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06-24-12, 21:15
I just had my buddy over for elk burgers and beer and he showed me what happened to his truck (http://rationalgun.blogspot.com/2012/06/beware-jumping-charging-deer.html). Damn, just damn....

06-24-12, 21:18
Holy crap, it looks like the deer shat itself explosively though the hole in the windshield! :D
Also, that heart looks like it has some kinda ghetto pacemaker in it.
Cool pics.

06-24-12, 21:44
Ain't never gonna git that antenna right again

Least the windows are popped so any residuals don't have to sit in the sun slow roasting :)

06-24-12, 21:46
Holy smokes! Glad your buddy is OK and was able to remain composed in such a incident. My parents had some friends and the wife was killed by a deer who rammed their jeep in Colorado. It's antler pierced the fabric door and impaled her lung. Makes me anticipate November to thin the herd.

06-24-12, 22:07
I think we need some "Smell-O-Vision" to fully appreciate that carnage.

06-24-12, 22:16
That should buff right out....

06-24-12, 22:17
Thats gonna leave a mark. Talk about a shit explosion. Prolly a good time to buy a box of air fresheners.

Evil Colt 6920
06-24-12, 22:41
Good thing there were no passengers. Brings back memories. I killed my first deer with a honda civic.

06-24-12, 23:00
Mother of God........

06-24-12, 23:06
Looks like the guts ruptured and all the cud went spraying into the passenger seat. Freaking nasty, man. Glad your friend is OK, that can't have been pleasant to experience.

06-24-12, 23:09
Tis one way to clean it...lot of that going around lately...here's a Vette hitting one at Hyperfest.


06-24-12, 23:54
I'm glad to read that your friend's glasses saved his eyes. As you stated, he definitely kept his composure.

06-25-12, 00:37
Holy crap! :eek: :bad:

Reminds me of the close call our car had a while back- stupid deer decided to run alongside the road next to the car as if it was going into the woods, then made a suicide run right into the side of it.
Thankfully the results were nowhere near as bad- just badly dented door panels. But the bastard still took a crap along the side of the car AND walked away from it.
There have been so many other close calls besides that it's not even funny.

Why are they so f'ing dumb? If they're standing on the side of the road right next to a big open field or patch of woods why is it that EVERY time they opt for the "run ACROSS the road option?

Needless to say, I fully support any hunters in my area. ;)
I swear- one more incident will probably prompt me to run for the nearest hunting legal firearm and license. And then there will be hell to pay....:ph34r:

06-25-12, 00:50
Most impressive feat of driving I've ever seen was when a friend of mine managed to NOT hit a deer.

Was only going 35mph but the street was wet. Deer popped up out of the ditch with little warning about 20 feet in front, he cut to the left and the deer darted in front of him so he cut to the right and the deer doubled back right in his path for a third time. He damn near stood the truck on it's nose bringing it to a stop and I swear it looked like the deer tried to dive under the nose.

If I'd have been driving I'm almost positive we'd have blasted that stupid ass deer at 35 mph.

06-25-12, 00:54
I think we need some "Smell-O-Vision" to fully appreciate that carnage.

I was thinking the same.

The SECOND I seen the stomach had ripped open....I could smell it.

That smell is like nothing else and you NEVER forget it. Lol

Like stale grass, feet, and shit all mixed together

06-25-12, 01:01
YIKES glad nobody was in the front passenger side !
and glad your buddy is OK

on another off road forum the talk of bumpers came up and some guys from OZ had some insane pics of kangaroo that they had hit over the years !!!!!

06-25-12, 01:27
(takes off sunglasses . . . . ) Mother of God........

Fixed it for you

3 AE
06-25-12, 01:35
Looks like the Geisselle Automatics cap came through unscathed! Cool. And to think there are people in this country who would crucify your friend for not taking every precaution under the sun to avoid killing Bambi. Thank goodness he made it.

06-25-12, 01:40
Most impressive feat of driving I've ever seen was when a friend of mine managed to NOT hit a deer.

Was only going 35mph but the street was wet. Deer popped up out of the ditch with little warning about 20 feet in front, he cut to the left and the deer darted in front of him so he cut to the right and the deer doubled back right in his path for a third time. He damn near stood the truck on it's nose bringing it to a stop and I swear it looked like the deer tried to dive under the nose.

If I'd have been driving I'm almost positive we'd have blasted that stupid ass deer at 35 mph.

Depending on the vehicle and the size of the deer, it's more dangerous to try and abruptly avoid the collision than to just hit it squarely. More than one person in my old AO bit the dust because they swerved to avoid a deer and ended up hitting a tree, flipping the vehicle, or going off the side of the hill. With a big truck, at 35 mph, and a small whitetail like you'd find in the South, you'd be better off just easing off the gas and drilling it squarely. Yeah, the truck will take some damage, but it's better than losing control and hitting something a lot harder than Bambi.

Of course, all that's easier said than done when the little bastard leaps out of the darkness into your high beams...

06-25-12, 01:41
Mother of God........


06-25-12, 01:53

Mauser KAR98K
06-25-12, 02:07
Stanley-steamer and a shat load of freebreeze should do the trick.

06-25-12, 03:02
Depending on the vehicle and the size of the deer, it's more dangerous to try and abruptly avoid the collision than to just hit it squarely. More than one person in my old AO bit the dust because they swerved to avoid a deer and ended up hitting a tree, flipping the vehicle, or going off the side of the hill. With a big truck, at 35 mph, and a small whitetail like you'd find in the South, you'd be better off just easing off the gas and drilling it squarely. Yeah, the truck will take some damage, but it's better than losing control and hitting something a lot harder than Bambi.

Of course, all that's easier said than done when the little bastard leaps out of the darkness into your high beams...

This was a rather large deer in Iowa. More importantly it was a neighborhood deer and they seem to be exceptionally retarded.

06-25-12, 05:50
Stanley-steamer and a shat load of freebreeze should do the trick.

More like hydrochloric acid. I hope his insurance totals it for him.

06-25-12, 06:40
I really hope his insurance company (USAA) takes care of his duty gear. Stuff's ruined.

06-25-12, 07:19
Wow...just wow!

I'm glad he's okay and walked away.

I watched a deer charge a red camaro about 2 cars in front of me, passenger side door, broke the window, dented the door and knocked itself out. Never seen that before...

06-25-12, 08:36
duty gear

Doodie gear :D

Likely the auto insurance will if it was called a 'property damage mva' or whatever the equivalent is there.
The 'property' part implies the vehicle and property within.

Of course laws differ state to state, but that's how they play it around here.
Like when someone smashes out a car window and steals the stuff out of it its all covered to some degree or another.

Proving value of the ruined equiptment on the other hand could be a bit difficult.

06-25-12, 08:41
Narly DDRT

06-25-12, 08:58
I really hope his insurance company (USAA) takes care of his duty gear. Stuff's ruined.

What kind does he use? I have some stuff that just sits and I can ask around the office. I'm sure we could help replace most of it if they don't.

06-25-12, 09:11
when I was driving a big truck we started putting deer whistles on our trucks a truck I got put into that just came in from a run hit a deer there was guts and shit from one end to the other God what a smell:sarcastic:

06-25-12, 09:59
I was thinking the same.

The SECOND I seen the stomach had ripped open....I could smell it.

That smell is like nothing else and you NEVER forget it. Lol

Like stale grass, feet, and shit all mixed together

Pretty sure it WAS all mixed together... and spread in an even pattern.

Was driving on the highway one evening and passing a semi when a Jackrabbit (they're fairly large out here) ran in front of me and got squarely squished by the semi's duelies. Didn't realize it until I got home, but the entire right side of my car was covered in rabbit shit, blood, guts and fur.

I concur that it is a smell that you do not soon forget. So much so that thinking about it gives me a bad taste in the back of my mouth, just from memory!

06-25-12, 11:05
You haven't lived until you work an accident scene where a cattle hauler trailer flips and you have splattered cow up and down the highway with others who survived the crash getting crunched by other passing semi's. It's what is affectionately refered to as a cluster ****. :jester:

06-25-12, 18:23
I heard a ton of personal stories about vehicles hitting deer, but this is the most unique, freakiest, and weirdest one I've heard yet. The pics are worth their weight in gold. Glad your friend is OK.

baffle Stack
06-26-12, 08:36
That'll buff right out.

06-27-12, 19:24
That should buff right out....

My dad has a bitchen set of tools. Fast Times at Ridgemont High a Classic! :D

What kind does he use? I have some stuff that just sits and I can ask around the office. I'm sure we could help replace most of it if they don't.

I have a Safariland ALS holster for a Glock 22 With light if he carries a 22/17 it is like new right hand in the STX. IF it helps PM me an address and it will go out fed ex tomorrow.

when I was driving a big truck we started putting deer whistles on our trucks a truck I got put into that just came in from a run hit a deer there was guts and shit from one end to the other God what a smell:sarcastic:

Do they work? I've had them before too.

I hit a freaking moose with my Impala and it didn't do that. iChat damage !

06-27-12, 19:51
Do they work? I've had them before too.

Anecdotal at best.
They can hear them, but as to how they react is anyone's guess and based more on the deer's own experiences.
The old 'State Boy Dodge Interceptor' whisting hubcaps were an original version, with the only real difference being humans could here them too.

What doesn't work is headlights, which usually just ends up resulting in 'I don't understand officer, I put the high beams on and laid on the horn and it just stood there til I hit it' :)

06-27-12, 20:31
Guys, I've passed the extremely generous offers onto him but I haven't heard back yet. He is issued a SIG.

06-27-12, 21:47
Glad he is okay. I had a trooper buddy on his way home from work one night hit a large cow moose, looked pretty similar but he was trapped in his cruiser for over an hour while they cut him out. He had two broken arms and minor injuries. Scary shit.

06-28-12, 08:06
This reminds me of high school prom. A bunch of us got together and rented a limo, but it was almost canceled due to the repairs not getting done in time. Apparently, 2 days before we needed it, a small deer charged it from the side, went THROUGH the big side window, ran around inside, kicked the crap out of the occupants, then jumped back out and continued on its way. I had doubts about the story, but there were some little brown hairs that the cleaning crew missed to prove it. If a deer will do that, they're dumb enough to jump in front of anything.

06-28-12, 10:51
Wow!! Glad to hear your bud was okay.

Tis one way to clean it...lot of that going around lately...here's a Vette hitting one at Hyperfest.


I bet that guys was sorry he passed that other car! :eek: