View Full Version : california 'bullet buttoned' AR's

06-24-12, 14:09
California senator Leland Yee, has introduced a bill, SB249, that will stop the 'bullet button' feature of being able to purchase and own an AR in California.

many gun owners and AR owners fought long and hard to get the bullet button legalized...now this.

it will make having an AR that's had a bullet button kit installed in order to meet California DOJ requirement that a rifle must NOT have a detachable magazine, along with other features, in order to possess legally, illegal.

this may not concern many, if not, most of you, but it could spell disaster for current AR owners in California that have AR's with bullet buttons installed; they could become criminals at passing of the proposed legislation.

i'm certain the legislature will pass it; seldom does California state legislature NOT pass anti-gun legislation.

so...in short...AR's, as we now know them, could become totally outlawed in California in July, 2013, as worded by the bill, if allowed to pass.

this is a move that's unprecedented even for California.

sen Yee says: "The people of California should not have these weapons. it's not up for debate or discussion...period."

i urge EVERYONE to contact sen Yee and voice opposition to SB249.

06-24-12, 14:47