View Full Version : Arizonans: We're counting on you

06-24-12, 02:18
We need a Hero State. Massachusetts was the hero back before the revolution against the British. They threw the tea in the harbor. The Boston massacre happened there. Lexington Green/ the shot heard around the world was there. It was THE hot spot for liberty lovers. And they showed the rest of the colonies how it's done. They were leaders, role models, heroes. They inspired like minds everywhere to stand up and be counted. The idea of self determination and liberty and sovereignty spread like a brush fire, with Massachusetts as the epicenter.

So Today, whose the biggest thorn in the side of big government central planners? The socialist authoritarians? The unconstitutional nanny-state tyrant class? Arizona.

There are others as well, don't get me wrong. But lately, Arizona is always in the news pissing off the executive branch and asserting its state rights. MORE!

I want MORE OF THAT. I want to see you guys call their bluff. Nullify Federal Laws that are outside Federal authority, or that contradict State Law. Pass laws prohibiting the execution of the Patriot Act, the NDAA. Pass laws kicking out the TSA. Call their bluff.

They will not roll the military into Phoenix, for a number of reasons. First of which, that would be a PR nightmare, making Arizona even more heroic than before. (the easiest way to bring down a dictator is to force them to act like a dictator). They don't have the balls to let it come to that. Call their BLUFF.

Instead, what will happen is nothing. The federal government will have to sit and watch as you nullify any and every one of their laws and regulations that were never constitutional in the first place. Your citizens will be far more free than the citizens of the other 49 states, and you'll be the heroes, the leaders. Other state legislatures will take note.

The people will finally see that there IS a solution. "Let's do what THEY did! The emperor has no clothes!"

It only takes 1 single state to stand up, and the idea will spread like a brush fire again. Like Independence Day: "Get on the wire! Let's tell 'em how to bring those sons-a-bitches down!"

We need a Hero State. Who's it gonna be? Who wants the honor? Who wants to go down in history?

P.S. if you don't know what State Nullification is, watch this:
and then, watch anything else that Dr. Thomas E. Woods puts out. He's brilliant.

06-24-12, 06:51
Hey, how about giving credit where credit is due? The Montana Supreme Court has upheld the state's 1912 Corrupt Practices Act, which was passed to restrict corporate influence in elections in response to the efforts by William Clark and the Anaconda Corporation (back in the Butte Copper Kings era) to buy the statehouse and legislature.

This put Montana's Supreme Court at odds with the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and may force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit its previous ruling in the Citizens United case.


06-24-12, 12:09
Pretty sure AZ is dependent on gov't money just like every other state, just as the Federal gov't intended in order to keep control over them.

06-24-12, 19:06
Pretty sure AZ is dependent on gov't money just like every other state, just as the Federal gov't intended in order to keep control over them.

So what? That's the argument I always hear. " It'll never happen. Their federal funding would get cut off." Well, crouch down and lick the hands that feed you, and may your chains set lightly upon your wrists. If even true conservative constitutionalist patriots are "benefit corrupted", then all is lost. All is probably lost anyways

06-24-12, 19:27
The problem is we cannot do it alone. Other states also need to step and tell the feds that they aren't going to take it. One thing for sure is that if we get some weak sheriff in Maricopa like they have in LA and other places we will go to shit quick.

06-24-12, 19:53
+1 to the above post. Montana, Az, ID, Fl & southern states need to keep the pressure on and other states will follow.

06-24-12, 21:28
They will not roll the military into Phoenix, for a number of reasons. First of which, that would be a PR nightmare, making Arizona even more heroic than before. (the easiest way to bring down a dictator is to force them to act like a dictator). They don't have the balls to let it come to that. Call their BLUFF.

Like they'd really never move to try and create a Raccoon City media tweak scenario?
For me I believe its more a question of 'when and how' as I'm certain they long ago quashed the 'should or shouldn't we' debates via surruptitious executive order.

Suddenly on a nice mild day...Ooops, what was that I saw/felt/heard about on twitter?
My God! Some type of disaster in AZ around Phoenix killing hundred, injuring thousands and who knows how many have gone missing or are trapped in the rubble!!

FEMA, NG and US Army brought in to impose strict martial law to help alleviate and contol the situation. Ft. Hood rolls heavy armor in loaded for bear. Marine transport and attack helicopters move in from California and Air Force assets are orbiting a mix of supply, spy, and refueling planes plus working up sattelite and drone patterns to make survailence more effective. You know, in case someone who may not already know they want to go to camp and who are trapped or being held by undesireables.
The Navy will be pulling instructors a upper class members out of Top Gun to be used as direct air support along with shooting down everything that flies within 200 miles of the disaster scene and doesn't have authorization.
Played right and mabe they can beg help, if not from the UN who I'm sure would love to assist, as long as we paid of course, then at least Mexico to come in and help with disaster aid.

Media blackout for all but a select few imbedded reporters who travel in gov't trucks on gov't routes with gov't military guards to go see and make stories about the horrors they see likle the example below.

In suburban X there have been many 'rioters, large roving bands with evil black rifles and helmets, and even small groups staying static in residential homes but no less armed, plus heavily armed criminal elements and looters' are killed due to them shooting at the official security forces who are simply tring to get the rest of the populace involuntarily hearded onto traains and buses to go to camps *located outside thier home state 'for thier own protection'.

The rest the country would have a outpouring of donations and prayers, but not any real notion of what actually occured because the news reported it as a earthquake or nuke powerplant or whatever 'incident' that idiots would suck in as a believable premis and thus persue it no further.

Other than to mabe think the rioters and those who won't comply with instructions to give up firearm and vacate thier property should be locked up or shot on the spot for non-compliance so they don't disrupt the flow of **people who want to line up, get tagged, then moved off to camp wherever. So cause an uprising of citizens in other locals demanding harsher treatment of the uncooperative elements.

Important to do as even though some radical elements will be missed in the filtering process, they really won't want to try and walk 1500 miles to get back home and fight.
Too little resources, too much lazy, too many patrols out looking for them.
Spread them far and wide so they cannot even imagine seeing anyone they knew prior to te incident ever again. That'll take the wind out of thier sails.

I'd even go so far as to say an 'escapee' who made it out would try to find thier way into Canada to stay or pass through into Alaska. If they didn't die on the wire, in the minefield, or at the ravenous fangs of the war dogs out on the perimeter 'to keep bad elements from trying to sneak into camp (riiight..keep people out, not imprison people inside the perimeter) so as to create havok and disruption for the folks who want to remain'.

These would be like the people lined up outside the WH a few years back wearing lab coats, so MUST have been doctors just like the picture captions and talking head babble said they were.
I mean c'mon, they had lab coats on! What does the public at large possibly need beyond that?

Stick some kids and people in well kept but slightly ruffled clothes, mabe a torn up dolly here and there and someone crying about the loss of thier (insert family member, pet or home individually or in any combination) and you've got a tear jerking red cross moment showing the kindness of the guards, clenliness of the transport and of course the overflowing appreciation from the people being rescued by relocation.

The scariest part?
It would literally be that easy. Mabe even more-so.
Once the media is under the thumb and the only way for people to communicate is literally by spoken word or hand written notes both of which seem to be so far gone as skillsets that only the old will be able to effectively plan things.

The media spoon fed to the peasantry will be listened to intently by the peasants and believed unquestionably by the peasants if for no other reason than its easier to listen to a radio or TV and let it tell you what to think and do to make things all better.
Actually hold a private conversation or write more words that it takes to make thier signature when they sign off on their debit/credit card purchse?
Not gonna happen. Too much like work...

06-24-12, 21:48
The problem is we cannot do it alone. Other states also need to step and tell the feds that they aren't going to take it. One thing for sure is that if we get some weak sheriff in Maricopa like they have in LA and other places we will go to shit quick.

you have a couple of sheriffs that deserve kudos...as a texan, I am toasting one your way. Cheers to AZ in regards to common sense for the border security / immigration battle.

You guys are the only one setting the bar at any height & taking the fight head on...good luck!! I can see other border counties to follow amigo & hope you stay vigilant.

06-24-12, 22:06

06-25-12, 00:44
@ GTifosi

You have laid out a plausible scenario in which the Feds, with the MSM in lock-step, move forces into a State that has used Nullification to strike down unlawful actions imposed against their people. You believe they'd come up with a cover story as to why all these forces needed to be deployed.

Here's why I don't think that would work:

First, The steps taken by such a State would be over many months or even years. The news, the blogosphere, forums, alternative media, podcasts, etc would be covering it all the way along. Tensions would rise slowly, and all but the most ignorant msnbc viewers would be following the developments. There's ALOT that could lawfully be nullified. It wouldn't happen over one day or week. They've essentially already started in Arizona, although its actually backwards nullification. They're upholding Federal Law that the Feds refuse to uphold. But the fact that you and I know about this proves my point. Many Americans are watching from the sidelines already.

Second, even IF developments happened very quickly (i.e. the State legislature nullified over 50 Federal laws in one fell swoop) and forces were sent into the State capital, there's Internet, Amateur Radio, Phone, even bike messenger communication. If they swooped in to unseat a governor and his legislature under the lie of some natural or man-made disaster that required the NG, stories would still leak. People in that State or region would tell everyone who'd listen. There's no such thing as water-tight when it comes to information security. Trust me.

So there you have it. The chance of a force being deployed against a State, and keeping its true mission secret from the GP, is non-existent. Too many people watching already, and too many leaks/whistle blowers.

06-25-12, 01:18
+1 to the above post. Montana, Az, ID, Fl & southern states need to keep the pressure on and other states will follow.

Don't get me wrong. If 5-10 State keep up the pressure, all the better. My point was it really only takes one.

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man; Brave, but hated and scorned. But when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain

Another thing: Nullification is the last measure possible to secure Liberty before Secession. Secession isn't even an option. There are too many Flag-waving Patriots (which I'd mostly count myself among). The idea of casting the stars and stripes out goes down bitter for the vast majority.

State Nullification basically says "We love America. We love Liberty. We love the Constitution. And we're not willing to support its subversion by the Federal govt. So, for us, for our State, the following violations of it shall have no binding legal authority"

Secession also comes with all the malevolent history that Nullification doesn't.

I'm serious, this way of thinking has some serious potential. If I didn't still live in NY, I'd be trying to set up a meeting with my assemblyman or state senator to talk about this. It's the forgotten master-key to the chest of tyranny buster tools.

06-25-12, 21:34
Hey, how about giving credit where credit is due? The Montana Supreme Court has upheld the state's 1912 Corrupt Practices Act, which was passed to restrict corporate influence in elections in response to the efforts by William Clark and the Anaconda Corporation (back in the Butte Copper Kings era) to buy the statehouse and legislature.

This put Montana's Supreme Court at odds with the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and may force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit its previous ruling in the Citizens United case.


No soap. SCOTUS ****s the citizens of Montana.


06-25-12, 22:18
When people have an issue with a law or a regulation or action that the Federal government has taken, why does the buck stop at the highest Federal Court? If the issue was with a branch of the Federal Government, doesn't that seem a bit like asking a mother her opinion of her son? How is it that SCOTUS has the final say on matters, including Federal. Seems like a conflict of interest; fox guarding the hen house.

06-26-12, 01:33
The United States, has become the most corrupt place on earth, and frankly, when you factor in the totality of the monetary figures associated with the treason(s) surrounding that southern border, its apparent that its the most corrupted place in the history of history....period!

You cannot share political power with those who wish to subjugate you! That we have done, and that they are doing!

06-26-12, 02:06
Listen to Tom Woods talk about Nullification. It's our only hope. He says nothing else has worked, and he's right.

How's waiting to vote the bastards out been working?

How's waiting until a court strikes their tyranny down been working?

How's suing them in their own courts been working?

Our choices are to try nullification, and if that fails, then try violence. And I for one don't want to see the latter anytime soon, so lets give the former a try first. For a long long time. Try it till we're blue in the face.

06-26-12, 06:11
Drop dead Arizona!

I guess it's okay for the Federal Government to say they're not going to enforce/uphold the laws on the books.

Can it get any better than that?!?!

06-28-12, 01:31
I guess it's okay for the Federal Government to say they're not going to enforce/uphold the laws on the books.

Can you imagine if Arizona gave it right back?

"Thats how you want to play? Fine. No resident of the State of Arizona shall be compelled to pay Federal Income Tax or any other Tax imposed at the Federal level"

What a shit storm that would start!! That would really drive the point home wouldn't it?

Call their bluff

06-28-12, 06:23
Eh...if Arizona did that, the Obama admin would find a way to spin to where not paying taxes is racism and racial profiling........

Can you imagine if Arizona gave it right back?

"Thats how you want to play? Fine. No resident of the State of Arizona shall be compelled to pay Federal Income Tax or any other Tax imposed at the Federal level"

What a shit storm that would start!! That would really drive the point home wouldn't it?

Call their bluff

06-28-12, 07:09
Can you imagine if Arizona gave it right back?

"Thats how you want to play? Fine. No resident of the State of Arizona shall be compelled to pay Federal Income Tax or any other Tax imposed at the Federal level"

What a shit storm that would start!! That would really drive the point home wouldn't it?

Call their bluff

Arizona receives more money from the feds than they pay in federal taxes. (http://taxfoundation.org/article/federal-taxes-paid-vs-federal-spending-received-state-1981-2005)

06-28-12, 12:51
I was making a point. If they get to ignore law on a whim, then a state should give them a taste of their own excrement.

06-28-12, 20:56
States can do it. Your sheriff needs to arrest gov agents who try to confiscate property after you fail to pay federal taxes and after the feds start shooting people.

This federal tax and spend scheme is criminal. Our states need to protect us from fed agents doing their revenue collection and quit allowing the fed gov to micro manage state level politics over "federal funding". Gee lets take 50 billion from this state, give 30 billion back...but give this state 100 billion even though we only collected 60 billion in revenue from them!

Out of 50 states how many republican governors are there?

07-02-12, 23:23
Out of 50 states how many republican governors are there?

Therein lies a major problem.

Republican has not been synonymous to constitutionalist. We need actual pro-limited government conservatives who understand the difference between a republic and a democracy.

I really can't guess how many of THOSE there are out of the 50, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear a very low number. Progressive RINOs are the most dangerous type of politician, because they can get the votes of well meaning people that ought to know better.