View Full Version : Judge reinstates case against Glock

07-26-12, 07:09
Man attempts to sue Glock after his 3 year old shoots him with his duty gun, case dismissed.

Sad to say, this case has not gone away, as on appeal:

"A state appeals court on Tuesday reinstated a lawsuit against gun manufacturer Glock Inc. by a Los Angeles policeman who was paralyzed from the waist down when his 3-year-old son shot him with his service pistol."


A crappy situation to be sure for the man and his son, but I think we all know where the blame falls there.

07-26-12, 08:51
I think there should be a law against issuing weapons to stupid idiots. This dumbass left his kid and his gun unsecured while driving a vehicle. And this is Glock's fault? WTF??? :mad:

07-26-12, 09:12
I think the dumbass should be charged for child endangerment leaving a Loaded weapon where his kid can get it .what a Tard

07-26-12, 09:49
How could this be Glock's fault?

Was Gaston the one who pulled the trigger?

Did Glock incorporated suddenly grow legs, arms and opposable thumbs and shoot this person?

I got it! Glock designed the gun with a douchebag detector! When the detector senses a douchebag it shoots them!

Of course this is an attempt at sarcasm. I feel very sorry for this guy. Seriously, I do.......

07-26-12, 10:15
How could this be Glock's fault?

"Logic" for the case outlined in that article FYI. Can't see how it will hold water, but can't see why a judge would reinstate the case either...

07-26-12, 10:58
"Logic" for the case outlined in that article FYI. Can't see how it will hold water, but can't see why a judge would reinstate the case either...

The judge wants Glock "punished", the child to be provided for financially or both. The law frequently has nothing to do with "black robe equity."

07-26-12, 11:40
From the article:
While off duty in July 2006, Chavez got a call to testify in court, and put his son, Collin, in the back seat of his pickup truck to drop the boy off at his grandfather's house.

Chavez had removed the child's car seat from the truck and had forgotten that he had left his Glock, which he always kept loaded, beneath the front seat, the court said. Less than 10 minutes into the drive, Collin picked up the pistol and, while the truck was stopped at a red light, shot his father in the back.

Please …

The issue here is clearly the fault of the car seat manufacturer because it was not welded to the back seat and was able to be removed … the truck manufacturer for designing a seat that would allow a firearm to slide all the way back … and Officer ID 10T … who not only put a child in the back of the truck illegally but was too much of an ass hat to be in control of his weapon.

I can only guess it was not in any kind of holster, either.


07-26-12, 11:51
This is just a super dump ass that does everything completely wrong in so many ways and then wants to pass the blame off to someone else because some bottom feeder lawyer contacted him about a deep pockets lawsuit.

Sue everyone and see what money falls his way from out of court settlements. Many companies allow insurance companies to settle out as its cheaper to do so and avoids publicity.

07-26-12, 17:40
Yeah this "father" should be locked away and the key thrown in the Mariana Trench.

Good gawd how stupid this world is. . .:mad:

Reagans Rascals
07-26-12, 18:10
well if Glock didn't intentionally make weapons that could paralyze someone then this situation wouldn't have happened, this is Glock's fault all the way.... they intentionally made guns that could paralyze you if you're shot by them.... they could have just as easily made guns that didn't paralyze you if you were shot by them.... :sarcastic:

Heavy Metal
07-26-12, 18:11
This is just a super dump ass that does everything completely wrong in so many ways and then wants to pass the blame off to someone else because some bottom feeder lawyer contacted him about a deep pockets lawsuit.

Sue everyone and see what money falls his way from out of court settlements. Many companies allow insurance companies to settle out as its cheaper to do so and avoids publicity.

Glock don't settle. Ever.

07-26-12, 18:32
Apparently it's the Arrow not the Indian this time.

07-26-12, 19:56
I see what you did there... :)

Apparently it's the Arrow not the Indian this time.

07-26-12, 21:04
Can somebody sue them for the Gen 4 debacle too while they are at it?