View Full Version : 2 Apache Helicopters Engage a Platoon of Taliban

07-19-12, 12:43
Get some.


07-19-12, 12:50
Get some indeed.

07-19-12, 12:54
"On my signal, unleash hell."

Glad it's our boys dealing it out. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that.

Battlefield technology at it's finest.

07-19-12, 13:16
They should have fired a missile first when the targets were still grouped, other than that it was excellent shooting.

07-19-12, 13:16
Dude that was layin there at the beginning got opened up.

Crazy video

07-19-12, 13:23
Personally I liked the guy in the gully who did the backflip (at about 15:04). He must have been a gymnast or something earlier in life.

07-19-12, 13:27
They should have fired a missile first when the targets were still grouped, other than that it was excellent shooting.

Missile was one of the first things I saw, I thought?


07-19-12, 13:27
Some pretty detailed FLIR footage for sure.

Several of those guys definitely had closed casket funerals.

07-19-12, 13:28
Missile was one of the first things I saw, I thought?


Yeah, there were several Hellfires throughout the engagement.

07-19-12, 13:33
Yeah they led with a missile but it only hit a group of 2. The group as a whole spread out significantly as they crossed that field. Bring your biggest guns into play first, and where it will have the largest effect. That's all I meant.

(Edited to add: Don't mean to be a Monday morning quarterback here, just saying the larger group was probably the better target, either way doesn't matter as they're all dead.)

07-19-12, 13:44
Get some.


Not that it's not bad ass to watch, but I'm always amazed to see it out there for public viewing. There's just no where to hide when they have your number like that.

07-19-12, 14:01
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

07-19-12, 14:18
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8430/7605136518_b4c3ff7e1d_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58801550@N02/7605136518/)

07-19-12, 14:34
now they need to do that to the border cartels :)

awesome video :)

07-19-12, 14:35
I'm not quite sure what it says about me but during the whole clip I'm thinking, "C'mon, guys, don't hit the donkey, cow, whatever."

Brutal firepower.

07-19-12, 14:38
I'm not quite sure what it says about me but during the whole clip I'm thinking, "C'mon, guys, don't hit the donkey, cow, whatever."

Brutal firepower.

Their livestock were collaborators.

07-19-12, 14:50
Pretty amazing display of power and accuracy. The 15:04 guy basically had that hellfire land at his feet.

07-19-12, 14:59
Their livestock were collaborators.

Too funny.

Mauser KAR98K
07-19-12, 15:54
"Only one cow was harmed in this slaughtering of Taliban dirt bags."

07-19-12, 16:05
what is that little black/white dashed line box that comes up every so often?

Do they actually sight off that screen we see or is the shooter using another sighting system?

I can't figure how they know where things are going to land. It doesn't seem like the view finder really lines up with where the rounds hit.

and at one point it sounded like someone said we have a group of children? They were all gathered near one of those structures. Can they see a whole lot better than what we see. I could see the two guys with RPGs, but beyond that I wouldn't know the good guys from the bad guys.

I also wondered about the initial engagement. I was thinking maybe they wanted to be sure all the bad guys didn't go that direction any further. IOW, fired to an extreme to drive them back towards another direction to engage further. I don't know why but it seemed like maybe that's what they were doing.

07-19-12, 16:13
now they need to do that to the border cartels :)

awesome video :)

+1 on that.

07-19-12, 16:44
I had heard of "Winchester" before, I didn't know it was official slang for out of ammo.

'Sparkle"? I assume that some was trying use a laser to point to something? There were two AH64s, right? Was there a drone or someone else sparkling from the ground?

Those were Hellfires and 30mm right? 1 Hellfire= 1 Taliban?

07-19-12, 17:02
Sparkle = Strobe

When all you've got left is a hellfire left and you still have a live target, use the hellfire.

Yes that is what they're using to sight weapons.

The 30mm is direct fire and they have to account for the movement of the chopper which is why it looks inaccurate, but don't worry as you can see it is high explosive they're using.

The little black dashed box is ranging and target for the hellfires, and they're guided to where the crosshairs are sighted. The dashed box is not always visible.

These are the answers so far as I understand them, I was not a pilot but was around them alot. Cool shit.

07-19-12, 17:08
Note to self:
When it rains depleted uranium and hellfire, STOP MOVING and play possum. Moseying down the creek bed or sashaying along a ridge line = target. Wear a big honkin' IR beacon to signal DO NOT SHOOT THIS FRIENDLY!

Wow that is some amazing shooting. Nice to see the Taliban catch the sharp point of the stick.

Mauser KAR98K
07-19-12, 17:09

07-19-12, 17:40
That's....f'ing AWESOME

Reagans Rascals
07-19-12, 17:49
turned that last guy into pudding

07-19-12, 17:52
Thanks Moltke...

Anyone have any idea how far away the chopper is. I was just trying to figure what it must have sounded and looked like from the receiving side of things.

07-19-12, 18:27
Let's try to have faith that this won't be used on Americans who believe in their Constitution & 2nd amendment by Neo-Cons & Socialists etc.

Just being sarcastic & all that...

07-19-12, 22:26
Hot dog, go Army!

"I'm a US taxpayer and I approve that message."

And if God did not want Apache pilots to eat cows, he would not made them out of steak.

Alex V
07-20-12, 07:19
Not that it's not bad ass to watch, but I'm always amazed to see it out there for public viewing. There's just no where to hide when they have your number like that.

Was wondering the same thing...

I'm not quite sure what it says about me but during the whole clip I'm thinking, "C'mon, guys, don't hit the donkey, cow, whatever."

Brutal firepower.

You mean their concubines? :p

07-20-12, 09:55
Turning them into red mist & dog food...gotta love it!:p

07-20-12, 10:04
Team America **** YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SOME!!!

07-20-12, 10:58
That was just awesome!! :dance3:

diving dave
07-20-12, 11:12
AWESOME!!! "Oh Allah protect us from the 30mm"...:D

07-20-12, 12:23
Note to self:
When it rains depleted uranium and hellfire, STOP MOVING and play possum.

Technical note:
Actually, there were no DU rounds fired in that video.
Kinetic energy rounds don't explode, and are a poor choice for organic targets anyway.

Lots of people like to criticize the use of Hellfire missiles on single targets, often quoting the disparity of cost between the missile and the single illiterate goatherder that is armed with a beat up, rusted AKM. To that I would simply ask: how much is your life worth? Would you prefer to be saved by a $200,000 missile or left to die?

07-20-12, 12:53
Lots of people like to criticize the use of Hellfire missiles on single targets, often quoting the disparity of cost between the missile and the single illiterate goatherder that is armed with a beat up, rusted AKM. To that I would simply ask: how much is your life worth? Would you prefer to be saved by a $200,000 missile or left to die?

I'm sure Sgt Dakota Meyer could have used just $1,000,000 in hellfires...

I have no issue with $200,000 per KIA...no one should.

07-20-12, 13:11
Great video!!

Dude that was layin there at the beginning got opened up.

Crazy video

Yep. Wig split for sure.

I have no issue with $200,000 per KIA...no one should.


07-20-12, 13:29
Note to self:
When it rains depleted uranium and hellfire, STOP MOVING and play possum. Moseying down the creek bed or sashaying along a ridge line = target.

As much as I enjoyed watching that, this is the concern with releasing such footage. Tells the enemy what they don't need to know.

07-20-12, 14:21
Did anyone else catch the cow pooping?

07-20-12, 18:08
As much as I enjoyed watching that, this is the concern with releasing such footage. Tells the enemy what they don't need to know.

We've been fighting them 11 years now. You don't think they already knew that? If you answered "yes" you would be wrong. They're not stupid.

07-20-12, 18:39
We've been fighting them 11 years now. You don't think they already knew that? If you answered "yes" you would be wrong. They're not stupid.

If they're so smart then why were so many running intermittently while being blown to pieces?

Reagans Rascals
07-20-12, 18:50
If they're so smart then why were so many running intermittently while being blown to pieces?


you might say.. well maybe lay there and pretend to be dead... but hind sight is 20/20 and I doubt the last thing you want to do when things and people and blowing to pieces around you, is stay in that same spot...

on a side note..... I was unaware they used Hellfire's to target individuals... I was thinking only groups, buildings, or vehicles... its was quite the treat to see the after effects of one used on an individual

07-20-12, 19:20

you might say.. well maybe lay there and pretend to be dead... but hind sight is 20/20 and I doubt the last thing you want to do when things and people and blowing to pieces around you, is stay in that same spot...

Agreed. My original point was that these videos can demonstrate to some of the enemy that if they lie still they may be overlooked. Whether any of them are paying attention or disciplined enough to utilize this knowledge is obviously another question.

07-20-12, 19:24
If they're so smart then why were so many running intermittently while being blown to pieces?

Do you fly an aircraft that has some type of FLIR/IR/TV capability?

07-20-12, 20:06
Get some indeed.

Got some.

Couple points:

1. This is an excellent example of how the Ground Commander is in charge. These guys aren't out there John Wayne-ing it. They're directly supporting the GC with CAS.

2. Sparkle - one bird was designating a target with an IR beam so that the other bird could see it. Fixed wings also do this.

3. Those HE 30mm rounds have an approximate kill radius of 4-5 meters.

4. Don't automatically assume that just because it's on Youtube that it's been released by DoD.

07-20-12, 20:15
Do you fly an aircraft that has some type of FLIR/IR/TV capability?

Why are you asking a question in response to one?

07-20-12, 23:15
That's cool and all....

But that one little engagement cost us about $300,000. It cost the Taliban about $10. Think we are going to win the war this way? 11 years and counting...

Afghanistan is the strategic equivalent of a bridge to nowhere.

Sorry just a little reality check from the less than 1% of the American population for which Afghanistan is not just a spectator sport.

07-21-12, 00:02
Let's try to have faith that this won't be used on Americans who believe in their Constitution & 2nd amendment by Neo-Cons & Socialists etc.

Just being sarcastic & all that...

This is what I think of every time I think of an armed revolt of the American populace against the combined might of the American military. It is not comforting.

07-21-12, 09:23
If they're so smart then why were so many running intermittently while being blown to pieces?

I'm confused. Are you suggesting that they would be "smarter" if they just ran in a straight line at a constant speed? Or are you suggesting that they just stand in one spot? :confused:

07-21-12, 11:00
I'm confused. Are you suggesting that they would be "smarter" if they just ran in a straight line at a constant speed? Or are you suggesting that they just stand in one spot? :confused:

I don't know how to say it beyond what I said in post 44 above. It would appear rather obvious to most viewers that if the gunner believes a man is dead he won't fire on him again. They look for movement.

Of course the urge to flee or seek cover would be overwhelming, but if you're smart and disciplined enough you play dead. Unless you are also engaged with ground troops, that is.

07-21-12, 12:26
I seen this video a few days ago, Love it! :smile:
This (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7e2_1342645222) link is of the same video but of better quality. FUNKER530 is the original uploader, he/they are from Canada I believe. I like thier content on LiveLeak but, their content on ProChan is awesome (although some of it is very gory.)