View Full Version : KAC Triple Tap- Why so F%*$@ing expensive?!?!

06-18-12, 20:33
Can somebody explain why this is so idiotically expensive?


I understand that it works really well, but 400 bucks??? It's it purely the KAC name, or am I missing something?

06-18-12, 20:35
The manufacturing process (EDM) and the material it's made of (Inconel).

06-18-12, 20:41
Inconel is no fun to work with. Very time consuming. I could only imagine how long it takes to produce one.

Robb Jensen
06-18-12, 20:41
Yep it's inconel and expensive as hell on the tooling to make it.

Why is an Indy car expensive?

06-18-12, 20:49
Is the material really nessesary?

06-18-12, 21:07
It fit their design criteria, and fit enough people's willingness to pay for that functionality at that price point to make it worth their while to produce. Whining about how expensive it is or how you don't have a use for that material isn't going to make it any cheaper or turn it into stainless. There are other products on the market to fill that gap.

06-18-12, 21:08
Inconel is a very resilient metal and can withstand numerous heat cycles. That is why it's various alloys are used in the nuclear power field and the space programs. For most on a rifle is it overkill? Sure probably, but will for sure last a long while.

06-18-12, 21:22
Is the material really nessesary?

To speculate a little on the design and material used: it may be that the thin slits would widen over time due to ablation from the escaping gasses if a typical steel were used.

It fit their design criteria, and fit enough people's willingness to pay for that functionality at that price point to make it worth their while to produce. Whining about how expensive it is or how you don't have a use for that material isn't going to make it any cheaper or turn it into stainless. There are other products on the market to fill that gap.

^ This. If you can't afford a new one, try looking for a used one. If you still can't afford it, do you really need it? At the end of the day, there are cheaper alternatives that do the same thing. They may not have the CDI-factor of the KAC, but you'll have more money in your pocket for other things like ammo, training, etc.

06-18-12, 21:32
If my information is correct, the Triple Tap was intended to act as the primary blast chamber for one of their suppressors and as mentioned above, Inconel is very tough material and definitely a challenge to machine.

06-18-12, 21:35
If my information is correct, the Triple Tap was intended to act as the primary blast chamber for one of their suppressors and as mentioned above, Inconel is very tough material and definitely a challenge to machine.

How much functionality would be lost with the use of a different material?

06-18-12, 21:41
Inconel is expensive... time on a Wire EDM is even more so.

06-18-12, 21:51
Functionality/performance would be the least effected aspect caused by a material change. What would be impacted is longevity as erosion would accelerate with less robust materials. The erosion rate would be dependent on what that material is.

06-18-12, 21:55
i can't even legally own a suppressor, but i still want one rofl. :suicide2:

06-18-12, 21:57
A bit of a thread hijack, but why is a KAC vertical foregrip so expensive?! Its a piece of molded plastic. On their websight they're listed at $67.13 for black, & $79.61 for green & taupe color.

I'm sorry KAC, but thats a butt raping. Ridiculous pricing.

I got one on EE from a good guy for $15. Which is what its worth IMO.

06-18-12, 22:02
A bit of a thread hijack, but why is a KAC vertical foregrip so expensive?! Its a piece of molded plastic. On their websight they're listed at $67.13 for black, & $79.61 for green & taupe color.

I'm sorry KAC, but thats a butt raping. Ridiculous pricing.

I got one on EE from a good guy for $15. Which is what its worth IMO.

Because it has a KAC logo on it.

There's vertical grips made by p&s products that look exactly like KAC's, except they're like 20 bucks.

Comparison pic that i found on google:

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff295/strkaliten/th_grip.jpg (http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff295/strkaliten/grip.jpg)

06-18-12, 22:02
If my information is correct, the Triple Tap was intended to act as the primary blast chamber for one of their suppressors and as mentioned above, Inconel is very tough material and definitely a challenge to machine.

Sorry for my total ignorance when it comes to metal and metalworking, just to clarify: The hardness of Inconel makes it difficult to work with, and therefore makes it incredibly durable under heat?

If that's the case, whats the estimated "life" so to speak of Inconel vs. Stainless, or whatever's most commonly used for comps? Longer than barrel life? Shorter?

06-18-12, 22:10
A bit of a thread hijack, but why is a KAC vertical foregrip so expensive?! Its a piece of molded plastic. On their websight they're listed at $67.13 for black, & $79.61 for green & taupe color.

I'm sorry KAC, but thats a butt raping. Ridiculous pricing.

I got one on EE from a good guy for $15. Which is what its worth IMO.

You can find surplus ones for a couple bucks all the time.

06-18-12, 22:15
Because it has a KAC logo on it.

There's vertical grips made by p&s products that look exactly like KAC's, except they're like 20 bucks.

Comparison pic that i found on google:

http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff295/strkaliten/th_grip.jpg (http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff295/strkaliten/grip.jpg)

I could never justify buying a piece of molded plastic for damn near 3/4 of a C note. I could feel comfortable with that price if they were machined from aluminum, but plastic with obvious sprue marks & mold lines! WOW

06-18-12, 22:24
Service life of a comp depends on many variables so it's difficult to put hard numbers on it. I would hazard a guess that most quality devices will last through a number of barrels before requiring replacement. Inconel is very stable under heat cycling as are some of the more common stainless steels.

06-18-12, 22:34
A bit of a thread hijack, but why is a KAC vertical foregrip so expensive?! Its a piece of molded plastic. On their websight they're listed at $67.13 for black, & $79.61 for green & taupe color.

I'm sorry KAC, but thats a butt raping. Ridiculous pricing.

I got one on EE from a good guy for $15. Which is what its worth IMO.

People are just now catching on to the butt raping that KAC gives on nearly all their products? They do make quality products, but goddamn give me a break.

06-18-12, 22:44
If you don't like the price then buy something else. Free market and all that jazz.