View Full Version : Black Rat snake in my shop!

05-31-12, 09:09
So I am at my shop and my cell rings. I step outside to get a better signal. Standing in front of my shop, I turn to look up driveway. What do I see coming towards me (FAST)? A four foot black rat snake! Hmm that is odd as I continue with my conversation.


He is heading right at me (like he doesn't see me or just doesn't care). So he gets to within 3-5 feet of me and I started to stomp my feet to create some vibration in an attempt to get him to go a different way. He stops and coils up for a minute.


Ok, he realizes that I am here and doesn't want to get any closer right? Nope, doesn't give a chit and heads right between my legs! I (still on the phone) step aside and let him go past.


Hmm, I wonder where is going?? Straight to the garage door at my shop. What is he looking to do there (door is closed)??? Find a corner to crawl through so he can go inside!!! SUM BITCH!!!

So I get off the phone and open the door. Where did he go??? Time to play hide N seek with a snake. After about 5 minutes of searching, I find him in a corner behind some boxes (coiled up and looking for action). Now how do I get him out when I really cannot reach him??

Went and got a 5lbs bucket and a stick. Got under his body with the stick and pulled him up so I could grab him and put him in the bucket. Cool, so half of him is in the bucket and the half doesn't want to go into the bucket. :cray:

After a couple minutes of this fun, I get all of him into the bucket and put a cover over it. Off to the field with you, but first my 6yr old (the one that likes to touch everything) asks if he can see it. Well sure you can son. So I take the cover off the bucket and what does my son try to do? Touch it! Sticks his hand right down into the bucket. :blink:

While holding the child away from the snake, I let him out of the bucket and away from the child that would have "loved him and squeezed him and called him George."


05-31-12, 09:15

Lot of farm land out by you?

05-31-12, 09:18

Lot of farm land out by you?

Yes, tons.


Heavy Metal
05-31-12, 09:19
A co-worker of mine made a pet out of a black rat. They can bite but their teeth are tiny. Gloves and a long sleeve shirt should suffice.

The biggest danger is being musked by one.

I have a pic somewhere of another co-worker who picked one up while we were hiking and he draped it around his neck and did an Alice Cooper inpersonation.

05-31-12, 09:24
The biggest danger is being musked by one.

This happened to me every stinking time I caught a snake as a kid.

05-31-12, 09:26
A co-worker of mine made a pet out of a black rat. They can bite but their teeth are tiny. Gloves and a long sleeve shirt should suffice.

The biggest danger is being musked by one.

I have a pic somewhere of another co-worker who picked one up while we were hiking and he draped it around his neck and did an Alice Cooper inpersonation.

I hear that they are "friendly." This one certainly was. Had ZERO fear of me and if I laid down in front of him, he would have just crawled over me.


05-31-12, 10:26
What was it running from? Or slithering from?

05-31-12, 10:44
The biggest danger is being musked by one.

You ain't lying.

05-31-12, 10:52
Good on you for letting him be.

05-31-12, 11:02
What was it running from? Or slithering from?

Nothing. Just wanted into my shop in the WORST WAY.


05-31-12, 11:03
Good on you for letting him be.

I am snake friendly (just as long as they are not IN my home or shop).


05-31-12, 11:15
Nothing. Just wanted into my shop in the WORST WAY.


He really needed some gunsmithing done? :jester:

05-31-12, 11:50
Gah I hate snakes

05-31-12, 12:36
that was the Bushmaster snake come to see what real rifles look like :D.
about A month ago i was cutting some trees down and stepped on One of these Boogers He popped me Just above my Boot Hurt Like hell But i couldn't Kill him I stepped on the poor fellow . he just took off in to the woods

Mauser KAR98K
05-31-12, 12:56
I picked one up, (same color and length as posted) to save my neighbors from it...or vise verse. I was going to do the stick and head grab, but I looked at him, got my nose very close (he was attempting to scale a tree) and I just threw the stick behind me and picked him up. He didn't bite, didn't musk. He just looked at me and slithered around in my arms like it was no big deal.

I my neighbors wife and daughter in law asked if what I was going to do with it, and I told them I'd keep it for a few days then release him. They looked shocked. Not because I was going to keep him, but I was going to release him!

"Well, yeah, he's just a black rat snake."

"But he's a snake!!!"

Well, said neighbor has been having problems with black birds nesting up in his attic. Knowing this I'd said to his wife: "You want your black bird problem to go away?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I can release 'em up in your attic and you won't have a black bird problem anymore...just a giant snake in the end. Do put water out for him, though."


Two days later and two mice, I let him go.

EDIT: after some research, it looks to be a grey rat snake.

Do you know this snake?


05-31-12, 15:36
that was the Bushmaster snake come to see what real rifles look like :D


05-31-12, 19:07
Didn't you find a snake coiled around the scope on a display rifle sunning itself, on your counter a few years back?


05-31-12, 19:31
On my parents land I always pack a wheel gun (usually a S&W) loaded with rat shot. There are copper heads and cotton mouths mostly. This summer is going to be bad, with the pathetic excuse of last winter most vermine have doubled their numbers.

3 AE
05-31-12, 19:38
Grant, You could have shipped the rat snake out to forum member "orkan" out in South Dakota. He could use another stealth weapon in his "target rich environment"! :D

05-31-12, 19:43
I put a photo upon FB the other day of one that was in the road near my parents place. Same thing. He just laid there a minute sunning himself before deciding to move on. Didn't seem to care that I was right there.

05-31-12, 20:04
Didn't you find a snake coiled around the scope on a display rifle sunning itself, on your counter a few years back?


Yes. Snakes like to be in my shop.


05-31-12, 23:13

While holding the child away from the snake, I let him out of the bucket and away from the child that would have "loved him and squeezed him and called him George."


You're showing your age with that cartoon. ;)

I'm glad the boys get a chance to see things like that. Kids have a natural curiosity about animals. It's great when they are not just pictures in a book at school.

06-01-12, 00:04
Do you know this snake?



06-01-12, 03:54
Nothing. Just wanted into my shop in the WORST WAY.


That makes two of us.:sarcastic:

Glad you didn't kill it.

06-01-12, 06:24
Orkan could use some force recon over at his place (http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=106198). Perhaps you should capture it and transfer it to his unit! :laugh:

06-01-12, 08:26
You're showing your age with that cartoon. ;)

I'm glad the boys get a chance to see things like that. Kids have a natural curiosity about animals. It's great when they are not just pictures in a book at school.

Yes I am showing my age. What a great cartoon that ways. I am glad that someone got it.

My kids are home schooled so they learn about stuff in the real world (not just in a book).


06-01-12, 09:16
Yes. Snakes like to be in my shop.


06-01-12, 09:32
Nice looking little fella! I love nonpoisonous snakes.

06-02-12, 03:12
Yes I am showing my age. What a great cartoon that ways. I am glad that someone got it.

My kids are home schooled so they learn about stuff in the real world (not just in a book).


The movie was even better

Robb Jensen
06-02-12, 05:49
Weird Grant you have the snakes. We're always finding spiders everywhere I our shop. From little tiny hopping spiders to some 3" ones that look like small tarantulas.

06-02-12, 18:33
For the uninitiated.


06-04-12, 07:51
When I was in the 3rd grade I brought one of them home that I stuffed into a kids plastsic tool box. We had company when I came home with it and I called for my mom to come to the door. I was in the carport and when she came to the door I pulled out the snake from the tool box. I head it by the head and it was touching the ground as I held it up. She started screaming and ran from the kitchen through the den down the hall and all the way to her bedroom. Needless to say the company saw this hysterical screaming lady come flying by and they all ran to the carport to see what the problem was. When they came piling out the door and saw me standing there with this big snake my dad and his buddy started laughing and the other wife screamed and ran inside to join my mother. I got a big kick out of it all but my dad had to get on me for scaring the women.

06-04-12, 20:49
And here we all thought there was no use for the Judge...