View Full Version : Barely a month after my last experience, I pulled my firearm out...again.

06-02-12, 02:48
Reference thread: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=104014

I won't go into details about what happened previously, its all (as much as I want to put online) in the link.

So yet again, I am on the SAME STREET as the last incident and had to pull out my firearm. This time, I was in danger but it was entirely avoidable...

It was about 0215, that great time when everyone is hammered and people are getting rowdy. I try to leave before 0130, but the mating habits of the homosapian male sometimes change things.

I'm walking this group of girls to their car. I immediately see a situation across the street (they are dumb and blonde and don't know any better, so they decide to cross the street at that spot). Could I have risked looking like a pussy and said "Lets cross the street further down the road"? Yes. But I didn't.

I take them to their car, say goodbye, go walk to my car, and yet again I am faced with a choice. I am at an intersection. I can make an immediate right, staying on the sidewalk where the riff raff is (there is an "ethnic" night club at that corner) or I can cross the street, then turn right...then walk down the street, and jaywalk back across the street back to my car.

In my infinite wisdom I decided "Nah, no way it can happen to me. Too many people out here."...except all those people were not my color.

So I start walking, and then the commotion starts. "Yo, what up cracker?"; "Hey hey hey, check this white boy out over here"; "Hey fool, what you want?"

At first I played it off, very casually. I'm not awkward around "homies". I recognized one guy I even went to high school with. I retorted with very vague, non condescending stuff. Just tried to be real with them.

Then they started circling around me. At this point I'm stuck and I said, out loud, "God damnit". Not in a threatening way to anyone, more under my breath and directing it toward myself. As in, "I should have known this was going to happen." I was seriously so angry at myself. Honestly, I think a part of me wanted this to happen. I wanted to show these ****ers whats up. But at that moment all of that vanished. Monday morning QB me all you want - I recognize that I ****ed up at that very moment and I'm still so angry at myself for it.

Then some home boy with dreads tells me "God ain't gonna save you tonight...give me 'twenty dollas' so I can get my shirt drycleaned after I whoop yo ass"; "Yeah pussy ass cracka! Give him 20 dollars!"

There are no less than 10 homies surrounding me at this point. Girls in the background giggling saying "Aww shit he gonna get ****ed up". They're within 5 yards and I obviously don't know whats behind me. It was pretty intimidating.

So I went to "reach for money", except I pulled out my S&W 642. (side note: Last time I was IWB carrying a Glock 26, but it was awkward around females because they would hug me and feel it. This just slips in the front pocket and no one is any wiser. This is also important if I happen to slip into an "unauthorized" area (such as a bar) and I don't have to worry about accidentally showing it. Of course, I never do that because it is against the law . )

I don't really know if this is what I should have done, because I had no idea if any of them had guns. My first thought was just to get out of that circle and I wasn't about to do that by spinning around like tinkerbell waving my weapon in all directions. I aimed it directly at "home boy" and yelled "Get away from me." while quickly advancing in his direction. I was glad that the weapon came out very smoothly (of course this is because I spend time almost daily practicing this in different pairs of pants...and because I am now experienced at drawing handguns at people while downtown :angry: )

As soon as I pulled out the weapon, he ran. When I was out of the circle, I turned around ( making sure there was no one behind me before doing so) and checked that no one was about to blow me away. Of course, they had all scattered like the bunch of scum they are.

I then retreated into a nearby sidestreet and called 911. My only thought at that time was that I did not want someone sneaking up behind me or taking a shot at me from where I couldn't see them, which is why I stayed out of the busy and open main road. Good choice? I'm sure there will be plenty of you telling me how stupid it was, but there wasn't anywhere else to go.

Police showed up within a minute, and this time I was actually treated like a human being. They did hold my firearm while we talked and I had to fill out a statement this time, but I wasn't tackled or cuffed or thrown in a police car. They explained there's really no chance of them catching anyone, and that "really, no crime was really committed by either party". I asked them if I didn't break the law by pulling out my weapon, how did I legally do so? I wasn't going to push the issue though. The last thing I needed was some cop trying to arrest me for "brandishing" a firearm or some nonsense.

I'm done with going out this late, it simply isn't worth it. Was I even in a legal position to fire that weapon if I had to? I certainly felt like I was in danger. We've all seen the videos of places like Baltimore. But how would that have held up in the court of public opinion?

"White man guns down unarmed sweethearted black young adult trying to turn his life around because he asked him for $20."

This is absolutely ridiculous. After the first incident I was pretty shaken up. Now I'm just pissed as hell...

06-02-12, 03:07
I hope your days of chasing easy pussy really do come to a close.
Obviously to continue to do so, you will end up dead, injured, or in prison.
You're right, it isn't worth it.

06-02-12, 05:06
No offense, but your self-described lifestly leads me to believe that these situations are YOUR fault. It appears that you like to play stupid games, but are surprised when stupid prizes are rewarded.

06-02-12, 05:37
We have all been in the situations where we want to go out, have some fun and maybe have some drinks. However, when we do so we need to be a little wiser. Obviously your selection of places to be in town aren't good and you need to reconsider.

I personally avoid bars and clubs and the assholes who tend to be the majority of people who are frequenting them. There are just too many stupid people with something to prove and as much as I hate to say this, there are certain groups of people who find it ok to call people racist names because they are owed something.

As for the deadly force- I have said this a hundred times and I will say it again. If you can EFFECTIVELY ARTICULATE that YOU felt your life was in danger and you felt your only choice was to fire a shot at the aggressor(s) then that's all you can do.

Chances are that you are going to be arrested and now you are going to have to worry about those people turning the tables and making you look bad. Your only chance would be if there was some type of video footage.

The NRA currently offers a plan for insurance for CCW carriers. I suggest that you look into it and get a policy.

I also suggest that you start making better choices as to where to hang out. In the situation you admit that it was entirely avoidable and yet you chose to take the path that would lead you to danger. Only you know why. I have been carrying concealed since I was 21. I am now 42. One thing I learned is that if you are carrying and you spot trouble (i.e. the place you were tonight) your best course of action is to get the **** out of dodge before you are forced to pull your gun and use it.

06-02-12, 06:21
In this state it's legal to carry in a bar but BAC has to be under .04 to be carrying a handgun in any public venue. I suspect if it had been downtown Minneapolis, your "interview" with the police would have included the opportunity to blow into one of those little machines. Drinking and carrying is always a bad idea, but around here it's especially bad.

Yeh...your lifestyle. In that other thread, where the guy gut the shit kicked out of him, someone mentioned the old maxim "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". It seems to me that good situational awareness begins hours earlier as you're planning your evening.


06-02-12, 08:00
First, glad you're OK.

Second, stop making foolish decisions. You're going to end up either shooting someone and in jail or dead. If there's a piece of ass worth that please post some pics.

Just like the other recent thread about a member getting rolled: "I walked out of a bar at 2:00 AM and was walking down the street when ... happened."

I know laws vary from state to state, but in Montana it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in a bar. You can kiss your permit goodbye if you get caught.

06-02-12, 08:18
I'm done with going out this late, it simply isn't worth it. Was I even in a legal position to fire that weapon if I had to? I certainly felt like I was in danger. We've all seen the videos of places like Baltimore. But how would that have held up in the court of public opinion?

"White man guns down unarmed sweethearted black young adult trying to turn his life around because he asked him for $20."

There's an ongoing case you just might have heard about a couple hours to your north that should answer that question fairly definitively.

06-02-12, 08:28
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Sounds like you're putting yourself in some pretty bad situations. Again I suggest you re-evaluate your night time activites, and where they take place.

Common sense tells me, if i have to pull my CCW twice within a month IN THE SAME PLACE.....im probably going to steer clear of that area.

Army Chief
06-02-12, 08:49