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07-11-12, 15:27

Sisters taking golf world by storm
Jul 6 2:19 PM ET | By Adena Andrews

Myah JacksonCourtesy of Eric JacksonMyah Jackson is the younger of a pair of sisters in Chicago who have been called the Williams sisters of golf.

A pair of 9-iron wielding sisters from the South Side of Chicago have been labeled the Venus and Serena Williams of golf. That's a lot of pressure for two young girls, but the headstrong pair is undaunted.

When asked what they think of being compared to tennis' famous duo, Myah Jackson, the younger of the two, quickly answers.

"I wonder what the Williams sisters think of us."

That mentality, combined with the ability to drive the golf ball a long way, has enabled the girls, who fittingly call themselves the "Birdie Sisters," to annihilate their competition.
[+] EnlargeBirdie sistersCourtesy of Eric JacksonMyah, right, and Erica Jackson, shown at a tournament earlier in their career, have filled a trophy room with their more than 300 victories.

Myah, 12, and Erica Jackson, 14, started playing golf at age 4 and have accumulated more than 300 tournament victories. Myah recently won the 39th Annual Pepsi Little People's Golf Championship in Quincy, Ill. Their next competition begins Tuesday at the Callaway Junior World Golf Tournament at Torrey Pines on the Tiger Woods Foundation National Junior Golf Team, which they have been members of since 2008.

"They have their own trophy room. They are about to move us out," said their father, Eric Jackson, 42.


07-11-12, 15:32
While no fan of professional sports and a person who finds sports celebrities especially insidious, what exactly is driving you crazy about these two?

A little context would help.

07-11-12, 15:32
I just see two kids playing golf, the two are really good at it, and their family is supporting them.

ETA: That first sentence was poorly worded. I will try to re-write it so it doesn't sound so negative.

Is the part that they are black and the emphasis on their race in the article is what is bothering you?

07-11-12, 15:33
I'm thinking the affirmative action angle myself.

07-11-12, 15:37
I'm thinking the affirmative action angle myself.

Is there one? I don't follow golf so I have no idea if these are a pair of tiger woods twins who had "golf parents" that have driven them from birth to be professional athletes or if they are getting undue press because it is popular to promote black athletes, especially in sports that are typically associated with non blacks.

07-11-12, 15:39
Is there one? I don't follow golf so I have no idea if these are a pair of tiger woods twins who had "golf parents" that have driven them from birth to be professional athletes or if they are getting undue press because it is popular to promote black athletes, especially in sports that are typically associated with non blacks.

from the article

"This is an expensive sport, and the better you get, the more expensive it becomes. The last club I bought Erica cost $1,000," Eric said. "I believe golf is designed to price black people out, and if these girls don't get the financial backing they need, it could be the end of them competing."

hands out it seems...

07-11-12, 15:51
from the article

hands out it seems...

The last club he bought her was a grand?


I just bought a new driver, latest tech, and it was $400 and I felt bad for paying it.

Beware the guy or girl with old clubs, tech isn't everything. Form is.

Screw these racist crybabies.

07-11-12, 15:53
Read the article...the guy is capable of spending $40,000/year for his girls to compete. He owns an $11,000 golf simulator, in his basement.

Every struggling, aspiring pro I know of fights and claws, and perseveres through the entry fees. The entry fees say nothing of their race, sexual preference, religion, or physical handicap. Every single one, struggles. Listing equipment and prizes won on ebay, to cover next week's entry. Even guys who make six figures in their "day job". What.The.****. does the price of golf have to do with whether you are white, black, yellow, olive or plaid?

Read it....it's on it's last leg for me....I can not take it any longer.

In the summer, they play on a nine-hole public course for $26 apiece for four hours every day, even Sundays.

"We only have 12 Sundays in the summer in Chicago before the cold hits. The Lord understands," Eric said.

If the girls get tired on the course, dad will spend the extra $20 for a cart. That's a total of $1,560 a month, not including cart fees, to practice.

In the winter months, they use an $11,000 golf simulator in the basement that the girls are rapidly outgrowing. Between practice, tournament fees, traveling, lodging, coaching and equipment, the family spends about $40,000 a year for the girls to compete.

"This is an expensive sport, and the better you get, the more expensive it becomes. The last club I bought Erica cost $1,000," Eric said. "I believe golf is designed to price black people out, and if these girls don't get the financial backing they need, it could be the end of them competing."

07-11-12, 15:55
And it has to be in Chicago, my most hated city. The city which ruins my state.
Maybe Rahm, Quinn, and Madigan can close another prison and use the money to buy these girls new clubs and memberships.

Now I'm pissed.

07-11-12, 15:58
The last club he bought her was a grand?


I just bought a new driver, latest tech, and it was $400 and I felt bad for paying it.

Beware the guy or girl with old clubs, tech isn't everything. Form is.

Screw these racist crybabies.

I just don't remember Golfsmith, or TGW asking me on my checkout if I was white, or not? Maybe I can get a discount on gear? if he paid $11,000 for the simulator, maybe I can get it for $7500?

07-11-12, 15:59
Read the article...the guy is capable of spending $40,000/year for his girls to compete. He owns an $11,000 golf simulator, in his basement.

Every struggling, aspiring pro I know of fights and claws, and perseveres through the entry fees. The entry fees say nothing of their race, sexual preference, religion, or physical handicap. Every single one, struggles. Listing equipment and prizes won on ebay, to cover next week's entry. Even guys who make six figures in their "day job". What.The.****. does the price of golf have to do with whether you are white, black, yellow, olive or plaid?

Read it....it's on it's last leg for me....I can not take it any longer.
A few of my WHITE construction worker friends haven't renewed their memberships at our club because of money.

Some of my WHITE friends WALK because they don't want to spend the $15, they need it for other things.

We donate old clubs for junior golf here so kids can play. And balls. They actually appreciate it.

**** the father of these girls. His daughters are no more entitled to a goddam thing than any white or black kid in southern Illinois.

07-11-12, 16:24
What a load of crap!! I know a lot of individuals who would be happy to find a job that pays $40,000/year. I wish I had an $11,000 golf simulator so that I can sell it and use that money to pay off some of my bills. Am I really supposed to feel bad for this "financially-strapped" family and their kids who may not be able to play a stupid game because it's too expensive?

Just more proof that a golf course is nothing more than a waste of a perfectly good Rifle Range!!

07-11-12, 16:31
Words I've heard somewhere before come to mind...

"Piss on golf!" :)

07-11-12, 16:33
hands out it seems...

All kinds of people beg for money and claim disadvantage as justification. United Negro College Fund comes to mind.

This is, if you will excuse the phrase, "par for the course."

07-11-12, 16:37
Read the article...the guy is capable of spending $40,000/year for his girls to compete. He owns an $11,000 golf simulator, in his basement.

Every struggling, aspiring pro I know of fights and claws, and perseveres through the entry fees. The entry fees say nothing of their race, sexual preference, religion, or physical handicap. Every single one, struggles. Listing equipment and prizes won on ebay, to cover next week's entry. Even guys who make six figures in their "day job". What.The.****. does the price of golf have to do with whether you are white, black, yellow, olive or plaid?

Read it....it's on it's last leg for me....I can not take it any longer.

Now I'm tracking.

But we better get used to it, people who were in the past discriminated against now receiver preferential consideration. Even more absurdly, it's done in the name of "equality."

Racial pandering is nothing new, it's sad that it has become the norm because it is simply a different form of racism.

07-11-12, 16:54
I wonder if these two scream racial slurs at Asian judges like the Williams brothers do, oops I mean sistas.

Edit to add: It would appear that these girls father are pimping them for their "talent" much like Joe Jackson did his five children. I see a reoccurring theme here.

07-11-12, 16:59
There is a similar story on CNN right now of a shot putter going broke for the gold.

07-11-12, 17:59
That article wants me to vomit in my mouth...

I liked the dads remark about growing up in the civil rights movement...article states he is 42...my math says he was born in 1970. The movement started in the 50s and was winding down by 1980. If he considers growing up in the movement between the age of 0-10 then I grew up during he cold war (born 1983). Only thing I know about the cold war is what I read in books...

07-11-12, 18:16
Read it....it's on it's last leg for me....I can not take it any longer.

Ok, and so you are going to do what? Bitch? Moan? Start a petition? I'm just asking because I often find myself boxed into the same mental predicament more and more often these days.

There appears to be absolutely no doubt at this point that white people (you know, the oddball majority of folks who's forefather's founded and developed this country) are in desperate need of a well spoken, well intentioned, non-evil collective voice. The question is, who is going to start it and when? Who has the courage to stand up and say "enough is enough"? Someone will one day soon, just watch. It is getting to that point folks.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase and nominate SHIVAN. :D

07-11-12, 18:50
There appears to be absolutely no doubt at this point that white people (you know, the oddball majority of folks who's forefather's founded and developed this country) are in desperate need of a well spoken, well intentioned, non-evil collective voice. The question is, who is going to start it and when? Who has the courage to stand up and say "enough is enough"? Someone will one day soon, just watch. It is getting to that point folks.

Anyone who dare take such a public stance would be ostracized, discredited, and labeled “racist” by the media, DOJ, education system, et al. There is obviously a silent majority.

Stockpile ammo/arms train and repeat.

Dr. Manning tells it like it is:

07-11-12, 19:28
Anyone who dare take such a public stance would be ostracized, discredited, and labeled “racist” by the media, DOJ, education system, et al. There is obviously a silent majority.

Stockpile ammo/arms train and repeat.

Dr. Manning tells it like it is:

Yes, they would be attacked relentlessly no doubt. But personally I believe that between Obama, Holder, poor baby Trayvon, rampant inner city destruction, the ultra-biased and corrupt media, numerous calls to eliminate the term "illegal" when referring to illegal aliens, etc, we may soon have had just about enough.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But it's coming I promise you, this because there is simply no way around it anymore but to submit and witness the collapse. Romney would be a finger in the dike, as there is no real reason to believe that the overall trajectory of entitlement and dysfunction will subside in the long run. For many that simply can't be an option and I am one of those people.

Not a racist or a hater, just not looking to be used as a doormat.

07-11-12, 19:39
Yes, they would be attacked relentlessly no doubt. But personally I believe that between Obama, Holder, poor baby Trayvon, rampant inner city destruction, the ultra-biased and corrupt media, numerous calls to eliminate the term "illegal" when referring to illegal aliens, etc, we may soon have had just about enough.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But it's coming I promise you, this because there is simply no way around it anymore but to submit and witness the collapse. Romney would be a finger in the dike, as there is no real reason to believe that the overall trajectory of entitlement and dysfunction will subside in the long run. For many that simply can't be an option and I am one of those people.

Not a racist or a hater, just not looking to be used as a doormat.

Agreed, but we are in end game. Those who choose not to be doormats will be labeled haters and dealt with accordingly. Watch some of Dr. Mannings videos on Youtube, he makes a damn fine case.

07-11-12, 19:49
That article wants me to vomit in my mouth...

I liked the dads remark about growing up in the civil rights movement...article states he is 42...my math says he was born in 1970. The movement started in the 50s and was winding down by 1980. If he considers growing up in the movement between the age of 0-10 then I grew up during he cold war (born 1983). Only thing I know about the cold war is what I read in books...

Don't bother with facts and reality, people are trying to fabricate a background here.

07-11-12, 19:54
Yes, they would be attacked relentlessly no doubt. But personally I believe that between Obama, Holder, poor baby Trayvon, rampant inner city destruction, the ultra-biased and corrupt media, numerous calls to eliminate the term "illegal" when referring to illegal aliens, etc, we may soon have had just about enough.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But it's coming I promise you, this because there is simply no way around it anymore but to submit and witness the collapse. Romney would be a finger in the dike, as there is no real reason to believe that the overall trajectory of entitlement and dysfunction will subside in the long run. For many that simply can't be an option and I am one of those people.

Not a racist or a hater, just not looking to be used as a doormat.

Or it might just continue to get worse and worse and the government will engineer one ponzi scheme after another until we become a socialist welfare state. Even with all the problems Greece is having it won't explode, it will still be there tomorrow. There will still be people doing the bare minimum possibly allowed and expecting free stuff.

When our government finally runs out of money it will borrow more in the form of bailouts that we have no say in.

07-11-12, 19:58
And it will continue.

I pointed out years ago (and was ripped as being a racist by MaceWindu) that this shit will keep on until two things happen, whites stop giving into it and blacks show some ****ing integrity and stand up to the racial hucksters who "represent" the black community. The former isn't likely to happen because of what happened to me in that thread (a black site member labeling me a racist), and the latter won't happen as long as blacks (or any other non-white race) keep getting shit when they play the race card (or it's played for them).

07-11-12, 22:00
And it will continue.

I pointed out years ago (and was ripped as being a racist by MaceWindu) that this shit will keep on until two things happen, whites stop giving into it and blacks show some ****ing integrity and stand up to the racial hucksters who "represent" the black community. The former isn't likely to happen because of what happened to me in that thread (a black site member labeling me a racist), and the latter won't happen as long as blacks (or any other non-white race) keep getting shit when they play the race card (or it's played for them).

There is also an unlikely third possibility, that people will become educated enough to recognize what genetics has already discovered, that "race" is a painfully artificial classification that is as valid as blood based eugenics.

If we could abandon racial classifications we might actually be able to engage in genuine equality. But that is very unlikely IMO because I don't think the average human is capable of such intelligence. And most tend to gravitate towards notions of tribalism.

07-11-12, 22:48
Agree with all the labeling but I have to ask where is the "right" when it comes to combating this?

The left are EXPERTS at setting the tone and putting people on the defensive. In turn, those on the right, especially our politicians, don't have the backbone to stand up to these attacks. Republicans have dropped the ball so many times now it would take 20 years just to get even with the left.

07-11-12, 23:55
Agree with all the labeling but I have to ask where is the "right" when it comes to combating this?

The left are EXPERTS at setting the tone and putting people on the defensive. In turn, those on the right, especially our politicians, don't have the backbone to stand up to these attacks. Republicans have dropped the ball so many times now it would take 20 years just to get even with the left.

They don't dare try. Anyone who attempts to counter these "reasonable, progressive movements" will instantly be demonized as racist, McCarthyists who want to create a white Nazi state.

And so long as the average American buys it all and keeps pressing the feeder bar for a food tablet it will never change.

And quite honestly, given the GOP leaders of the past few decades, I'm not sure I want them running the show and making their propaganda the new popular mainstream beliefs.

In a savage irony, the only ones who would replace agenda with truth and special interests favoritism with individual freedoms are those with libertarian mindsets and because they respect freedom they aren't willing to do what is necessary to be in a position to make such changes.

07-12-12, 00:07
I don't play golf or any sport that involves chasing a ball (my dogs have that angle covered for our family). However, I will say that every exclusive golf club in the towns that lived in as a child had policies discriminating against blacks and Jews. For example, the Danville, VA golf club would not allow blacks and initially denied membership to a Christian surgeon whose name sounded Jewish. When I moved to Richmond in 1987, the Country Club of VA had no black or Jewish members - ever. I believed that they allowed their first Jewish members in 1990 with the Thalhimer family who owned a chain of department stores.

I imagine that things a changed with the ascendancy of Tiger. I suspect that a lot of the father's racial tension on the subject has something to do with this history. However, I not buying his pity or sob story.

07-12-12, 00:26
They don't dare try. Anyone who attempts to counter these "reasonable, progressive movements" will instantly be demonized as racist, McCarthyists who want to create a white Nazi state.

And so long as the average American buys it all and keeps pressing the feeder bar for a food tablet it will never change.

And quite honestly, given the GOP leaders of the past few decades, I'm not sure I want them running the show and making their propaganda the new popular mainstream beliefs.

In a savage irony, the only ones who would replace agenda with truth and special interests favoritism with individual freedoms are those with libertarian mindsets and because they respect freedom they aren't willing to do what is necessary to be in a position to make such changes.

Thats only because our republican politicians don't fight back or do anything to sway minority votes. Not saying its worth it to sway from party values but our "guys" can at least grow a spine. You can't fix stupid but you can throw it in their face.

07-12-12, 00:41
Thats only because our republican politicians don't fight back or do anything to sway minority votes. Not saying its worth it to sway from party values but our "guys" can at least grow a spine. You can't fix stupid but you can throw it in their face.

Don't think I don't understand and agree with what you are saying. I'm just of the opinion that it has gone on for so long there is no getting it back.

In the 1960s and 70s America was effectively changed for the worst. Reagan was the last person to stand against it and I don't think it will ever happen again.

I'd love to be wrong and see a snap back like we did following the failures of the Carter administration, but I don't think Romney is the guy to make it happen.

07-12-12, 00:52
........Just more proof that a golf course is nothing more than a waste of a perfectly good Rifle Range!!

I'll second that! :happy:

07-12-12, 19:13
I'd love to be wrong and see a snap back like we did following the failures of the Carter administration, but I don't think Romney is the guy to make it happen.

Not saying that I'm swayed, but he did show a degree of promise while being booed at the always impartial NAACP convention. He took it well and maintained a confident swagger, now he needs to build on it. If he does so he can inspire.

07-13-12, 00:01
Not saying that I'm swayed, but he did show a degree of promise while being booed at the always impartial NAACP convention. He took it well and maintained a confident swagger, now he needs to build on it. If he does so he can inspire.

Just so we are clear, Romney is a major upgrade from McCain and probably a better option than Bush. But that doesn't make him Reagan and I don't think he is poised to rescue the country. It would be better than four more years of Obama, but we could elect a President by radio call in contest and do better than Obama.

07-13-12, 10:10
...But we better get used to it, people who were in the past discriminated against now receiver preferential consideration. Even more absurdly, it's done in the name of "equality."

Racial pandering is nothing new, it's sad that it has become the norm because it is simply a different form of racism.

But does this mean we should just shut the **** up and not speak out against this type of bullshit? I do not have to agree to it and I WILL speak out against it.

I'm not about to roll over and just accept that just because someone is black (or whatever demographic group they might belong to) I will give them a bye just because they were "wronged" a hundred or so years ago.

Every minority group was wronged in this country to some point and at some time of our history. Hell, you can say that with any demographic group in every society throughout history. This includes the minority group I belong to.

I am so sick and tired of these people receiving a bye just because of the color of their skin. I am even sicker of people insinuating that just because they were "the sons of slaves" that they should receive our sympathy because they can only spend $40,000 a year or an $11,000 simulator that they have "outgrown" just because their skin is the same color as the current POTUS.

Anyone who thinks that we should accept this bullshit, they should be ashamed of themselves for even considering this. You are nothing more than a "Quisling" (RE: "World War Z" by Max Brooks).

07-13-12, 11:19
But does this mean we should just shut the **** up and not speak out against this type of bullshit? I do not have to agree to it and I WILL speak out against it.

I'm not about to roll over and just accept that just because someone is black (or whatever demographic group they might belong to) I will give them a bye just because they were "wronged" a hundred or so years ago.

Every minority group was wronged in this country to some point and at some time of our history. Hell, you can say that with any demographic group in every society throughout history. This includes the minority group I belong to.

I am so sick and tired of these people receiving a bye just because of the color of their skin. I am even sicker of people insinuating that just because they were "the sons of slaves" that they should receive our sympathy because they can only spend $40,000 a year or an $11,000 simulator that they have "outgrown" just because their skin is the same color as the current POTUS.

Anyone who thinks that we should accept this bullshit, they should be ashamed of themselves for even considering this. You are nothing more than a "Quisling" (RE: "World War Z" by Max Brooks).

Preach it brother.

For true equality to exist, race, or gender for that matter, should not be recognized within our society. I truly wish this were the case.

I fear that it will never happen though. It is apparent that some minorities / minority groups never wish to be considered equals in in the first place.
As in.......What would happen to Al and Jesse or the big NAACP machine? Dear me, what would they ever do?

If it is all someone can do is to scream that they are a beat-down minority, and do not aspire to stand on their own merits as individuals of good character and integrity that contribute to society, maybe that is all they will ever be or want to be, downtrodden.

07-13-12, 12:02
Preach it brother.

For true equality to exist, race, or gender for that matter, should not be recognized within our society. I truly wish this were the case.

It is not that they should not be recognized by society. It is that they should not be a basis for government decisions.

If blacks want to celebrate kwanzaa, they should be able to. If I want to open the door for ladies, I should be able to. If Mexicans want to celebrate Cinco de Mayo or Italians want to celebrate Prince Spaghetti Day (hah!) that is great.

As a society, meaning the people, not the government, the issue is not to ruthlessly ignore race, gender, ethnicity. It is for all to be equal in the law, before the government, in all aspects -- responsibility, opportunity, etc.


Reagans Rascals
07-13-12, 13:02
It is not that they should not be recognized by society. It is that they should not be a basis for government decisions.

If blacks want to celebrate kwanzaa, they should be able to. If I want to open the door for ladies, I should be able to. If Mexicans want to celebrate Cinco de Mayo or Italians want to celebrate Prince Spaghetti Day (hah!) that is great.

As a society, meaning the people, not the government, the issue is not to ruthlessly ignore race, gender, ethnicity. It is for all to be equal in the law, before the government, in all aspects -- responsibility, opportunity, etc.


just so you know Kwanzaa is not a real holiday... it was made up in the 60's... it was an attempt to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society."

In my book... you are not afforded religious freedom to practice a fake, made up holiday, who's only basis is racial segregation....

07-13-12, 13:04
just so you know Kwanzaa is not a real holiday... it is made up in the 60's... it was an attempt to "give Blacks an alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society."

In my book... you are not afforded religious freedom to practice a fake, made up holiday, who's only basis is racial segregation....

I know what Kwanzaa is. I basically explained it to my son the way you explained it (toned down for a 9 year old).

However, you want to regulate religious freedom? Only allow what the state thinks a valid religion would or should be?

If blacks want to celebrate Kwanzaa, then go for it.


07-13-12, 13:22
It is not that they should not be recognized by society. It is that they should not be a basis for government decisions...........

............It is for all to be equal in the law, before the government, in all aspects -- responsibility, opportunity, etc.


That is actually what I intended to communicate. You did a much better job at making the point.

07-13-12, 16:39
I know what Kwanzaa is. I basically explained it to my son the way you explained it (toned down for a 9 year old).

However, you want to regulate religious freedom? Only allow what the state thinks a valid religion would or should be?

If blacks want to celebrate Kwanzaa, then go for it.



However, I don't feel that people should be forced to participate in MLK day (though I usually do) nor black history month (which I don't) either.

I'm just as angry as the next guy when I see stereotypical liberal shit like this in the news but are we being played to their advantage by getting all worked up over this? That's what they (the media, liberals, minorities, etc.) want us to do. We are becoming their puppets.

07-13-12, 16:49
That's what they (the media, liberals, minorities, etc.) want us to do. We are becoming their puppets.

I know it appears that way BUT we are already puppets to much more sinister masters. The media, liberals, special interest groups, and you and I are just pawns in the game my friend.

Divide and conquer is the play here.

Reagans Rascals
07-13-12, 17:22
I know what Kwanzaa is. I basically explained it to my son the way you explained it (toned down for a 9 year old).

However, you want to regulate religious freedom? Only allow what the state thinks a valid religion would or should be?

If blacks want to celebrate Kwanzaa, then go for it.


I don't believe there should be legal ramifications for not allowing someone to celebrate a fake holiday such as kwanzaa, or trying to take off of work to celebrate it.... thats all

I don't care if they choose to celebrate it... but I do not believe it should be afforded the same protections under the law as actual recognized religions....

basically I could make up a holiday called Turtleopolis... where I have to take off every single Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in remembrance of the great turtle that climbed out of the sea.... and thus... if you try to infringe on my rights I can sue you and seek reparations...

07-13-12, 18:06
basically I could make up a holiday called Turtleopolis... where I have to take off every single Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in remembrance of the great turtle that climbed out of the sea.... and thus... if you try to infringe on my rights I can sue you and seek reparations...

I will no longer work on Turtleopolis.

07-13-12, 18:10
But does this mean we should just shut the **** up and not speak out against this type of bullshit? I do not have to agree to it and I WILL speak out against it.

I'm not about to roll over and just accept that just because someone is black (or whatever demographic group they might belong to) I will give them a bye just because they were "wronged" a hundred or so years ago.

Every minority group was wronged in this country to some point and at some time of our history. Hell, you can say that with any demographic group in every society throughout history. This includes the minority group I belong to.

I am so sick and tired of these people receiving a bye just because of the color of their skin. I am even sicker of people insinuating that just because they were "the sons of slaves" that they should receive our sympathy because they can only spend $40,000 a year or an $11,000 simulator that they have "outgrown" just because their skin is the same color as the current POTUS.

Anyone who thinks that we should accept this bullshit, they should be ashamed of themselves for even considering this. You are nothing more than a "Quisling" (RE: "World War Z" by Max Brooks).

Perhaps I am old from years of trying to push the rock back uphill. If you wish to keep pushing your rock, you have my admiration. It's not that I find the bullshit acceptable to me, I just no longer see an effective means to push the rock back up the hill that won't destroy my life in the process.

Reagans Rascals
07-13-12, 18:23
Perhaps I am old from years of trying to push the rock back uphill. If you wish to keep pushing your rock, you have my admiration. It's not that I find the bullshit acceptable to me, I just no longer see an effective means to push the rock back up the hill that won't destroy my life in the process.

what if you broke the rock into smaller pieces, carried each one to the top, then reassembled them with gorilla glue or mighty putty? :sarcastic:

07-13-12, 19:33
I know I'm going to regret this ... but WTF is the big deal about these young girls playing golf?

Their dad spends a lot of money supporting his girls' hobby. So what? It's his money and it's a free country. Some local groups are pitching in to see them succeed? Again, why the outrage? Some folks think the girls make a good role model for other young black women. That's a bad thing?

Check out the LPGA tour. See a lot of black women swinging clubs? So having a couple of black girls excel at the sport, maybe pick up a college golf scholarship, and aspire to be some of the first black women to make it into pro golf doesn't seem like the end of the ****ing world to me.

Frankly, I'm glad to see any American women coming up in the sport so the LPGA tour can once again have some U.S. players topping the leader board instead of the entire female population of South Korea. Nothing against the South Koreans; they have just totally dominated the sport for the last 5-10 years.

Sure, the dad's chumming the waters looking for money to support his girls and trying to drum up support among the African-American community. Like that's something new. Maybe he's just another stage mom managing his kids' "career" looking for a payday. Who knows?

But at the of the day, it's about a couple of young girls showing some real talent at a sport which may open a lot of doors for them. What's wrong with that?

This thread has wandered off into some really strange and borderline offensive territory.

07-13-12, 20:08
I know I'm going to regret this ... but WTF is the big deal about these young girls playing golf?

I don't think a single person in this thread has a problem with these girls playing golf. That's not the issue here.

07-13-12, 20:18
I know I'm going to regret this ... but WTF is the big deal about these young girls playing golf?

If thats all that was said....that would be one thing. But instead it has to be thrown in our face that they are black...

...and Myah and Erica were the only two black golfers.

Oh my gosh! Blacks are 13% of the population so we have to specifically put it in the article they are BLACK! BLACK! BLACK! BLACK!

Why the hell does race have to be thrown in our face? Equality means I don't give a **** what race they are. I mean I watch golf from time to time. I like to see players who are playing well make good shots, and its a GAME people can make money at. You brought up South Koreans, and guess what? Koreans make up even less of the US population as blacks do. But I didn't see South Koreans being put in the news for being South Korean. But now we got some BLACKS! and its the focus of the article on these girls instead of their athletic accomplishments.

Although race makes the Birdie Sisters stand out

Why? Because thats what the article on ESPN focused on? Its artificial to the core. So South Koreans dominated the LGPA for a decade but now we got a couple blacks who stand out? If it was me, as a far right wing type of a guy, with blone hair a blue eyes said blacks stand out against whitey (and apparently South Koreans) Im a bigot racist.

Eric said. "I believe golf is designed to price black people out, and if these girls don't get the financial backing they need, it could be the end of them competing."

So now Golf is racist? Funny I actually worked at a driving range when I was in HS, and I didn't seem to recall a price list for clubs nor range time based on race. WTF does this comment mean anyways? Golf companies should do what exactly? I was just actually at Academy the other day looking at golf balls. Nike has balls priced 45+ (not incl tax for another 5 bucks) on a package of balls. I can't afford that, either, but I guess since Im white I should be able to afford them. Guess Im ****ing up since I can't afford to buy a small box of golf balls at 45 bucks each or 400 dollar clubs. No matter what race you are golf CAN be expensive. No you don't have to use that high dollar stuff but the pro's don't pay for that shit anyways.

Chicago's We Can Inc., a community outreach organization, held a golf outing and donated part of the proceeds to the girls' golf expenses.

Good. Thats how it should work. Community wants to see them play then they can fund them. Just don't complain they can't afford it because they're black.

In the winter months, they use an $11,000 golf simulator in the basement that the girls are rapidly outgrowing.

I actually grew up with two expensive white people sports. Travelling baseball and trap shooting. I had a shotgun that cost a few thousand, and travelling on baseball teams cost a shit ton of money as well as around 10-20hrs of my dads time a week. I had a pitching mound in my back yard, and I was going to indoor batting practice 1-2x a week. Had private pitching lessons, top dollar gear, ect. Still none of that stuff cost 11K dollars that Id have "rapidly outgrew". I mean I had a $200 glove 15 years ago, a $200 bat, Nike metal cleats, my own helmet, ect. Thats like maybe 700 in equipment. Throw in the shooting and it was like 6k for a few years I did it. Not even close to 11k in a golf simulator that they are going to rapidly outgrow. Yet the race aspect has to get thrown in. My dad is an engineer who has always made good money, and he'd have NEVER paid for a 11k golf simulator.

"We are supporting them because all too often we find young children from our community are involved in sports like this or other activities and they don't have the kind of support from the community that they deserve

Guess what? Not a single damn penny was spent on me by the 'the community' to pay for me to play. I played pony league, and then did travelling teams. Our pony league fields were paid for by our local pony organization which we paid for with our league fees. The land was in a flood zone of a river, and improvements were made by parental donations and dues accrued over time. Our dads did field maintenance and no one was looking for charity to come in so we could play ball. How much golf course maintenance has this guy done?

"I didn't want them to get into a sport that had any physical limitations to it," Eric said. "If you are fat, skinny, tall or short you can play golf. The easiest way into the history books is golf for a black woman. The opportunities are there, and their face will be right next to Tiger's if they win an LPGA event."

Now we get into the meat of why these girls are playing golf. He's looking for celebrity status for his daughters, and golf is how he saw them doing it. He wants their names in a book, and its not about his kids having fun playing a sport. He wants that free college money for them, community money while they are young, and playing their skin tone off as being a reason for both their lack of money to keep buying 1k clubs or why he can't afford their entrance fees.

So Ill say again...its not about being black. My dad made good money, and couldn't have afforded a 11k golf simulator plus all the fees to play, 1k dollar clubs, ect. Theres plenty of other sports out there that are not nearly as costly. He happened to pick golf for his girls, and then whines because they're black they can't afford to play on the level he wants them to. Well guess what puppy...most white people can't afford that shit either. Theres a reason tons of golf courses are centered around retirement communities. How many people today, gasp, even being white, are going out there in their teens or even 20's playing serious golf with 1k a piece clubs.

Id also like to know where that 1k a club cost comes from. As I said I worked a driving range with a fully stocked pro shop and the most expensive club in there was maybe a ping driver for 300-400. Maybe they are 400-500 now. Bottom line is it doesn't matter what race you are. Some sports are just expensive, and you need rich(er) parents to support it. Im on my own now and I can maybe afford to play adult softball or baseball but trapshooting would get our lights turned off and my kids without food for a couple weeks a month. So maybe one day after I finish college and put my work into getting experience in my job Ill be able to afford for my kids to play on travelling teams and enjoy their childhood. Not race baiting the fact I can't afford it now, and accusing the entire sport of being racist to price blacks out of it. Ask Tiger Woods how his race priced him out of the sport!?

07-13-12, 20:19
Dave, Dave, Dave...
You're missing the whole ****ing point. Go back and read the WHOLE article in the first link posted.

"This is an expensive sport, and the better you get, the more expensive it becomes. The last club I bought Erica cost $1,000," Eric said. "I believe golf is designed to price black people out, and if these girls don't get the financial backing they need, it could be the end of them competing."

Designed to price black people out? As golf was intentionally designed to price black people out? He's out buying $1000 dollar clubs! It's like if a Harvard educated black complaining to me years ago that it's a shame we don't have a black President.

No one here has expressed any problems with the kids.

I don't remember Tiger Woods father making such a dumbass statement. I do remember the asinine racial comments referring to Tiger at the Masters quite a few years ago. I don't think anyone here would support that.

Honestly, it's getting old catching people up on threat material when they don't fully read the 1st god damned post.

07-13-12, 20:20
I know I'm going to regret this ... but WTF is the big deal about these young girls playing golf?

Their dad spends a lot of money supporting his girls' hobby. So what? It's his money and it's a free country. Some local groups are pitching in to see them succeed? Again, why the outrage? Some folks think the girls make a good role model for other young black women. That's a bad thing?

Check out the LPGA tour. See a lot of black women swinging clubs? So having a couple of black girls excel at the sport, maybe pick up a college golf scholarship, and aspire to be some of the first black women to make it into pro golf doesn't seem like the end of the ****ing world to me.

Frankly, I'm glad to see any American women coming up in the sport so the LPGA tour can once again have some U.S. players topping the leader board instead of the entire female population of South Korea. Nothing against the South Koreans; they have just totally dominated the sport for the last 5-10 years.

Sure, the dad's chumming the waters looking for money to support his girls and trying to drum up support among the African-American community. Like that's something new. Maybe he's just another stage mom managing his kids' "career" looking for a payday. Who knows?

But at the of the day, it's about a couple of young girls showing some real talent at a sport which may open a lot of doors for them. What's wrong with that?

This thread has wandered off into some really strange and borderline offensive territory.

Bingo. As most threads here do, that are politically based.

How did the Williams sisters do this year at Wimbledon? Oh, thats right...:laugh:

07-13-12, 20:35
How did the Williams sisters do this year at Wimbledon? Oh, thats right...:laugh:

And did there father ever piss and moan about tennis being too expensive?

I didn't watch so fill me in, but did they make threats and racial slurs against the judges this time???

07-13-12, 20:39
I know I'm going to regret this ... but WTF is the big deal about these young girls playing golf?

Absolutely NOTHING. And I think that is the entire point of the debate. There is no reason to try and turn them into a "cause celeb." But that seems to be exactly what is happening.

07-13-12, 20:41
Dave, Dave, Dave...
You're missing the whole ****ing point. Go back and read the WHOLE article in the first link posted.

I read the article AND the thread. And I see a bunch a bitching and moaning over a couple of comments made by the dad which devolved into a running diatribe about poor whitey getting shafted by the coloreds. How about you read my post again?

Honestly, it's getting old catching people up on threat material when they don't fully read the 1st god damned post.

Spare me the condescending and patronizing attitude.

07-13-12, 20:41
And did there father ever piss and moan about tennis being too expensive?

I didn't watch so fill me in, but did they make threats and racial slurs against the judges this time???

Did YOUR boy Fuzzy make comments about Tiger Woods again? How quickly we forget??




07-13-12, 20:54
Did YOUR boy Fuzzy make comments about Tiger Woods again? How quickly we forget??





07-13-12, 20:56
Did YOUR boy Fuzzy make comments about Tiger Woods again? How quickly we forget??



Moose, don't be going around saying Fuzzy is YOUR BOY!! :secret:
Glad you brought it up again. Tiger is racist anyway :rolleyes:



07-13-12, 21:03
Moose, don't be going around saying Fuzzy is YOUR BOY!! :secret:
Glad you brought it up again. Tiger is racist anyway :rolleyes:



Obiously Tiger is a race traitor because he likes them blondes....Uncle Toms don't count when it comes to black achievement....

07-13-12, 21:06
The usual suspects in this thread...gotta love it. :rolleyes:

07-13-12, 21:10
The usual suspects in this thread...gotta love it. :rolleyes:

Glad we resorted to innuendo instead of fact.

07-13-12, 21:15
Won't be baited.

Nothing said here will change anyone's point of view, etc. You all win!

Now what? :confused:


07-13-12, 21:20
Won't be baited.

Nothing said here will change anyone's point of view, etc. You all win!

Now what? :confused:


Now we have to figure out how to get what race people are out of sports. What answers do you have to offer?

I offer that I don't give a **** what people's race is, and if they are a professional athlete or sports figure they all get treated the same.

07-13-12, 21:37
Won't be baited.

Nothing said here will change anyone's point of view, etc. You all win!

Now what? :confused:


It's unfortunate but certainly not surprising that you take the typical stance proclaiming that we are racists as opposed to thinking individuals observing a new, troubling form of socially acceptable inequality. More and more white people are starting to see the obvious, especially since the arrival of the great divider Obama.

07-13-12, 21:39
I think we need some kind of affirmative action program to get white and asian midgets, excuse me...vertically challenged people, into the NBA.

For far too long, tall (especially black) athletes have had an unfair advantage when it comes to this sport. While we are at it, I think we need more jewish guys in the NFL.

Then we will have true diversity.

07-13-12, 21:41
...and here comes the typical "pile on".

07-13-12, 21:57
And all those damned smart and talented Asians...we have GOT to do something about them. It just simply isn't fair. And all the fuss they make about racism :rolleyes:

I seem to remember Jeremy Lin taking a beating from a segment of certain people that have dominated the NBA for decades.

07-13-12, 21:59
...and here comes the typical "pile on".

Stop with the dramatics, nobody's piling on you and you're not disliked because your black. Your problem is that you are too quick to pounce when some of us say enough, giving no consideration to the potential validity of the topics.

Army Chief
07-13-12, 22:01
<staff>Cool Your Jets, Gents.</staff>


07-13-12, 22:32
Stop with the dramatics, nobody's piling on you and you're not disliked because your black.

Who said anything abot being "disliked"? Drama? Please...do you know my ethnic background?

07-13-12, 22:59
Who said anything abot being "disliked"? Drama? Please...do you know my ethnic background?

I do. The last time you PM'ed me accusing me of being a racist I put your handle on here into google found out you are using the same name on some dating websites.

07-13-12, 23:09

It's not who/what you are, it's how you act.
It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

If the guy had made a statement along the lines of
"This sport is really expensive, espcially of you want to compete at a professional level. In fact I feel it's extremely overpriced, and because of the costs involved it could be the end of them competing........ we appreciate the community's support for my daughters and I would be proud to see their pictures alongside other great golf pros/athletes in a history book some day."

Or whatever.
See? No inflammatory thread material there, and gets the same point across just fine.

But NO- apparently some people can't just play the damn golf the best they can and see where it takes them, they got to throw down the R-card to spur things along.
So you're black/asian/woman/gay/polka dotted?? WHO GIVES A FLYING FORNICATION!!!!!
Just do whatever it is you're doing- if you're good, you'll make it big just fine. If not, then no one will care anyway.

And to be blunt, cheap shots like this is why racism will never die. Some folk can't move past the past and have to keep dredging up the same old bullshit every chance they get.
The sad thing is people like this think they're helping their race, when in fact they're just undermining it further.

And I'll stop there before I get spanked.


07-13-12, 23:11
I do. The last time you PM'ed me accusing me of being a racist I put your handle on here into google found out you are using the same name on some dating websites.

Lol...really? :p

Dating websites?

07-13-12, 23:12
...and here comes the typical "pile on".

I do hope you are not including me. I'm one of the few who understands race is a very artificial classification. As a result I'm opposed to all forms of racism, even those some believe is benign or benevolent.

07-13-12, 23:24
Lol...really? :p

Dating websites?

Yep. Not trying to make it personal. I know you are black and have PM'ed me as much in the past. I don't give a **** what race you are personally. I like a good debate and have nothing to hide. You can search Belmont31R I see I was banned from TOS. I was also banned from uber cool LF'er! I have a good track record across the net!

So we can we agree equally looking at race is a good example to set?

Tell you what. Next time Im down in your area Ill buy you a beer. Ive known and became friends with a lot of black people. Last time I lived in the barracks my roomate was black, my team leader was black, my SL was mexican, and my PS was black. Never had a problem with anyone. Ill buy the first round.

07-13-12, 23:45
Yep. Not trying to make it personal. I know you are black and have PM'ed me as much in the past. I don't give a **** what race you are personally. I like a good debate and have nothing to hide. You can search Belmont31R I see I was banned from TOS. I was also banned from uber cool LF'er! I have a good track record across the net!

So we can we agree equally looking at race is a good example to set?

Tell you what. Next time Im down in your area Ill buy you a beer. Ive known and became friends with a lot of black people. Last time I lived in the barracks my roomate was black, my team leader was black, my SL was mexican, and my PS was black. Never had a problem with anyone. Ill buy the first round.

The wife might have issue with the dating websites...

Agreed, I look forward to it. My background? You would be surprised.

07-14-12, 00:08
The wife might have issue with the dating websites...

Agreed, I look forward to it. My background? You would be surprised.

Just saying the last time you PM'ed me you weren't as nice as you are being now, and as I said I don't give a F what race you are. Im my past Ive dealt with all kinds races. I loved my first barracks roomate like a brother and he acted like he was more white than me. Pulled in all kind of German chicks (and their lonely friends).

People take this shit too seriously. I really don't care if you are black or not. Ive got plenty of people I served with who are "not white" who've Ive used on job applications as references.

Again first beer is on me.

Reagans Rascals
07-14-12, 02:02
fine... I'll be the first person to say it......

I like black people, I have many black friends, I have had many black girl friends and I even subscribe to the idiom that you're not a man until you split black oak.... however; I do not like blacks in the media

I do not like the fact that no matter what the issue, the "media" blacks make it into a racial concern, no matter what the cause, the "media" blacks will find a racial component to exploit, the "media" blacks have to make every single thing that arises about race and how they are being oppressed...... it never fails

I do not apologize if I offend you because it offends me when every single god damn thing has to be about race... I swear to god... if there is a minority in a race somewhere....the second they start losing... is the second they start looking in their pockets for that race card....

If they truly wanted to be treated as equals... they would be the last people the segregate themselves and pull the race card...... but rest assured.... just as soon as its in their favor... that bitch is being pulled...

Rascals Out

07-14-12, 03:11
Did YOUR boy Fuzzy make comments about Tiger Woods again? How quickly we forget??




I have no doubt Tiger has heard his fair share of racial slurs concerning his African and Asian heritage, however I fail to see how any of this has to do with the statements made by the father in the article or the Williams sisters.

I don't concern myself with professional sports so before your post I had no idea who "Fuzzy" was and he damn sure is not my "boy". :rolleyes:

And the last time I heard someone say "BOOM" was in a TV spot for Twilight. :lol:

07-14-12, 04:00
poor whitey getting shafted by the coloreds.
:lol: Thanks for that... I haven't laughed so hard all day!

You know I chewed Grandpa's ass on the Zimmerman thread for such asinine comments so I hope your asinine comments weren't directed at me.


I have no doubt Tiger has heard his fair share of racial slurs concerning his African and Asian heritage, however I fail to see how any of this has to do with the statements made by the father in the article or the Williams sisters.

I don't concern myself with professional sports so before your post I had no idea who "Fuzzy" was and he damn sure is not my "boy". :rolleyes:

And the last time I heard someone say "BOOM" was in a TV spot for Twilight. :lol:

Fuzzy is your boy because he's white and you're presumed to be white or else you wouldn't be piling on. After all, we whites are all each others "boys" right? Don't we all have our fellow racists' backs?
Bringing up the 15 year old Fuzzy comment is pathetic and desperate at best. If that's the best he has then I refuse to engage any further in meaningless conversation with him.

Question a minoritie's racial motives and get labeled a racist...classic.

ETA: I hope these girls do get respect for their athleticism if they don't carry on the old ways of their father which even he seems to admit they won't...not growing up during his time. I know several post racial blacks closely enough to give me hope.

30 cal slut
07-14-12, 23:31
What a load of crap!!

Just more proof that a golf course is nothing more than a waste of a perfectly good Rifle Range!!

Hahahahahahahahahahaha. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. ::p

My shooting club is next to two golf courses. They hate us, especially when the belt feds get going on Saturday afternoons? :D

07-15-12, 01:36
golf related :)

on Lanai their are two nice course and I am from Maui used to live on Lanai
we were out bow hunting and coming up this insane slippery hill on the backside of this trail so we see a flat spot up a bit so we get up close and throw our bows up then climb up :)
and we see our bows sitting on the edge of a green and some tourist golfers looking very strangely at us we just smiled grabbed our bows and slid back down the hill ;) hahahaha have to wonder what they thought being on a super prestigious course and seeing that :)