View Full Version : Surprising Political Message in Batman

07-24-12, 12:21
I'm generally not one for superhero films, but I finally decided to headed down to the theater and see what all of the hub bub was about - especially since the Obama Admin was trying to link Romney's company to the film's villain. Well, I was pleasantly surprised by the political themes coming out of Hollywood on this one. So much so that I leaned over to one of my friends after Bane's speech on the football field and told him, "Obama needs to recruit that guy as his Social Justice Czar."

Even better, it looks like most of the leftist film critics are calling-out Nolan a Nazi for his portrayal of the villains as "Occupyesque."

Here is a good article that touches on the political themes on TheBlaze.com. Fair warning: lots of spoilers in this article.


I thought that the best part of the analysis came at the bottom 1/3 of the article that was not written by Beck.

07-24-12, 15:28
The best message I saw was that Bane's Occupy/Social Justice schtick was just that: a schtick, a ploy to keep Gotham's people occupied while the bomb ticked away. He didn't give a crap about actual social justice, he just (in the words of another Batman villain from an earlier movie) played the city like a harp from hell.

07-24-12, 15:31
Nolan was on a talk radio show as I was driving home a while back. He said that some dude named Romney was the furthest thing from his mind when he wrote this movie 19 years ago.

I'm gonna go see the movie soon.

07-24-12, 18:36
I'm generally not one for superhero films, but I finally decided to headed down to the theater and see what all of the hub bub was about - especially since the Obama Admin was trying to link Romney's company to the film's villain. Well, I was pleasantly surprised by the political themes coming out of Hollywood on this one. So much so that I leaned over to one of my friends after Bane's speech on the football field and told him, "Obama needs to recruit that guy as his Social Justice Czar."

Even better, it looks like most of the leftist film critics are calling-out Nolan a Nazi for his portrayal of the villains as "Occupyesque."

Here is a good article that touches on the political themes on TheBlaze.com. Fair warning: lots of spoilers in this article.


I thought that the best part of the analysis came at the bottom 1/3 of the article that was not written by Beck.

And they totally missed the whole Tale of 2 Cities/French Revolution thing?

07-24-12, 19:43
I watched it. There is definitely a message there. I'm not going to analyze it other than to say it seemed to point out that maybe the whole anarchy thing isn't that great after all.

07-24-12, 21:08
It was loaded with little digs at the left. One of my favorite was how a green energy project was used to make a nuclear bomb.

07-24-12, 21:33
All in all, I enjoyed the film, and not because of any of the contrived action scenes. I liked that it held up a clear window on what happens when Occupy-style movements are taken to their logical conclusion, as well as the notion that those instigating such movements may not give a flying crap about them other than as a means to a very different end. I like that rather than taking a side in the liberal-vs-conservative, rich-vs-evil dichotomy, it instead showed good and evil on both sides of it. It showed how important some traditional values are, as well as how they can be hijacked for the wrong ends by demagogues.

And let's face it, Anne Hathaway looks DAMN good in a tight leather catsuit. Me-ow!

07-25-12, 21:49
The best part of the OWS/liberal aspect of it was the "court room" scenes. Thats how communist/liberal justice would be carried out when they take complete control of a country.