View Full Version : Eating 3500 calories a day to gain weight - nothing.

06-22-12, 16:31
What gives? *cough will brink/other fitness gurus*

All thats happened is over a month or so I've watched my stomach fold count increase every time I bend over while seated.

Is 3500 not enough? My days really aren't that strenuous.

I just don't get "calories in - calories out". Logic should say that if I taken in more than I expel I will gain weight. I don't want to it be fat, but hell, I could gain 20lbs in pure fat right now and I would look BETTER (not that I want to, however)

Do I need to eat 5,000 a day?

06-22-12, 16:36
LOL, I miss those days. Just wait till your 30's and your metabolism starts slowing down.

06-22-12, 16:40
What is your height weight now? How are your calories divided up; protein, carbs, fats etc..?

Currently i'm about 6'-3" and 185lbs, down from a high of 235lbs. During my fat loss stage I was in the high 170s. I'm much more focused on building lean mass now. I find its really slow going building muscle, much more so than losing fat.

Doc Safari
06-22-12, 16:40
LOL--whatever is causing you not to gain weight bottle the stuff up and I'll buy a case of it.

Everybody's metabolism is different. You may need to adjust your regimen.

06-22-12, 17:04
What gives? *cough will brink/other fitness gurus*

All thats happened is over a month or so I've watched my stomach fold count increase every time I bend over while seated.

Is 3500 not enough? My days really aren't that strenuous.

I just don't get "calories in - calories out". Logic should say that if I taken in more than I expel I will gain weight. I don't want to it be fat, but hell, I could gain 20lbs in pure fat right now and I would look BETTER (not that I want to, however)

Do I need to eat 5,000 a day?

You may. It also takes longer then people appreciate. So simply eat more, or use specific calcs to get more precise:

My friend Dr. Antonios rounded HB formula:

Formula to calculate BMR for men:

66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height in centimetres) - (6.8 x age in years) = BMR

To calculate your total calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity multiplier:

Activity Multiplier

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) multiply BMR by 1.2

If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.375

If you are mod. active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.55

If you take heavy exercise (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.725

Adding another 10-15% for TEF and then another 10 % to increase total energy intake for weight gain.

06-22-12, 18:09
Shit, I gained a pound reading your post.

06-22-12, 19:42
What gives? *cough will brink/other fitness gurus*

All thats happened is over a month or so I've watched my stomach fold count increase every time I bend over while seated.

Is 3500 not enough? My days really aren't that strenuous.

I just don't get "calories in - calories out". Logic should say that if I taken in more than I expel I will gain weight. I don't want to it be fat, but hell, I could gain 20lbs in pure fat right now and I would look BETTER (not that I want to, however)

Do I need to eat 5,000 a day?

Before I even scroll down and read the other responses:

Wait ten years, you little prick.


06-22-12, 19:54
You may. It also takes longer then people appreciate. So simply eat more, or use specific calcs to get more precise:

My friend Dr. Antonios rounded HB formula:

Formula to calculate BMR for men:

66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height in centimetres) - (6.8 x age in years) = BMR

To calculate your total calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity multiplier:

Activity Multiplier

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) multiply BMR by 1.2

If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.375

If you are mod. active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.55

If you take heavy exercise (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) multiply BMR by 1.725

Adding another 10-15% for TEF and then another 10 % to increase total energy intake for weight gain.

If I did it correctly, and my TI83+ should have, I got 1993for the baseline.

I would consider myself moderately active which puts me a little over 3000 calories and I was consuming 3500.

What is "TEF"?

06-22-12, 20:04
Whats your body type? Naturally skinny guys are better off NOT trying to "bulk up" but to tone and do cardio stuff. Some guys are naturally thick, and do very well with bulking up. There are always those guys who no matter how much they eat they will be "skinny" and guys who no matter how little they eat will be "thick".

Don't try to be the skinny dude who "bulks" up. Use what you have, and make the best of it.

06-22-12, 20:07
Do you worry / stress a lot? Im 33 and and can't seem get over 180. I'm at 162 right now but it's due to my wife about give birth to our second girl any freaking second. I don't even perceive stress in my own body, and I idle a low blood pressure from years of cross country running, but when a life milestone is in my face I start dropping weight no matter how much I eat.

ETA- I see you said your days aren't strenuous...but again, I never "feel" stressed.

06-22-12, 21:00
Depending on body type and what you're trying to do... Simply adding garbage calories won't necessarily give you the results you want. Try hitting a certain calorie amount and a certain protein amount, carbs etc. in college I used to eat 3 lbs of 93/7 lean ground beef every single day to put on 30lbs in about 2 months. Not saying that's what you should do just an example. But try hitting 300grams of protein spread over an entire day, every day.

06-22-12, 22:48
Are you doing heavy compound lifts like squats and deadlifts? They usually help in filling a person out. Not many stickly powerlifters besides the really young ones.

And 3500 really isn't THAT much depending on your metabolism and activities. There's an amatuer bobdybuilder I kinda know who eats 8K during his bulk!

I'm curious to see how many calories I'm taking in. Will calc. And report back.

06-22-12, 23:25
I seem to remember your mentioning that you have a taste for women of loose moral virtue. Perhaps a HIV test is in order?

Have a good night while you dwell on that one...;)

06-23-12, 07:19
If I did it correctly, and my TI83+ should have, I got 1993for the baseline.

I would consider myself moderately active which puts me a little over 3000 calories and I was consuming 3500.

What is "TEF"?

Thermic effect of food. Calories lost to heat production.

06-23-12, 19:21
eat peanut butter and nutella sandwiches on white bread a few times a day wash it down with a real ice cream milk shake you should gain weight that way :)

06-23-12, 19:35
I seem to remember your mentioning that you have a taste for women of loose moral virtue. Perhaps a HIV test is in order?

Have a good night while you dwell on that one...;)


09-15-16, 18:08
Before I even scroll down and read the other responses:

Wait ten years, you little prick.


Yep, long gone are the days of eating four square meals so I don't lose weight. When I went from an active "on your feet" job to a desk job with rotating shifts my metabolism declared war on me. Even when I wanted to work out, rotating shifts ensured that I basically came home from work, ate and passed out until I had to get up and go to work again.

Worst part was, the job wasn't even worth it but I was so wiped out all the time I didn't have the energy to find a better job with normal people hours.

09-15-16, 18:25
Dude, did you even see the date of this? :dance3:

09-15-16, 18:31
Yeah...ED weighs 320 lbs now.

09-15-16, 18:35
Actually fugettaboutit.

Nobody needs to know about my vain hang ups

09-15-16, 18:45
I'm with Euro here, how the hell did this thing get necroed and by all people Steyr?

I suppose while on topic, about the time Euro posted this I was driving old farts nuts at the gym, they were bragging about losing weight and I was sitting there going, "Hell, I gained 15 pounds since I started here." Granted I was 30-40 years their junior but even I don't think I was in the 3500 calorie diet point, at least I don't think I was. Most of it at like 10 at night. This past summer though has been a bit rough, have been a little bit off my game and was laid up for a bit, just now getting spring back in the step.

Alex V
09-15-16, 18:54
Necrotising. Nice.

I think a needle with some Test-E in your butt every 8 or so days for 12 weeks may help. lol

09-15-16, 18:57
I'm with Euro here, how the hell did this thing get necroed and by all people Steyr?

Weird. Somehow it was on page one when I replied to it.

09-15-16, 18:57
I suppose while on topic, about the time Euro posted this I was driving old farts nuts at the gym, they were bragging about losing weight and I was sitting there going, "Hell, I gained 15 pounds since I started here." Granted I was 30-40 years their junior but even I don't think I was in the 3500 calorie diet point, at least I don't think I was. Most of it at like 10 at night. This past summer though has been a bit rough, have been a little bit off my game and was laid up for a bit, just now getting spring back in the step.

I spent an entire year literally sitting on my ass (For real, I couldn't walk) and eating Taco Bell and I lost 20 pounds. How the **** does that work? And how do people get to be 400lbs? Gaining weight has to be harder than losing it.

09-15-16, 18:59
Yeah, I'm still struggling. I spent an entire year literally sitting on my ass (For real, I couldn't walk) and eating Taco Bell and I lost 20 pounds. How the **** does that work?

Muscle weighs more than fat. Probably lost muscle.

09-15-16, 19:06
I'm 6'0" and fluctuate b/w 165-175. Depends on if I'm running mucho, lifting heavy, dropping for a BJJ tourney, etc.

Are you sure you are eating as much as you think you are? With two kids under 5, I can easily miss meals. Maybe your caloric intake isn't quite as much as you think.

Just a thought.

09-15-16, 19:17
Weird. Somehow it was on page one when I replied to it.

Well either it a sign of the end times, or shit just ****ed up. At this point, either is a good possibility. At least we all getting some much needed laughs out of it.

I spent an entire year literally sitting on my ass (For real, I couldn't walk) and eating Taco Bell and I lost 20 pounds. How the **** does that work? And how do people get to be 400lbs? Gaining weight has to be harder than losing it.

I haven't a clue. I really don't. Like Steyr said, maybe loss of muscle, likely the only reason I haven't put any weight on since I have been pretty inactive lately, but who knows. Maybe you just one of those freaks. Look at it this way, could be worse, instead of Eurodriver they could be calling your ass doublewide.

09-15-16, 19:19
Euro is likely sexing it off and he refuses to acknowledge just how much poon he's pulling.
Laying on the couch and eating Taco Bell, but "servicing 6 to 8 vacationers a day can wear you out. Thus the loss of calories, it doesn't help that at the end of the video he ask's "Would you like some Sour Creme with that?
Just sayin'

09-15-16, 19:19
Until I was 33 I couldn't get past 165lbs. Now I'm 37 and can get lower than 220

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-15-16, 19:27
Until I was 33 I couldn't get past 165lbs. Now I'm 37 and can get lower than 220

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Yeah but who's seen a fat Porn Star?
Euro's just keeping it real.

09-15-16, 19:34
Since we're bringing this one back...

I had the same type issue throughout my 20's. 6'2ish barefoot and 215lbs. Couldn't gain anymore weight. Could get stronger...not bigger.

Fast forward to 30 years old...the hair on top of my head fell back thru the follicles and came out my ears and nose, and I eventually gained 40 lbs. [emoji52]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-15-16, 20:28
Fast forward to 30 years old...the hair on top of my head fell back thru the follicles and came out my ears and nose, and I eventually gained 40 lbs. [emoji52]

That's phuckin' funny! Wife makes me laser the ears.

09-15-16, 20:37
Can't gain weight.....lol .....

I can't relate....lol.....

As much of a curse my ability to get fat or get to get big muscle is for me, it's also nice blessing. Saw a kid trying to gain weight in the gym 155 lbs early last year... he wants to be bigger (I'm 235 right now with a 32"waist). Saw him last month. He was like damn...... Dude..... Your not that fat anymore? How did you get so big? Of course,I was shitty about it and said your still skinny.....lol..... He said I can't get bigger.... I say don't eat like a princess and start lifting like a man...... Purely in jest... Poor ****er...... I felt bad afterwards cause I knew I hurt his feelings by the look on his face.

So I stopped my Arnold press, and went back over to where he was and apoligized. I didn't mean to be a dick. He seemed better after that and I shot the shit with him for a minute. Asked him about his eating habits.

He wasn't eating enough. He needs more food. More good food. Meat, rice, veggies, real food. Told him to try at least 200 grams protein a day. I said so five chicken breasts or cans a tuna a day at least. Bowl of rice every time too. Eat 6-8 meals a day...... He said I can't. So I said you want to get big or not dude? You didn't win the genetic lottery for big. Just like I didn't win for skinny. Deal with it.

I feel bad for him. He wants something but doesn't have the money for knowledge or a nutritionist. I can relate to not knowing what the hell your doing cause I was there myself once.

So the moral if this story is eat M'fer...... If you can't gain, eat more.

Also, the OP is probably 300 lbs now....lol....

3 AE
09-15-16, 20:57
I did the calculations without my reading glasses. I was dividing the first two, subtracted and multiplied and ended up with (-632). Holy crap, I should be in a casket!

Euro, did you ever gain the weight you strived for in the past four years?

09-16-16, 00:14
Yeah but who's seen a fat Porn Star?
Euro's just keeping it real.

Ron Jeremy.

09-16-16, 06:24
Also, the OP is probably 300 lbs now....lol....

No. I'm probably the (or one of the) tallest guy(s) on M4C and I'm not even 200 :(

I have a thread on here (my whole life is on M4C...) where I drank a gallon of whole milk every day for a month. I shot up to like 220 or something. I started destroying squats and lifted real heavy and my thighs and ass got huge, but chicks started telling me I had a "glisten" on my face and that I constantly smelled bad so I stopped.

And then I shrank to like 178 in a few weeks.

I don't want to be fat, but I'm sick of going to the beach with gymnast chicks who have traps and calves and abs bigger than me. Maybe I should start doing the balance beam.

09-16-16, 10:39
It is what it is. Not every man can be fill-in-the-blank.

I am 5'8", 190ish, just weeks shy of turning 48. At my peak of fitness I could not run faster than a 7:45ish mile; and no matter how much I lifted or how I ate, I was never going to look like a body builder. I could get big, but not "defined." Just not in my genes.

09-16-16, 15:02
No. I'm probably the (or one of the) tallest guy(s) on M4C and I'm not even 200 :(

I have a thread on here (my whole life is on M4C...) where I drank a gallon of whole milk every day for a month. I shot up to like 220 or something. I started destroying squats and lifted real heavy and my thighs and ass got huge, but chicks started telling me I had a "glisten" on my face and that I constantly smelled bad so I stopped.

And then I shrank to like 178 in a few weeks.

I don't want to be fat, but I'm sick of going to the beach with gymnast chicks who have traps and calves and abs bigger than me. Maybe I should start doing the balance beam.

Find a pommel horse and all of your definition problems will be solved if you can survive it.

09-16-16, 22:48
It is what it is. Not every man can be fill-in-the-blank.

I am 5'8", 190ish, just weeks shy of turning 48. At my peak of fitness I could not run faster than a 7:45ish mile; and no matter how much I lifted or how I ate, I was never going to look like a body builder. I could get big, but not "defined." Just not in my genes.

I'm 6'-3" and bounce between 185-190 @ 38 years. My best one mile was 5:27 on the day of my 35th birthday on an indoor track. Everyone in my family is fat and near or is a diabetic. I'm the oddball, but its not because of any gift, its all effort. I notice that all of my fluff seems to be stored around the middle in the spare tire zone. Diet is such a huge part. So much more than any workout.

But, genetics is the biggest portion...by far. Unless you want to start doping, you need to make your peace with your reality. Everything to bust past that genetic limitation is illegal.

Guys get the Adonis complex where they think they need to look like fitness models. Its just NOT the reality for most of the population.

09-17-16, 00:08
At 60+ if I want to lose weight I starve for two weeks and get maybe 1 pound. If I want to gain weight, I walk down the pastry isle of a 7-11, just browsing is good for a pound or two before I get out the door. Haven't been in a fast food joint in over a decade because I can't afford new clothes.

Wait until you are 30s... wtf? I could eat a whole pack of pasta every night and still lose weight back then.

Everything you have heard about getting old is true... except most don't tell you the stuff that would depress you ;)

09-17-16, 00:18
Maybe I should start doing the balance beam.

I'm pretty sure that will solve your women issues in short order. Murphy's Law and all that. Then again, you could go into figure skating after that.... or hair stylist.

09-17-16, 13:51
Humm... how about more pasta and potatoes?

4-5 Solid meals?

Drink a weight gainer too 2-3 times a day in addition. Real Gains is like 600 calories per serving.

I hope you like visiting the restroom...

Heavy compound lifts to fill out your frame and make you tired and hungry?

This is about the only time being a hobbit sized munchkin aint too bad. I don't need that much food to build or maintain a certain amount of lean mass.

09-17-16, 17:05
I have the same problem, 5'7" 125 soaking, wet look like a poster child of a Cambodian refugee.

I don't gain weight period,
work out regardless of type I lean up and lose 5- to 10 pounds.
Each crappy food lose weight, Eat good food & drink protein shakes, while not working out, lose weight

I've come to the conclusion that the harder I try to gain weight the more I lose. So I gave up I think I have tapeworm? LOL

My Conclusion? The more I eat the more weight I lose due to the act of digestion.
Example Hash browns & bacon follow by lunch of salad & burger, Then pizza & ice cream
Say thats 5000 calories(I really don't know) well my body burns 7000 digesting all that so I lose weight.

Hey it Works for me.:cool: