View Full Version : Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter...

06-13-12, 14:14
So I went to see Prometheus the other day (decent movie, not great but decent) and they ran a trailer for this nonsense.


If you have the strength, try and watch the trailer all the way through.


Now I'm not offended because I'm a huge fan of Lincoln, I'm not put off by B movies or anything like that. But MY GOD how stupid have people become where this actually passes as entertainment. The stupid actually makes my head hurt.

I think what pisses me off most is that kids today are stupid enough without given them movies with absurdly fictionalized stories. Inglorious Bastards was bad enough, I'm stunned by this one.

Maybe next we can do one about George Washington and how he prevented an alien invasion from outer space.

Pork Chop
06-13-12, 14:22
Since you brought it up......... http://www.etsy.com/listing/70001690/george-washington-zombie-hunter

And I agree, our history is hard enough to preserve without fictionalizing it.

ETA: I wanted to see Prometheus, but my wife made a last minute executive decision to see "What to expect when you're expecting"..........yay me! It wasn't the worst movie ever, but it wasn't funny enough to make it worth the let down. :p

06-13-12, 15:18
I watch a lot of movie trailers; I saw that abortion a few months back on IMDB. I really think it is a roll of the dice every time a studio puts money on a film. You just have no idea what is going to be a hit or a dud with the combination of Hollywood's lack of creativity and the dumb ass hoard consumer.

The wife and I saw Prometheus in IMAX 3D this past weekend (loved it) and she saw Ab/vampire trailer for the first time. She was pissed and commented on how stupid kids are and how they will come out with some distorted view of real American history. Everything has to have a f***'n vampire in it these days. :bad:

06-13-12, 15:22
It looks like it was a book first:


06-13-12, 15:29
So I went to see Prometheus the other day (decent movie, not great but decent) and they ran a trailer for this nonsense.


If you have the strength, try and watch the trailer all the way through.


Now I'm not offended because I'm a huge fan of Lincoln, I'm not put off by B movies or anything like that. But MY GOD how stupid have people become where this actually passes as entertainment. The stupid actually makes my head hurt.

I think what pisses me off most is that kids today are stupid enough without given them movies with absurdly fictionalized stories. Inglorious Bastards was bad enough, I'm stunned by this one.

Maybe next we can do one about George Washington and how he prevented an alien invasion from outer space.

And yet you knowingly financially supported it

06-13-12, 16:37
And yet you knowingly financially supported it

Ummm, no I didn't. Why the **** would I go see it when it comes out?

06-13-12, 16:54
Ummm, no I didn't. Why the **** would I go see it when it comes out?

LOL why the **** didn't I read the entire OP? :suicide2:

06-13-12, 17:29
My son came in laughing last week saying, "You've got to see this". He shows us that trailer on YouTube. I didn't believe it was for real and accused him of trying to pull one over on old Dad. Great, now I have to go apologize.

Oh and yeah, it looks incredibly stupid.

06-13-12, 17:31

06-13-12, 17:58
I think it looks ****ing hilarious. The book was amusing, though Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was even funnier.

06-13-12, 18:17
I think it looks ****ing hilarious.

I wish I could view it as a comedy. All the necessary elements are there, but no matter how I look at it all I see is an indictment of the majority of the population of this country.

06-13-12, 18:26
I wish I could view it as a comedy. All the necessary elements are there, but no matter how I look at it all I see is an indictment of the majority of the population of this country.

Completely agreed

06-13-12, 19:52
Just shows that not all books should be adapted to the big screen.

06-13-12, 20:54
I saw Prometheus as well (is it that hard to write a solid sci-fi story today?!) and caught the same trailer.

If they made it into a grindhouse-style film, I think it would be entertaining. The trailer looked way too polished and gives the impression it took itself very seriously.

06-13-12, 21:34
Lincoln's real history was scary enough. They should make a movie about that.

06-13-12, 22:00
It is sad what passes for entertainment these days.. A movie like that should be a comedy or spoof so people don't take it serious because you know they will.. I can see it now; two thirteen year olds in a theater while preview plays, "from the diary of Abraham Lincoln", first 13yr old - "man Lincoln hunted vampires?!" second 13yr old - "you didn't know? that is how the real civil war started.."

06-14-12, 01:22
The trailer looked way too polished and gives the impression it took itself very seriously.

That's why it's so funny.

The same way that Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide was funny because it was approached with utmost sincerity. It's called deadpan.

06-14-12, 01:28
It is sad what passes for entertainment these days.. A movie like that should be a comedy or spoof so people don't take it serious because you know they will.. I can see it now; two thirteen year olds in a theater while preview plays, "from the diary of Abraham Lincoln", first 13yr old - "man Lincoln hunted vampires?!" second 13yr old - "you didn't know? that is how the real civil war started.."

I'm sorry, but if anybody, even a child, is so stupid and ignorant as to believe this movie is historically accurate, they're a lost cause regardless of whether an "alternative/hidden" history movie/novel is written.

I can understand people being pissed off at Oliver Stone for making JFK and the impact that has had on America's youth because Stone presented it as fact and even defended it as being factual, but this is a horror movie for crying out loud. The fact that it's a vampire movie that does take itself seriously is part of what makes it funny.

06-14-12, 01:30
I wish I could view it as a comedy. All the necessary elements are there, but no matter how I look at it all I see is an indictment of the majority of the population of this country.

Perhaps that is more a reflection on you and a possible superiority complex than it is on Hollywood or a silly horror movie......

06-14-12, 02:14
I won't comment as to the actual content of the movie seeing as I haven't actually seen it yet...but the concept is great.

Who cares if it's not factually accurate? Who the hell goes to a movie to see non fiction? Sure that can work in some cases...but movies are supposed to be fun and entertaining...

The thing is this: it's too often these days that any given movie coming out will be mostly unoriginal or just plain uninspiring and bland. I think it's great that a relatively original idea is making it's way to the screen, and playing off a factual person of times past as some sort of badass vampire slayer actually sounds interesting...and nothing like the usual blather that makes it to the screens.

Although I guess if you have a problem with Inglorious Basterds then you'd have one with this...again, there's plenty of 'fact based' WWII movies out there (and I doubt many actually feature many actual facts...). It's fun to go see something different and get a different take on a past event. Like I said before, the point of a movie is to be entertained, not to get a history lesson.

06-14-12, 05:06
I think it's a pretty cool twist on events and look forward to seeing it. Of course, I am old enough and wise enough to understand that it is FICTION.

06-14-12, 07:50
I think it's a pretty cool twist on events and look forward to seeing it. Of course, I am old enough and wise enough to understand that it is FICTION.

Couldn't agree more...

06-14-12, 08:18
People complain and complain about how nothing new comes out, and that movies are just old ideas re-hashed, or remakes of older films, yet here's a new idea. Yes, it's a fictionalized version of history, the idea of Abe Lincoln as a midnight vampire slayer is ridiculous, and there's probably going to be special effects or maybe even secret technology that defies logic... but it's just a movie.

06-14-12, 09:59
... Maybe next we can do one about George Washington and how he prevented an alien invasion from outer space.

Now that could make for a descent movie!! :sarcastic:

06-14-12, 11:34
It looks like it was a book first:


We saw a preview for this months ago before another movie and my response when it ended and was quiet in the theater was 'Is Hollywood even trying anymore?' which it appeared a few around us agreed with. I thought it was incredibly stupid. We went to see Prometheus in IMAX 3D last night and they had another preview for this vampire movie. Maybe it was the different preview but I didn't feel as off put by this one. I doubt I'll pay to see it but I may actually download it when it comes out now. My wife said that her boss (a doctor is relatively intelligent and someone who's opinion I generally value) read that book when it came out and said it was actually a good book. So, that being said, maybe it will be an entertaining movie it taken for face value. If anyone is holding value in Hollywood movies for historical fact then you've been pretty disappointed your whole life.

06-14-12, 14:16
I'm sorry, but if anybody, even a child, is so stupid and ignorant as to believe this movie is historically accurate, they're a lost cause regardless of whether an "alternative/hidden" history movie/novel is written.

I can understand people being pissed off at Oliver Stone for making JFK and the impact that has had on America's youth because Stone presented it as fact and even defended it as being factual, but this is a horror movie for crying out loud. The fact that it's a vampire movie that does take itself seriously is part of what makes it funny.

It's a fair point, and I agree on films like JFK being worse, and while kids who line up for crap like this and Inglorious Bastards are probably well established morons, they don't need any encouragement to be dumber than they are.

I try to be very objective and understand things like Beavis and Butthead never made anyone burn down a house. And the same should apply here in theory. But in my gut I just feel that this will make stupid people stupider.

06-14-12, 16:52
Not everything has to be so serious guys.

I think it looks good. I go to the movies to be entertained by the wild things they can come up with. If it doesnt interest you then dont go see it.

06-14-12, 17:40
Not everything has to be so serious guys.


Not everything need portend the imminent demise of the republic.

06-14-12, 20:02
Guess I am going to have to join the minority here and say I am looking forward to this. It looks fun.

06-15-12, 01:19
How can you not like Inglorious Basterds? That's just wrong, man. Great performances, great dialogue, and gratuitous nazi-slaying. It's an all-American good time.

06-15-12, 01:48

Not everything need portend the imminent demise of the republic.

Apparently you haven't paid attention. The Republic "demised" a long time ago, things like this are simply an effort to rub our noses in it.

06-15-12, 02:01
and while kids who line up for crap like this and Inglorious Bastards are probably well established morons, they don't need any encouragement to be dumber than they are.

Dude, you are killing me! I thoroughly enjoyed Inglorious Bastards. It's clearly a fictional, alternate version of history - not to be confused with reality. It's witty, interesting, well acted, and all around entertaining. Do you think I'm a moron?

Plus, Hitler apparently didn't like it so that's a plus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJCeV10nMvk

06-15-12, 04:02
I'm rather a big fan of Tarantino and must say that I was disappointed in Inglorious Bastards (2009) however I enjoyed the 1978 version. IG was supposed to be Tarantino's "guys on a mission film", think Dirty Dozen which is said to be his favorite "war" movie. It really wasn't about the action at all and relied heavily on dialogue, which brings me to Christoph Waltz and his much deserved Oscar for best supporting actor in IG. I was also impressed with Michael Fassbender’s performance, Brad Pitt . . . not so much.

06-15-12, 13:33
Dude, you are killing me! I thoroughly enjoyed Inglorious Bastards. It's clearly a fictional, alternate version of history - not to be confused with reality. It's witty, interesting, well acted, and all around entertaining. Do you think I'm a moron?

Plus, Hitler apparently didn't like it so that's a plus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJCeV10nMvk

We clearly didn't see the same movie.

06-16-12, 15:54
Inglorious Bastards wasn't that good of a movie, but it wasn't terrible either. A terrible movie that everyone seems to have liked was Avatar.

I have accepted that people in general have poor taste in music and movies, so it doesn't bother me.

06-16-12, 16:32
Inglorious Bastards wasn't that good of a movie, but it wasn't terrible either. A terrible movie that everyone seems to have liked was Avatar.

I have accepted that people in general have poor taste in music and movies, so it doesn't bother me.

Avatar was just Dances With Wolves with better graphics. From a visual technology standpoint, it was groundbreaking, but from a story standpoint it was mediocre at best.

06-16-12, 17:11
spoiler alert: Abe Lincoln dies

06-16-12, 17:24
Avatar was just Dances With Wolves with better graphics. From a visual technology standpoint, it was groundbreaking, but from a story standpoint it was mediocre at best.

More Pocahontas than Dances with Wolves, but yeah.

06-16-12, 18:58
Avatar was just Dances With Wolves with better graphics. From a visual technology standpoint, it was groundbreaking, but from a story standpoint it was mediocre at best.

Very well put. The story was really overated. I found myself rooting for the "bad guy" the whole time.

spoiler alert: Abe Lincoln dies

Now, that was funny! :lol:

06-16-12, 22:28
Avatar was just Dances With Wolves with better graphics. From a visual technology standpoint, it was groundbreaking, but from a story standpoint it was mediocre at best.

It was Fern Gulley with smurfs.

06-16-12, 22:58
It was Fern Gulley with smurfs.

I liked Fern Gulley too. :D

06-17-12, 03:31
It was Fern Gulley with smurfs.

Given the James Cameron connection, and the obvious influence of his earlier Aliens film on the design of weapons and ships in Avatar, I'm curious what a xenomorph would look like if it gestated in one of the stretched Smurfs.

06-17-12, 06:16
And if anyone was curious as to the meaning of "thread drift" ...


06-17-12, 13:19
Given the James Cameron connection, and the obvious influence of his earlier Aliens film on the design of weapons and ships in Avatar, I'm curious what a xenomorph would look like if it gestated in one of the stretched Smurfs.

Alien vs. Predator vs. Avatar - The Ultimate 3D Experience

Coming soon to a theater near you.


06-17-12, 20:38
I can't wait until they make a movie about General Custer fighting the Viet Cong in Stalingrad while Julius Caesar uses his Colt M4A1 to defend himself on Pluto against Captain Picard and the Aztecs coming from Ohio Class nuclear submarines in hyper-drive. :D

06-17-12, 21:26
Goddamn, some of you old curmudgeons really show your age sometimes. Someone made a movie that deviates from history, no one EVER will think it was a documentary. It isnt the downfall of society as we know, its simply fiction.

06-17-12, 22:19
Goddamn, some of you old curmudgeons really show your age sometimes. Someone made a movie that deviates from history, no one EVER will think it was a documentary. It isnt the downfall of society as we know, its simply fiction.

It ain't just fiction that is the problem.

There are plenty of "fictionalized" WWII movies that are now classics, I have no problem with that. Mostly because none of them were asinine enough to have a Commando team kill Hitler.

I also have no problem with monsters, vampires, aliens, etc. In fact one of my favorite genres is 1950s "flying saucer" movies. Most are long on cheese and few were as impressive as The Day the Earth Stood Still.

And I can even deal with some counterfacturals. While I was certainly dubious at first, I actually enjoyed Cowboys vs. Aliens. But along those lines I also enjoyed The Valley of Gwangi so these things are necessarily new.

So I think what I'm objecting to most about Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is the full on retard factor that is more the evident and the kind of audience it is created for. More or less the same reasons I hated the WWF.

06-17-12, 22:22
I can't wait until they make a movie about General Custer fighting the Viet Cong in Stalingrad while Julius Caesar uses his Colt M4A1 to defend himself on Pluto against Captain Picard and the Aztecs coming from Ohio Class nuclear submarines in hyper-drive. :D

If you can figure out some way to incorporate the 2 Fast, 2 Furious franchise and possibly a MiB angle then you have a summer blockbuster.

06-18-12, 11:48
I also have no problem with monsters, vampires, aliens, etc. In fact one of my favorite genres is 1950s "flying saucer" movies. Most are long on cheese and few were as impressive as The Day the Earth Stood Still.

I'm actually a little surprised that you liked that movie. The whole plot was a very poorly disguised screed against American policy of opposing, with threat and use of violence, communist aggression. Make peace (and since the Commies were intractable and imperialist, this by definition meant capitulation), or be destroyed. The remake was similarly left-wing except the message was devolve technologically to save the environment (terribly ironic coming from a highly technologically advanced space-faring race), or be destroyed.

06-18-12, 12:58
I'm actually a little surprised that you liked that movie. The whole plot was a very poorly disguised screed against American policy of opposing, with threat and use of violence, communist aggression. Make peace (and since the Commies were intractable and imperialist, this by definition meant capitulation), or be destroyed. The remake was similarly left-wing except the message was devolve technologically to save the environment (terribly ironic coming from a highly technologically advanced space-faring race), or be destroyed.

The entire genre was motivated by Cold War fears. Fortunately for me I saw it when I was 10 with my father watching late night Creature Features and I didn't understand any of those things. And I still enjoy it today because the nostalgic memories and production values outweigh the pacifist subtext. Also it is interpretable in many ways and I always see it as face value, where a more advanced species arrives to warn us not to get too big as to threaten them or there will be consequences.

There are two very different ways to watch the 1950s version of the Body Snatchers for example.

The remake of course sucked for many reasons, especially the one you noted. The rescue earth from the humans theme was not a subtext but the face value plot.

Along those lines though, many wonderful classic films of the 30s and 50s have either a "socialist" or a "pacifist" theme. This is not surprising as in the 1930s we hadn't really seen what a terrible idea socialism actually was and in the 1950s were were trying to avoid another world war.

I also tend to see the underlying message of the original Day the Earth Stood Still as idealistically naive more than a propaganda piece trying to force us to surrender to communist power.

06-21-12, 16:47
I dunno about the rest of you but I tire of "the aliens are monsters and wish to kill/dissect us" movies. If a movie does not present something relevant to what I consider reality I won't pay to view it.

To each their own I guess.

06-21-12, 19:47
I dunno about the rest of you but I tire of "the aliens are monsters and wish to kill/dissect us" movies. If a movie does not present something relevant to what I consider reality I won't pay to view it.

To each their own I guess.

For me movies are an escape from reality. I can go put reality on hold for 2hrs to be entertained. After all, that's all movies are is a form of entertainment. If you put any more weight in them other than that your expectations are too high.

06-21-12, 20:21
I guess I'm one of the few losers who actually read the book Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Personally I loved it. I thought it was really clever how the author blended fact with fiction. I was highly entertained by it and I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie. However, having said that, it's obvious from the previews alone that the movie takes some serious "creative liberties" when compared to the book. The book most definitely is meant to be taken as a serious work of fiction, and not a parody or anything like that. I think the movie is also meant to be taken seriously, but the movie is apparently going to be highly stylized and incorporate several elements and scenes not found in the book. Ultimately the movie probably won't be as goos as the book, even with all its flash and pizzazz, but what book is ever good enough for Hollywood to bring to the big screen without finding some way to screw it up?

Anyway, all I can tell you that really matters is that the book and movie are works of fiction. If you find the premise offensive then I recommend sitting this one out.

06-21-12, 23:57
I wish I could view it as a comedy. All the necessary elements are there, but no matter how I look at it all I see is an indictment of the majority of the population of this country.
So what would be an acceptable movie?

I think it's a pretty cool twist on events and look forward to seeing it. Of course, I am old enough and wise enough to understand that it is FICTION.


Guess I am going to have to join the minority here and say I am looking forward to this. It looks fun.

I can't wait.

06-22-12, 04:34
For me movies are an escape from reality. I can go put reality on hold for 2hrs to be entertained. After all, that's all movies are is a form of entertainment. If you put any more weight in them other than that your expectations are too high.

I prefer to read. Besides, I don't care for the philosophy of the "Hollywood machine" so keeping my money in my pocket and spending it on old history books is a "better" way - for me any way. There are some good movies that are irrelevant to Reality but were very enjoyable and the comic book genre of movies today fall into that category for me.

06-22-12, 11:09
I'm in. I'll be seeing this one. Like Iraqgunz I can suspend reality and enjoy a flick.

I'll be disappointed when I see it on Biography though. :jester:

06-22-12, 15:29
So what would be an acceptable movie?

Acceptable for my tastes or acceptable to make?

They are two very different things.

06-22-12, 15:49
I surmise there are a lot of Twilight fans about. . . :p

06-22-12, 18:07
Sometimes you just want to shut out this vile, cruel world and watch ole Honest Abe wreck some shit. I for one will turn off half of my brain cells and buy a ticket, some popcorn, and a drink. I'll then sit down and be an American, with all of my ****ing luxurious freedom. Suck it 3rd worlders, and their ilk.:lazy2:

ETA: Prometheus rocked, I could have used another 30 minutes of the Space Jockey's character building. I was waiting for the big speech, but it never came.

06-22-12, 18:33
Perhaps that is more a reflection on you and a possible superiority complex than it is on Hollywood or a silly horror movie......

Nope, it's just as he stated. Society now feeds off garbage entertainment-wise, thus giving full credence to the term "garbage in, garbage out". Sure stupid people enjoy stupid things and always have, it's just that there are so many of them these days that such mindless endeavors actually generate substantial revenue. As long as it has blood and/or scantily clad teens in danger it's good to go. Pathetic in every sense of the word.

Reality TV, by far the worst offender, is closely followed by mindless sitcom plots conceived by liberal idiots. Anything more than 3 minutes of NBC's big Thursday night line-up would make my head explode. Never watch network TV any more ever, except for the Sunday round table news shows at 10:30 AM.

To clarify, I watched an episode of Family Ties with my 8 year old the other day and he loved it, staying almost constantly focused on the storyline as well as the humorous moments. It had substance, the characters are likable and was genuinely funny. I enjoyed it as a teen and now can especially appreciate it as a parent. A contrast to show just how backwards assed the entertainment industry has become today.

06-22-12, 21:58
Acceptable for my tastes or acceptable to make?

They are two very different things.

Both. You have me curious now.

06-22-12, 22:30
Both. You have me curious now.

Well taking the latter first, because it is the easiest, "acceptable to make" covers an extremely wide spectrum. This includes everything from homosexual pornagraphy to Michael Moore pseudo documentaries that blatantly present lies as truth. It's a free country and people are free to make almost any kind of film they wish regardless of how stupid, ****ed up or encouraging to retards it might be.

As for "acceptable to me" that shortens the list. While I can watch a lot of cheese and schlock from B grade 1950s sci fi to Russ Meyer films (not surprisingly I'm also a huge MST3K fan) there is a limit for me personally. And in some cases it probably isn't the movie itself that is so bad as much as the predictable consequences of the film.

I honestly could care less that a fat **** from Canada named Michael Moore believes incredibly stupid things. What actually drives me nuts are the legions of idiots who believe the same things and then cite Michael Moore as some kind of "proof" that validates their stupidity.

Along the same lines certain things like reality TV, WWF and this film simply radiate stupidity to every moron in the zip code. The films don't really make people stupid, but they can encourage it. It's a lot like certain books like Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries or The Communist Manifesto. They can't make you a nazi, a racist or a communist but if you have tendencies in those directions they can certainly encourage them by validating them.

And with a country that is IMO disproportionally populated with retards, they really don't need any more encouragement or validation. And that is why I personally don't find such things acceptable. But that's just me.

06-23-12, 03:33
How did we get through four pages without a mention of this sure to be cinematic tour de force?

I present to you, "FDR: American Badass"

06-23-12, 06:31
How did we get through four pages without a mention of this sure to be cinematic tour de force?

I present to you, "FDR: American Badass"

"I'm a motorcycle of death and I ain't got no sidecar!" :laugh:

Now this looks like a real movie.

"Marco" ... "Polio"

06-23-12, 12:28
I also enjoyed Inglorious Bastards and thought it was very entertaining. It did have a Dirty Dozen flavor to it, but it too, was fiction that I enjoyed. Just you wait. Within 5 years, especially if he wins again, a movie will come out about how Obama, saved America and the World. Now THAT would be some serious fiction (propaganda)...:no:

06-23-12, 12:56

06-23-12, 15:03
How did we get through four pages without a mention of this sure to be cinematic tour de force?

I present to you, "FDR: American Badass"

Now that is more like it, instead of some limp wrist vampires we have Nazi werewolves! Barry Bostwick (of Rocky Horror Picture Show fame) is a total cheeze ball B film actor. I can appreciate the humor. The Ab lincoln film is not meant to be a "comedy" rather a action/horror film.

06-27-12, 16:35

06-27-12, 16:57
Well, saw the movie. Abe Lincoln slicing and dicing with an axe. No big deal, not something I'd see again, and won't be recommending it to anyone who has an appreciation for history.

06-27-12, 17:48

06-27-12, 18:06

I'd go see that movie.

06-27-12, 18:11

Still a better love story than Twilight. :D

06-27-12, 18:53
How did we get through four pages without a mention of this sure to be cinematic tour de force?

I present to you, "FDR: American Badass"


06-27-12, 22:45
Honest Abe being a badass is apparently the new thing. This one's making the rounds now: https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/389106_3831630344231_1129536694_n.jpg

06-28-12, 01:03
Honest Abe being a badass is apparently the new thing. This one's making the rounds now: https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/389106_3831630344231_1129536694_n.jpg

Abe choking out Kanye. . .I lmao! :lol:

06-28-12, 13:41
He also had a mini gun as his right arm.


06-28-12, 16:39
Still a better love story than Twilight. :D

Glad you think so. Thankfully most grown men would have no clue.

Edit: In case you are forced to watch with your significant other then you receive a free pass. :)

06-28-12, 16:46
Glad you think so. Thankfully most grown men would have no clue.

Edit: In case you are forced to watch with your significant other then you receive a free pass. :)

Yeah, and she's hot (see avatar). Besides, the statement I made is a popular internet saying slamming the Twilight series. It's pretty well known. You should get out more. :D




...and I'm not just a grown man, I'm a grown ass man! lol

06-28-12, 17:02
He also had a mini gun as his right arm.


Wow, talk about the right to bear arms. Go Abe!

06-28-12, 17:43

Mere words cannot convey how awesome that is.

You have won the day. Collect your prize.

06-28-12, 23:40
Yeah, and she's hot (see avatar). Besides, the statement I made is a popular internet saying slamming the Twilight series. It's pretty well known. You should get out more. :D




...and I'm not just a grown man, I'm a grown ass man! lol

Dont worry some of us got the reference, and the second.

I saw the movie. It was decent. Not a great movie but I liked it enough that I didnt feel cheated out of my money. Some of you guys would HATE it, especially when you found out who the vampires are.

07-11-12, 23:28
I saw AL:VH today. I really liked it.