View Full Version : Public 'threatened' by private-firearms ownership

Don G.
01-14-08, 06:29
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01-14-08, 09:41
Back in the 1700's, what arms did the militia members bring in time of need? Their own for the most part, not state provided arms.

The amendments are what they are, it is sad to see them torn apart one by one, peice by peice.

I watched the movie Demolition Man the other day and the way those people lived, with every single thing that is deemed bad or unsafe being banned, is where I feel we are headed.

I was listening to talk radio the other night and the subject was a town in Missiouri that was going to ban all smoking, cussing and table dancing in town limits at any restaurant or bar. That is the kind of society we are headed for. Just like Demolition Man, there might be a day where you are sitting in your favorite eating joint and slip up and say Sh*t, or A$$ or F#ck and voice will ring out how you are fined x amount of dollars for foul language.

Jesus, poor Pat Rogers would be broke if that were the case.

01-14-08, 09:58
I just got done reading "Out of the Ashes" by William W. Johnstone. This book also makes me think that we're heading in this direction. In it the government bans all handguns then some outside group does some double dealing and a nuclear war is started. The surviors has to rebuild out of the ashes. One group sets up thier own country using three states in the west where everybody is armed with whatever weapon they desire. The rest of the country is under the the government as we know it now. THey tell everybody what to do and where to live with no firearms or free thinking. It's a pretty good read and I reccomend it to anybody that whats to read it.

01-14-08, 10:34
Back in the 1700's, what arms did the militia members bring in time of need? Their own for the most part, not state provided arms.

The amendments are what they are, it is sad to see them torn apart one by one, peice by peice.

I watched the movie Demolition Man the other day and the way those people lived, with every single thing that is deemed bad or unsafe being banned, is where I feel we are headed.

I was listening to talk radio the other night and the subject was a town in Missiouri that was going to ban all smoking, cussing and table dancing in town limits at any restaurant or bar. That is the kind of society we are headed for. Just like Demolition Man, there might be a day where you are sitting in your favorite eating joint and slip up and say Sh*t, or A$$ or F#ck and voice will ring out how you are fined x amount of dollars for foul language.

Jesus, poor Pat Rogers would be broke if that were the case.

Unfortunately you cant ban stupidity and make common sense mandatory..If we could, seems like all this other would take care of itself

01-14-08, 17:30
Good God Almighty............
I live in the Fort Wayne area........... were Paul Helmke comes from.
I have yet to meet a single person that likes that little toad.
I'm not an evil person by nature but I wish "bad things" to happen to him.
You know.......
Like run out of toilet paper after having the shits.......
Piss off the bouncer at the local gay bar........
Tuck a fake buck at the local gay strip bar and get his ass beat by the gay bouncer.......
Get caught on camera kissing the bouncer at the gay bar in a fit of "furious tongue thrusting"......

01-14-08, 20:43
The 2nd Amendment is about hunting politicians, hunting animals, and protecting yourselves from scumbags and government.

Once people understand that, they will see there is no public threat

01-14-08, 21:06
I love how in this day and age private gun ownership is viewed as a bigger threat to life than politicians are to liberty. :mad:

01-14-08, 22:03
If I ever serve on a jury, I may pick not-guilty just to spite the prosecutor.

01-16-08, 06:12
If I ever serve on a jury, I may pick not-guilty just to spite the prosecutor.

Well, since we're already threats to public safety anyway, might as well.

01-18-08, 20:10
I like my Avitar :D

01-18-08, 21:10
Since "unrestricted' private ownership of guns clearly threatens the public safety, the 2nd Amendment can be interpreted to allow a variety of gun restrictions, according to the Bush administration.

Absolutely horrifying comment.

Basically he is saying the Constitution can be interpreted anyway they want, based on current events, political winds, etc, thus making it meaningless document. Of course, we already knew that was there view since shortly after 9/11....

01-18-08, 21:13
None of this would have started unless Bush gave his approval and to think I voted for him. Vote Republican or democrat and you get the same party.

01-18-08, 21:40
If I ever serve on a jury, I may pick not-guilty just to spite the prosecutor.

I served on a jury last year in which an older gentleman (mid 70's) was charged with assault with a deadly weapon for firing a warning shot to scare away a 195# Rotty that was in his yard, between him and his house. The bulldozer operator (dog's owner) claimed the guy also fired at him. The Prosecutor and the Judge came across as so anti-firearm, that they almost implied he should be guilty because he even owned a gun. I spent the better part of four hours convincing my fellow jurors as to my way of thinking... The gentleman was found Not Guilty.

01-18-08, 21:47
Bravo Jerry!

01-18-08, 22:26
This is definitely disheartening.

01-18-08, 22:51
It seems like every time I turn my head a new attack against my gun rights is under way. I wish politicans would leave the law biding citizens alone and concentrate on the important issues. I.E. open border,foreign govs. buying state senators (jefferson from Louisana)and nafta sending jobs overseas.The people in Washington will never get it criminals don't follow the law, more laws only hurt the good guys.

Don G.
01-19-08, 04:29
Content deleted.