View Full Version : Saw Something Amazing Tonight...

07-22-12, 20:08
Was eating at one of my local pizzerias and the family at the table next to me had two kids who were about 14 years old.

They were acting up a little bit, blowing straw wrappers off of straws at each other, making loud comments and the like. About a 3 on a scale of 10 with respect to what I've seen unruly kids do in public in South Florida. In fact I probably wouldn't have even noticed it much if it wasn't followed by something extremely unusual.

The father stood up and told the two kids, assuming brother and sister, to get up and then he parked the brother on the bench by the front door and took the daughter outside. After a couple minutes he returned with the daughter who returned to the table and then he took the brother outdoors for a few minutes.

When he returned with the second kid they both sat mostly quietly and began discussing the events of the day without annoying the tables next to them. Their food arrived and they enjoyed their meal and let others do the same.

Been so long since I've seen anyone actually even recognize when their kids are being unruly and potentially disturbing those around them much less take actual corrective action. I thought about buying the guy his next beer but I didn't want to risk embarrassing him or his kids. Wouldn't have been polite.

07-22-12, 20:28
I approve.

07-22-12, 20:55
Wow, that is unusual. Typically, around here the parents act as if the family is eating dinner in their kitchen at home. The kids run around the restaurant, scream loudly, stand up on the booth seat and pull the hair of the people sitting in the next booth, etc... After they leave, you can see the extreme mess left on and under the table.

Movie theaters are even worse. Take that Batman movie. It is an R rated movie and there were little kids in there.

07-22-12, 21:11
yup good to hear

my kids even say thank you to the sample ladies at costco :) and know to behave in public and at home !

I think a lot of times what you see out is what goes on at home also

even my 3yr old will ask to be excused from the table :) and when you say yes you may leave he says thank you :)

how I learned my wife learned and they will learn and I hope their kids in the future will learn

07-22-12, 22:21
Actions have consequences. ;)

I have always believed that there were many more parenting failures, than there were inherently bad children. I took my 19-year-old daughter out shopping for running shoes tonight, and she still says "sir" and "ma'am" to all the hired help.

07-22-12, 22:32
My son is only 2 and everytime someone gives him something or say he is done eating and you take his plate he says thank you. If he asks for something he says please and once he recieves he says thank you. If he doesn't he will not get a response. He gets time outs and occasionally spankings (time outs work better) but once he is old enough to understand a push up, good bye time outs and spankings. He will learn discilpline and get into shape at the same time. As he gets older he will graduate to iron mikes, burpees, squats, wall sits, wind sprints etc.

07-23-12, 03:55
We don't do timeout at our house. Glad to see others don't either.

Bravo, sir.