View Full Version : What Is This Massive Underwater Formation Off Of Saipan?

06-08-12, 22:38
I happened upon this while searching for something in the Pacific on Google earth. As someone who knows a little bit about geology, these images leave me clueless. It is hundreds of miles long and has definitive borders, as shown below...



If anyone can explain this they have my sincerest respects. Clearly unlike any undersea trench or other formation that I have ever seen anywhere.

06-08-12, 22:51
Obviously an ancient Atlantian runway for UFOs.

Congratulations you found it.

06-08-12, 22:53
"F" for facebook stock valuation.

06-08-12, 23:05
Obviously an ancient Atlantian runway for UFOs.

Congratulations you found it.

Since you have nothing to offer at this time but juvenile garbage for whatever reason, perhaps step aside and let a thinking individual respond. Jokes aren't welcome, it's a reasonable question based upon the images.

06-08-12, 23:10
Since you have nothing to offer at this time but juvenile garbage for whatever reason, perhaps step aside and let a thinking individual respond. Jokes aren't welcome, it's a reasonable question based upon the images.

C'mon, it's not like I made fun of football players again.

I have no ****ing idea either. Obviously looks like a non natural formation but it almost has to be a natural formation.

I was mostly just anticipating what the ancient aliens crowd would have to say about it. My obvious joke was in no way intended to suggest it was a stupid question.

"F" for facebook stock valuation.

You're gonna get yelled at. Jokes are not welcome here.


I think I might have found it.



06-08-12, 23:18
I could be very wrong but at first glance it looks like perhaps survey ships have done some detailed mapping along those straight lines, and Google has perhaps just increased the resolution of its imagery in those areas with the data from those surveys. Just looking at how linear the runs are and where they are located seems to fall in line with this theory. The lateral-routes are also pretty consistent in width, which leads me to believe that this consistency is a function of a fixed field of view of the mapping sonar.

But really, I have no idea. I'm going to keep investigating though because you've got me curious.

06-08-12, 23:22
Oh, you were serious.

Upon further review, it looks like the 'runways' are actual subsurface data while the other areas are just 'filler' or perphaps lower resolution data about that area. I remember seeing similar effects before google had complete high res images of land areas.

06-08-12, 23:24
You ****ers basically just stole my answer. :lol:

06-08-12, 23:25
I'd like to say that this is what we are all doing to kill time before we go out and hit the bars on a Friday night, but we all know that would be a lie.

AoCake will have the hull number of the survey ship or no sleep tonight.

06-08-12, 23:26
Who wants to do the next Mariana Trench run?

06-08-12, 23:29
That was too quick and easy.

What are they hiding in the areas that they didn't release the data.....

Do you erase some tall seamounts from the data set to screw with Russian and Chinese sub commanders, or just move the mountians?

06-08-12, 23:31
Who wants to do the next Mariana Trench run?

Sounds like:

A good Mexican food joint
A bad mexican whore
Combining an Iron man run and swim

06-08-12, 23:38
Sounds like:

A good Mexican food joint
A bad mexican whore
Combining an Iron man run and swim

Dont know about the iron man swim or run but TJ can provide all the excitement one needs. But of course I havent been since pretty much all of the MX border became cartel territory, and TJ has been in the news way too much.

06-08-12, 23:42
Well thanks to this thread I'm now in the weird part of Youtube, where people are claiming that Google is covering up the city of Atlantis. Seems legit. :rolleyes:

06-08-12, 23:43
People will laugh and jeer all they please, BUT . . .

The last Ice Age was somewhere between 10,000 and 110,000 years ago. Depending on which "expert" you ask depends on how long ago it was. Point is before the last Ice Age there was A LOT more land on the surface of the Earth than there is today. No one and I mean no one really knows how long "we" (bipedal Homo sapiens) have been here. Again, depending on which "expert" you ask it varies greatly whether it's Evolutionary Biologist, Bible thumping Creationist, Scientologists, ancient alien theorist, Hindus, et al.

So in theory, there could have been advanced human civilizations that predate the last Ice Age and were submerged after the ice began retreating and the oceans were formed. The Earth is littered with all types of “unexplained” formations that resemble manmade structures, right angles; et al. that are currently under water. Modern scientists are discovering more and more evidence that supports multiple extension level events occurring throughout our planets history. During such events some species are utterly wiped out while others survive then thrive and repopulate after millions of years.

06-08-12, 23:44

06-08-12, 23:49

Crazy hair guy! I love crazy hair guy. His hair just gets bigger and bigger with each passing episode.

I think there's an ancient alien mothership hiding in his hair.

06-08-12, 23:51
Crazy hair guy! I love crazy hair guy. His hair just gets bigger and bigger with each passing episode.

"Here's some weed, make a TV show." - Producer

I feel like that's how the Ancient Aliens show gets made.

06-08-12, 23:53

Was this in response to my post?

06-08-12, 23:54
Was this in response to my post?

No, I was posting that as you were writing I guess.

06-08-12, 23:58
I always wondered what became of Erich von Daniken.

06-09-12, 00:00
No, I was posting that as you were writing I guess.

Solid copy. :D

Just for the record I don't support what crazy hair dude says.

06-09-12, 00:02
I think I might have found it.



That would seem to be the sought answer. Just odd due to the overt natural looking ridges along the path. A strange visual effect but it is what it is.

Good find, I looked but came up with nothing.

06-09-12, 00:05

Did we really have to go here? After all, you were curious at one point also smart man. :)

06-09-12, 00:07
Did we really have to go here? After all, you were curious at one point also smart man. :)

Dude! It's just a funny, somewhat relevant picture. Like..."this is the answer that crazy hair dude from the History Channel would give." You guys need to stop reading into stuff. I'm not ALWAYS on the attack, you know.

ETA: Yep, I was curious...but I was also right, which we all know is the most important thing.

06-09-12, 00:30
You're gonna get yelled at. Jokes are not welcome here.

What I meant to say was that ridicule is discouraged because it could hurt my feelings.

06-09-12, 01:27
The Japs have been hiding a herd of Godzillas and those are their underwater trails where the domesticated Godzillas hunt whales... here is the proof coming to you on the next season of Whale Wars!



Whale Wars mocking Gojira:suicide2:

Don't F#*% with Gojira! :p

06-09-12, 03:21
Good job, M4fundi. I was trying to figure out how to connect it to a Godzilla conspiracy while reading through this thread and you came up with the answer! It's an underwater Godzilla ranch run by Raymond Burr

06-09-12, 08:35
Has anyone ever started a thread late in the evening, perhaps while enjoying a cold one or two, and then wondered the following day what the hell you were thinking? That happened to me last week in the cookie baking forum I frequent and I'm still upset about it.

Now back to this thread. I retract my comment that the chart posted by Steyr was the explanation, as obviously M4Fundi has revealed the truth. Oh well, it was good for a few laughs anyway.

06-09-12, 09:32
I've been accused of posting while drinking on more than one occasion..not suggesting the op was in fact doing that, just addressing the mention in the above post.. Actually, there's a lot we don't know about most everything.. Cheers.. Ron

06-09-12, 10:05
..not suggesting the op was in fact doing that, just addressing the mention in the above post.

It's alright, I think I implicated myself fairly clearly. But it's not like I was blasted and I least I wasn't driving or controlling anything like the operator of the sonar submersible apparently was.

06-09-12, 10:23
It's alright, I think I implicated myself fairly clearly. But it's not like I was blasted and I least I wasn't driving or controlling anything like the operator of the sonar submersible apparently was.

hahahahaha... Some people actually thing we know everything about everything. The reality is that the more we learn, the more we learn we don't know... Cheers.. Ron

06-09-12, 12:06
hahahahaha... Some people actually thing we know everything about everything. The reality is that the more we learn, the more we learn we don't know... Cheers.. Ron

Along that same line of thought, one of the best analogies I have read described our current body of knowledge as an island in the sea of the unknown with the island's shoreline representing that awareness of what we don't know ... yet.

As our body of knowledge expands, the length of the shoreline (and, by comparison, our awareness of our ignorance) expands proportionately.

Wish I could remember who wrote it.

06-09-12, 12:29
The best part is the DHS web analytics are threat indicating that right wing extremists are potentially trying to destroy Japan with a Tsunami originating in the Mariana Trench. The attack is called 'Godzilla'.

06-10-12, 01:28
What if it's a giant Chi-com submersible nuke reactor-powered aircraft carrier?

It could sneek undetected right up to San Diego and deriver a rittle surprise.

06-21-12, 17:46
I happened upon this while searching for something in the Pacific on Google earth. As someone who knows a little bit about geology, these images leave me clueless. It is hundreds of miles long and has definitive borders, as shown below...



If anyone can explain this they have my sincerest respects. Clearly unlike any undersea trench or other formation that I have ever seen anywhere.

There is much we do not know - or remains hidden from us. Obviously, these images are man-made. I do not believe this is the first technological advance of mankind. Our "recent" history extends back only about three thousand years definitively. But mankind is much older. And there have been massive climate changes and a few pole shifts: whale fossils in the Rockies, and while flying over AZ it's "obvious" to me that I was looking upon what was once a seabed.

There are "step pyramids" off the coast of Japan, too.

06-21-12, 18:04
There is much we do not know - or remains hidden from us.

He returns...

06-21-12, 18:12
He returns...

Never left

06-21-12, 18:30
I have No clue But it does Make you scratch your head and say HMMMMMM:blink: what the hell is that .

06-21-12, 18:42
Never left

Ok. Just odd because I don't recall you starting any trouble via your typical outlandish theories lately.


06-21-12, 19:00
Our "recent" history extends back only about three thousand years definitively. But mankind is much older.

Thankfully "recorded" non recent history goes back much further. Obviously mankind is older than both, recorded history generally going back about 5,000 years. But if you are honestly advocating there are pre "fertile crescent" civilizations I'm going to just disagree with you.

And there have been massive climate changes and a few pole shifts: whale fossils in the Rockies, and while flying over AZ it's "obvious" to me that I was looking upon what was once a seabed.

There are "step pyramids" off the coast of Japan, too.

And I'm not sure what any of that has to do with anything. I don't think any of those things would end a civilization. I don't think man domesticated any animals or crops prior to or during the ice age, and those are the factors that allowed a specialized civilization to be created.

Now certainly sophisticated humans go back much further, humans making fire goes back about 800,000 years. But I don't think we had real civilizations until after the end of the Pleistocene ice age which occurred around 12,500 years ago.

It is reasonable to assume specialized civilizations existed prior to the recording of history so that puts their actual origins somewhere between 12,500 and 8,000 years ago.


06-23-12, 17:55
Obviously an ancient Atlantian runway for UFOs.

He knows too much!
Off to Area 51 with him!
