooping or 20 push-ups, an allowance vs. money earned, **** this list goes on and on.

When I was a kid we boxed in our yards, nowadays it's the higher kill death whatever on call of duty. We had respect for girls now it is knock'em up and forget responsibility as a father. Shit I am only 23 and it is sad to see how drastically it has changed. It is all bitch bitch, give me give me.