View Full Version : Pelosi thinks she knows the Constitution!

05-31-12, 17:24

When asked why she is so confident the Supreme Court will uphold the health care law, Pelosi says, "Because I know the Constitution."
Now that's rich.

05-31-12, 17:44
LMAO. Thats a good one. Maybe they should have asked her what the 2nd Ammendment says?

05-31-12, 18:19
Feeling better knowing that our country's fate is in her competent, conversant & capable hands.
I'll sleep better tonight no doubt.

05-31-12, 19:26
Hah! Thanks for the laugh Jay! :lol: :suicide:

05-31-12, 21:12
Pelosi DOES know the constitution. She probably knows it better than most of us do. She loves it, and serves it. But, here is the difference between her and us:

She believes the constitution is living, breathing document. It should be changed and adapted as society progresses. To her, it is beautiful, because it can fit her mindset, whatever that may be. Its the way most liberals and progressives view the constitution.

05-31-12, 21:23
Pelosi DOES know the constitution. She probably knows it better than most of us do. She loves it, and serves it. But, here is the difference between her and us:

She believes the constitution is living, breathing document. It should be changed and adapted as society progresses. To her, it is beautiful, because it can fit her mindset, whatever that may be. Its the way most liberals and progressives view the constitution.

It's much simpler than that: they see what it says not to do as a list of things to do.

05-31-12, 21:58
I'm sure she believes that, somebody like Tanya Dixon-Neely probably taught her all about the Constitution.

06-01-12, 01:02
I have no doubt that there are back channel communications between the liberal clerks and political operatives. I don't think Nancy would be making a statement like this, with that number, unless she knew something. The only thing that makes me not believe it is that she said 6-3, I might buy 5-4, but 6-3 outside of some small bit of it, seems to be a fantasy number.

I still worry that even though they will find part unconstitutional, that it is 'to big to fail' and will find a way to live on.

The other thing is that the mandate is the only thing keeping this thing anywhere near edible by the insurance companies. Let's say they find the mandate UC, but the rest stands. It will end private insurance as we know it.

I do hope she is wrong so we can string together all these videos- from the one where she chastises a reporter for even contemplating that the law could be UC, thru this, and the final decision.

The problem is, with that botched face lift, how we be able to tell if she is surprised?

06-01-12, 04:11
The problem is, with that botched face lift, how we be able to tell if she is surprised?

Her nipples will go erect as she tenses up in sudden flash of fight or flight.

Regardless of Pelosi-isms I'm just pleased that a wise latino woman is part of the decision process, because by God, without her there could never even be a decision what with the dull witted incompetence of the caucasian, negro and asian races.

Random note of interest:
Pay attention to necklaces.
The bigger the pearls, the bigger the bitch.
(seriously, keep track of different females in positions of authority for a little while)

06-01-12, 05:31
I'm just pleased that a wise latino woman is part of the decision process, because by God, without her there could never even be a decision what with the dull witted incompetence of the caucasian, negro and asian races.

You wanna unpack that remark for the rest of us?

06-01-12, 06:33
Sotomayor comment during her interview for a spot on the Supreme Court.
All but coming out and saying that she would make better judicial decisions than other candidates would simply because she was a female and latino.

Doesn't bode well for an impartial decision on UHC, and Pelosi knows it.

06-01-12, 09:15
Pelosi DOES know the constitution. She probably knows it better than most of us do. She loves it, and serves it. But, here is the difference between her and us:

She believes the constitution is living, breathing document. It should be changed and adapted as society progresses. To her, it is beautiful, because it can fit her mindset, whatever that may be. Its the way most liberals and progressives view the constitution.

Pelosi wouldn't know where her cooter was if it didn't leak every day. She damn sure doesn't know what the Constitution means. Hell, she thinks we're a democracy! :mad:

06-01-12, 12:57
Hell, she thinks we're a democracy! :mad:

Scary part is by the time they are done we might actually be a democracy. Then we'll really be ****ed.

06-01-12, 13:14
Scary part is by the time they are done we might actually be a democracy. Then we'll really be ****ed.


Republic all the way.

06-01-12, 15:36
Scary part is by the time they are done we might actually be a democracy. Then we'll really be ****ed.

While we are not quite a direct democracy where everyone votes on every bill we are not the same Republic founded over 200 years ago. Senators are elected by direct vote now...used to be they were voted in by the state legilatures to represent the states. The Fed Congress also figured out with income taxes they could be puppet masters to the states by withholding funding if the state didn't play ball.

Remember the Founder's founded our country as an experiment not as a math equation which there is only one answer. In a way the Constitution is a living document because they provided a method of changing it.

Where the liberals fall short is not in changing it but in interpreting it. The commerce clause has gone from meaning the Feds can provide laws for allowing free commerce across state lines to now arguing they can tell you which products and services to buy to someone who has never left the city they were born in. I think Federal powers were meant to be about issues across state lines. Then it was issues affecting commerce across state lines so your wheat field you sell to the local co op is Federally regulated...now they are telling you what products to buy.

As far as Pelosi I don't really think she believes what she says but liberals have to be experts at propaganda deliverers and constantly redefine things to fit their current message. Maybe she is insane enough to believe what she says but if you look at history its always about been redefining what the Constitution says...not about working within its limits or even changing it within its current allowances.

06-01-12, 17:22
She believes the constitution is living, breathing document. It should be changed and adapted as society progresses.

The Constitution is a living document that can and has been changed as our society progresses. It's called the amendment process and the first 10 changes to the original document were pretty nifty IMO.

The modern liberal view is that the amendment process is too slow and requires too much consensus, so instead of changing the document they merely want to interpret it. Essential they know their ideas are retarded and couldn't sell them if them to the country as a whole so they wish to circumvent the Constitution.

IMO no matter what the SC rules we are doomed. I will bet my left nut there is already a bill set to be approved that creates the same CF but using different words. Kind of like DC and Shitcago when it comes to guns.

06-01-12, 17:53
The Constitution is a living document that can and has been changed as our society progresses. It's called the amendment process and the first 10 changes to the original document were pretty nifty IMO.

I believe those 10 were part and parcel of the entire thing being ratified, no? As in, without those the Constitution wouldn't have been accepted.
Funny how some of those are the ones the left is most interested in removing.

06-01-12, 20:36
While we are not quite a direct democracy where everyone votes on every bill we are not the same Republic founded over 200 years ago.

I know that, I was referring to a pure democracy where the tards outnumber everyone 4:1.

06-01-12, 23:43
I believe those 10 were part and parcel of the entire thing being ratified, no? As in, without those the Constitution wouldn't have been accepted.
Funny how some of those are the ones the left is most interested in removing.

They came within close succession, but technically the BoR were amendments as intended by the framers. Main body passed and went into effect March 1789. BoR ratified by states and went into effect in Dec 1791.

Agree that it seems funny that those very nifty first updates are the ones that the libtards want so desperately to eliminate.

06-02-12, 06:35
Pelosi DOES know the constitution. She probably knows it better than most of us do. She loves it, and serves it. But, here is the difference between her and us:

She believes the constitution is living, breathing document. It should be changed and adapted as society progresses. To her, it is beautiful, because it can fit her mindset, whatever that may be. Its the way most liberals and progressives view the constitution.

Sorry to be the 5th person to quote you, but I don't believe this is the case with her. She is simpleton she appears to be.

As for Obama, yes. He understands the Constitution and dislikes it. To him the constraints on the Fed gov are an impediment to his vision of social justice.

He said so in an interview years ago. He believes it is a "charter of negative liberties" and he is correct. He hates this. He went on to say basically "it only tell us what the government can't do rather than what is should do". Actually it specifically details what the gov is allowed to do and only do.