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View Full Version : Went from Iphone (ios) to Galaxy SIII (Android)...

07-18-12, 22:02
What am in for? lol

After 3 iphones I wanted a change. I do a lot of web browsing, and the small 3.5" screen on the 4 was annoying. A 4S would have had the same screen size. I don't like protectors, and I was constantly getting dropped calls holding the metal rim on the 4 which also serves as the antenna. I would get a dropped call, look at the bars, and I wouldn't be getting any service. Put it down on the desk, and within a few seconds its back up to 3-4 bars. Hard to use a phone that you can't even hold in your hand. I was constantly having to put the phone down and use speaker.

Galaxy SIII has expandable memory. Already bought a micro SD off Amazon, and for 20 bucks I get a micro SD card reader and 32GB micro SD card. So I saved 180 dollars to get a phone (with the micro SD cost added) with 48GB which falls in between the 64GB 4S and 32GB 4S.

I do think the Iphone has better auto correct, and Im already missing the double tapping the space bar to get a period (.) but I suspect its just muscle memory on my part. The Iphone folders are great but the SIII isn't really any harder. Im not a big app user and don't have 50,000 apps on my phone and a dozen folders. I can basically 'hide' the apps I don't regularly use and its just a thumb flip to get to the apps which aren't on the home screen.

Also...through ATT I have a premier account so I get 15% off but that doesn't apply if I have an Iphone. For whatever reason Apple phones are the only brand the discount doesn't apply. So now that my discount is being applied over the course of 2-3 years it more than makes up for the cost of the phone. Say I save $10 a month X24 months is $240, and if I use this phone for 3 years like I did the 4 thats $360. To top it off my new SIII is on 4G LTE, and the 4S is on their HSPA+ which is 3G but they call it 4G. So I was paying MORE per month with the 4 for lower quality service.

I also don't like the Iphone proprietary connector. For whatever reason the old car charger I had for the 3GS would not work with the 4. It would say this accessory does not work (or whatever is says). I even bought a new car charger from the Apple store several months after I got the 4, and it also would not charge my 4 with the same error message. I even hooked up the Apple supplied USB cord into my computer, and get an error message about this accessory does not support charging. My wife has a 4 and it does the same thing with hers. WTF is that? I actually had a cord start smoking right after I got my 4 but it didn't damage the phone.

Who knows what the Iphone 5 will bring, and the SIII has the upgrades I wanted as well as the all important screen size, expandable memory, swappable batteries, ect. I don't really like the approach Apple is taking with making repairs an Apple Store only kind of thing. I've fixed my Windows PC a few times and enjoy being able to upgrade parts if they fail and keep my stuff running.

Anyways anyone make a switch like this? Impressions?

07-18-12, 22:07
the s 3 is a great phone, i work for att and i think it blows the iphone out of the water.

for txting i recommend getting the app swift key x, do some research on it and youll be hooked.

07-18-12, 22:13
I've been using android for a couple years now. Both my HTC Liberty and my current Samsung Rugby Smart give a period on double space after a word.

Samsung autocorrect is a whole different beast from HTC and seems to have words that are part of my address book added to it after set up.

Right now I'm just waiting for a good ROM for this phone because the ATT bloatware ticks me off and because for a phone that's supposed to be really close to the iPhone 4 specs it has issues when switching Alps from time to time.

That being said, I took photos using it while on Maid of the Mist a few weeks back. I like nnot needing a case and a ziplock baggy to keep my phone functional.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I847 using Tapatalk 2

07-19-12, 16:34
The GS3 is probably my next phone, while I'm probably going to have to move the wife and my mom to iPhones (The former due to medical apps, the latter due to technological illiteracy).

I suspect Apple will sell the first units with really good LTE battery life (dunno if they'll alter the SCFDMA, or just run better batteries and amps on the uplink side) that aren't lacking elsewhere, but such is the luxury of knowing you'll sell 20 million units to fanboys alone.

07-19-12, 16:46
I run an iPhone 4S & Droid Bionic 4LTE.
I have zero problems or issues w/ either. I have noticed a trend towards Non Micro SD cards because of Clouding etc. That's a NO GO for me given privacy issues, clients sensitive content etc.
Phones either need to have storing capability or enough memory on board. My 4S has 64GB & it has been superb thus far.
I find the iPhone slighty more intuitive than the Android. I run a similar Micro SD card scenario only 64GB w/ lots of files, CV/Reumes/movies/videos/pics etc.
The Android w/ dual core & 4LTE is faster no doubt than the faux 4G branded ATT. GS lll specs are awesome & should be a great phone & tool.

07-19-12, 19:18
you will never be able to go back to a smaller screen after using a screen larger than 4.5"

07-19-12, 19:40
you will never be able to go back to a smaller screen after using a screen larger than 4.5"

I for one hope the new iPhone does not have larger than a 4" screen. I like the fact that it is small and slim and fits in any of my pockets easily.

I used my sisters G S2 a bit and could not stand the huge form factor. It wasn't a phone, it was a tablet! ;) The SIII is even bigger. If it (SIII) had twice as many pixels it might be one thing, but you don't. You get marginally more screen space.

The G SIII looks like a nice phone for those who want to deal with Android. If I were to get an Android phone, it is probably what I'd end up with.


07-19-12, 23:49
I run an iPhone 4S & Droid Bionic 4LTE.
I have zero problems or issues w/ either. I have notice a trend towards Non Micro SD cards because of Clouding etc. That's a NO GO for me given privacy issues, clients sensitive content etc.
Phones either need to have storing capability or enough memory on board. My 4S has 64GB & it has been superb thus far.
I find the iPhone slighty more intuitive than the Android. I run a similar Micro SD card scenario only 64GB w/ lots of files, CV/Reumes/movies/videos/pics etc.
The Android w/ dual core & 4LTE is faster no doubt than the faux 4G branded ATT. GS lll specs are awesome & should be a great phone & tool.

For me, even being upgrade eligible, the Iphone 4S 64GB would be $400 even under a 2 year contract.

Im sure the Iphone 5 will be out later this year, and will be a nice phone. Could have waited but but wanted to see what Android is about, and think I have good reasons for the choice. Heard some battery issues with the SIII but after doing ONE battery cycle so far right now I have 5 1/2 hours of "screen on" time and still have 32% left.

Also got a mirco USB charger off amazon for 8 bucks, and a spare samsung OEM outlet charging kit for another $3.75.

Auto correct is getting better. Its learning what words I want to use. Watched an HD video off youtube today and the screen was awesome.

Think Iphone "phone" part may be better. SIII kinda lumps the "call list" into one big list with everyone you have text, called, or got a voicemail from and its not as clear cut as Iphone. To be honest I don't do much calling aside from my wife/friends/family.

Don't appreciate ATT adding so much "bloatware".

07-19-12, 23:52
I for one hope the new iPhone does not have larger than a 4" screen. I like the fact that it is small and slim and fits in any of my pockets easily.

I used my sisters G S2 a bit and could not stand the huge form factor. It wasn't a phone, it was a tablet! ;) The SIII is even bigger. If it (SIII) had twice as many pixels it might be one thing, but you don't. You get marginally more screen space.

The G SIII looks like a nice phone for those who want to deal with Android. If I were to get an Android phone, it is probably what I'd end up with.


Well I do a lot of web browsing off wi-fi so the bigger dimensions are a plus to me. No problem fitting in a pocket. The Note is actually the mini tablet/phone. Didn't want to go that big but I wanted to be able to watch youtube stuff on a nice screen that was bigger than the 3.5" Iphone screen. Don't want to carry a tablet with me or jump on a PC to watch an HD video on a decent screen size.

07-20-12, 00:09
I find this interesting, since...well....

I recently got a Blackberry, hated it, and went back to my old phone (a regular old flip-phone.) I got a nicer Samsung (second phone, through a different service provider) than my old one, and really don't care for that one...

I recently have been considering an Iphone, as I really, really don't like Google/Android.....

07-20-12, 00:20
I find this interesting, since...well....

I recently got a Blackberry, hated it, and went back to my old phone (a regular old flip-phone.) I got a nicer Samsung (second phone, through a different service provider) than my old one, and really don't care for that one...

I recently have been considering an Iphone, as I really, really don't like Google/Android.....

Iphone is probably better coming from a BB or flip phone. They are easy to use... Ive just been using them for 5+ years and want a bigger screen, different UI, and don't like the direction apple is going with locking down their products so much the user is basically powerless to fix or replace anything. Don't like the proprietary connectors that don't work (for me), and that also makes things more expensive. Like I mentioned you can get micro USB car chargers and USB cables off Amazon for super cheap (OEM equipment not 3rd party).

Also with downloading APPs from google it tells you exactly what the APP can access on your phone. If I don't like the access the APP has to information I don't have to download it. You get no such information off Iphone except for maybe location settings. '

Both have their plus and minus. I want to say the iphone is "plug n play" but my SIII is pretty easy to use, too, just different than what Ive been using for 5 years. If I were interested in an iphone now...Id wait to see that the 5 is going to do and maybe wait a month past its release to see what bugs come out. I bought my 4 pretty much as soon as it was released, and have been dealing with the dropped call issue just for holding the phone normally since the antenna is built into the outside metal band that goes all the way around the phone. Apple sent me a shitty rubber band that covered up the metal part, and that thing was a POS. I don't like phone covers so when I do make or take calls I had to be mindful of how I held it. Not sure if the 4S has the same issue.

07-20-12, 00:32
I bought my 4 pretty much as soon as it was released, and have been dealing with the dropped call issue just for holding the phone normally since the antenna is built into the outside metal band that goes all the way around the phone. Apple sent me a shitty rubber band that covered up the metal part, and that thing was a POS. I don't like phone covers so when I do make or take calls I had to be mindful of how I held it. Not sure if the 4S has the same issue.

The later iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S do not have the "dropped call" issue as they redesigned the antennas. They are still in the metal band but they don't have the issue of being "shorted" together RF-wise causing a problem.

Interestingly, I got my iPhone 4 pretty much as soon as they came out and never had issues. But I did eventually put a case on the phone -- not because of dropped calls but for protection of the phone since I don't want to drop and kill a $300 phone.

But some people must hold the phone in a different way and have the problem with original iPhone 4. But it is no longer an issue.


07-20-12, 00:37
The later iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S do not have the "dropped call" issue as they redesigned the antennas. They are still in the metal band but they don't have the issue of being "shorted" together RF-wise causing a problem.

Interestingly, I got my iPhone 4 pretty much as soon as they came out and never had issues. But I did eventually put a case on the phone -- not because of dropped calls but for protection of the phone since I don't want to drop and kill a $300 phone.

But some people must hold the phone in a different way and have the problem with original iPhone 4. But it is no longer an issue.


Good to hear...but their fix for me was a POS rubber band. A replacement with the fixed antenna would have made me happy.

07-20-12, 00:46
Belmont. My replies and questions are not meant to try and defer the iPhone or to give you grief. I just want to understand some of your issues and maybe provide info that can help others who may have similar issues.

What am in for? lol

and I was constantly getting dropped calls holding the metal rim on the 4 which also serves as the antenna. I would get a dropped call, look at the bars, and I wouldn't be getting any service. Put it down on the desk, and within a few seconds its back up to 3-4 bars. Hard to use a phone that you can't even hold in your hand. I was constantly having to put the phone down and use speaker.

This antennas were redesigned in the iPhone 4S and they don't have this issue.

I am not sure how you hold the phone, but only certain ways of holding the phone would trigger the issue on the original iPhone 4. I won't deny it was an issue.

To top it off my new SIII is on 4G LTE, and the 4S is on their HSPA+ which is 3G but they call it 4G. So I was paying MORE per month with the 4 for lower quality service.

Technically the fastest versions of HSPA+ are now called 4G by the standards organizations that define this sort of thing. And they get pretty much same ball parks speeds on average. HSPA+ is based on the same technology used for slower 3G HSPA while LTE is new technology, but interestingly, LTE as it is being done by Verizon and AT&T did NOT actually qualify as 4G under the older 4G definitions, due to some parts of the standard not being implemented. Then, for various political reasons, and because the actual on the street speeds are similar, they redefined 4G to match the latest batch of technologies. LTE will last longer than HSPA+ as improvements are being made.

I also don't like the Iphone proprietary connector. For whatever reason the old car charger I had for the 3GS would not work with the 4. It would say this accessory does not work (or whatever is says). I even bought a new car charger from the Apple store several months after I got the 4, and it also would not charge my 4 with the same error message. I even hooked up the Apple supplied USB cord into my computer, and get an error message about this accessory does not support charging.

Did you take the phone back to the Apple Store and show them this with the Apple supplied USB cord? Since almost all charging scenarios you described lead to the same error message, it may have been a problem with the phone. Or, did you use the Apple supplied USB cable with your car chargers? (Ie, did you need to plug it in to the car charger?) In that case maybe the Apple USB charging cable was defective.

The only time I have seen the message you are talking about was with an old 3rd Party iPod USB cable (one that was for an iPod, which shares the connector, but may be missing some pins or something that were added with the iPhone), or with a car charger that was also an iPod one and did not claim support for the iPhone. That was with my 3GS. Have not seen it since with multiple phones and chargers.

Just wondering

My wife has a 4 and it does the same thing with hers. WTF is that?

If it was the same USB cable then I wood suspect the cable.

I actually had a cord start smoking right after I got my 4 but it didn't damage the phone.

I would definitely suspect a damaged cable

I don't really like the approach Apple is taking with making repairs an Apple Store only kind of thing. I've fixed my Windows PC a few times and enjoy being able to upgrade parts if they fail and keep my stuff running.

Good luck with switching out your own parts on the Samsung. Except for replaceable batteries, the rest of the parts there are not user replaceable.

Enjoy the SIII. It is a good phone and an interesting evolution.


07-20-12, 00:59
Good to hear...but their fix for me was a POS rubber band. A replacement with the fixed antenna would have made me happy.

I was addressing the issue mainly for people looking to get current iPhones. Not to say you were wrong or anything.

But in general, adjusting the way you hold it would fix the issue for everyone I know who had the issue. The issue was the two pieces of the antenna being "connected" through your hand crossing them. This would attenuate the RF signal. You can get a similar affect on most other phones by holding them a certain way where you hand goes over the main antenna. There are videos on YouTube showing this. But in most cases you have to hold them funny so it does not affect people on a day to day basis.


Reagans Rascals
07-20-12, 01:00
the only reason I stick to apple products... is because they are all iTunes based... if something ****s up, if I need to add something, or remove something, or if I need to restore the phone... I simply go through iTunes.... if the other phones out there had the same type of interface as an iPhone and iTunes, I'd be all over it....

things on the iPhone are just simple to use.... when I compared my older iPhone 3GS to my friends brand new (at the time) Droid Incredible.... there was no comparison... the interface of the iPhone can't be beat...

07-20-12, 01:02
I was addressing the issue mainly for people looking to get current iPhones. Not to say you were wrong or anything.

But in general, adjusting the way you hold it would fix the issue for everyone I know who had the issue. The issue was the two pieces of the antenna being "connected" through your hand crossing them. This would attenuate the RF signal. You can get a similar affect on most other phones by holding them a certain way where you hand goes over the main antenna. There are videos on YouTube showing this. But in most cases you have to hold them funny so it does not affect people on a day to day basis.


Don't know. Just held it normally like I would with anything else and it would cut the signal to zero. Didn't have that issue with any other phone including two other iphones.

07-20-12, 01:04
the only reason I stick to apple products... is because they are all iTunes based... if something ****s up, if I need to add something, or remove something, or if I need to restore the phone... I simply go through iTunes.... if the other phones out there had the same type of interface as an iPhone and iTunes, I'd be all over it....

things on the iPhone are just simple to use.... when I compared my older iPhone 3GS to my friends brand new (at the time) Droid Incredible.... there was no comparison... the interface of the iPhone can't be beat...

The issue with itunes and iphones is the formatting has to be very specific, and say like adding a custom ringtone (that you didn't buy off itunes) required another program to convert it, and then going through itunes to upload it.

07-20-12, 01:05
Don't know. Just held it normally like I would with anything else and it would cut the signal to zero. Didn't have that issue with any other phone including two other iphones.

They had different antenna designs.

07-20-12, 01:07
They had different antenna designs.

I know, and I didn't like Apple's response to the issue with my early release 4 which did have the issue. They should have replaced the phone with one that was "fixed" rather than sending me a rubber band.

Reagans Rascals
07-20-12, 01:15
The issue with itunes and iphones is the formatting has to be very specific, and say like adding a custom ringtone (that you didn't buy off itunes) required another program to convert it, and then going through itunes to upload it.

or you could do the old save as aac version, rename to .m4r and re-upload... always worked for me but it just takes some time and some computer know how.... no 3rd party programs though...

I think iPhone's are the tits if you are a techie and know your way around a computer fairly well and want to spend some time jail breaking and so on and so forth....

if you aren't into modding then other phones with less corporate bullshit to deal with are the wise choice...

07-20-12, 01:22
The issue with itunes and iphones is the formatting has to be very specific, and say like adding a custom ringtone (that you didn't buy off itunes) required another program to convert it, and then going through itunes to upload it.

Well, actually, the only thing I had to do to get a custom ringtone on my iPhone was to change the file extension. I took a normal .m4a file and change it to a .m4r (can't be more than 30 secs long)


Then upload it through iTunes like you do any song.

07-20-12, 01:22
or you could do the old save as aac version, rename to .m4r and re-upload... always worked for me but it just takes some time and some computer know how.... no 3rd party programs though...

I think iPhone's are the tits if you are a techie and know your way around a computer fairly well and want to spend some time jail breaking and so on and so forth....

if you aren't into modding then other phones with less corporate bullshit to deal with are the wise choice...

Hmm last time I looked it up it wasn't that simple...been a while though.

I think Android is a lot more apt to be "modder" friendly.

07-20-12, 01:51
I only wish the GS3 on AT&T had 4G LTE...

07-20-12, 02:01
I only wish the GS3 on AT&T had 4G LTE...

According to AT&T, it does


That is supposedly the reason the international SIII has a quad-core 1.4ghz CPU from one maker, and the US version has a dual-core 1.5ghz CPU of a different maker -- the 1.5 dual core was compatible with the LTE chips used in the US.


07-20-12, 04:12
I should have said MY GS3. I have an international one. I know the differences but I got my phone before it was released in the US.

07-20-12, 11:17
I should have said MY GS3. I have an international one. I know the differences but I got my phone before it was released in the US.

I guess if you buy a phone that does not have LTE capability, then you shouldn't expect it to work with LTE ;)

DO you have any benchmarks on the quad core 1.4 vs the dual 1.5 (different CPU make as well)?


07-20-12, 12:14
GS3 is a great phone....good choice. My wife just got one a few weeks ago. I prefer my GNex but the GS3 would be my next choice for sure.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

07-20-12, 20:01
I should have said MY GS3. I have an international one. I know the differences but I got my phone before it was released in the US.

I was going to say....mine has the 4G and LTE logo.

07-20-12, 20:03
What am in for? lol

After 3 iphones I wanted a change. I do a lot of web browsing, and the small 3.5" screen on the 4 was annoying. A 4S would have had the same screen size. I don't like protectors, and I was constantly getting dropped calls holding the metal rim on the 4 which also serves as the antenna. I would get a dropped call, look at the bars, and I wouldn't be getting any service. Put it down on the desk, and within a few seconds its back up to 3-4 bars. Hard to use a phone that you can't even hold in your hand. I was constantly having to put the phone down and use speaker.

Galaxy SIII has expandable memory. Already bought a micro SD off Amazon, and for 20 bucks I get a micro SD card reader and 32GB micro SD card. So I saved 180 dollars to get a phone (with the micro SD cost added) with 48GB which falls in between the 64GB 4S and 32GB 4S.

I do think the Iphone has better auto correct, and Im already missing the double tapping the space bar to get a period (.) but I suspect its just muscle memory on my part. The Iphone folders are great but the SIII isn't really any harder. Im not a big app user and don't have 50,000 apps on my phone and a dozen folders. I can basically 'hide' the apps I don't regularly use and its just a thumb flip to get to the apps which aren't on the home screen.

Also...through ATT I have a premier account so I get 15% off but that doesn't apply if I have an Iphone. For whatever reason Apple phones are the only brand the discount doesn't apply. So now that my discount is being applied over the course of 2-3 years it more than makes up for the cost of the phone. Say I save $10 a month X24 months is $240, and if I use this phone for 3 years like I did the 4 thats $360. To top it off my new SIII is on 4G LTE, and the 4S is on their HSPA+ which is 3G but they call it 4G. So I was paying MORE per month with the 4 for lower quality service.

I also don't like the Iphone proprietary connector. For whatever reason the old car charger I had for the 3GS would not work with the 4. It would say this accessory does not work (or whatever is says). I even bought a new car charger from the Apple store several months after I got the 4, and it also would not charge my 4 with the same error message. I even hooked up the Apple supplied USB cord into my computer, and get an error message about this accessory does not support charging. My wife has a 4 and it does the same thing with hers. WTF is that? I actually had a cord start smoking right after I got my 4 but it didn't damage the phone.

Who knows what the Iphone 5 will bring, and the SIII has the upgrades I wanted as well as the all important screen size, expandable memory, swappable batteries, ect. I don't really like the approach Apple is taking with making repairs an Apple Store only kind of thing. I've fixed my Windows PC a few times and enjoy being able to upgrade parts if they fail and keep my stuff running.

Anyways anyone make a switch like this? Impressions?

You can double tap the Space bar for a period. It is in settings. Check out the keyboard pro app you can try the free one, I did and bought the app. There is an iPhone screen app where you get the keys and a long press gets you numbers, commas or what ever is showing on the key along with the letter. Well worth a few bucks.

The only thing I hate on my new droid is the camera, it sucks. Even playing in settings I can not take decent photos unless the light is perfect. My iPad and my sons iPod camera kick the shit out of my Droid Razzr. The Razzr also doesnt let me change the battery, kinda Appleesque. I love having a micro USB cord for my phones. My last BB and last three droids all take the same charger. I have a bunch of them which is always a good thing.

07-20-12, 20:11
You can double tap the Space bar for a period. It is in settings.

Found that. Called "auto punctuate". Thanks!

07-20-12, 20:34
Found that. Called "auto punctuate". Thanks!

Apple products are more polished and intuitive. I like the freedom of the androids.

07-20-12, 21:57
Any phone where you can pop out the battery is better than one you can't, period.

As for actual functionality, I had a Galaxy S. Even after rooting it and removing a lot of the crapware it still had occasional issues (bugginess) with bluetooth headset sync, making calls, etc, that required a reboot to get it working right again. I would hesitate to get another Samsung based on that experience. The S III does look nice though.

07-20-12, 22:08
I guess if you buy a phone that does not have LTE capability, then you shouldn't expect it to work with LTE ;)

DO you have any benchmarks on the quad core 1.4 vs the dual 1.5 (different CPU make as well)?


Well no shit. I knew what I was getting, hence I said I "wish" it had 4G LTE. Haven't benched marked it against another GS3, just my old GS2.

07-20-12, 22:23
Any phone where you can pop out the battery is better than one you can't, period.

As for actual functionality, I had a Galaxy S. Even after rooting it and removing a lot of the crapware it still had occasional issues (bugginess) with bluetooth headset sync, making calls, etc, that required a reboot to get it working right again. I would hesitate to get another Samsung based on that experience. The S III does look nice though.

There are worlds of difference between Eclair/Froyo and ICS. Things have gotten a lot better in the past 2 years.

07-21-12, 18:03
Just need to chime in on the 4G holly shit it is fast. My phone will smoke a battery with heavy use.

07-21-12, 18:09
Just need to chime in on the 4G holly shit it is fast. My phone will smoke a battery with heavy use.

Im getting 6-7 hours on the SIII but off wifi mostly. Takes 2 1/2 from phone shutting down to lack of power to being 100% on battery. I always do at least 3 full charges from 0 battery life with a new phone/laptop, ect, and if I can (at home and not going out) normally let them run out anyways and then do a full charge with the device off. Ran into battery issues in the past with constant recharging without ever letting the battery fully run out and get recharged with the device off.

Anyone know of a good workaround to print off my brother WIFI printer? Tried to print and it says I can only print off samsung printers. I know theres a fix for this! FWIW my Iphone would not print off it, either.

07-21-12, 18:26
Im getting 6-7 hours on the SIII but off wifi mostly. Takes 2 1/2 from phone shutting down to lack of power to being 100% on battery. I always do at least 3 full charges from 0 battery life with a new phone/laptop, ect, and if I can (at home and not going out) normally let them run out anyways and then do a full charge with the device off. Ran into battery issues in the past with constant recharging without ever letting the battery fully run out and get recharged with the device off.

Anyone know of a good workaround to print off my brother WIFI printer? Tried to print and it says I can only print off samsung printers. I know theres a fix for this! FWIW my Iphone would not print off it, either.

I have an app called PrinterShare Mobile Print (Amazon Appstore, might be in Google Market as well, not sure); in the description it says that it supports Brother printers. Might check that out.

07-23-12, 14:22
For me, even being upgrade eligible, the Iphone 4S 64GB would be $400 even under a 2 year contract.

Im sure the Iphone 5 will be out later this year, and will be a nice phone. Could have waited but but wanted to see what Android is about, and think I have good reasons for the choice. Heard some battery issues with the SIII but after doing ONE battery cycle so far right now I have 5 1/2 hours of "screen on" time and still have 32% left.

Also got a mirco USB charger off amazon for 8 bucks, and a spare samsung OEM outlet charging kit for another $3.75.

Auto correct is getting better. Its learning what words I want to use. Watched an HD video off youtube today and the screen was awesome.

Think Iphone "phone" part may be better. SIII kinda lumps the "call list" into one big list with everyone you have text, called, or got a voicemail from and its not as clear cut as Iphone. To be honest I don't do much calling aside from my wife/friends/family.

Don't appreciate ATT adding so much "bloatware".

So how's the new ride so far ?

I'm inquiring because there's a lot of great features & specs on that phone. The memory, processor, pixels, front 1.9 camera, 1080p, form factor etc.

Want to get one but not eligible for upgrade @ reduced price yet etc.
more of a want than need. have Droid Bionic that rocks but specs aren't as up to snuff as what your donning.

What say ye ?

07-23-12, 16:18
Right now the best Android phone is the Galaxy SIII (best hardware) and #2 is the Galaxy Nexus (best software). Nexus is a lot more hackable since its running vanilla android with no manufacturer overlay if you care about running custom ROMs. Nexus devices will get updates faster than other phones because its vanilla Android. The SIII hardware is superior to the Nexus.

If you think youre hard enough Samsung announced they will show the Galaxy Note II Aug 15th. Hybrid of a phone and a tablet with a 5.5" screen


07-23-12, 17:58
Don't like the proprietary connectors that don't work (for me), and that also makes things more expensive. Like I mentioned you can get micro USB car chargers and USB cables off Amazon for super cheap (OEM equipment not 3rd party).

(Not directly intended for Belmont and his decisions and issues etc)

Just informationally on the Apple connector: why, etc. This is an article I ran across today, talking about the rumored new connector that may appear on the new iPhone this fall. But it talks about why have the connector in the first place and what it does/did for you. (Supposedly makes it cheaper for things to attach to the phone compared to USB. Note that a charger does not implement the entire USB bus so this does not apply to a charger)


What The New iPhone Connector Means For Your Old Accessories | Gadget Lab | Wired.com



07-23-12, 18:00
So how's the new ride so far ?

I'm inquiring because there's a lot of great features & specs on that phone. The memory, processor, pixels, front 1.9 camera, 1080p, form factor etc.

Want to get one but not eligible for upgrade @ reduced price yet etc.
more of a want than need. have Droid Bionic that rocks but specs aren't as up to snuff as what your donning.

What say ye ?

I like it a lot. My wife still has her Iphone 4, and when she tries to show me something on her phone the screen size is so dinky its funny.

Battery life is around 6-7hrs of 'screen on' time. Iphone 4 was like 4hrs from full charge to being in the red.

As I said Im not someone who runs a million apps and is playing on the phone ALL DAY. I do quite a bit of web browsing on wifi, and I keep in contact with people via text rather than FB. At one point I had over 3k texts in one billing cycle.

The comments about the Iphone being more polished are mostly true, and its more plug n play than my new phone but I still wouldn't want the 4S or whatever the "iphone 5" is going to be. Id still def recommend the Iphone to someone who is technically illiterate as it is easier to use...but that comes at the price of less individuality or ability to do what you want with the phone.

Of course everyone has personal preferences, different computer proficiency (these things are tied to computers, wifi, ect), desires or wants, and as I said I never had apps not work or phone crashing issues with my Iphone 4. I think I should have gotten a new (improved) Iphone 4 because of the dropped call issue just for holding the phone normally. Instead I got a cheap rubber band. Apple is going to to the 'buy from us and use us for fixes' approach where you have to pay $200 (under contract) to go from a 16GB phone to a 64GB phone. As mentioned I paid 20 bucks extra, and went from a 16GB phone to a 48GB phone. I can buy a spare battery, and on a long flight or trip can get a spare battery so a 10 second swap operation between batteries gets me another full charge. I got an OEM Samsung car charger off Amazon for less than 4 dollars shipped, and a spare OEM Samsung wall charger also for less than 4 dollars shipped. Apple charges 20 dollars just for an OEM wall charger because they use a proprietary connector. The car charger I bought when I had a 3GS Iphone would not work with the 4 and the car charger I bought from the apple store months after I bought my 4 would also not work. Wont work on my wifes Iphone 4 and she bought hers about a year after I bought mine.

So for ME I decided to expand outside of the Iphone world, and the S3 was getting a lot of really good reviews. Im not at all upset about my purchase. Of course lots of things to learn and seeing where one OS on the phone works better than the other. I feel like Im a lot more in control of my S3 than the Iphone 4, the screen is amazing and HD videos off youtube rock on this size screen. The S3 is a bit cheaper feeling but you're getting a lot larger screen size than the tiny 3.5" on the Iphone. As I said holding my wifes phone now its like WTF!? Tiny.

Also....I got the speedtest.net app on my S3, and since Im in a 4G LTE area through ATT I got ~17.5 down and ~13.5 up (mbps) on the 4G LTE service. Thats faster than my home WIFI network which is through time warner, and is supposed to be 20MBPS down speed. The upload usually runs 1.8-1.9MBPS over WIFI so the 4G LTE upload speed destroys my WIFI network at home... I had the same speedtest.net app on my Iphone, and over 3G it was at best like a few MBPS download and less than 1MBPS upload. I understand the 4S uses a different wireless system, and on ATT that is the HDPA+ which is like a supercharged 3G system. Its funny apple 4S users got an updated which switched the 3G logo on the top of the phone so it said 4G after the update but the speeds were the same, and its NOT 4G LTE. Maybe the Iphone 5 will have 4G LTE but its not the same network as Im getting off my S3 (depends on location....look at your service providers coverage maps). Im pretty much dead in the middle of a 4G LTE area being a suburb of a major city so if your area is all 3G anyways its kinda a moot point.

07-23-12, 18:09
Battery life is around 6-7hrs of 'screen on' time. Iphone 4 was like 4hrs from full charge to being in the red.

So I understand, what do you mean by "screen on" time?

07-23-12, 18:17
(Not directly intended for Belmont and his decisions and issues etc)

Just informationally on the Apple connector: why, etc. This is an article I ran across today, talking about the rumored new connector that may appear on the new iPhone this fall. But it talks about why have the connector in the first place and what it does/did for you. (Supposedly makes it cheaper for things to attach to the phone compared to USB. Note that a charger does not implement the entire USB bus so this does not apply to a charger)


What The New iPhone Connector Means For Your Old Accessories | Gadget Lab | Wired.com



Making me feel better already. One of the complaints I put in the OP is accessories working with one generation of phone but not another. Now they are topping it off with a new proprietary connection that means people have to buy adapters that may or may not work (my car chargers wouldn't work even with the same connector and months after the 4 came out).

IMO, and Im not a phone expert, but it seems like this is the trend with apple, and such things like making RAM impossible (or at least not user upgrade able) in the new Mac Pro's.

Buy an adapter for all the chargers we have already.....lol This is why industry standards are good things. No CONSUMER wants to to have to purchace special adapaters and cords because XYZ company decides they are going to not use what everyone else is. And yes industry standards do advance. We have USB 3.0 coming out which is must faster than USB 2.0, and we have things like mirco USB, ect. Imagine if every TV company had a different HDMI like connection, and you had to buy a special cable/adapter to go from a Sony PS3 to a Vizio TV. Apple can be unique with their OS while having standard cables.

07-23-12, 18:18
So I understand, what do you mean by "screen on" time?

It means the amount of time the screen is actually on (not off or sleep or whatever). Like I have a passcode on my phone (as I did on the 4), so its the amount of time Ive put in the passcode and the screen is running instead of being turned off.

07-23-12, 18:20
It means the amount of time the screen is actually on (not off or sleep or whatever). Like I have a passcode on my phone (as I did on the 4), so its the amount of time Ive put in the passcode and the screen is running instead of being turned off.

OK thanks. Was not sure what you meant but now I understand. "lit screen" time

How are you measuring this?


07-23-12, 18:46
OK thanks. Was not sure what you meant but now I understand. "lit screen" time

How are you measuring this?


I go to settings, click on battery usage, then it has a list of processes that have used the battery. Click on screen, and it tells me how long the screen has been on since I last disconnected from a charger.

For instance I charged up the phone last night, and used about 10% before I went to bed. It was off the charger overnight, and I used it a bit today. Probably sent 15 texts and 5 phone calls plus about 2hrs of web browsing. Right now its showing about 3hrs of "screen on" time with 56% battery charge. Based off what Ive read about 1-2% battery usage is normal per hour with the screen off (basically sleep mode). So say, from 12AM this morning to right now is just short of 15hrs central time. So at minimum, on a stock phone, Id get about 1% loss per hour.

You can do the math on it but its not bad, and I never got this kind of data off the Iphone.

07-23-12, 18:52
I go to settings, click on battery usage, then it has a list of processes that have used the battery. Click on screen, and it tells me how long the screen has been on since I last disconnected from a charger.

For instance I charged up the phone last night, and used about 10% before I went to bed. It was off the charger overnight, and I used it a bit today. Probably sent 15 texts and 5 phone calls plus about 2hrs of web browsing. Right now its showing about 3hrs of "screen on" time with 56% battery charge. Based off what Ive read about 1-2% battery usage is normal per hour with the screen off (basically sleep mode). So say, from 12AM this morning to right now is just short of 15hrs central time. So at minimum, on a stock phone, Id get about 1% loss per hour.

You can do the math on it but its not bad, and I never got this kind of data off the Iphone.


How did you measure the "Iphone 4 was like 4hrs from full charge to being in the red" ??

Were you using the "Time since last full charge" under Settings->General->Usage?


07-23-12, 18:56

How did you measure the "Iphone 4 was like 4hrs from full charge to being in the red" ??

Were you using the "Time since last full charge" under Settings->General->Usage?


No Im using the last 5 years of using Iphones, and 3 years using my 4 to judge it. Its always been basically been 4hours +- of actual usage. Of course if I tuned down the settings it would increase battery life. I never run any type of "search for wifi" type settings. The only wifi is use is off my home network.

07-23-12, 19:02
No Im using the last 5 years of using Iphones, and 3 years using my 4 to judge it. Its always been basically been 4hours +- of actual usage. Of course if I tuned down the settings it would increase battery life. I never run any type of "search for wifi" type settings. The only wifi is use is off my home network.

OK, thanks. Was just wondering what and how you were measuring. I appreciate your quick responses.

I find I get about 1 days use of my iPhone (any model I have had) plus or minus, with good use throughout the day, mostly WiFi. If I travel and am in a bad cell area for a while, it goes down faster (since it is trying harder to find and keep a cell connection). Like today during music lessons, which is in a basement with terrible connections on any carrier. I usually have between a few% and about 30% battery left at the end of the day. Minimal game playing. I can zap the battery in 1-2 hours with lots of game playing. Lots of email and a good amount of web browsing, mostly WiFi. Most days will also have a reasonable amount over cell data, but WiFi is majority. Occasionally I will have to plug it in before the end of the day. Usually when my son steals the phone to play a game or watch youtube, or I am out in bad cell areas a lot.

My brother and his G2 phone on T-Mobile seems to have roughly the same experience. I have not talked to him too much but he was complaining about it being about dead at the end of the day most days (he was coming from a non-smartphone phone that he could use a few few days between charges).

Thanks for filling is in on how it is going!


07-23-12, 19:12
I like it a lot. My wife still has her Iphone 4, and when she tries to show me something on her phone the screen size is so dinky its funny.

Battery life is around 6-7hrs of 'screen on' time. Iphone 4 was like 4hrs from full charge to being in the red.

As I said Im not someone who runs a million apps and is playing on the phone ALL DAY. I do quite a bit of web browsing on wifi, and I keep in contact with people via text rather than FB. At one point I had over 3k texts in one billing cycle.

The comments about the Iphone being more polished are mostly true, and its more plug n play than my new phone but I still wouldn't want the 4S or whatever the "iphone 5" is going to be. Id still def recommend the Iphone to someone who is technically illiterate as it is easier to use...but that comes at the price of less individuality or ability to do what you want with the phone.

Of course everyone has personal preferences, different computer proficiency (these things are tied to computers, wifi, ect), desires or wants, and as I said I never had apps not work or phone crashing issues with my Iphone 4. I think I should have gotten a new (improved) Iphone 4 because of the dropped call issue just for holding the phone normally. Instead I got a cheap rubber band. Apple is going to to the 'buy from us and use us for fixes' approach where you have to pay $200 (under contract) to go from a 16GB phone to a 64GB phone. As mentioned I paid 20 bucks extra, and went from a 16GB phone to a 48GB phone. I can buy a spare battery, and on a long flight or trip can get a spare battery so a 10 second swap operation between batteries gets me another full charge. I got an OEM Samsung car charger off Amazon for less than 4 dollars shipped, and a spare OEM Samsung wall charger also for less than 4 dollars shipped. Apple charges 20 dollars just for an OEM wall charger because they use a proprietary connector. The car charger I bought when I had a 3GS Iphone would not work with the 4 and the car charger I bought from the apple store months after I bought my 4 would also not work. Wont work on my wifes Iphone 4 and she bought hers about a year after I bought mine.

So for ME I decided to expand outside of the Iphone world, and the S3 was getting a lot of really good reviews. Im not at all upset about my purchase. Of course lots of things to learn and seeing where one OS on the phone works better than the other. I feel like Im a lot more in control of my S3 than the Iphone 4, the screen is amazing and HD videos off youtube rock on this size screen. The S3 is a bit cheaper feeling but you're getting a lot larger screen size than the tiny 3.5" on the Iphone. As I said holding my wifes phone now its like WTF!? Tiny.

Also....I got the speedtest.net app on my S3, and since Im in a 4G LTE area through ATT I got ~17.5 down and ~13.5 up (mbps) on the 4G LTE service. Thats faster than my home WIFI network which is through time warner, and is supposed to be 20MBPS down speed. The upload usually runs 1.8-1.9MBPS over WIFI so the 4G LTE upload speed destroys my WIFI network at home... I had the same speedtest.net app on my Iphone, and over 3G it was at best like a few MBPS download and less than 1MBPS upload. I understand the 4S uses a different wireless system, and on ATT that is the HDPA+ which is like a supercharged 3G system. Its funny apple 4S users got an updated which switched the 3G logo on the top of the phone so it said 4G after the update but the speeds were the same, and its NOT 4G LTE. Maybe the Iphone 5 will have 4G LTE but its not the same network as Im getting off my S3 (depends on location....look at your service providers coverage maps). Im pretty much dead in the middle of a 4G LTE area being a suburb of a major city so if your area is all 3G anyways its kinda a moot point.

Solid copy.

I'll use my common sense filter since I get that your not enamored w/ the "tiny" iPhone 4, proprietary connectors etc. anymore. LOL

FWIW, I'm not a big fan of cloud computing either as my trust level is about nil these days. I prefer my files to be private & not compromised. LOL

The industry & competition is fierce. Case & point, just look at all the litigation going on. That's not inexpensive at their levels either.

Glad you like it. I fiddled w/ one today. I Liked it. The intuitive interface wasn't bad or hard to learn. I was impressed by the size, comfort for that size & rigidity of the form factor. I thought it would be flimsier (flex more) than it did. Fairly ridged for such a thin device.

I wish it had a 1080p in (it does have a 1080p out w/ micro USB adapter) but not a deal killer for me.

I noticed the that carriers have stepped up their vigilance on contract terms & not allowing as many upgrades as they used to.

I don't find the Apple 4S is tiny at all. Comparatively smaller to GS lll yes no doubt. I also think that the GS lll is a better alternative to the Galaxy NOTE @ 5". Which while nice for certain apps was also just a smidge too big for my tastes. I'm sure for others it's a godsend.

Thanks for assessment.

BTW here's some recent alleged legit pics of iPhone 5 parts. (Probably too tiny for you lol)
new smaller 19 pin connector as well etc.



here's some more for those interested.

07-23-12, 22:18
I would like two phone options
one super small like the smallest ipod small and mainly use with bluetooth headsets limited functions on screen small keypad etc..
and something more current like the smart phones we have

I hate having a larger phone on me all the time I dont need to surf the web when I run to costco etc.. and would rather have less with me ?

not sure if I am alone but two phones that can be smart enough to share my service pack without being hit a extra $10 would be really cool

my issue is we are all mac here and like the way things sync work between our iPads computers and phones with the same apps and other things so not sure switching would be worth it for me ? but would like to try a new SIII just for fun see what its like ?

07-25-12, 21:41
I would like two phone options
one super small like the smallest ipod small and mainly use with bluetooth headsets limited functions on screen small keypad etc..
and something more current like the smart phones we have

I hate having a larger phone on me all the time I dont need to surf the web when I run to costco etc.. and would rather have less with me ?

not sure if I am alone but two phones that can be smart enough to share my service pack without being hit a extra $10 would be really cool

my issue is we are all mac here and like the way things sync work between our iPads computers and phones with the same apps and other things so not sure switching would be worth it for me ? but would like to try a new SIII just for fun see what its like ?

Forget if I mentioned but Im not a fan of Itunes.

We have a couple ipods but honestly I haven't used one in probably 4 years. "Smart phones" take care of that for me.

Understand if you have a lot of Apple products its probably easier to keep one platform going. I put all my music from Itunes on my SIII and it was very easy. Just downloaded some ringtones to play around with, and it was as easy as cut/pasting MP3 files from my "downloads" folder into the folder on my SIII for ringtones while plugged into the computer.

Also using google drive which is a "cloud" function. Puts a folder in my group of user folders on my PC, and I can drag/cut/paste stuff into it. Installed the Drive app on my wife's Iphone, and so we can keep things like current copies of our car insurance in there, she needs a doc off the home PC for work/school, ect. I thought the Apple cloud thing was odd in how it functioned. So even though she has an apple product and I have an Android phone that sort of stuff is easily shared.

07-25-12, 21:53
agree ipods and such are not needed these days at all :)

just thought the form factor of a tiny phone would be nice :)

I dont have a huge music collection but about 15000 songs so wont fit on a phone ;) then again I dont have any music on my phone these days

the cloud stuff is pretty cool once you get what you like figured out
googles or apples or drop box
I use both drop box and the iCloud and use drop box for some things and iCloud more for the sync to our main computers at our home office and our phones so we all stay on the same page so to say with our business

I think part of my issues these days I work so much on computers I dont want to tinker with things or do to much with tech when I am done working

the SIII is a sweet looking setup though so will be curious how its going in a few months with those users who have them now :)

07-25-12, 22:05
agree ipods and such are not needed these days at all :)

just thought the form factor of a tiny phone would be nice :)

I dont have a huge music collection but about 15000 songs so wont fit on a phone ;) then again I dont have any music on my phone these days

the cloud stuff is pretty cool once you get what you like figured out
googles or apples or drop box
I use both drop box and the iCloud and use drop box for some things and iCloud more for the sync to our main computers at our home office and our phones so we all stay on the same page so to say with our business

I think part of my issues these days I work so much on computers I dont want to tinker with things or do to much with tech when I am done working

the SIII is a sweet looking setup though so will be curious how its going in a few months with those users who have them now :)

Been reading a lot on the SIII and no major issues. Some people download weird apps that drain the battery because they use up a lot of processing power, and don't turn off when you put the phone into sleep mode. Always gotta be careful what you're downloading.

Honestly the size is not an issue. It fits into pockets just fine, and theres smaller phones out there. If you really wanted you could go get a cheap pre paid phone from wall mart. They have pretty simple phones that don't require a contract or monthly service charges, and a host of different networks. I actually had a cheap 20 dollar phone on Verizon I used for a while which was pre-paid in addition to our 2 phones we have through ATT all the time on a family plan.

07-26-12, 02:33
you going to see about jumping to the new shared plan that ATT has coming out or is out ? its kinda like the verizon shared ?

for me our family plan wife and I on ATT seems to work we both get more data this way but less talk time but then again we dont use much data or talk so either plan would work for us ? just not sure when I get a new phone this year what I am going to do ?

07-26-12, 21:17
I see the 64GB Samsung GalaxyS lll has been delayed for release.

That's an incredible amount of memory available. 64GB internal & get a 64GB Micro SD card. Lots of data, media etc.


07-29-12, 13:08

I pulled the trigger on a 32 Galaxy GB S 3. With 64 GB micro SD card I have 96 GB of memory storage which is plenty. Didn't get the discount so I sucked it up & dropped the $. Seliing Droid Bionic to offset some of costs.

So far pretty dang amazing & incredible device. I'm impressed with it's capabilities etc.
Clocked it on OOKLA Speed Test for shits & giggles last night etc.


2 GB of RAM is impressive & not a slouch.

Did you like the keyboard or did you upgrade to SwiftKey 3 or something similar ?

Any other worthwhile programs you fancy thus far ?

Any hints / tips you have uncovered thus far ?

I find the S Voice function not that bad to use as some have reported.

Comparison here:

Siri has competition with the improvements of "VRS" & as it gets the quirks/bugs out should be awesome personal assistant / logistics problem solver.

Thanks for the push in your post, it was a worthwhile effort.

Yeah the "Bloatware" pretty much sucks.

07-29-12, 23:40
Ive always hated VR. I never use it.

I just disabled a bunch of the bloat ware apps and got a bunch of free ones.

I have: usaa, navy federal, stock watcher, google finance, amazon, netflix, speed test, twitter, google drive, realcalc, use chrome instead of the stock browser, red laser, white pages, adobe reader, congress, scanner radio, airdroid, photobucket and nbc olympics and nbc extra.

Drag down the top bar for notifications. Hold down the home button to cancel out apps taking up memory.

08-02-12, 23:09
I bought Swift Key 3 today, and its amazing for typing and prediction. Well worth the money. Every key has a long press alternate so you don't have to switch between keyboard screens to type in a simple number or punctuation. The prediction is VERY accurate, and you can change the keyboard in multiple ways. It also learns, auto puncuates, ect. By far the best phone keyboard Ive ever used.

Also got the OtterBox commuter case in today, and have a rock case coming this weekend as well. Commuter was a good fit, and seems to provide a lot of protection. Rock is more of a slim line design but doesn't add as much bulk.

So far I give the phone a BIG thumbs up over the Iphone 4, and getting used to widgets, and all the customization's available. I have on the home screen the Wunderground weather widget (2x2) which updates every 15 minutes, dual time zone digital clock, google search (4x1), and all the common apps I use like gmail, contacts, camera, messaging, navigation, chrome, phone, ect.

08-03-12, 13:10
Yeah the "Bloatware" pretty much sucks.

You can disable all of the bloatware. Just go to Settings>Apps and then click on whatever bloatware app and Disable it - they won't show up anymore and won't automatically start. I have an Incredible 4G with Verizon and disabled the following apps:

Let's Golf 3 HD
NFL Mobile
Real Racing 2
TuneIn Radio
V CAST Tones
Verizon Video
VZ Navigator

There are a few others, too, depending on the phone.

08-03-12, 13:12
If you really want to go hardcore eventually, you can Root the phone and download one of the ROMs that restores the system configuration to the standard one from Samsung without all of the extra Verizon apps and settings built in.

08-03-12, 14:33
I bought Swift Key 3 today, and its amazing for typing and prediction. Well worth the money. Every key has a long press alternate so you don't have to switch between keyboard screens to type in a simple number or punctuation. The prediction is VERY accurate, and you can change the keyboard in multiple ways. It also learns, auto puncuates, ect. By far the best phone keyboard Ive ever used.

Also got the OtterBox commuter case in today, and have a rock case coming this weekend as well. Commuter was a good fit, and seems to provide a lot of protection. Rock is more of a slim line design but doesn't add as much bulk.

So far I give the phone a BIG thumbs up over the Iphone 4, and getting used to widgets, and all the customization's available. I have on the home screen the Wunderground weather widget (2x2) which updates every 15 minutes, dual time zone digital clock, google search (4x1), and all the common apps I use like gmail, contacts, camera, messaging, navigation, chrome, phone, ect.

Right on.

I like the Swift Key 3 as well. Been using it over a week now & think I'll keep it as well.
Otterbox Defender is worth every penny for me & not as big as other iterations of Otterbox's I have seen for similar large phones (i.e. My Droid Bionic had a proportionally bigger case comparatively speaking.)

Yep got the weather widgets functioning same, Chrome is fast & good to use, (use the bookmark's very handy function) gmail, yahoo mail, AOL all synced, NAV (google maps) works good for me, around me, COMO (Skype & Tango for me).

I like making my General Files (custom naming them & putting in what custom SW I want into them. Easier for my brain to process one continual thought process just like iPhone has files).

I HIGHLY recommend ZEDGE custom ringtones & Notification tones. Funny as hell & great for customizing / identifying different persons' unique tone(s).
Linky here:

There's some great Duke Nukem, Clint Eastwood, John wayne, Movies lines, songs etc. ringtones/notifications etc.

Overall I'm extremely impressed w/ this phone & what it can do as well as potential. I have ZERO reservations about it or reccommending it to anybody. It is difficult for some people to operate as it could be considered as too complicated for some. It's been a one of my highlights lately which shows you just how FUBAR things are lately.

You can disable all of the bloatware. Just go to Settings>Apps and then click on whatever bloatware app and Disable it - they won't show up anymore and won't automatically start. I have an Incredible 4G with Verizon and disabled the following apps:

Let's Golf 3 HD
NFL Mobile
Real Racing 2
TuneIn Radio
V CAST Tones
Verizon Video
VZ Navigator

There are a few others, too, depending on the phone.

Exactly. Yep did that last week on the Application Manager function & just disabled all the Verizon preloaded Bloatware etc.

I looked into Titanium Backup * Root SW etc. which appears to be the best one so far.

It does do all those great things you mention, but also voids warrantee & creates some compatability issues according to the comments I researched. I don't feel like backing it up back & forth and rebooting an old configuration if / when it goes "tits up" etc.

I going to pass on this SW addition for now as I'm a little leary about getting that deep in. I'm having no battery life issues & far better rationing than my Droid Bionic did. Verizon already despises me for NOT abdicating my UNLIMITED plan.....I'm using about 6 to 7 GB per month. So while some users use more, most don't & I don't want to pay for that individual amount every month.

I also downloaded a pretty cool SW named Anti Spy Mobile free. It's not as comprehensive as I want but it does tell me what software is transmitting data back / collusion mapping etc. so I can just shut off those functions etc.

Linky here:

Got the Android AntiVirus as well:

Thanks for the suggestions Justin_247.

Here's a pretty good objective analysis of iphone 4S & iPhone 5 64GB vs. Samsung Galaxy S 3

iPhone 5 comparison

iPhone 4S comparison

08-03-12, 21:44
Check out backcountry navigator pro gps. Looks like a good buy if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

ETA: Got the rock case today, and its basically a skin that covers the back and sides. Fairly grippy, and is pretty slim. Im keeping the commuter case on for now, and no it doesn't add a lot of bulk. I also like how it makes it harder to hit the volume and power buttons. As mentioned before they were pretty easy to inadvertently hit. Commuter case solves that.

08-03-12, 23:16
Check out backcountry navigator pro gps. Looks like a good buy if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

ETA: Got the rock case today, and its basically a skin that covers the back and sides. Fairly grippy, and is pretty slim. Im keeping the commuter case on for now, and no it doesn't add a lot of bulk. I also like how it makes it harder to hit the volume and power buttons. As mentioned before they were pretty easy to inadvertently hit. Commuter case solves that.

Backcountry Nav. Pro looks like the shit.
DOWNLOADS is what I was looking for & it says in US. That would be the heat to downlaod & file store a geographical AO. Not having concern w/ signal. I'm checking into that some more.

08-17-12, 00:21
Close to a month now and love it still.

Only a couple small issues like SwiftKey 3 auto correct stopped working. Still the best key board Ive ever used, and the predictions are accurate enough I use that a lot.

I have my home screen setup to where I get wunderground.com current weather, alerts, and 3 day forecast which auto updates every 15 minutes. Digital dual time zone clock. I have a google search bar, and the rest of the apps I use most commonly like gmail, camera, navigation, contacts, phone, messaging, play store and chrome.

I can sync my PC chrome browser to the phone so if I leave a tab open I want to check out later but am not at home I can go right to it because I get the list of open tabs.

I got Cloud Print, and upgraded to the paid version. I can print just about everything right off the phone to my Brother wireless laser printer. I hit print, and about 15 seconds later I can hear the printer spooling up. Pretty cool.

Upgraded RealCalc to the paid version. Awesome stuff.

Got the TapaTalk forum app, and XDA Premium forum app.

Google Currents is a good app to get. Its basically a news/blog feed, and you can add whatever you want. Google Reader is similar but I much prefer the Currents format and UI.

Google Sky Map is the shit. Saw Jupiter last night. Thought it was a planet due to the size but didn't know which one until I used that app.

I found out Google also has a downloadable music program, and I got all my stuff off Itunes. The Google music program is WAY better than Itunes. I really hate Itunes, and its so slow. This program is very nicely laid out. Its not meant for syncing with the phone but you can set it to auto sync with stuff you purchase. So from now on anything I buy on Play will be put on there, and since I already got all my stuff on there from Itunes I have all my music in one spot.

Samsung Kies blows. Its slow to load, and I find it faster to just use the explorer to transfer stuff like music, pictures, and video. I did get the back up utility to work so there's that. If you can work a normal windows explorer window you can get into the phone folders when plugged in with the USB and move stuff around that way. Way faster and easier than Kies.

I actually like the Gmail app on my wifes Iphone 4 better than the Android version. Kinda funny. I guess they just updated the Iphone version but on the Android version I hate how you can't move an email to another folder from the main inbox screen. I keep a few custom folders for things like orders and payments. So if I pay a bill I move it to the payments folder. If I order something online I move it to the orders folder. Keeps my main inbox from getting to cluttered up, and everything is organized. I only keep like 10 email threads going in the inbox so moving stuff is important to me...so I wish that was easier than it is.

Google Drive is awesome, and just a couple days ago my wife emailed me an important PDF file. I was able to put it on Drive, share it with her, and it becomes available on her phone, my phone, and the home PC instantly. I've even downloaded programs on my phone, put it in Drive, and had it on my PC when I got home. You get 5GB free, and can purchase more space if you want.

Amazon Price Check app...you can scan the barcode of an item in a store, and it will tell you what it cost is through Amazon.

Only game I've bought is Osmos HD, and I like those brainy games for phones.

Other than that I've been really impressed with the phone, and been doing a lot of reading on XDA forums. Seems like 'most' people who have problems with Android have problems because of rooting and installing all these programs they downloaded off the internet. Im perfectly happy with the stock phone, and I was able to delete quite a bit of the bloat ware ATT puts on there without any rooting or anything. You also have a lot more freedom to buy or DL stuff that may or may not work so well. The stock keyboard does auto correct pretty well but I prefer the Swift Key even though I'm having issues with the auto correct on that. Still works better than a stock keyboard on either Android or Iphone because I don't have to switch between keyboard screens to do most punctuation functions. The only real reason to switch screens is if I have a long number to type, and in that case switching is faster.

Still getting about 7HRS of screen on time with a full charge, and I let it run down to where it shuts off by itself at least once a week. I'm a believer in letting batteries exercise, and that means running them down to where they can't power the device anymore then letting it fully charge back with the device turned off. At any rate next purchase is going to be a spare battery or two, and a battery wall charger. It would be awesome to be able to travel, and have basically a days worth of heavy usage worth of battery power with you (21hrs of screen on time over the network with GPS enable, ect), and then be able to swap batteries. I used to travel from work to home quite a bit, and with the Iphone I was trying to find an outlet to charge the phone during layovers and such.

Overall I'd sum up things as theres VERY little I miss from the Iphone, and a shit ton of things I love about Android and the phone itself. I always read that IOS is more polished, and I don't think that's the case if you actually take the time to learn Android, and I've actually found it WAY easier to use, and I have so many more options with stuff its incredible. I love the widgets, and its WAY easier to get to what I want to do than on IOS. If I need settings I just have to hit one button, click settings, and I'm there. I no longer have to click the weather app, and wait for it to refresh to find the current temp (which was usually not updated very well). That wunderground widget was within 1 degree all day, and I kept wuderground open on my PC just to check. The only reason it was off that one degree is because the widget updates every 15 minutes, and the website updates several times a minute. We go from 70's at night to near 100 or 100+ this time of year so the temp tends to rise and lower fairly quickly. It can rise 3-4 degrees in less than an hour.

PS: I'd encourage anyone with ATT and a Family Talk plan to check their services, and if you are already using unlimited texting make sure family plan unlimited texting is what you're paying. Basically with our two phones we were paying $20 a month PER PHONE for unlimited texting. The Family Plan Unlimited Texting is $30 a month, and that covers every phone on your Family Plan. Once I discovered we were paying $10 a month extra for the same service we were already getting I called ATT, and bitched about the fact we signed up for the Family Plan, and the default texting plan should have been the Family Talk Unlimited Texting instead of charging each individual phone $20 vs. $30 for unlimited on every phone on the Family Plan. It seems common sense if you sign up for the ATT Family Plan that data, texting, and phone should all be under the same plan. So the rep said he'd credit my account $25, and I was like we've been paying $10 a month extra for no reason for over 4 years, which amounts to over $500, and you want to credit us $25? I told him since I was still under the 30 day period on my phone that I was going to take it back, go to Radio Shack since they have the SGS3 for $99 when I paid $200 + an upgrade fee, get my same phone for $100 cheaper, and after that I ended up getting back a lot more than he was offering. Got my bill paid for a couple months....:p So if you are on the Family Talk plan, and have unlimited messaging make sure you have the Family Talk unlimited messaging which should be $30 for every phone under your Family Talk plan instead of $20 per phone.

08-17-12, 13:37
PS: I'd encourage anyone with ATT and a Family Talk plan to check their services, and if you are already using unlimited texting make sure family plan unlimited texting is what you're paying. Basically with our two phones we were paying $20 a month PER PHONE for unlimited texting. The Family Plan Unlimited Texting is $30 a month, and that covers every phone on your Family Plan. Once I discovered we were paying $10 a month extra for the same service we were already getting I called ATT, and bitched about the fact we signed up for the Family Plan, and the default texting plan should have been the Family Talk Unlimited Texting instead of charging each individual phone $20 vs. $30 for unlimited on every phone on the Family Plan. It seems common sense if you sign up for the ATT Family Plan that data, texting, and phone should all be under the same plan. So the rep said he'd credit my account $25, and I was like we've been paying $10 a month extra for no reason for over 4 years, which amounts to over $500, and you want to credit us $25? I told him since I was still under the 30 day period on my phone that I was going to take it back, go to Radio Shack since they have the SGS3 for $99 when I paid $200 + an upgrade fee, get my same phone for $100 cheaper, and after that I ended up getting back a lot more than he was offering. Got my bill paid for a couple months....:p So if you are on the Family Talk plan, and have unlimited messaging make sure you have the Family Talk unlimited messaging which should be $30 for every phone under your Family Talk plan instead of $20 per phone.

It appears to have disappeared from the selection of optional services, but was there a month or two ago and was called

AT&T Messaging Unlimited with Mobile

But that is what you really wanted to have signed up for. Looks like they discontinued it very recently :( . It was the same as your Family Messaging Unlimited for $30 but also included unlimited calls to all mobile numbers (not just limited AT&T subscribers). It was the same price as well: $30/month

(Personally about the only people I text are the wife, and she me and her sisters in Japan, who also all have iPhones, so we use free iMessage text from Apple and I pay the $5 for the grandfathered 200/month text plan to cover the miscellaneous ones I may get, though it might be cheaper to just pay per text)


08-17-12, 13:44
Actually, if you go to this page


It appears you can still add it to your plan. It actually claims to be part of the normal Family Unlimited Messaging plan (previously both plans were listed in the ADD screen, now the mobile to mobile one is not) but if I go to the normal ADD SERVICES screen under my AT&T wireless account and click on the FAMILY UNLIMITED MESSAGING plan, it does NOT describe the inclusion of the mobile to mobile calling part.

But at the link above it lets you add it to your plan and I did click it and get as far as to where I would have had to actually confirm it so it appears that maybe you can still add it.

It appears to have disappeared from the selection of optional services, but was there a month or two ago and was called

AT&T Messaging Unlimited with Mobile

But that is what you really wanted to have signed up for. Looks like they discontinued it very recently :( . It was the same as your Family Messaging Unlimited for $30 but also included unlimited calls to all mobile numbers (not just limited AT&T subscribers). It was the same price as well: $30/month

(Personally about the only people I text are the wife, and she me and her sisters in Japan, who also all have iPhones, so we use free iMessage text from Apple and I pay the $5 for the grandfathered 200/month text plan to cover the miscellaneous ones I may get, though it might be cheaper to just pay per text)


08-17-12, 21:30
Actually, if you go to this page


It appears you can still add it to your plan. It actually claims to be part of the normal Family Unlimited Messaging plan (previously both plans were listed in the ADD screen, now the mobile to mobile one is not) but if I go to the normal ADD SERVICES screen under my AT&T wireless account and click on the FAMILY UNLIMITED MESSAGING plan, it does NOT describe the inclusion of the mobile to mobile calling part.

But at the link above it lets you add it to your plan and I did click it and get as far as to where I would have had to actually confirm it so it appears that maybe you can still add it.

No go when I log in.

ETA: The other issue is the data plan, and basically I'm grandfathered in on the unlimited data plan but I can't get tethering or wifi hotspot through the phone unless I do the 5GB data pro plan. Granted I don't ever come close to 5GB data off of wi-fi that 5GB data pro plan is $20 more than the unlimited plan I have now which doesn't work with tethering or wifi hot spot. So they are basically pushing people to limited data plans with expanded features in leu of unlimited data plans that they don't allow tethering or wifi hot spot on. Basically Im at around a GB of data of data month. So the 5GB data pro, where I could remote setup a wifi hot spot and tether would be $20 more a month but with my recent plan change to $30 a month Family Talk unlimited messaging, and dropping another service I don't need switching to the 5GB plan would basically be about $5 more with the expanded features but I'd forever lose unlimited data which I use around a gig a month anyways. The only reason Im upset about it is because unlimited data, which Im grandfathered into, should include the tethering and wifi hot spot. But I understand business is business, and when I got the unlimited data plan tethering and wifi hotspot wasn't available. So they don't want grandfathered unlimited data plans setting up wifi hotspots, and denying them there $50 a month internet fees and actually using it as unlimited. Im tempted to go down to the LTE area, and do speed test.net tests one after another for a few hours. lol.

I've also figured out, based on the data usage, that "speed test.net" downloads a shit ton of data to do the test. So if you have a limited plan I would use that sparingly. I averaged it out and it was like 250MB of data per test.

08-18-12, 14:24
use PDAnet if you want to tether to a laptop. The free version doesnt let you use secure websites like to buy something but if you pay a for a $15 license it will unlock it for that computer

08-18-12, 17:21
I just checked out backcountry and holy crap, that looks awesome. Too bad that Florida doesn't have a lot of terrain. Still it ought to come in handy.

Regarding battery drains to exercise you battery, don't. With modern batteries it's not necessary to do that. You are actually harming them and reducing the number of charge cycles and thus overall life of the battery. Plus it can screw up the phone.

Finally, for all you SG3 owners, what is your reception strength in the rural / middle of no where areas? I had the galaxy nexus and if I wasn't in an urban area or in the burbs my reception sacked. My wife's HTC Rezound got a great signal though. I've never had a problem with the reception on Motorola phones either. In short Samsung has a lousy track record when it omed to their radios. So I'm curious as to what you guys are finding. It's not like the folks on xda or android central have been a lot of help. All I get is "ewwww why leave civilization"

08-18-12, 17:58
I just checked out backcountry and holy crappie, that looks awesome. Too bad that Florida doesn't have a lot of terrain. Still out to come in handy.

Regarding battery drains to exercise you battery, don't. With modern batteries it's not necessary to do that. You are actually harming them and reducing the number of charge cycles and thus overall life of the battery. Plus it can screw up the phone.

Finally, for all you SG3 owners, what is your reception strength in the rural / middle of no where areas? I had the galaxy nexus and if I wasn't in an urban area or in the burbs my reception sacked. My wife's HTC Rezound got a great signal though. I've never had a problem with the reception on Motorola phones either. In short Samsung has a lousy track record when it omed to their radios. So I'm curious as to what you guys are finding. It's not like the folks on xda or android central have been a lot of help. All I get is "ewwww why leave civilization"

It always depends on carrier coverage # 1.
I was on a gig in Sacramento to Century City recently.

In rural areas coverage went from 4LTE to 3G / 2G 1X etc. While I generally could call & use phone, I could not get the download speeds / browsing I normally use & get in Urban areas as you mentioned. It is a concern w/ Verizon. So I have ATT on my other phone that sometimes rectifies the coverage issues. However it has it's issues problems as well in certain areas as well. Las Vegas is pure crap on ATT but Verizon works well for me.

To answer your question succinctly, no in rural areas your still hosed for decent 4LTE coverage.


08-18-12, 19:10
I guess I should have mentioned I was with Verizon. As for LTE coverage in the stick, meh. 3G will do enough for me. My main concern is being able to access weather apps and radar.

08-18-12, 19:34
I guess I should have mentioned I was with Verizon. As for LTE coverage in the stick, meh. 3G will do enough for me. My main concern is being able to access weather apps and radar.

Yep I can get those apps & info OK in some rural AO's. But not always sure to get 3G in rural AO's.
Otherwise the phone is superb & BEST I have seen yet for multiple reasons already mentioned etc.

08-18-12, 22:01
Might try that wunderground widget but I use weather channel to check radar. I don't like how the wu app takes over the notification bar if you use the app.

No issues with signal but I wish I could turn lte off or have a setting to turn it off when on wifi. Lte seems to be a battery burner.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

08-18-12, 23:33
Try this (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.andirc.lteonfoff&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm5ldC5hbmRpcmMubHRlb25mb2ZmIl0.) app. It may or many not work on your phone. It should take you your settings and you can switch to 3G as you may wish.

08-19-12, 22:37
FWIW I was next to a 4G LTE tower today, and did a speedtest.net test while I was waiting at a light.

46.57MBPS down, 13.05MBPS up, and ping of 63MS.

08-25-12, 23:30
Apple Wins Major Patent Case Against Samsung $1B+


08-30-12, 13:25

08-30-12, 14:28
FWIW I was next to a 4G LTE tower today, and did a speedtest.net test while I was waiting at a light.

46.57MBPS down, 13.05MBPS up, and ping of 63MS.


08-30-12, 15:14

Good luck with that. Any LTE patent is likely FRAND encumbered and also has a good chance of being subject to "Patent Exhaustion".

FRAND means "Fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory" and is a term that standards organizations force technology contributors to pledge to. What that basically means is that companies who want their technologies to be used in so-called industry standards, have to agree to license that technology on FRAND terms. Any license fees have to be fair and reasonable, and they have to be non-discriminatory, which means they cannot demand more from Apple than they do from HTC or Microsoft or Blackberry for the same technology.

"Patent Exhaustion" relates to the licensing of a patent by one company, who then uses that patented technology in their products/ Their customers who buy those products are protected by the license the product manufacturer has (as long as the use of the patented technology is only done through that product). In concrete terms, say that Infineon has an LTE chipset that they pay patent license fees on to Samsung for all the Samsung LTE related patents. RIM (Blackberry) and Apple use that chip in their phones. Since the license fees for inclusion of that technology were paid already by Infineon, Samsung cannot try and collect again from RIM and Apple for using the technologies contained in Infineon's chips inside their own products.

So, good luck to Samsung on this. They failed already with trying to use FRAND-encumbered standard related patents against Apple for 3G technologies...


09-02-12, 00:26
Got my S3 about 2 weeks ago, it's awesome. The browsing perf on a wifi network is amazing, not to mention the perf I get on Verizon 4G network.

Interesting that as of yesterday, Apple added the S3 to their lawsuit against Samsung and the list of devices they want banned in the US.


Pretty disgusting to see Apple's strategy. Rather than drag a competitor into court and sue them for technology "theft" (like having common features such as rounded corners and universal search), Apple should compete the old-fashioned way. Consumers are buying the S3 because it has features that they want.

09-02-12, 00:41
Pretty disgusting to see Apple's strategy. Rather than drag a competitor into court and sue them for technology "theft" (like having common features such as rounded corners and universal search), Apple should compete the old-fashioned way. Consumers are buying the S3 because it has features that they want.

This is funny. Apple is the one trying to compete the old-fashioned way -- by creating new and innovative products. Samsung is the one taking the short cut and trying to copy stuff. (If you look at the complaints, it is not all rounded corners -- it is real inventions like the rubber banding effects and stuff).

09-02-12, 07:24
Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFeC25BM9E0)

all these crap lawsuits are about petty BS patents that shouldnt have been issued in the first place will just hurt consumers in the end. Now Apple is becoming Microsoft, Microshaft, M$, etc that they so adamantly hated in the past. Suing on patents for slide to unlock, clicking on a number in an email to call them, seriously? People that have always been on the fence on either product wont put up with this and will lean away from Apple. There's no reason for a fence sitter to lean towards Apple.

Galaxy Note II is my next interest, hopefully comes on Verizon:

5.5" HD Super AMOLED 720p
1.6ghz Quad core
2gb ram
8MP camera
3100mAh battery
16/32/64GB internal
microSD slot up to 64gb
Android 4.1 Jellybean

09-02-12, 10:35
This is on ignorant post.

For those who understand what invention is and understand the technical, yes, Apple has invented lots of stuff. Good stuff. The ones who make such claims are talking out their *ss.

Yes, clicking on a number in a completely unrelated document or file to make a phone call is a real invention. And not an easy on either. And not obvious (before it was invented). It is called "Data Detectors" and looks at data and makes inferences about what it represents and presents actions you can make on it.

And no, Apple is not becoming Microsoft, if you knew what the real complaints against Microsoft were. (For one, copying, and for two, forcing people to use their stuff in order to buy a PC -- you used to not be able to buy a PC without a copy of Windows, for example). Apple wants to compete fair and square -- their innovation against their competitors innovation. Not their innovation against copies of their innovation. If you notice, unlike Google, which basically looked at the iPhone and tried to put as much of the iPhone in to Android, Microsoft went another way and actually did real R&D and came up with a much different way to interact with a mobile phone. The interface formerly known as Metro. If you look at what Android was before the iPhone came out, it was not on a path to end up where it did. When the iPhone came out, Android changed quickly to match and copy the iPhone. Now, Google has gone and done a lot of things since to differentiate, but the base of Google is still just a copy.

If the patents are BS, they will be overturned. And how exactly do they "hurt consumers" in the end? Because you cannot buy cheap clones? In the end, consumers are really the winners with these patents as it forces places like Samsung, HTC, Motorola, etc to do real R&D and come up with real NEW STUFF, and not just clones or copies of other peoples' stuff.

Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFeC25BM9E0)

all these crap lawsuits are about petty BS patents that shouldnt have been issued in the first place will just hurt consumers in the end. Now Apple is becoming Microsoft, Microshaft, M$, etc that they so adamantly hated in the past. Suing on patents for slide to unlock, clicking on a number in an email to call them, seriously? People that have always been on the fence on either product wont put up with this and will lean away from Apple. There's no reason for a fence sitter to lean towards Apple.

Galaxy Note II is my next interest, hopefully comes on Verizon:

5.5" HD Super AMOLED 720p
1.6ghz Quad core
2gb ram
8MP camera
3100mAh battery
16/32/64GB internal
microSD slot up to 64gb
Android 4.1 Jellybean

09-02-12, 10:43
yea banning half of the biggest selling phones helps the consumer. How does limiting product choices help the consumer? The lawsuits only help one party - Apple. Consumer doesnt care because they werent stupid enough to confuse a Samsung phone for an Apple one.

Come up with new stuff like what? Like the "features" Apple has that are in question were so highly advanced: rounded corners, black face, rectangular shape, slide to unlock, clicking a number in an email to dial that number, etc. Apple isnt going to win more friends from a consumer standpoint with this patent trolling. They are shooting themselves in the foot from a PR standpoint. This is going to do nothing but start a stupid ass patent war with all the petty BS vaguely worded patents. So companies spending who knows how many millions in litigation is better for consumers in the end. Who knows how many products are going to get shelved now because of potential retaliation. Yup all better for consumers.

Jesus imagine if Apple made cars, car companies copy the hell out of each other all the time.

Steve Jobs: Good artists copy great artists steal (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0DUg63lqU)

09-02-12, 11:06
yea banning half of the biggest selling phones helps the consumer. How does limiting product choices help the consumer?

By forcing the companies to come up with their own stuff. In the end consumers win because the product range available grows and the features expand.

In the short term some products may be removed from the market. Blame Samsung for that -- they were unwilling to settle or to do their own R&D to come up with their own products.

The lawsuits only help one party - Apple. Consumer doesnt care because they werent stupid enough to confuse a Samsung phone for an Apple one.

It has nothing to do with "confuse a Samsung phone for an Apple one."

It has to do with stealing someone else's ideas and then selling your product using someone else's ideas.

It is a very simple concept.

Come up with new stuff like what? Like the "features" Apple has that are in question were so highly advanced: rounded corners, black face, rectangular shape,

It is more complicated than that. Apple's design patents were not about rounded corners, black face, rectangular shape. They are about combinations of those (including "glass to the edge") that WERE NOT BEING DONE ON ANY PRODUCT and were unique to Apple until they were copied by Samsung and others.

Why should Apple pay designed to come up with new ways to build products when the copy machines at Samsung, HTC, etc will just copy them? Why shouldn't that be protected?

slide to unlock, clicking a number in an email to dial that number, etc. Apple isnt going to win more friends from a consumer standpoint with this patent trolling.

It is not patent trolling. Please look it up and use it correctly.

And Apple is not losing "friends from a consumer standpoint" either. About the only people who are upset about this are the Android fanbois and fangrlz who hate Apple at any cost anyway.

They are shooting themselves in the foot from a PR standpoint.

No they are not. Again, the only people upset about this are the hate-Apple-at-any-cost group of fanbois and fangrlz.

Jesus imagine if Apple made cars, car companies copy the hell out of each other all the time.

And software companies do to. They do it on non patented utility features. Audi has a pretty distinctive look. Imagine if GM started coming out with cars that were hard to tell apart at distance from an Audi? (if you look at some of the screen shots of early Samsung Android phones and the iPhone you cannot tell the difference without staring getting close and looking for small details). Car companies tend to find UNIQUE styles for their brands. Patents only lasted 17 years after being granted (and now 20 years from filing) so most of the things that would have been patented as new inventions on cars have long passed into the OK to use realm. Smartphones are new so a lot of the unique R&D that goes into them and brings out features that resonate and work are new and patentable. In 20 years those features will enter the public domain of normal things how a smart phone works. But now is the time when new discoveries and technologies are made, as this new product field grows, and when patents are most important. 5 years from now there will be new features and new discoveries out there in the smartphone field because of this. Things that would not have happened if copying Apple (or any other true innovator in the field, like Microsoft) were simply allowed.

The world is better off with true competition and innovation. That was not what Samsung was doing.

China is no big respecter of Intellectual Property. And we all bemoan all the crap copying China does and shipping that stuff to our markets to undermine our companies here. Well, that is what Samsung really was doing. They did not come up with their own stuff. They try and minimizes their R&D to the bare minimum. So they take a free OS, build utility HW, copy someone else's design, and ship it. That is not innovation.

I would think a true libertarian like you would applaud this case as it is about private rights and responsibilities, not using the government to save your bacon. One thing libertarians forget is that the court system is important in a libertarian world. We want small and limited government to stay out of our lives. But we still need to be able to get redress for damages incurred on us by our neighbor. For example, say you live next to a pig farm and his pig crap sludge is oozing onto your property. We don't favor extensive governmental controls to stop that in the first place (no heavy zoning for example). What is the only thing you can do? You can sue him for damages for damaging your property.


09-02-12, 11:19
The jury's decision was pretty much BS.....this will or should be appealed and Samsung has a damn good case.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

09-02-12, 11:25
The jury's decision was pretty much BS.....this will or should be appealed and Samsung has a damn good case.

No, it wasn't, and no, they haven't. Most commentators who have a clue in the subject and are SME in Intellectual Property think that the jury did a good job, and was thoughtful, and that Samsung presented a terrible case, and did not have much to stand on because they really did do that which they were accused of.

Pretty much the only people I have read who think that Samsung had a good case and the jury screwed up are emotionally invested in Android. Or who don't know anything about intellectual property when it comes to software inventions.

The jury got this one right. The jury foreman is a retired engineer, has a few of his own patents (in unrelated fields), and understood the issues and what Samsung did pretty well.

And Samsung's inept handling of the case itself, from a legal standpoint, did not help them at all. But I guess they had no other choice since they were guilty and when you are guilty, you try the shotgun approach -- shoot as much crap on the wall, however irrelevant and disconnected, and see if some of it sticks.


09-02-12, 11:42
The lawsuit does not have enough substance to justify the scale of Apple's attack on Samsung. In the end after much wrangling, if the judge actually finds a real feature in the software that is deemed to be too similar to Apple's version of the feature, then the feature will simply be removed, and/or a settlement paid. It happens all the time in the software world. For example, the forthcoming Android OS version (Jelly Bean) will remove some contested items already. The features I have seen Apple mention in the suit however, are not the ones causing most customers to go with an S3 over an Iphone in the first place. So the request of a multi-product ban and the huge settlement figures do not seem justified. The 3 compelling features for me were items that the current Iphone 4 did not have when I bought my S3.

* 4G access on Verizon
* A larger screen
* It uses the Android OS

Apple is suing Samsung because Samsung is beating the pants off of them in the marketplace. The lawsuit is also about continuing the late Steve Jobs' vendetta against Google (indirectly--by attacking the Android-based handset makers), where he vowed to wage "thermonuclear war" against them for starting Android after a former board member of Apple helped launch the Android OS. This lawsuit is about 2 parts pure spitefulness, 2 parts sticking it to your competitor in court, and MAYBE 1 part that involves any real IP issue. To the extent that they actually find a real issue, it will be in individual software features which will simply be pulled/modified. Again, nothing new in the software world or IP law. But Apple is going way beyond that here, they're nasty as hell and scared, and though they are now the largest market-cap company in the world, they feel their monopoly in the devices sector isn't secure enough.

A question to ponder: If Apple's REAL problem is with Google/Android, why are they just picking on Samsung? After all, there are LOTS of companies making Android phones, and Google is behind it all. Why aren't they taking on Google head-on?


09-02-12, 12:18
No, it wasn't, and no, they haven't. Most commentators who have a clue in the subject and are SME in Intellectual Property think that the jury did a good job, and was thoughtful, and that Samsung presented a terrible case, and did not have much to stand on because they really did do that which they were accused of.

Pretty much the only people I have read who think that Samsung had a good case and the jury screwed up are emotionally invested in Android. Or who don't know anything about intellectual property when it comes to software inventions.

The jury got this one right. The jury foreman is a retired engineer, has a few of his own patents (in unrelated fields), and understood the issues and what Samsung did pretty well.

And Samsung's inept handling of the case itself, from a legal standpoint, did not help them at all. But I guess they had no other choice since they were guilty and when you are guilty, you try the shotgun approach -- shoot as much crap on the wall, however irrelevant and disconnected, and see if some of it sticks.


They ignored prior art. Admittedly so. They awarded punitive damages in violation of their instruction (which they likely didn't even read given the timeline and quick verdict). The foreman's explanation for the prior art conclusion is idiotic. They awarded damages where they did not find infringement.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

09-02-12, 14:09
thats more ammo for a Samsung appeal. Sloppy inconsistent verdict, etc.

09-02-12, 17:36
Got my S3 about 2 weeks ago, it's awesome. The browsing perf on a wifi network is amazing, not to mention the perf I get on Verizon 4G network.

Interesting that as of yesterday, Apple added the S3 to their lawsuit against Samsung and the list of devices they want banned in the US.

I hear ya. Mine is still rocking along. Superb phone & such a improvement in functionality & technology.

Here's a snipit about another lawsuit litigation.

Tokyo Court Hands Win to Samsung Over Apple


To point fingers at any one is not only rediculous but naive & pedantic.

ALL companies steal technology (including Apple) /refine / redefine / hybrid / mutate etc. from each other. Playing the attorney game of win by attrition by billable hours, tieing progress up w/ litigation is another example of the technology torpor we are on because of the corporate BS & antics etc.

Everytime you point your finger at someone there's three back @ you.....

09-02-12, 18:03
Mine is still rocking along. Superb phone & such a improvement in functionality & technology.

Here's a snipit about another lawsuit litigation.

To point fingers at any one is not only rediculous but naive & pedantic.

ALL the companies steal technology /refine / redefine / hybrid / mutate etc. from each other. Playing the attorney game of win by attrition by billable hours, tieing progress up w/ litigation is another example of the technology torpor we are on because of the corporate BS & antics etc.

The funny thing is Samsung MAKES a lot of the internals on the Iphone and Ipad.

I think this is ridiculous. Imagine if every computer manufacturer had to 'invent' a unique way of turning the computer on, and litigated every instance where someone came up with a product that was kinda close.

Auto hot linking phone numbers, websites, and shit like that? Almost every email program I can remember does that.

Now that Apple is including the S3 in their complaint I'm wondering WTF their issue is. My wife is using a 4 and I have the S3. The S3 is a very different phone. How is auto hot linking a phone number worth a billion dollars? Yeah Im sure apple lost over 1 billion in profits because a Samsung phone allows me to dial a phone number. :rolleyes:

Glad I ditched apple, and as I said part of the decision was them doing dumb shit like soldiering on key hardware components so you have to pay a shit ton of money to Apple when the RAM fails, and you can't user fix anything. My PC is about 4 years old, and I've changed out about 80% of the components since then when stuff breaks. I can't imagine having to go back to the manufacturer, and pay all that money to fix a RAM issue or a HDD failure or whatever else breaks. The stock video card crapped out, went to Frys, and got a new one in along with a new power unit to power the new VC. The only thing thats stock anymore is the motherboard and CPU which works fine for me...but Ill upgrade that next year. Not even in the stock case anymore either..did that this weekend as well as a new CPU cooler.

My wife dropped my phone, and Apple wanted $200 to replace the screen. F them. Not only are they WAY overpriced...but they make it so difficult and costly to fix stuff I don't see why people keep buying their products.

My next PC is going to be a Samsung Series 9 AO3. ;)

Just another thought on the issue...but Samsung isn't even the one who made the OS. The only software of their's on the phone is TouchWiz and the bloatware BS. Google is the the one creating the OS...so why not sue them? If TouchWiz is the issue then Samsung can just put straight up ICS or JB. TouchWiz is just the launcher. It kinda seems like suing Dell or HP because you don't like how MS Windows looks kinda like your OS.

09-02-12, 19:01

Apple steals, plain and simple. Yes, they innovate, but a lot of what they do is out and out theft.

Android is not a copy of iOS. Anybody who believes that it is has no clue what they're talking about.

09-02-12, 19:25

Apple steals, plain and simple. Yes, they innovate, but a lot of what they do is out and out theft.

Android is not a copy of iOS. Anybody who believes that it is has no clue what they're talking about.

Keep reading the pull down notification menu was stolen. I know I didn't get that on my 4 until 4S came out with the new ios but it was already being used by Android.

09-02-12, 19:48
It is my impression that TouchWiz is the OS element that infringes on many patents, not Android itself. I'd be pleasantly surprised if Samsung went back to stock JB for its phones (regarding UI). Maybe then I'd get JB for my S3 sometime this year.

Samsung was targeted, in my opinion, because when you look at the whole picture regarding their smartphones (before the ones released this year) it looks pretty darn close to Apple. Hardware and software look and feel. They also have money. You don't go to court if your opponent doesn't have money, because court costs are expensive.

09-02-12, 19:56
Apple Earbuds Redesigned for iPhone


I'm using the SHURE SE215 for my phones. They completely rock & far bettr comfort & sound than Klipsch 4i or Apple etc.


Cable control here if that's your bag:



SHURE SE 215's Highly recommended.

09-02-12, 19:59
Keep reading the pull down notification menu was stolen. I know I didn't get that on my 4 until 4S came out with the new ios but it was already being used by Android.

Um, that's not true. Android had pull down notification before iOS, and an individual who made "jailbreak" patches for the platform was hired by Apple to integrate it into their platform. He stole the idea from Android.

"Data tapping" / "data detecting" were around long before Apple submitted their original patent for them.

I do not deny that Apple had some legitimate patent claims in the trial. I do not deny that Samsung tried to make their devices too Apple-like. And I do not deny that Apple has innovated quite a lot.

What I have a problem with are these morons who act as if Apple is some perfect being that NEVER copies anything and is nothing but an innovation machine. This is such a gigantic load of crap.

09-02-12, 20:04
It is my impression that TouchWiz is the OS element that infringes on many patents, not Android itself. I'd be pleasantly surprised if Samsung went back to stock JB for its phones (regarding UI). Maybe then I'd get JB for my S3 sometime this year.

Samsung was targeted, in my opinion, because when you look at the whole picture regarding their smartphones (before the ones released this year) it looks pretty darn close to Apple. Hardware and software look and feel. They also have money. You don't go to court if your opponent doesn't have money, because court costs are expensive.

Seems like most people on XDA want pure ICS or JB anyways. If TouchWiz is the issue, and most people want a stock OS seems like Samsung would be wanting to go that route.

Still seems dumb though. You can take a stock phone, and have another launcher running within 1 minute.

All the more dumb, considering most people don't know what TouchWiz is or how it effects their phone. I didn't know what it was when I bought the S3..lol Learned a lot since then, and just rooted the phone in the last week, and am doing the Titanium Pro thing now.

I also don't care if phones look a like. Go look at best buy, and see how many computers look alike. Most of the time you can't figure out the maker until you read the little card with the price and specs. Looking alike doesn't sound like a billion dollar award to me.

09-02-12, 20:06
Um, that's not true. Android had pull down notification before iOS, and an individual who made "jailbreak" patches for the platform was hired by Apple to integrate it into their platform. He stole the idea from Android.

"Data tapping" / "data detecting" were around long before Apple submitted their original patent for them.

I do not deny that Apple had some legitimate patent claims in the trial. I do not deny that Samsung tried to make their devices too Apple-like. And I do not deny that Apple has innovated quite a lot.

What I have a problem with are these morons who act as if Apple is some perfect being that NEVER copies anything and is nothing but an innovation machine. This is such a gigantic load of crap.

Thats what Im saying. Maybe wasn't clear enough but Im saying the pull down notifications was on Android before ios, and I didn't get the pull down on ios until the 4s came out with the new ios download.

09-02-12, 20:10
Thats what Im saying. Maybe wasn't clear enough but Im saying the pull down notifications was on Android before ios, and I didn't get the pull down on ios until the 4s came out with the new ios download.


09-02-12, 20:11
Apple Earbuds Redesigned for iPhone


I'm using the SHURE SE215 for my phones. They completely rock & far bettr comfort & sound than Klipsch 4i or Apple etc.


Cable control here if that's your bag:



SHURE SE 215's Highly recommended.

Been using the Klipsch S4A for about 2 weeks.

09-02-12, 20:14
The lawsuit does not have enough substance to justify the scale of Apple's attack on Samsung.

really, in what way?

Wholesale copying as the foundation for your product is pretty egregious.

In the end after much wrangling, if the judge actually finds a real feature in the software that is deemed to be too similar to Apple's version of the feature, then the feature will simply be removed, and/or a settlement paid.

That was an option before the trial. Apple went to Samsung and complained multiple times before filing suit, and the judge made them sit down together multiple times to try and hammer out a deal.

It happens all the time in the software world. For example, the forthcoming Android OS version (Jelly Bean) will remove some contested items already.

Yes, they are being pro-active in minimizing their liability. Smart move. And they will work around them, which will further serve to differentiate Android, and it may end up that they come up with new and better ways of doing things, which will end up being to their advantage. Which would never have happen if they could just copy things.

The features I have seen Apple mention in the suit however, are not the ones causing most customers to go with an S3 over an Iphone in the first place. So the request of a multi-product ban and the huge settlement figures do not seem justified.

That is not how IP works. If you infringe on IP, you pay damages for the infringement and your product is removed until you remove the infringing part. With Samsung, they were found to have willfully infringed, which makes it worse. (That basically means they knowingly and on purpose infringed).

Also, note, that the S3 was not part of this trial. It was mostly earlier models that were current when the trial started or were added in earlier phases.

The S3 is part of a new action, but by the time that action is heard and goes to trial and the trial is over with, if there is not a settlement or licensing agreement or both put into place, the S3 will be old and the new Samsung will be the "S4", whatever the follow on to thew S3, or the generation after that.

The 3 compelling features for me were items that the current Iphone 4 did not have when I bought my S3.

* 4G access on Verizon
* A larger screen
* It uses the Android OS

Each person has different things that they look for. That is good. And there are different products that can meet those needs. That is good. If Android is what you want, then good, you have lots of choices. If the iPhone is better for you, ok, you can buy the iPhone.

Apple is suing Samsung because Samsung is beating the pants off of them in the marketplace.

Ah, no. First of all, Samsung is not beating the pants of Apple in the marketplace. They are at about parity.

This suit was file in April 2011. The first half of 2011.

The numbers for 2010 shows Apple sold twice as many smartphones as Samsung did.


Remember that the iPhone sales cycle is Fall to Fall, so their large quarters are the end of the 3rd calendar quarter, the 4th, and at least part of the 1st. Samsung tends to have an earlier in the year sales cycle so their peak quarters are different than Apple's.

For the first quarter of 2011, Apple still sold several million more smartphones than did Samsung


So, when the suit was filed, Apple was beating the pants of Samsung in the marketplace, though Samsung was gaining (at the expense of other Android vendors, not really at Apple's expense).

Then, if you look at it after the suit was filed, for the whole of 2011, I don't have absolute numbers but this article says Gartner said Apple won the 2011 Smartphone crown


for 2012 so far (remember, Apple has not yet had their peak as they will be rolling out their first new iPhone in a week and a half while Samsung has been shipping their 2012 blockbuster phone for several months now)

For Q1 I had a hard time finding concrete sales numbers for Smartphones from Samsung and Apple. Most of the sales figures for Samsung were total handsets, not just Smartphones. But it appears that Samsung barely beat out Apple in Smartphone sales in Q1 of 2012 by about 10-12% more than Apple. (Again, Samsung is on the upslope in their sales Cycle in the beginning of this year and Apple is on the downslope with iPhone 4S being over half a year old by the end of the quarter, which is an eternity in tech)

For Q2 Samsung, with their new hit S3 pushed out the gates, had its big quarter and sold about twice as many smartphones as Apple. But this is the low point in Apple's sales cycle and a high point in Samsung's, so this quarter alone does not mean much in terms of dominance. We will have to see how the last quarter of the year plus a week or two in the 3rd quarter will go for both with the new iPhone coming out. It is most likely to be Apple's high and Samsungs lower point in the sales cycle and I would bet that by years end, they end at about parity.

Hardly Samsung beating the pants off Apple. And when the suit was filed, Apple was handily beating Samsung. So your contention that Apple sued because it was getting beat in the market is just plain wrong.



In the end, the data does not support the notion that Samsung is beating the pants of Apple in the market in Smartphones. They are at rough parity with different sales cycles so each peaks at different times of the year.

Interestingly, if you look at Q2 2010 to Q2 2012, for US SALES (only, the above stuff was worldwide), according to the numbers released in the trial, Apple has sold almost 3x as many Smartphones in the USA as Samsung.


In Tablets it is another matter. Here, Apple is beating the pants off Samsung.

According to the above trial document, in the USA, Samsung has managed about 1.5 million tablets sold across all the TAB line. Apple sells way more iPads than that now per quarter. So in TABLETS, Apple is beating the pants of Samsung.

The lawsuit is also about continuing the late Steve Jobs' vendetta against Google (indirectly--by attacking the Android-based handset makers), where he vowed to wage "thermonuclear war" against them for starting Android after a former board member of Apple helped launch the Android OS.

Google actually bought Android, they did not start it. And when they bought it, Android looked nothing at all like iOS / iPhoneOS (at the time it was released it was called iPhoneOS). That changed quickly when they had something to copy.

This lawsuit is about 2 parts pure spitefulness, 2 parts sticking it to your competitor in court, and MAYBE 1 part that involves any real IP issue.

This is not about spitefulness. It is about protecting your IP and playing fair and square. The trial and Samsung's pitiful defense proved that. They had no case to make and it showed and they lost. Their documents basically admitted to copying Apple.

To the extent that they actually find a real issue, it will be in individual software features which will simply be pulled/modified. Again, nothing new in the software world or IP law. But Apple is going way beyond that here, they're nasty as hell and scared, and though they are now the largest market-cap company in the world, they feel their monopoly in the devices sector isn't secure enough.

A question to ponder: If Apple's REAL problem is with Google/Android, why are they just picking on Samsung? After all, there are LOTS of companies making Android phones, and Google is behind it all. Why aren't they taking on Google head-on?


Apple has taken action not just against Samsung. They have taken action against HTC and Motorola, amongst others. But Samsung had some of the most egregious copying with their Android skin. And this was the biggest of the suits to reach actual trial. Also, others have settled or removed features when presented with the option.

Interesting fact: Do you know who the most sued tech company is? Apple. Apple is sued more often in the tech world than any other company.

(articles are slightly old but nothing has really changed)



And, this is probably the real reason Apple sued and is suing Samsung and to a lesser extent HTC, Motorola, etc.


09-02-12, 20:14
Been using the Klipsch S4A for about 2 weeks.

The're not bad or junk, the SHURE have better comfort & deeper bass, better materials, built more robust etc. etc.

I feel like the SHURE area better sound & comfort. A Pro in the music bizz suggested them & he was spot on.


09-02-12, 20:19
They ignored prior art. Admittedly so. They awarded punitive damages in violation of their instruction (which they likely didn't even read given the timeline and quick verdict). The foreman's explanation for the prior art conclusion is idiotic. They awarded damages where they did not find infringement.


You can believe what you want, but there was no real prior art shown for the patents that is real honest to goodness prior art in a legal sense.

They fixed the minor mistakes where damages were awarded incorrectly. That has no real bearing.

In the end, I predict that the judgement will largely stand. There may be some modifications to details but the overall judgement will stand.

09-02-12, 20:21
Things Apple has copied (or "borrowed" according to Apple fanboys and pro-Apple reviewers) just within the past few years:

- notification bar (stolen from Android)
- web viewing tabs (stolen from Chrome)
- copy and paste in iOS - nope, originally iOS didn't even have this basic feature, but Android did
- PC-free / untethered sync / over-the-air updates (Android feature from the beginning)
- SMS-free texting (stolen from a myriad of sources)
- e-mail search functions (primarily Outlook, but GMail was their inspiration)
- web browser tab syncing across platforms (stolen from Chrome)
- camera screen unlock (stolen from Android)
- tablet computer (ha! Tons of companies that idea was stolen from)

Etc., etc., etc.

09-02-12, 20:25
The really damning stuff in the Samsung trial was the documents calling on the engineers to make their phones appear more iPhone-like and the presentation where Apple offered to license their patents to them, which Samsung rejected.

Microsoft, on the other hand, happily went along and licensed a slew of Apple patents. That's what should have been done in the first place.

09-02-12, 20:29

Apple steals, plain and simple. Yes, they innovate, but a lot of what they do is out and out theft.

I think someone is mischaracterizing what Steve Jobs said.

Android is not a copy of iOS. Anybody who believes that it is has no clue what they're talking about.

Early versions were much more a copy of iOS than now and there are still lots of things about it that shows the heavy influence of iOS on Android. Especially if you look at what Android actually was before the iPhone was made public.

Google has done a lot of new stuff with Android to differentiate it. Those are not points of contention. The bits and pieces that were copied, whether specific features like the rubber banding, or the overall look and feel and operation of various versions. Those points where they did copy, specific feature, or general look and way of operating, are.

I was trying to find the pictures of the iPhone and the before and after iPhone Samsung shots. Some of the Samsung phones physically look very much like an iPhone down to the chrome ring around them, and the screen shots themselves are very very similar.

Btw, this is an interesting read. Internal Samsung document that basically says to make every change and do it the Apple way:



09-02-12, 20:32
I think someone is mischaracterizing what Steve Jobs said.

Early versions were much more a copy of iOS than now and there are still lots of things about it that shows the heavy influence of iOS on Android. Especially if you look at what Android actually was before the iPhone was made public.

Google has done a lot of new stuff with Android to differentiate it. Those are not points of contention. The bits and pieces that were copied, whether specific features like the rubber banding, or the overall look and feel and operation of various versions. Those points where they did copy, specific feature, or general look and way of operating, are.

I was trying to find the pictures of the iPhone and the before and after iPhone Samsung shots. Some of the Samsung phones physically look very much like an iPhone down to the chrome ring around them, and the screen shots themselves are very very similar.

Btw, this is an interesting read. Internal Samsung document that basically says to make every change and do it the Apple way:



Dude, you need to quite hammering out essay-length replies or at least pause in between replies to see what else has been posted. You're missing what everybody else is saying...

09-02-12, 20:41
Things Apple has copied (or "borrowed" according to Apple fanboys and pro-Apple reviewers) just within the past few years:

- notification bar (stolen from Android)

- web viewing tabs (stolen from Chrome)

Sorry, Chrome came out in around 2008. Safari had tabs way before that on the Mac and I believe Firefox had tabs much longer as well. I did not say Safari was the first, but they certainly did not steal it from Chrome. Tabbed interfaces have been around on computers for ages anyway.

- copy and paste in iOS - nope, originally iOS didn't even have this basic feature, but Android did

copy and paste is not a new feature that Android invented. It is a long established feature going back to the original Mac and probably before that to the Xerox Star.

- PC-free / untethered sync / over-the-air updates (Android feature from the beginning)

The ideas behind it were not original. If Google has a patent on it, let them use it. But there is plenty of prior art for OTA updates.

- SMS-free texting (stolen from a myriad of sources)

???? Are you referring to the new iMessage? iMessage is just another version of a chat client that is made to look like SMS.

Nothing "stolen"

- e-mail search functions (primarily Outlook, but GMail was their inspiration)

What does "e-mail search functions" mean? My mail clients have had mail search functions since like forever. Certainly way before Chrome was even a glint in anyones eye.

- web browser tab syncing across platforms (stolen from Chrome)

Are you sure Chrome didn't steal it from Firefox? I kind of think someone was synching tabs before Chrome.

- camera screen unlock (stolen from Android)

- tablet computer (ha! Tons of companies that idea was stolen from)

Including Apple themselves. Way back when, like sometime in the 80s (1987 to be exact), the idea for a device, which Apple always showed as a tablet like device in mock ups and videos, which is a lot like an iPad today with the web.


Etc., etc., etc.

Yes, as Steve Jobs basically said in the video posted below by someone else, in Tech you build off the shoulders of the ones that came before you. That is not the issue. The issue is the actual copying of specific features. Instead of copying rubber-banding, Android should have (and will now have to) sit down and look at the problem and come up with a better solution to that UX question that Apple uses rubber banding as the answer for. That is how you stand on the shoulders of giants.


09-02-12, 20:42
Dude, you need to quite hammering out essay-length replies or at least pause in between replies to see what else has been posted. You're missing what everybody else is saying...

You didn't post a link to the actual evidence. You did mention it, but I posted the link to it. Just helping you out.


09-02-12, 20:47
Dude, you really are hung up on this whole rubber banding thing. Seriously, that's like your primary argument. If you got rid of it, nothing would really change.

09-02-12, 20:50
My point regarding the "stolen" features is that Apple is nabbing as much stuff from Android now as Android originally nabbed from Apple. Yet the Apple fanboys call this "innovation."

09-02-12, 20:52
Um, that's not true. Android had pull down notification before iOS, and an individual who made "jailbreak" patches for the platform was hired by Apple to integrate it into their platform. He stole the idea from Android.

"Data tapping" / "data detecting" were around long before Apple submitted their original patent for them.

if that is the case it should be easy to prove and get the patent thrown out for "data detectors". But that has not happened yet, so I don't think that it is as clear cut as you think.

I do not deny that Apple had some legitimate patent claims in the trial. I do not deny that Samsung tried to make their devices too Apple-like. And I do not deny that Apple has innovated quite a lot.

What I have a problem with are these morons who act as if Apple is some perfect being that NEVER copies anything and is nothing but an innovation machine. This is such a gigantic load of crap.

Of course Apple does not invent every single little pixel on their screen and every single little thing that happens on their devices. All tech companies build on each other's shoulders.

Apple licenses a lot of patents from others for things it includes in its devices, and uses lots of things that are in the public domain (either because they were never protected or the protection has expired; patents don't last that long). They get ideas through others.

The issue that Apple is suing about is the blatant (slavish they called it) actual copying of look and feel as well as very specific features that are unique to Apple. Samsung was not sued about general issues that would be found across all smart phones.

The notification bar thing on Android is an example where Apple was inspired by it, but did not slavishly copy it (they made their own interpretation of it) and it was not something protected by IP. (I think, as you noted, they even hired the guy who originally did it for Android).

Has Apple ever stolen something that was protected by IP? Probably. On purpose (willfully)? Probably not. (Meaning, they did not sit down and say, let's copy XXXX in all their features and when presented with evidence of IP protection said screw it, do it anyway, which the trial revealed that Samsung DID do). Apple is the most sued tech company, and some of the time they come out and settle and other times they fight.


09-02-12, 20:54
Wholesale copying as the foundation for your product is pretty egregious.

It would be, if it had actually happened. Of course, "wholesale copying" is the whole point being contested here. Even a similarly implemented software feature--if proven to exist in the S3--is not straightforward evidence of "wholesale copying." You and I can both be software developers at different companies, and we can write different source code that implements a similar end-user feature. That does not prove "copying" took place. Any car you make will have wheels and windows, any bolt action rifle will have a bolt and a barrel, and any smart phone will have search and certain common UI gestures. Besides, the Samsung S3 has many features--including the ones most prized by newer customers like the 4G access and larger screen--that the currently available Iphone does not even offer.

Also, note, that the S3 was not part of this trial. It was mostly earlier models that were current when the trial started or were added in earlier phases.

Actually, see my originally quoted article. The S3 is named in an amended complaint, this is a NEW filing that just happened on Friday.

Ah, no. First of all, Samsung is not beating the pants of Apple in the marketplace. They are at about parity..

Not recently (talking about phones) as of 2012 Q2. You quote a lot of stats from 2011, but in the smartphone market, that is kind of old news. Samsung alone outsells Iphones in Q2 2012, and if you look more broadly at the Android platform and not just Samsung, Android phones have surpassed Apple Iphones for world market share.

Article on Samsung Q2 results vs Apple:

"According to research firm Strategy Analytics, Samsung shipped 50.5 million units in its second quarter — the largest number of shipments ever made by a smartphone manufacturer in a quarter — and occupied about 35% of the global market. Meanwhile, Apple shipped about 26 million units during the quarter (about 18% market share)."

Forbes article on general Android smartphone results vs Apple, which of course includes the results from the S3:


"When it comes to market share, Google’s Android has been roundly trouncing Apple. IDC reported that Android smartphone shipments accounted for 68% of the smartphone market to the iPhone’s 17% in the second quarter of 2012."

The Forbes article lists 5 areas of innovation where the S3 trounces the Iphone, and these features are real INNOVATION that have little to do with implementing similar trivial software features or rounded corners:

* 4G Speeds
* Unlimited apps (Android has many app sources whereas Iphone has AppStore)
* Keyboard Flexibility (Android has many different available keyboards)
* Bigger screens
* NFC Support/Mobile Payments

I think the evidence is pretty clear that Apple is losing market share fast to Android phones (typified by the market-leading Samsung Galaxy S3), and they are trying to make up in court what they cannot do with innovation. The Forbes article sums it up nicely: "Without Steve Jobs to innovate, Apple is trying to win in a court of law what it has been losing in the marketplace."

09-02-12, 20:55
Dude, you really are hung up on this whole rubber banding thing. Seriously, that's like your primary argument.

It is just one of the specific features. There are others. But it is the one that most people are familiar with so easy to talk about as the people who are not in the tech field or the phone field will be able to go along with the argument.

If you got rid of it, nothing would really change.

Google has supposedly removed it from Android JB.

That is all that was being asked.

I am not anti-Android. Android should thrive due to its own R&D and innovation. Which it is doing more and more. Good for them.

Apple needs Android and Goodle/Android needs Apple so they do not become complacent and stagnant.


09-02-12, 21:00
if that is the case it should be easy to prove and get the patent thrown out for "data detectors". But that has not happened yet, so I don't think that it is as clear cut as you think.

It's in dispute right now.

The notification bar thing on Android is an example where Apple was inspired by it, but did not slavishly copy it (they made their own interpretation of it) and it was not something protected by IP. (I think, as you noted, they even hired the guy who originally did it for Android).

Again, dude, take a pause and read the rest of the thread before posting. If you actually read what I said, you would see that the individual they hired stole the idea from Android and developed a "jailbreak" app for iOS that did the same thing.

Has Apple ever stolen something that was protected by IP? Probably. On purpose (willfully)? Probably not. (Meaning, they did not sit down and say, let's copy XXXX in all their features and when presented with evidence of IP protection said screw it, do it anyway, which the trial revealed that Samsung DID do). Apple is the most sued tech company, and some of the time they come out and settle and other times they fight.

Here we go back to my original point... you act as if Apple is a perfect being, so innocent, so virgin...

Yet for other companies, you viciously attack them as having prior knowledge of the patents and blatant disregard for intellectual property.

Jesus, dude, I know you're emotional and all about this, but sit back and think about this rationally. Apple is not perfect.

09-02-12, 21:03
Actually, see my originally quoted article. The S3 is named in an amended complaint, this is a NEW filing that just happened on Friday.

That is a different suit that it was added to and not related to the just concluded suit.

Not recently (talking about phones) as of 2012 Q2. You quote a lot of stats from 2011, but in the smartphone market, that is kind of old news.

The 2011 stats were important as you claimed Apple sued Samsung because they were getting the pants beat off them in the market. That logically had to have been the case WHEN THE SUIT WAS FILED, which was 2011.

Samsung alone outsells Iphones in Q2 2012, and if you look more broadly at the Android platform and not just Samsung, Android phones have surpassed Apple Iphones for world market share.

Article on Samsung Q2 results vs Apple:

"According to research firm Strategy Analytics, Samsung shipped 50.5 million units in its second quarter — the largest number of shipments ever made by a smartphone manufacturer in a quarter — and occupied about 35% of the global market. Meanwhile, Apple shipped about 26 million units during the quarter (about 18% market share)."

Forbes article on general Android smartphone results vs Apple, which of course includes the results from the S3:


"When it comes to market share, Google’s Android has been roundly trouncing Apple. IDC reported that Android smartphone shipments accounted for 68% of the smartphone market to the iPhone’s 17% in the second quarter of 2012."

Did you read what I said about their sales cycles? You are comparing the TOP of Samsung's sales cycle with the bottom of the Apple iPhone sales cycle. Lets have this conversation again after Q1 2013. I bet they, Samsung and Apple, are at parity then, more or less. Apple is announcing their new phone in 10 days and supposedly shipping in 3 weeks. I think you will see Apple numbers MUCH HIGHER than the last two quarters of Apple numbers, which were based on continued sales of a 3rd quarter 2011 phone.

And, a very large amount of the Android marketshare is low end feature-phone replacement "smart phones", a lot of which are in 3rd world countries. Certainly not claiming all.

The Forbes article lists 5 areas of innovation where the S3 trounces the Iphone, and these features are real INNOVATION that have little to do with implementing similar trivial software features or rounded corners:

* 4G Speeds
* Unlimited apps (Android has many app sources whereas Iphone has AppStore)
* Keyboard Flexibility (Android has many different available keyboards)
* Bigger screens
* NFC Support/Mobile Payments

I think the evidence is pretty clear that Apple is losing market share fast to Android phones (typified by the market-leading Samsung Galaxy S3), and they are trying to make up in court what they cannot do with innovation. The Forbes article sums it up nicely: "Without Steve Jobs to innovate, Apple is trying to win in a court of law what it has been losing in the marketplace."

Forbes is talking out its Ass. For one, the Apple products cycles are still heavily Steve Jobs influenced. And it ignores that Samsung is at the top of its Sales cycle this past late Spring and Summer (Galaxy Nexus or whatever then the S3) and that Apple was at the bottom of theirs.

Apple was not trying to win in a court of law what it is losing in the marketplace. See the link I posted on why Apple really is going to court (in some people's opinion and they are probably right).

And then lets talk tablets... The suit was also about tablets, not just phones.


09-02-12, 21:11
Here we go back to my original point... you act as if Apple is a perfect being, so innocent, so virgin...

really? If that is what you think, I am sorry. I am putting forth facts about the situation that people seem to have a hard time understanding.

Yet for other companies, you viciously attack them as having prior knowledge of the patents and blatant disregard for intellectual property.

In terms of Samsung, it was pretty much admitted to at court by Samsung. Apple went to Samsung multiple times to try and work things out.

Legally, you can be found to infringe on a patent that you did not know about. BUT, if you know about it (and Samsung and Google etc knew about these after being told by Apple) and do it anyway, then that is triply bad (in terms of damages).

Jesus, dude, I know you're emotional and all about this, but sit back and think about this rationally. Apple is not perfect.

I am merely trying to put facts into the argumentation because too many people here make claims about the suit(s) and what Apple is doing and how everything is already invented already. And how that they only sued because they are getting beaten in the market and stuff like that. Stuff that is not true and not supportable by the facts.

I readily admitted that companies build on each others' ideas. There is a difference between that and copying specific instances of ideas -- specific features.

In the world of tech, though, Apple probably gets copied a lot more because they spend huge amounts of R&D on doing new designs, new technology, etc. In their FIELD, money AND effort they put into R&D is more than their competitors. This is not to say others don't innovate and come up with good stuff.


09-02-12, 21:27
Google has done a lot of new stuff with Android to differentiate it. Those are not points of contention. The bits and pieces that were copied, whether specific features like the rubber banding, or the overall look and feel and operation of various versions. Those points where they did copy, specific feature, or general look and way of operating, are.

I was trying to find the pictures of the iPhone and the before and after iPhone Samsung shots. Some of the Samsung phones physically look very much like an iPhone down to the chrome ring around them, and the screen shots themselves are very very similar.


There were a lot of prior devices to both, and look and feel are subjective. There are a shit ton of PC's that look very similar, and even as a computer enthusiast from far enough away I couldn't even tell half of them apart. I don't care of things look similar. If you took off the branding on computer monitors, and displayed them as they do at like Best Buy of Frys at least 90% of the consumers shopping for a new monitor couldn't tell what you what brand is which.

"similar" is not an IP or patent infringement.

Maybe their should be a class action against Apple for labeling their 4S as 4G when its HSPA+ not 4G or even LTE. I had to send extensive tech articles to my MIL to get her to understand, that when she updated her 4S, and it when from 3G to 4G on the top bar it was just Apple labeling the top bar differently even though she was on the same 3G network she was on before. Ill take anyone next to an ATT LTE tower and we can compare download speeds...:D

09-02-12, 21:43
Still want to know on the pull down notification menu. Googled it tonight and everything says it was a Android function well before ios had it. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black if Apple is ripping off Android functions while suing Samsung for things like swipe to unlock. The swipe to unlock is WAY more functional on my S3 than ios 5 is, and you're not swiping a bar. Back to the pull down notification system...its so functional on ICS I can do almost anything with the phone just from that.The function of the phone is so different I think its disgusting apple thinks auto hot linking a phone number entitles them to over a billion dollars in damages.

Adding the S3 to the complaint is retarded. As a user of both the s3 is so different its not even funny. There is no mistaking either phone, and there are no damages to be had there. I went with it because it offered a larger and better screen, slim form factor, and I get sick of apple restricting their products so much as well as charging a shit ton of money for every little thing.

What about siri vs. s voice? I read, too, on numerous sites, that certain android phones had voice functions before Iphone on the 4S before siri.

09-02-12, 22:12
Maybe their should be a class action against Apple for labeling their 4S as 4G when its HSPA+ not 4G or even LTE. I had to send extensive tech articles to my MIL to get her to understand, that when she updated her 4S, and it when from 3G to 4G on the top bar it was just Apple labeling the top bar differently even though she was on the same 3G network she was on before. Ill take anyone next to an ATT LTE tower and we can compare download speeds...:D

If you're on AT&T, you'd notice the same thing on your S3. It labels HSPA+ as 4G as well. As does virtually everyone in the market.

Also, the iPhones before the 4S couldn't access HSPA+.

09-02-12, 22:20
If you're on AT&T, you'd notice the same thing on your S3. It labels HSPA+ as 4G as well. As does virtually everyone in the market.

Also, the iPhones before the 4S couldn't access HSPA+.


09-02-12, 22:30
What about siri vs. s voice? I read, too, on numerous sites, that certain android phones had voice functions before Iphone on the 4S before siri.

Apple bought Siri from another company anyways, Apple didnt invent it. The Woz said Apple made it worse after they bought it

09-02-12, 23:04
Apple bought Siri from another company anyways, Apple didnt invent it. The Woz said Apple made it worse after they bought it


Siri is a spin-out from the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center, and is an offshoot of the DARPA-funded CALO project.

Siri was originally introduced as an iOS application available in the App Store by Siri, Inc., which was acquired by Apple on April 28, 2010.

Siri, Inc. was founded in 2007 by Dag Kittlaus (CEO), Adam Cheyer (VP Engineering), and Tom Gruber (CTO/VP Design), together with Norman Winarsky from SRI International's venture group, and is named after the SRI.

Siri, Inc. had announced that their software would be available for BlackBerry and for Android-powered phones, but all development efforts for non-Apple platforms were cancelled after the acquisition by Apple.

An unreleased iPhone walks into a bar and… well, you know how this goes. And so does Samsung.

Interesting snipit about how & what Samsung Galaxy S lll security measures were implemented etc.

Just how far did Samsung go to keep the Galaxy S III secret? You’d be surprised

"In an effort to prevent a similarly catastrophic product leak while developing its long-awaited Galaxy S III, the Korean electronics company went to extreme measures to keep everything under wraps, the company revealed in the Samsung Tomorrow blog this morning.

Samsung had a select team working on the Galaxy S III in a separate lab that required ID cards and security scans to access. The engineers were not allowed to share pictures or drawings with anyone else in the company, so the Galaxy S III team had to describe aspects of the device with words to others in the company — even to the procurement department, which was responsible for setting the price and ordering the bill of materials. And, not surprisingly, Samsung employees put the Galaxy S III prototypes in security boxes whenever they were being moved around — even across the hall.

The company also went as far as developing three separate prototype units, which reduced the overall chance of details about the final Galaxy S III getting out."


09-03-12, 00:29

Not sure what your point is.

The S3 absolutely labels HSPA+ as 4G. It also accesses the LTE network (where available) and denotes that as "4G LTE", at least on AT&T with stock OS.

09-04-12, 15:10
New iPad Mini release date, price, specs, news & rumours


Confirmed: New iPad Mini to Debut in October, After Latest Apple iPhone’s September Bow


09-07-12, 15:29
Technology marches on .....



09-07-12, 18:21
Note II please come to Verizon

09-07-12, 18:35
Note II please come to Verizon

I looked at the note at the att store and its frigging huge. Would be good though for web surfing, email and videos.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

09-07-12, 18:41
Note II please come to Verizon

There is suppose to be a Galaxy ll LTE version released etc.

They moniker it a Phoneablet


Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100 at a glance:
General: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz; UMTS 850/900/1900/2100 MHz, HSDPA 21 Mbps, HSUPA 5.76 Mbps; LTE 700/2100 MHz, 100Mbps down, 50Mbps up
Form factor: Touchscreen bar phoneblet
Dimensions: 151.1 x 80.5 x 9.4 mm, 180 g
Display: 5.5" 16M-color HD (720 x 1280 pixels) Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, Gorilla Glass 2
Stylus: S Pen, 1024 pressure levels, hover functionality
Chipset: Exynos 4212 Quad
CPU: Quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 1.6 GHz processor
GPU: Mali-400MP
OS: Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) Memory: 16/32/64GB storage, microSD card slot
Still camera: 8 megapixel auto-focus camera with backlit sensor, face detection and Best faces feature, touch focus and image stabilization;
Video camera: Full HD (1080p) video recording at 30fps, LED flash, 1.9MP front facing camera, video-calls
Connectivity: Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth 4.0, standard microUSB port with MHL features (TV Out, USB host), GPS receiver with A-GPS, 3.5mm audio jack, FM radio, NFC
Battery: 3100 mAh
Misc: TouchWiz 4.0 UI, Extremely rich video/audio codec support, built-in accelerometer, multi-touch input, proximity sensor, gyroscope sensor, RGB sensor, Smart stay eye-tracking, S Voice

Here is link where they think Verizon will have it :


I have a contractor friend who works in Iraq now & he loves the Note. He will be all over the Note ll. What he likes is the maps he gets, MEDIA he can store or download for viewing & have a 2G/3G phone their. He say he gets 2G & sometimes 3 G there. Apparently there is a niche market for a device smaller than a iPad/ Android Tablet but biggger than a standard cell phone. So is apparently being defined by the phoneablet/Mini Pads etc. The issue seems to be do you want one w/ a phone or not. As this market gets more defined it appears to me that there is some redundentcy. I'm pretty smug w/ my Galaxy S lll for now & can't seeing any need to go bigger vs. fitting in my pockets etc.

09-12-12, 22:10
Watched the cnet coverage of the Apple iphone5 launch today. WTF is up with that aspect ratio? How are you going to watch standard 16:9 media on that? You either have black bars or its zoomed in. Same width but .5" taller.

I also don't get why they have so much "phone" that isn't part of the screen. My phone, compared to my wife's 4 isn't really that much bigger. The non screen area on the iphone is HUGE, and it still looks the same on the 5.

As far as the design all they did was stretch it up a half inch and annodized the sides. Wow MAJOR design change! :rolleyes:

And I finally got my Samsung Series 9 laptop. Love it!

09-12-12, 22:38
I've been away from the forums mostly the last 10 days due to a project that has swamped me.

Watched the cnet coverage of the Apple iphone5 launch today. WTF is up with that aspect ratio? How are you going to watch standard 16:9 media on that?

Uh, the new iPhone 5 screen is almost EXACTLY 16:9.

16/9 = 1.777777777
1136/640 = 1.775 (at 326 ppi)

You either have black bars or its zoomed in. Same width but .5" taller.

The iPhone 4 was not 16x9 but a more "traditional" aspect ratio.

The iPhone 5 is almost exactly 16:9. The Galaxy III is also pretty much exactly 16:9. (1280 x 720 @ 306 ppi)

I also don't get why they have so much "phone" that isn't part of the screen. My phone, compared to my wife's 4 isn't really that much bigger. The non screen area on the iphone is HUGE, and it still looks the same on the 5.

The Galaxy III is 2.78" wide (5.38 x 2.78 x 0.34)) The iPhone 5 is 2.31" wide (4.87 x 2.31 x 0.30). The Galaxy III is a much larger package. Whether that is good or bad depends on the customer. I personally was afraid they would make the iPhone a lot wider and was relieved that they didn't. I personally like not so wide, easy to fit in my hand, and in my pocket format as it is handier for me. YMMV, and I am sure it does.

Also, btw, the Galaxy III weight 4.73oz (~ 134gr) while the iPhone 5 weight is 3.95 oz (112 gr).

The Galaxy III is about 20% wider and about 19.6% heavier than the iPhone 5 and the iPhone is not made from plastic. All glass and aluminum.

(Galaxy III figures are for the AT&T US version and came from the AT&T website, except that I translated the weight from oz to grams -- iPhone 5 figures come from the Apple website)

As far as the design all they did was stretch it up a half inch and annodized the sides. Wow MAJOR design change! :rolleyes:

They have a video available that details the design changes. A lot more than you mention. Also, the back is metal, not glass. It is more than just anodizing the sides (which were SS before). The enclosure is all new.

Apple does not strive to totally change their design every time. That is not how they get attention. They work to perfect their designs to make them the most usable that they can and still have a unique look and touch (that is my interpretation).

Whatever floats your boat. What you find best works for you is what you should use.

I will probably buy an unlocked iPhone 5 later this year. I am not up for a new unit for cheap yet (won't qualify until next summer) and for development reasons, I kind of would like to share the SIM with my iPhone 4S so I can test apps on both phones and on multiple carriers. I'll upgrade the wife's iPhone 4 as she is on tap for the cheap upgrade and then I can take her iPhone 4 and add it to my test stable of phones.

I'll probably get the new iPod touch as well as a development unit. Right now I do a lot of the pure development on a 4th gen iPod touch and then install test builds on the phone to test the app without development detritus ;) messing things up. The iPod touch is also less-specced than the phone so if I use it as my base and it runs fine I am less worried about it running fine on the phones. But the phone gets used a lot for development and testing as well.

And I finally got my Samsung Series 9 laptop. Love it!

If you are a Windows person they look nice! Enjoy it!

09-12-12, 23:15
I've been away from the forums mostly the last 10 days due to a project that has swamped me.

Uh, the new iPhone 5 screen is almost EXACTLY 16:9.

16/9 = 1.777777777
1136/640 = 1.775 (at 326 ppi)

The iPhone 4 was not 16x9 but a more "traditional" aspect ratio.

The iPhone 5 is almost exactly 16:9. The Galaxy III is also pretty much exactly 16:9. (1280 x 720 @ 306 ppi)

The Galaxy III is 2.78" wide (5.38 x 2.78 x 0.34)) The iPhone 5 is 2.31" wide (4.87 x 2.31 x 0.30). The Galaxy III is a much larger package. Whether that is good or bad depends on the customer. I personally was afraid they would make the iPhone a lot wider and was relieved that they didn't. I personally like not so wide, easy to fit in my hand, and in my pocket format as it is handier for me. YMMV, and I am sure it does.

Also, btw, the Galaxy III weight 4.73oz (~ 134gr) while the iPhone 5 weight is 3.95 oz (112 gr).

The Galaxy III is about 20% wider and about 19.6% heavier than the iPhone 5 and the iPhone is not made from plastic. All glass and aluminum.

(Galaxy III figures are for the AT&T US version and came from the AT&T website, except that I translated the weight from oz to grams -- iPhone 5 figures come from the Apple website)

They have a video available that details the design changes. A lot more than you mention. Also, the back is metal, not glass. It is more than just anodizing the sides (which were SS before). The enclosure is all new.

Apple does not strive to totally change their design every time. That is not how they get attention. They work to perfect their designs to make them the most usable that they can and still have a unique look and touch (that is my interpretation).

Whatever floats your boat. What you find best works for you is what you should use.

I will probably buy an unlocked iPhone 5 later this year. I am not up for a new unit for cheap yet (won't qualify until next summer) and for development reasons, I kind of would like to share the SIM with my iPhone 4S so I can test apps on both phones and on multiple carriers. I'll upgrade the wife's iPhone 4 as she is on tap for the cheap upgrade and then I can take her iPhone 4 and add it to my test stable of phones.

I'll probably get the new iPod touch as well as a development unit. Right now I do a lot of the pure development on a 4th gen iPod touch and then install test builds on the phone to test the app without development detritus ;) messing things up. The iPod touch is also less-specced than the phone so if I use it as my base and it runs fine I am less worried about it running fine on the phones. But the phone gets used a lot for development and testing as well.

If you are a Windows person they look nice! Enjoy it!

So if they kept the same width but stretched the screen up but not side to side what was all the previous gen iphones running at as far as aspect ratio?

I understand you can keep things from looking stretched out or scrunched up but then when you do a landscape type view you don't get the top to bottom view. So with the new taller screen you won't be getting anymore top to bottom veiwable area? So for instance, on a forum like this, things would not look stretched out but you would have less threads viewed assuming the text size was the same....but if you flipped it horizontal you'd have more than on a 3.5" screen?

I did watch the video. The new camera is nice. LTE is nice. Design is mostly the same. They went to a machined back instead of glass. Wooptie do. Just look like a vertically stretched 4/4S with a couple aesthetic changes.

I'm sure it will be a nice phone, and I don't mean to come across as bagging on it. Just don't like the company, and how much they charge for stuff. The new converter from the old connector the new one is 30 bucks. Just stuff like that adds up, and with Apple having so many proprietary stuff like that it become expensive to run their products. Im not sure why you would ever need a super speed connection to run off a phone anyways. The only time I connect my phone to the PC to do back ups. By far the most prevalent connection I have is wifi, and on my phone the wifi connection is just as fast as my PC which is wired into the router. That connection on my local network would be dictated by my internet speed from my provider or over wifi based on the phone hardware and router performance plus whatever I'm accessing. I just setup a WD my book live storage unit so all that stuff is independent of the wired setup. All my ethernet connections are gigabit so the bottleneck is the wireless capability. Given that I don't see how a wired connection with the new connector is all that important. Even if the connector is capable of XYZ it still depends on the slowest device you are connecting to, and I doubt a phone is going to exceed USB 3.0 for instance. So if this new connector can connect to thunderbolt you're not going to get 10gigs/s because none of the hardware can even send data that quick.

09-12-12, 23:40
So if they kept the same width but stretched the screen up but not side to side what was all the previous gen iphones running at as far as aspect ratio?

I understand you can keep things from looking stretched out or scrunched up but then when you do a landscape type view you don't get the top to bottom view. So with the new taller screen you won't be getting anymore top to bottom veiwable area? So for instance, on a forum like this, things would not look stretched out but you would have less threads viewed assuming the text size was the same....but if you flipped it horizontal you'd have more than on a 3.5" screen?

I did watch the video. The new camera is nice. LTE is nice. Design is mostly the same. They went to a machined back instead of glass. Wooptie do. Just look like a vertically stretched 4/4S with a couple aesthetic changes.

I'm sure it will be a nice phone, and I don't mean to come across as bagging on it. Just don't like the company, and how much they charge for stuff. The new converter from the old connector the new one is 30 bucks. Just stuff like that adds up, and with Apple having so many proprietary stuff like that it become expensive to run their products. Im not sure why you would ever need a super speed connection to run off a phone anyways. The only time I connect my phone to the PC to do back ups. By far the most prevalent connection I have is wifi, and on my phone the wifi connection is just as fast as my PC which is wired into the router. That connection on my local network would be dictated by my internet speed from my provider or over wifi based on the phone hardware and router performance plus whatever I'm accessing. I just setup a WD my book live storage unit so all that stuff is independent of the wired setup. All my ethernet connections are gigabit so the bottleneck is the wireless capability. Given that I don't see how a wired connection with the new connector is all that important. Even if the connector is capable of XYZ it still depends on the slowest device you are connecting to, and I doubt a phone is going to exceed USB 3.0 for instance. So if this new connector can connect to thunderbolt you're not going to get 10gigs/s because none of the hardware can even send data that quick.

Apple iPhone 4S Display 3.5 inches (89 mm) diagonal 1.5:1 aspect ratio widescreen

09-13-12, 00:21
So if they kept the same width but stretched the screen up but not side to side what was all the previous gen iphones running at as far as aspect ratio?

Original iPhone was 480x320 so it was a 3:2 or 1.50 (ETA: and all the follow-on iPhones until this new one used the same aspect ratio even if the rez went up to 960x640)

I understand you can keep things from looking stretched out or scrunched up but then when you do a landscape type view you don't get the top to bottom view. So with the new taller screen you won't be getting anymore top to bottom veiwable area? So for instance, on a forum like this, things would not look stretched out but you would have less threads viewed assuming the text size was the same....but if you flipped it horizontal you'd have more than on a 3.5" screen?

The forum would look the same on the iPhone 5 in landscape mode as it does on your Galaxy III since they are the same aspect ratio. Now, depending on font size and stuff like that you may see more or less between the two.

I don't understand your last bit. On the iPhone 5, in portrait (up/down) mode, you will see more thread or more entries in a thread than on an iPhone 4, given identical font sizes etc. When put into landscape (long mode across) mode, the iPhone 5 won't have any more up and down room, however, the screen will be wider so you may see more postings in a thread as they will wrap less. Otherwise you will see the same amount of lines up and down as the iPhone 4.

And if using a proportional font to your Galaxy III, you would see the same amount of lines as on the Galaxy III. Since the Galaxy III number of actual pixels in each direction is a little bit more, if you set the exact same size font on both iPhone 5 and Galaxy III, your Galaxy III would probably show an extra line or two or so. All depends on how you set the font. I have not used the Galaxy III (I did use a Galaxy II a short while that a relative had but I did not browse the forums) so I don't know how the browser will lay things out and what sort of control you have over things.


09-13-12, 12:40
My previous 2 year with AT&T is up, but I'm sticking with them as I have yet to find somewhere I don't have service with AT&T, and friends with Verizon have to stand in their front yard to get service, or walk out of a hotel room when we travel to use it.

I have the regular iPhone 4 16gig now but want one with at least 32gig. Was about to get the 64gig 4s until yesterday. I believe I'm going to wait until after the new year and get the iPhone 5 64gig.

I'm sticking with Apple for the same reasons as stated above. I like the product, I like the shape, and I have 100% of my music thru iTunes, plus numerous apps I wish to not lose.

iPhones serve me very well and I'll be sticking with them

09-13-12, 17:32
pretty lackluster debut. SIII, Note II, and Lumia 920 are a lot more desireable if you want a bigger phone and specs

09-13-12, 18:08
pretty lackluster debut. SIII, Note II, and Lumia 920 are a lot more desireable if you want a bigger phone and specs

The 4" display is the sweet spot for usability according to a lot of reviewers. You can easily use it one handed as an average sized person. Anything wider makes it hard. So if you want a huge screen, by all means, but you lose usability.

In terms of specs, I'll take the iPhone 5. First ARM Cortex A15 based CPU shipping. We'll see in a week and a half, but I bet the iPhone 5 benchmarks better than any currently shipping phone out there. The iPhone 4S does a good job of keeping up with everything but the very newest fastest Android phones with its A5 800mhz CPU (vs everyone else's 1.1-1.5ghz CPUs, beating most but the 1.4-1.5 in most cases) and the iPhone 5 is supposedly much faster. Android is massively inefficient.

It's camera is also amongst the most elite mobile cameras. Sapphire crystal too! ;)


09-13-12, 18:27
I can use my Galaxy 5" media player one handed. I dont even have hands that big, i wear medium gloves

09-13-12, 18:39
I can use my Galaxy 5" media player one handed. I dont even have hands that big, i wear medium gloves

I'm glad you've figured it out.

Most people find anything over 4" hard to use one handed in a normal style of use. There have been lots of tests of this.

I have medium sized hands, maybe medium large. And holding an iPhone 4 (same width as iPhone 5), I could not comfortably and easily use it if it is was much wider (one handed). I can stretch my thumb out but it is not comfortable. I am pretty sure I am not alone. I know there have been usability tests on this.

If a magnum sized screen is important for you, there are plenty of phones (phablets they are called) that will work for you. Rock on!


09-14-12, 13:53
And I finally got my Samsung Series 9 laptop. Love it!

Interesting. Sealed in battery. Nothing you can change on your own when it breaks. How very Apple-like! :rolleyes:;)

09-15-12, 15:39
Interesting. Sealed in battery. Nothing you can change on your own when it breaks. How very Apple-like! :rolleyes:;)

Its an ultrabook with a one piece aluminum chasis. Knew that going in. Samsung has several other series of laptops with removable batteries....so it was my choice to purchase one without that feature. Key word is choice.

09-15-12, 17:10
8 Things The iPhone 5 Still Can't Do

For those that actually read this or keep on top of this stuff:

1) Micro SD card would be nice for additional storage of files, music, movies, pics etc. rather than CLOUDING it.
2) Replacable or better Extended battery life
3) SWIPE keyboard or similar keyboard

Here's Why Apple Went With That Tiny New Connector Instead Of USB


Here's The Anti-iPhone 5 Ad Samsung Will Run In Newspapers Tomorrow


I run them both so don't have a Dawg in this either way. I benefit from both. Interesting that they are going HTH so overtly....


09-21-12, 14:36
No go when I log in.


What family plan are you on? I just did a fake iPhone 5 new line walk through on the AT&T website as if I were setting up a new family plan. I chose the 700 minute one which I think is $69.95/9 a month and it listed the FAMILY MESSAGING WITH FREE WIRELESS CALLS (any carrier) for $30/month giving unlimited texts and free wireless calls to any carrier. That was today 09/21. So it looks like they still offer ut but there was a caveat that you have to have a family plan of at least $69.95 or .99 a month to be able to get it.

You may want to go to your nearest AT&T corporate store and tell them you want to switch your family messaging to the family messaging with free wireless calls to any carrier. Same $30.


09-21-12, 15:31

What family plan are you on? I just did a fake iPhone 5 new line walk through on the AT&T website as if I were setting up a new family plan. I chose the 700 minute one which I think is $69.95/9 a month and it listed the FAMILY MESSAGING WITH FREE WIRELESS CALLS (any carrier) for $30/month giving unlimited texts and free wireless calls to any carrier. That was today 09/21. So it looks like they still offer ut but there was a caveat that you have to have a family plan of at least $69.95 or .99 a month to be able to get it.

You may want to go to your nearest AT&T corporate store and tell them you want to switch your family messaging to the family messaging with free wireless calls to any carrier. Same $30.


Nation 550 Family Talk w/rollover
Family Unlimited Text
Unlimited Data (grandfathered)

Current monthly bill is like $155 a month or so for the 2 lines.

09-21-12, 15:40
Nation 550 Family Talk w/rollover
Family Unlimited Text
Unlimited Data (grandfathered)

Current monthly bill is like $155 a month or so for the 2 lines.

Ok, that is why you don't have the option. You need the family talk 700 (which is the 69.95 base plan) and not the 550.

Oh well, I tried. I have the grandfathered $5 each line 200 text message plan since we don't text that much and the iMessage text replacement works for most of what we do (me to wife and back, and wife to both her sisters in Japan) and the occasional text from my brother, or the doctors office reminding us of the kids appt gets me no where near the 200 limit...


as an aside

It's iPhone 5 day for people who pre ordered in time or who stood in line. I will be waiting a month or two myself to get paid for my latest app first... But I do want to go to an Apple store next week and take a look at it. And I wish the iPod touch new version was available to buy today as I need to be able to test and adapt to the new screen etc. Oh well.


09-21-12, 17:00
Ok, that is why you don't have the option. You need the family talk 700 (which is the 69.95 base plan) and not the 550.

Oh well, I tried. I have the grandfathered $5 each line 200 text message plan since we don't text that much and the iMessage text replacement works for most of what we do (me to wife and back, and wife to both her sisters in Japan) and the occasional text from my brother, or the doctors office reminding us of the kids appt gets me no where near the 200 limit...


as an aside

It's iPhone 5 day for people who pre ordered in time or who stood in line. I will be waiting a month or two myself to get paid for my latest app first... But I do want to go to an Apple store next week and take a look at it. And I wish the iPod touch new version was available to buy today as I need to be able to test and adapt to the new screen etc. Oh well.


We text a lot more than talk. I have friends and family which its more convenient to text than call because of all the varying schedules. Don't like calling people, and get VM because they are at work or doing something then playing phone tag. Had some months of over 3k texts. Id blow through 200 texts in a couple days some weeks. I don't know...I guess everyone I talk to are texters, too, and I usually have less than 100 min of charged talk time a month.

Have you played with IOS6? Have to look at the wife's phone in a min but lost google maps and youtube. Have to check to see if they are in the app store. Her line isn't available for an upgrade until Jan so nothing new there for right now. The apple maps app was a big downgrade since they aren't showing local traffic data and you have to zoom in so far to see street names. Not sure why apple would ditch google maps since they are so good and have a lot better imagery including street view. We were comparing the google maps on my phone to her new maps app and I get traffic data for all our local city major intersections and roads while hers only had a few small areas of Austin which is the closest big city to us. It was like one small strip of I35 that goes through DT austin which had any traffic data.

She does like the facebook integration and it's easier for her to post pics from the phone.

As an aside she needs a laptop for school and I wouldn't mind getting her a MB Air but honestly reading the mac forum rumors forum isn't all that good for potential buyers. Apparently Apple is using 3 different sources for screens and people are returning their Air's to get Samsung screens, and they are using either Samsung or Toshiba SSD's. The Toshiba SSD's benchmark lower so people want Samsung screens with Samsung SSD's. The thread was under hardware>MB air on the first page. They are using Samgung, LG, and some other brand screens which aren't very common. People are taking their Air's into the Apple store to get a refund/replacement and hoping the replacement has the Samsung screen since the LG screens are washed out and text is harder to read. Don't take this as a knock against apple since I would buy her an Air just was surprised the screen was such an issue. All the Apple screens in stores look pretty good, and she would get the student discount.

Kinda similar with the Samsung Series 9 laptops. The 13" has an IPS/PLS screen while the 15" is TN. Actually the 15" I got is the first Series 9 I've seen in the wild in either size so can't really compare them. No issues with mine so far for being an ultrabook. Doing full 1080P youtube gets it warm and runs the battery down but I think thats to be expected. Can't complain about the boot times (10 sec to desktop and a couple seconds from sleep). Wanted the thin form factor, keyboard, and AL chasis. Pleased to read for about $80-100 I can go up to 16GB ram. Don't really need it but if it drops down another $20+ why not?

09-21-12, 17:25
We text a lot more than talk. I have friends and family which its more convenient to text than call because of all the varying schedules. Don't like calling people, and get VM because they are at work or doing something then playing phone tag. Had some months of over 3k texts. Id blow through 200 texts in a couple days some weeks. I don't know...I guess everyone I talk to are texters, too, and I usually have less than 100 min of charged talk time a month.

yeah, different MO for different people. I am not really a text person, having grown up before cell phones and texting were around. So I use email for most of my non verbal stuff. Mostly people sending me texts that I respond to. I don't actually talk on the phone all that much except with the wife when she calls to come home from work, or work conference calls or calls to the people who I am doing apps for and that sort of thing, or my brother in AZ once in a while [which are usually long]. And calls with other AT&T mobiles don't count. I don't usually use all the minutes and have a buttload in the rollover category. Some months we get a lot of long conference calls and I'll dip into the roll over but not usually and I usually add to the roll over reserve.

Have you played with IOS6? Have to look at the wife's phone in a min but lost google maps and youtube. Have to check to see if they are in the app store. Her line isn't available for an upgrade until Jan so nothing new there for right now.

I have not played with iOS 6 yet. I don't have a spare device to stick it on at the moment and I am in the middle of an app so don't want to dick around with my phone at the moment. I have my phone and the wife's and an iPod touch I use for development. I may end up putting iOS 6 on the wife's phone first as a guinea pig install. I'll need to test the current app I am working on on iOS6 anyway, though the app does not use any new iOS 6 features (was planned and started way before it came out or was solid for devs).

The Maps is getting a lot of press. Most of it not very good. Some of the new features people like. But it seems to mess up addresses a lot more. I have never used the iOS 5 Maps based on Google for traffic so I probably wouldn't miss that myself (just speaking for me -- I see how it could be useful). I work from home and I know my way around and when certain roads are usually bad so have never felt the need.

The apple maps app was a big downgrade since they aren't showing local traffic data and you have to zoom in so far to see street names. Not sure why apple would ditch google maps since they are so good and have a lot better imagery including street view. We were comparing the google maps on my phone to her new maps app and I get traffic data for all our local city major intersections and roads while hers only had a few small areas of Austin which is the closest big city to us. It was like one small strip of I35 that goes through DT austin which had any traffic data.

My guess is that Apple is trying to disengage itself from Google, Google being a competitor. Relying on them is something they'd rather avoid I guess. That is why Youtube app is gone as well. I believe Google has or will be submitting a new Youtube app, but the youtube web app is supposed to be really good on iOS as well.

She does like the facebook integration and it's easier for her to post pics from the phone.

Makes my life as a developer easier as people want integration with FB in their apps. I visit FB once or twice a month for about 5 min so for me not a big deal, but I do see how that would be nice for a lot of people.

As an aside she needs a laptop for school and I wouldn't mind getting her a MB Air but honestly reading the mac forum rumors forum isn't all that good for potential buyers. Apparently Apple is using 3 different sources for screens and people are returning their Air's to get Samsung screens, and they are using either Samsung or Toshiba SSD's. The Toshiba SSD's benchmark lower so people want Samsung screens with Samsung SSD's. The thread was under hardware>MB air on the first page. They are using Samgung, LG, and some other brand screens which aren't very common. People are taking their Air's into the Apple store to get a refund/replacement and hoping the replacement has the Samsung screen since the LG screens are washed out and text is harder to read. Don't take this as a knock against apple since I would buy her an Air just was surprised the screen was such an issue. All the Apple screens in stores look pretty good, and she would get the student discount.

All the Macbook Airs I have seen had good looking screens. So I don't know. If it is a worry, then buy it at a local Apple Store instead of online -- I think you can buy online and pickup at the Apple Store even as a student (?) Ask to inspect it and don't accept it if it does not meet your needs.

In terms of the SSD, I think that is kind of stupid for most people to worry about. Both the SSD will perform similarly for the average user who wouldn't notice the difference. The "spec" freaks will know intellectually and complain but I bet they couldn't tell in day to day usage either.

Screens would be more noticeable so that I would inspect at the store before accepting the unit.

I like the MB Air. If I traveled at all I would probably get one. I have a unibody Macbook but it mostly gets by the family around the house since we rarely travel and the few times we do it works.

I may get a MB Pro retina machine next year to replace my desktop (Mac Pro Tower from 2008) if I can make sure I can hook up all the screens etc.

Kinda similar with the Samsung Series 9 laptops. The 13" has an IPS/PLS screen while the 15" is TN. Actually the 15" I got is the first Series 9 I've seen in the wild in either size so can't really compare them. No issues with mine so far for being an ultrabook. Doing full 1080P youtube gets it warm and runs the battery down but I think thats to be expected. Can't complain about the boot times (10 sec to desktop and a couple seconds from sleep). Wanted the thin form factor, keyboard, and AL chasis. Pleased to read for about $80-100 I can go up to 16GB ram. Don't really need it but if it drops down another $20+ why not?

You can never have too much RAM :)

09-21-12, 17:27
Yeah there is a new YouTube app by Google in the App Store for iOS

09-21-12, 18:08
In that thread theres a way to check which screen and ssd you have. SSD I wouldn't be too worried about because theres so many other choke points in the system you're unlikely to tell the difference, and Toshiba makes pretty good stuff.

The screen thing I'd probably want the Samsung based on all they were saying. If its the same price, and its just "luck of the draw" why not? I've been in love with Samsung screens for a while. Just got a UNES7100 55" a couple weeks ago as well. lol. My buddy just got a 55" LG and while its nice you just don't get the same color depth. I actually wasn't really surprised to read what I did about the MBA screens.

If you get that MBP Retina I guess there is a similar issue with who makes the screen. They are doing a test over there with some checkerboard pattern image, and leaving it up for 20 minutes then checking for some time of burn in with the LG screens.

We dip into rollover about once every few months. She used to a lot more when she was doing home health nursing but she got a hospital job now so she isn't on the phone nearly as much. I think we have around 1k rollover minutes right now.

09-21-12, 18:23
Just got the YouTube app on her iphone. We were comparing the maps side by side in the same area and mine has easily 10X more traffic data and just looks way better. The iphone has these dotted lines which are hard to pick up vs. google highlighting the road entiely with either green, yellow or red. Apple had ZERO traffic data in our section of the county and only a couple places in Austin. Google had traffic data on every single major road and just by looking at it I know based off experience its accurate for the time of day. Certain intersections are just busy from like 4PM to 7PM as people are coming home, getting groceries, shopping, ect. The iphone was devoid of any local data.

09-21-12, 19:01
Google traffic has been pretty dang accurate in my experience.

09-21-12, 19:19
Google traffic has been pretty dang accurate in my experience.

It was accurate to the direction of traffic per intersection. Just went out and got a pizza for tonight and some beer. One direction of traffic at this intersection is always backed up during rush hour and my phone had it pegged. Iphone didn't have jack shit within a 10 mile radius.

If apple thinks they are going to attract customers with by far substandard mapping they are going to regret it. I don't get it when their hardware is pretty much the same as the Windows world, and aside from the external build they are using the same stuff as anyone else. Where Apple has the edge is integration because they have their market share cornered into buying one brand of product. The other side has like 10 products. So if you use a iphone, ipad, mac book and a mac desktop it would be easy to keep everything the same. Samsung KIES sucks balls, and I rooted my phone to use Titanium Backup so I have a back up on my micro SD, drive, and I copied the backup to my documents which with the WD my book live backs up everyday. I also have thumb drives which I copy my documents and other simple back ups weekly.

09-21-12, 19:53
In that thread theres a way to check which screen and ssd you have. SSD I wouldn't be too worried about because theres so many other choke points in the system you're unlikely to tell the difference, and Toshiba makes pretty good stuff.

The screen thing I'd probably want the Samsung based on all they were saying. If its the same price, and its just "luck of the draw" why not? I've been in love with Samsung screens for a while. Just got a UNES7100 55" a couple weeks ago as well. lol. My buddy just got a 55" LG and while its nice you just don't get the same color depth. I actually wasn't really surprised to read what I did about the MBA screens.

yeah, screen I would be more sensitive to if there is a big difference. Like I said, if you get one, pick it up and don't accept one you don't want.

If you get that MBP Retina I guess there is a similar issue with who makes the screen. They are doing a test over there with some checkerboard pattern image, and leaving it up for 20 minutes then checking for some time of burn in with the LG screens.

It will be a while if I do get one. Want to see what their supposedly awesome Mac Pro replacement next year will look like. For now, my 2008(Mid) Mac Pro with 8 cores of Xeon 3.0ghz and 16GB is doing fine. A few architecture generations behind but still fast and I put a new AMD/ATI Radeon 5750 card in when my NVidia card died (I know the Radeon is not the most kick butt card but it is relatively new compared to my 2008 NVidia and I am not gaming on it). When the 512gb or 1TB SSD drives come down in price I may stick one of those in and that may let me get by with this for another long while.

But I will keep up on which screens are good. Thanks for the tip.

We kind of want to move to Japan after Christmas 2013 or sometime in 2014. Big maybe but if we do, I am not shipping my current computer stuff over and would use the MBP Retina as my new desktop there and just buy some 27" or 30" screens there. We would stay 2 or 3 years if the wife can get an RN job there (she has a Japanese nursing license in addition to her US so there is no issue there) and we can clear out all our debts here and save some to get us going. The goal is to let the kids be near her side of the family for a few years and to have the experience of living in another country.

Even if we don't go, I'll end up replacing the desktop one of these days and the MBP Retina would be one choice for that.

We dip into rollover about once every few months. She used to a lot more when she was doing home health nursing but she got a hospital job now so she isn't on the phone nearly as much. I think we have around 1k rollover minutes right now.

I have around 2200 minutes in roll over. Some months I add a few hundred, some months I take a few hundred out. Roll over is a good thing. Back after the 2008 election, I had my business line forwarded to my cell phone when I was out of the office or anytime I did not answer the business line. I racked up 100s of $ of extra minutes telling people that I did NOT have any PMAGs in stock. Really sucked at the time.


Speaking of the new iOS 6 Maps app. It seems to depend on where you are at I guess. One friend of mine just sent a note out where they compared the accuracy of address placement and the Turn by Turn directions where he is in Seattle and the Apple one did a much better job with placing the addresses on the map and in giving directions. He did not say much about traffic. So, it kind of seems to be somewhat based on where you are at it seems. Most of the commentary on the internet is not that positive with the Apple Maps app with finding addresses and stuff...


09-21-12, 19:59
As an aside she needs a laptop for school and I wouldn't mind getting her a MB Air but honestly reading the mac forum rumors forum isn't all that good for potential buyers. Apparently Apple is using 3 different sources for screens and people are returning their Air's to get Samsung screens, and they are using either Samsung or Toshiba SSD's. The Toshiba SSD's benchmark lower so people want Samsung screens with Samsung SSD's. The thread was under hardware>MB air on the first page. They are using Samgung, LG, and some other brand screens which aren't very common. People are taking their Air's into the Apple store to get a refund/replacement and hoping the replacement has the Samsung screen since the LG screens are washed out and text is harder to read. Don't take this as a knock against apple since I would buy her an Air just was surprised the screen was such an issue. All the Apple screens in stores look pretty good, and she would get the student discount.

I've heard this type of thing about a lot of manufacturers, primarily with SSDs. The review magazines and such get the good hardware, but its a gamble whether or not you'll get a good SSD in your Asus, Dell, etc laptop.

I have heard that LG has issues with its screen technology.

09-21-12, 20:15
I went from an iPhone 4 to a Galaxy S3 and then an iPhone 5 today.

I can honestly say there are a lot of advantages in both platforms. My biggest complaints about the S3 is that it didn't play nice with any of my other devices and that it was just slightly too big.

I have a Mac, ipad, my wife has an iphone, etc. So the Galaxy was the odd man out. I needed special software to sync contacts, another for music, another for movies, etc. and none of it was as seamless as photostream or icloud. If all of my devices were Android then this would not be as bad.

To me it comes down to picking one or the other then sticking with it.

As for Size I think the S3 is a bit too big and the Iphone 5 a bit too small. The galaxy was hard to type on one handed but I think Apple could have made this just a bit bigger.

When it comes down to it I think apple played it safe. Of course they are going to sell a ****ton of these phones. Android will continue to do well. And fanboys on both sides can war it out.

For me I am pretty happy with switching back but do miss a few things that android does better such as Widgets.

As for Maps.. Yeah it takes being shitty to a whole new level. I haven't seen anything this bad in ages.

09-21-12, 22:45
For you speed freaks and spec freaks ;)

"The Fastest Smartphone in the Land"


iPhone 5 trounces US GIII and Moto Droid Razr M. They only beat the iPhone 5 in one measurement, Geekbench Floating Point. ETA: Actually the SIII also barely beat in the GUIMark 3 test, but was soundly beaten in the Browsermark and the Sunspider tests.

Even the iPhone 4S with iOS 6 beats the Razr M and is barely below the GIII in the various Browser based tests. That is with an 800mhz processor vs the 1.5ghz of the Android phones. The iPhone 5 has a custom designed ARM core (dual core) at 1.0ghz vs the two Android phones with the 1.5Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 ARM dual core processors.


Not trying to turn this into a flame war. Obviously if you HAVE to have Android, the iPhone does not matter (and vice versa). And if you absolutely have to have a humongous tablet screen on your phone, it does not matter either.

But from a technology perspective, it is interesting what sort of performance they squeeze out of the iPhone. Especially one only weighing 3.95 oz.

I think iOS is much more efficient from a SW perspective and part of it lies there. It would be interesting to see someone load Android onto an iPhone somehow and see how it performs.

Anyway, enjoy.


09-21-12, 22:54
As for Size I think the S3 is a bit too big and the Iphone 5 a bit too small. The galaxy was hard to type on one handed but I think Apple could have made this just a bit bigger.

When it comes down to it I think apple played it safe.

For the size, I think you are right. They are playing it safe with the average person using it one handed.

But there is one more consideration on why they chose the size they did:

It fit their screen coordinate system. Android was made to be resolution independent, which makes it more flexible, but also makes it harder for the app designers to present the app on every device exactly the way they want it to be. Apple made the first iPhone, back in 2007, to be 320x480. Even with higher screen resolutions today, they still use the 320x480 point system as the base for screen layout. Notice that the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S are exactly 2x these numbers: 640 x 960. That means that you can still lay out your screen using the 320x480 coordinate system (it is actually bigger than that since things can overlap off screen etc but the on screen stuff through the iPhone 4S was still that same basic coordinate system where it is now "points" instead of pixels. (And screen coordinates are floating point numbers so you can actually address those extra pixels). So now we come to the iPhone 5. While I think that Apple will eventually go to a device resolution independent system of some sort, they went with 640 x 1136 which is still 320x2 wide and just longer. This makes it easy for apps, especially existing apps, to just work and look good on the new system. They can just stick black letter box bands on the top and bottom and it all works and new apps just extend their stuff down some. (And there are ways to make the screen auto layout and extend on its own for apps that can take easy advantage of that).


09-22-12, 10:54
I've heard this type of thing about a lot of manufacturers, primarily with SSDs. The review magazines and such get the good hardware, but its a gamble whether or not you'll get a good SSD in your Asus, Dell, etc laptop.

I have heard that LG has issues with its screen technology.

I follow Linus Tech Tips and NCIX on youtube. Does a good job explaining the different SSD's and manufacturers. I would use Intel or Samsung SSD's. Ill never buy a computer again with a HDD as the primary drive. Im going to put a 1 TB HDD in my desktop for mass storage but it has a 128GB Samsung 830 series SSD which has the OS on it. Boots through post and to the desktop in about 20-25 seconds. With the old stock CPU and MB it was only getting about 250MB/S R/W but with the new ASUS MB and 3770k i7 CPU I re ran the benchmark and its closer to 500MB/S now with the faster boot time. I think on the old MB it was being bottle necked by being older SATA version connector.

But yeah a lot of these manufacturers source parts for the same model from several companies, and of course they usually aren't using stuff you can buy off the shelf. My old MB was made by MSI but its a manufacturers model and was shit compared to off the shelf parts. With the LG screen issues on multiple models I'd not want one made by them.

09-22-12, 11:00
I went from an iPhone 4 to a Galaxy S3 and then an iPhone 5 today.

I can honestly say there are a lot of advantages in both platforms. My biggest complaints about the S3 is that it didn't play nice with any of my other devices and that it was just slightly too big.

I have a Mac, ipad, my wife has an iphone, etc. So the Galaxy was the odd man out. I needed special software to sync contacts, another for music, another for movies, etc. and none of it was as seamless as photostream or icloud. If all of my devices were Android then this would not be as bad.

To me it comes down to picking one or the other then sticking with it.

As for Size I think the S3 is a bit too big and the Iphone 5 a bit too small. The galaxy was hard to type on one handed but I think Apple could have made this just a bit bigger.

When it comes down to it I think apple played it safe. Of course they are going to sell a ****ton of these phones. Android will continue to do well. And fanboys on both sides can war it out.

For me I am pretty happy with switching back but do miss a few things that android does better such as Widgets.

As for Maps.. Yeah it takes being shitty to a whole new level. I haven't seen anything this bad in ages.

I've said before if you have other Apple products its probably better to go with Apple phones. I wouldn't want to buy apps from Apple on a ipad and then have to rebuy them for the phone because its Android.

Not a fan of the Kies software but I can just drag drop music and whatever else just like it was another drive. As far as backups go I use Titanium Backup Pro, and can back up the phone to the micro SD card (not internal one) and to google drive. Then I can copy the back ups to my PC and my WD my book live does back ups daily. So my phone back up is stored in 4 places. I think its also stored on the google servers so technically 5.

Don't have a hard time typing with one hand and I have medium sized hands.

ETA: At least for me syncing and sharing is easy over the home network. The new TV makes it a lot easier. I can access the WD my book live, my shared files from my desktop and laptop, and with all share play off my phone. So there are other ways to do what Apple does with their devices but Apple makes it seem easier because its all one brand. If all you buy is brand X then I'd expect them to play together. Same if you buy brand Y. If you buy XYZ then they won't integrate together as easy.

09-22-12, 12:41
if ya like learning more about tech for fun do some research on ICH or Input/output controler hub also called the south bridge !

intel has a known issue :) it has a limit of about 660MBs so some who slap 2 or 3 modern SSD on their system are actually throttling themselves and dont know it ;)
one reason TB or thunderbolt is so cool !!
best way is get a PCI card that is decent and can do decent speeds to expand storage if you get into more than say two SSD and a regular HDD

of course also depends on how you are using them etc. but good info to know as SSD are becoming common place

my main machine is a mac
Areca raid for main storage (8 drives)
2 SSD for cache
SSD for boot
SSD for some image files to work from
about 25 TB of attached storage with equal off line
but two other PCI cards in it for storage since the ICH cant handle much more 3 SSD and it throttled ! also ICH is a intel thing so effects both PC and Mac
forgot the other chip maker but it throttles about 880 or something ?

SSD are amazing for many things but also very dependent on the application using them some of the adobe products I make my living using have major issues with the programs themselves sadly :(

but again love SSD and I think they are a great way to bring a bit of life back into a system kinda like a super charger or turbo for a car

ended up getting a iPhone 5 as our old 3gs was out of date and battery was dying big time !

09-22-12, 12:58
if ya like learning more about tech for fun do some research on ICH or Input/output controler hub also called the south bridge !

intel has a known issue :) it has a limit of about 660MBs so some who slap 2 or 3 modern SSD on their system are actually throttling themselves and dont know it ;)
one reason TB or thunderbolt is so cool !!
best way is get a PCI card that is decent and can do decent speeds to expand storage if you get into more than say two SSD and a regular HDD

of course also depends on how you are using them etc. but good info to know as SSD are becoming common place

my main machine is a mac
Areca raid for main storage (8 drives)
2 SSD for cache
SSD for boot
SSD for some image files to work from
about 25 TB of attached storage with equal off line
but two other PCI cards in it for storage since the ICH cant handle much more 3 SSD and it throttled ! also ICH is a intel thing so effects both PC and Mac
forgot the other chip maker but it throttles about 880 or something ?

SSD are amazing for many things but also very dependent on the application using them some of the adobe products I make my living using have major issues with the programs themselves sadly :(

but again love SSD and I think they are a great way to bring a bit of life back into a system kinda like a super charger or turbo for a car

ended up getting a iPhone 5 as our old 3gs was out of date and battery was dying big time !

My SSD is getting about as high as I've seen any of them bench marked or even what the manufacturer claims. The biggest thing was getting a new MB with current gen SATA 3 6GB/S ports. It doubled the read/write speeds.

New MB has Thunderbolt, too, but theres not a lot of stuff right now using it. Thats up to 10GB/S and I think works best for external storage while daisy chaining drivers together like the WD thunderbolt external storage systems. I think you can chain up to 6 of them together, and even do raid. Kinda wish my laptop had thunderbolt but I thought about it and would never use it, and theres so few actual uses right now. Maybe within the next 2-5 years we'll see a lot more.

09-22-12, 19:12
yeah TB is not quite prime time yet in pricing or offerings of products ? and unless its like off a MB or something external SATA is a option still :) but TB is cool being able to run monitors and HDD and such so for the laptops its a great port to have IMHO ;)

also on programs even adobe say again as example if you have a disc setup and are saving files the difference between a machine that can say write at single SSD speed of 500 MB/s or one that can do 1500 MB/s is no diff the program gets in the way really :( even something at 120 MB/s is about the same so sometimes storage can still be on spinning drives :)

the one nice thing about the SSD of course is the cache/scratch drives that some programs rely on like Lightroom or PS etc. that low seek and latency can speed things up :)

cant wait for them to keep dropping in price

unless intel gets on the ball with the ICH and I know they are working on it or gets the storage off it and onto its own like TB or some kinda internal TB ? the next gen of SSD are going to be throttling right off the bat on systems ;)

09-22-12, 20:48
I don't think the bottle neck right now is really connectors but the drives themselves. If SSD ever gets up to the GB/S or more it may but even when you daisy chain TB drives together you're not close to 10GB/S. I don't see USB or SATA going away anytime soon. SATA 3 and USB 3.0 are pretty new, anyways, and as said they aren't the bottlenecks. Where TB is unique is it does double duty as data and video. So you could have all TB ports in the future, and do everything USB, HDMI, and others do.

For right now Im happy HDD's are so cheap. Just got a 1TB WD my passport tonight and it was less than $100. For simple files and videos its fine. Where SSD speeds things up a ton is having the OS on it and basic storage. Im fine, right now, having mass storage on spinners. Most of my back ups are automated so I never notice how long that takes anyways.

09-22-12, 22:49
the bottle neck is the ICH now if you do not stick in a PCI card or use TB your computer maxes out at about 660 MB/s again a single modern SSD can easily tap 500 MB/s

while most wont hit that bottleneck many do
again all it takes is two modern SSD which many people have

so if you try to run a set in raid 0 you wont get full speed if you try to run one for boot one for data chances are both wont max out but you could ?

thats the problem big time and thats again the south bridge or ICH everything goes through that your USB etc.. every thing
if you like this stuff :) google Intel ICH
I think its on version 10 or 11 ? forgot now

I know Intel is working on some other things I read about so will be interesting to see where it goes ?

so not the physical connectors but the fact the motherboard design cant handle it the way it was developed that well
dont use SSD no issue you tend to run out of connectors on the motherboard before bandwidth :)

PCI of course can open that up and why most will use other cards etc.. so you can get that bandwidth same reason TB is based on PCI

TB still has a pretty low limit for SSD but fore regular HDD its better :) its at about 1200 something MB/s

but if you figure a modern SSD is 500 MB/s that means if you drop 3 of those on a TB connection you pretty much are going to get throttled
forgot how much dif panels/monitors take ?

again though lucky most programs dont or cant use that speed only some video stuff

I notice speed gains up to about 500 MB/s after that I dont get much faster and have put together my SSD on a Areca controller to pull just over 2000 MB/s but again does not matter :)

its more a interesting thing how storage became so fast in speed in such a short time frame

lucky though TB will get faster :) so the hope is it keeps ahead of the curve this time for some time :)

09-23-12, 00:18
My :2cents:

I've ordered an iPhone 5 with AT&T. Never had one before, but its time to buy in. It does too many things/ replaces too many gadgets. I'm on Verizon right now with a flip phone, but my gf and I are switching because the mobile share plan is cheaper through AT&T.

The iPhone 5s' screen/glass/battery can be end-user replaced in 10-15 minutes with a special screw driver. It's pretty durable. It's fast. I'm used to iOS because I've had an iPod touch 4th gen for a few years now. Never used a droid or anything else, and don't want to. I'm happy with apple products.

09-23-12, 18:37
Just for grins, you can take a look at some of these funny iOS 6 Maps examples being posted online.



And for what its worth, Google Maps screws up a bunch too.

1. The other day it told me that the street at the end of my parent's street (perpendicular to) went through to the next big major road. I thought that was cool that they finally built it out and put a real car bridge over the canal. The instructions I got to get someplace by Google Maps on my iOS 5 device had instructed me to go down that road.

Unfortunately, when I got there, it was still the same 1/2 wide road it has been for some while and ended way before the canal and was not through nor was there a car bridge over the canal.

The road shown on Google Maps does not exist and their instructions were not correct as a result.

2. I lost the link but someone posted a recent screen shot from Google Maps on a mobile device that had instructions from Australia to somewhere else in Europe that showed them getting on the "interstate"-equivalent in Australia and not getting off until you got to Europe. The route was a line up to a horizontal line across the ocean and Africa and up to Europe. This was just a couple months ago.

3. A compatriot at the consulting company in Alaska I work through on some projects posted today about times he has seen, while working with the DNR in Alaska, of people bringing in Google Maps printed maps that show roads through the wilderness where the roads do not exist.

However, with its headstart, Google does get it right a lot and they don't have the rendering bugs either that cause some of the wavy roads and melting buildings you see on the funny Apple Maps shots in the above link. Apple will improve but it is good for some chuckles.


I got to play with an iPhone 5 this morning for a few minutes when I gave my neighbor a ride. He had a new one on Sprint and showed me the Maps app showing the 3D Las Vegas. For the most part it was impressive but sections flashed in and out with blank black grid here and there and some buildings had ends lopped off and were hollow inside. When they get the rendering bugs fixed it will be very impressive. That, and their map databases up to date.

The phone itself was very impressive. Very light, handy. FIt my hand well. Looking forward to getting one in a month or two.


09-23-12, 19:00
We are planning on iphone 5's as well. Android offers blacklist so you can block telemarketers etc. I find that odd that the iphones do not offer that support. That's a big downside here.

09-24-12, 11:19
so far happy with my iPhone 5 :) but I came up from a 3gs so skipped the whole 4 thing :)

we use ours pretty basic
a few other organizing things

we home school and work from home and kids activities with the homeschool group are always at places we know so we dont look up address on the iPhone to often maybe couple times a month ?

I still am giving apple a pass maping the world is a huge project its only been out a couple days and google is still far from perfect and the first year it pretty much sucked

so I will wait a year for apple then pass judgement on them

till then I just made a bookmark to maps.google.com and I can double check it

also forgot the exact name something like gpx drive ? I use the topo program they have for off roading )

09-25-12, 09:39
Another reason the Galaxy needs such a big battery to try and last a day on a charge.

The iPhone 5 screen is much more efficient, uses a lot less power, and has better color etc. Samsung does not even calibrate its screens it seems.


(yes it is an Apple focussed website [a 3rd party] that is reporting, but the report itself comes from a testing lab)

So the iPhone 5 has a better screen, is around like 80% faster in browser performance and is faster by significant ways in system metrics and graphics, has as good or better battery life, weighs less, and does it with a much smaller battery than the US model Galaxy 3 (and also the Intl Galaxy 3 with quad core CPU but not by as big of margins in terms of performance)


09-25-12, 10:07
Interesting stats on the Pixels/p/" & # of sub pixels.
The "green" # of sub pixels aberration is interesting.
20/20 comparison distance was interesting data.

Rest assured Samsung is all over there next iteration w/ improved PPI etc.

Interesting to see that Apple got no traction on their German patent case litigation as well.

Looking at getting a GSM & 4G version iPhone 5 64 GB 'unlocked' version from a client I have across the pond who can hook me up.

Problems w/ the iPhone 5's nano SIM card in UAE etc. I'm hearing.

09-25-12, 13:29
Interesting stats on the Pixels/p/" & # of sub pixels.
The "green" # of sub pixels aberration is interesting.

I think that is due to OLED technology needs IIRC

20/20 comparison distance was interesting data.

Rest assured Samsung is all over there next iteration w/ improved PPI etc.

Their overall PPI is just 20 or so less than Apple which is insignificant. It seems only Green is actually there but I don't know if that makes a difference

Interesting to see that Apple got no traction on their German patent case litigation as well.

Looking at getting a GSM & 4G version iPhone 5 64 GB 'unlocked' version from a client I have across the pond who can hook me up.

I think I am going to get the Verizon version but use it on AT&T since that is where I am at. They all support AT&Ts UMTS bands so the only thing I would be missing is the AT&T LTE bands but AT&T doesn't have LTE in Utah yet anyway and it is not on their imminent release list either (just "coming soon"). I figure, if they get LTE here in the Spring, I'll be missing LTE speeds until the iPhone 6 or whatever it is called comes out, and then I'll be in line for a cheap up grade anyway (not up until July for the cheap upgrades) but I will get an unlocked phone I can use anywhere and some of the international LTE bands.

Problems w/ the iPhone 5's nano SIM card in UAE etc. I'm hearing.

Interesting. Link?

09-25-12, 13:46
Interesting. Link?




09-25-12, 16:29



Ok thanks. It is not a technical issue, per se, then, but an issue of the Gulf (UAE mostly it seems) carriers not getting nano-SIM cards in stock before the iPhone 5 came out. Same with T-Mobile in the US.



09-25-12, 21:34
In other words dont buy the black one

Apple head of Marketing comments the iPhone 5 scratches, says they are normal - GSMArena Blog (http://blog.gsmarena.com/apple-head-of-marketing-comments-the-iphone-5-scratches/)


09-25-12, 22:21
mine went in a otter case ? I got a black wife gets a white makes it easy but our cases are dif ? so does not matter really if it gets scuffed either ?

kinda like some folks and guns are so so so so afraid to have anything happen to them :)
remember a buddy who always set his on a towel and would always put it back in a bag never lay on the ground with it etc..
never set it on the butt and lean it up to anything etc..
would not even lay it on a wood bench ?

was pretty though :) nice and shiny and new looking even when it was a few years old

09-25-12, 22:44
Ok, so my GF's iPhone 5 came in, but mine did not :angry:

Mine should be in pretty soon. But playing with hers. . .

Holy hell this thing is LIGHT. And thin. It's probably the most pocketable/portable iOS device they've made.

There's no way in hell I'm ruining that by putting a big thick otterbox case on it.

09-26-12, 00:59
I wasnt going to :) but even after a day it seemed to thin and slippery ?
plus with camping and 4x4 stuff dirt dust etc.. figured might as well

the speck cases are OK to have that rubbery inside and harder outside but super thin my last case was a speck and dropped my phone a few times getting of the rig and nothing ever happened to it
funny though comparing to my old 3Gs the 5 is way thinner and lighter !

09-26-12, 01:46
What I'm probably going to do is run with no case, and then once Magpul releases theirs, go with that. In Gray or FDE. I emailed them; they don't have an ETA but said they're working on it.

The 5 is reasonably durable naked:


09-27-12, 21:41
5 may have a better screen on paper but I'll never go back to such a small screen. The S3 screen is nothing to slouch at, either. Mine is FAR better than the 4 and Ill take a slightly less 'as good' as screen with the increased size any day.

As far as cases go I'd like to see some 'mil spec' phones that still have the quality screens and OS's but a bit less fragile out of the box. I watched the comparison videos but as far as experiments go those were so unscientific they aren't worth the time it takes to watch. I dropped my s3 onto concrete with no case, and got a TINY scuff on one edge. I never used a case with the 4, and it got ****ed after my wife dropped it. I have a simple Rock snap on cover on my S3 now and like it for casual use. Also have a Otterbox commuter if I need it.

The thing I like most is we just traded our POS Jeep in on a 2012 Mazda 3, and love the blue tooth connectivity. Can stream Pandora or Spotify over the phone, and play it through the car audio. Get tired of the crappy radio stations and endless commercials. Like having sat radio but no fees. Also picks up phone calls and have phone buttons on the steering wheel. Puts who's calling on the screen and I can deny the call on the steering wheel. Can also play off my play list.

09-29-12, 22:55
Introducing GALAXY Note II Commercial Ad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8bKvj1ZlsE&feature=g-trend)