View Full Version : Bill O'Reilly is misinformed.

07-26-12, 23:02

I give a lot of credit to Rep. Jason Chaffetz from Utah. I am impressed he knew the facts. Know it all Bill thinks you can go to a gun show and walk out with mortars.....

also there is a poll here about this subject. WTF are "heavy weapons"


07-26-12, 23:05
Lou Dobbs was excellent tonight tho

07-26-12, 23:05
Lou Dobbs was excellent tonight tho

I wish I would have seen it.

07-26-12, 23:13
I wish I would have seen it.

He basically told Bill he didn't know the definition of a "heavy weapon" and that a "heavy weapon" is something like a .50 cal M2, .30 cal belt fed, etc.

He also told him we have enough legislation and that any more gun laws, including the one about registering AK's and AR's, are just "silly."

07-26-12, 23:14
He basically told Bill he didn't know the definition of a "heavy weapon" and that a "heavy weapon" is something like a .50 cal M2, .30 cal belt fed, etc.

He also told him we have enough legislation and that any more gun laws, including the one about registering AK's and AR's, are just "silly."

Ahh man I wish I saw that!

07-26-12, 23:16
Im surprised right wing people are surprised at this. He stated shortly after Katrina that people should not own semi auto weapons, and he has been extremely rude to Fox's more libertarian leaning commentators.

Bottom line is he is a populist statist who has expressed anti gun sentiment for a long time. He is exactly what is wrong with "the right".

07-26-12, 23:19
Im surprised right wing people are surprised at this. He stated shortly after Katrina that people should not own semi auto weapons, and he has been extremely rude to Fox's more libertarian leaning commentators.

Bottom line is he is a populist statist who has expressed anti gun sentiment for a long time. He is exactly what is wrong with "the right".

Who is surprised at this?

O'asshole has always been a douche

07-26-12, 23:26
Who is surprised at this?

O'asshole has always been a douche

The numerous threads around the WWB about about Oreilly and his latest anti-gun shit. Lots of people "on our side" tune into him every night. I stopped watching fox "prime time" a long time ago....but then again theres a shit ton of "conservatives" who tune into fox every night and speak of it as gospel.

07-26-12, 23:40
Im surprised right wing people are surprised at this. He stated shortly after Katrina that people should not own semi auto weapons, and he has been extremely rude to Fox's more libertarian leaning commentators.

Bottom line is he is an elitist gasbag who has expressed anti gun sentiment for a long time. He is exactly what is wrong with "the right".

Fixed it for ya!

07-26-12, 23:47
The numerous threads around the WWB about about Oreilly and his latest anti-gun shit. Lots of people "on our side" tune into him every night. I stopped watching fox "prime time" a long time ago....but then again theres a shit ton of "conservatives" who tune into fox every night and speak of it as gospel.

I stopped watching it about 2 years ago, however I stumbled onto this article online and was disappointed how misinformed folks are. And yet the mindless masses will believe what they spew....

07-27-12, 00:16
O'Really really had no clue what he was talking about. Every time the rep from Utah tried to correct him, Bill would just shout over him "Sixty THOUSAND rounds???", referring to the amount of ammunition he claims Holmes was reported to have purchased leading up to his attack. It was actually THREE thousand rounds Bill.:rolleyes:

07-27-12, 00:22
I stopped watching it about 2 years ago, however I stumbled onto this article online and was disappointed how misinformed folks are. And yet the mindless masses will believe what they spew....

Actually the tide has been turned against the anti-gun crowd, and it would help a lot if all of us spent 20 minutes to figure out or if you already have your reps email address send them a message (polite, to the point, and informed).

Get out there on social media, too. I don't like FB but Ive gotten personal responses on it from my House rep. Keep on them on there, and realize that voting is but one part of this battle.

07-27-12, 00:27
O'Really really had no clue what he was talking about. Every time the rep from Utah tried to correct him, Bill would just shout over him "Sixty THOUSAND rounds???", referring to the amount of ammunition he claims Holmes was reported to have purchased leading up to his attack. It was actually THREE thousand rounds Bill.:rolleyes:

Sixty thousand rounds...What, did he take out a second mortgage? that's like $20K...

O'Reilly has been an asshat for years, Fox needs to miracle his ass out, pronto...

Doesn't understand the NFA, doesn't understand background checks, doesn't understand that "he has guns" isn't actionable just because someone in a nearby area is shot, doesn't understand shit...and people tow the line because he's on TV.

People at work know I'm a "gun guy" and they asked me to explain the laws surrounding "the automatic machine guns that crazy guy in Colorado had" today...:alcoholic:

07-27-12, 00:57
This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy-Y3HJNU_s)(and all the variations (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j2YDq6FkVE) of it on YouTube) is the one thing Bill O'Reilly has done that was great.

07-27-12, 01:01
I give a lot of credit to Rep. Jason Chaffetz from Utah. I am impressed he knew the facts.

He is my Rep... Done us proud.

O'Reilly has been a dweeb idiot on a lot of things, especially guns, since forever.

Have not watched him in years. The more people know about him, hopefully his ratings will go down and he will be shown the door at Fox.


07-27-12, 01:05
Actually, Bill O'Reilly is not mis-informed. That assumes that if given correct information, he would change his position based on the new, more correct information.

He is not mis-informed. He knows exactly what the laws are and how things work with guns legally. He has been saying this sort of crap since forever. I remember someone showing me a chapter in one of his books where he said all this crap about guns. Been going on for a decade if not two.

He is willfully misconstruing things. He does not care about the truth.


07-27-12, 03:25
He is willfully misconstruing things. He does not care about the truth.


07-27-12, 06:20
and if someone did not know guns they might think he is telling the truth !

kinda opens your eyes to all the other things he talks about that most likely he also knows nothing about !!!

Reagans Rascals
07-27-12, 06:33
60,000 thousand rounds!!!!!!.... **** ME

just how exactly did O'Reilly think this guy planned to carry around 1620 pounds of ammo?...ooohhh I guess he was gonna buy that new vest from SKD that holds 2000 mags right?... that's after he paid 24k for the rounds themselves...

Jesus.... these kinds of people are more emotional than a perpetually menstrual 14 year old Staten Island Princess... you just can't logically even begin to explain things or have a conversation with someone that emotionally out of control

07-27-12, 06:50
I liked O'Reilly when he first came in scene when I was in high school as would not throw softball questions at politicians or let them dodge questions with gobbly gook. He has become the typical knows best elitist blowhard.

07-27-12, 06:51
I'm awaiting an email response from Bill O'Reilly. I watched the show that night. Everything he said was bullshit.

I let him know he's wrong and left the email open for debate. I didn't go into great detail it was more "Off the cuff" response to his crazed diatribe. I hit the major points.

O'Reilly has been anti-gun for a very long time. Pretty much since the beginning of his career. The problem with all of this is because he's a celebrity and a Fox News dude, many many people hang on his every word. Whatever he says has to be right because Fox News supports the Right!

I'm sure there won't be a response. No one should be surprised that there are douchebags out there!

Doc Safari
07-27-12, 09:41
Bottom line is he is a populist statist who has expressed anti gun sentiment for a long time. He is exactly what is wrong with "the right".

Amen, and AMEN. Bill O'Reilly's main talent is that he can hide his liberal views better than most people in the media. I have never considered him any more than one of the left's more subtle tools.

Alex V
07-27-12, 11:44
I watch O'Reilly the same same way I listen to Stern... for entertainment, and for the hot chicks... I don't pretend to get my news from him, nor do I formulate my opinions based on his reporting... but he sure does have some nice looking women on the show :p

If you think that is bad you should have heard Howard Stern describe a "Semi-Automatic" weapon as one that shoots many rounds "really really fast" non stop everytime you pull the trigger :suicide:

07-27-12, 12:04
I watch O'Reilly the same same way I listen to Stern... for entertainment, and for the hot chicks... I don't pretend to get my news from him, nor do I formulate my opinions based on his reporting... but he sure does have some nice looking women on the show :p

If you think that is bad you should have heard Howard Stern describe a "Semi-Automatic" weapon as one that shoots many rounds "really really fast" non stop everytime you pull the trigger :suicide:

Isn't Stern one of the Chosen Few with a NYC CCW permit? Talk about hypocrisy.

07-27-12, 14:15
Bozooka's, Mortars, Howitzers ≠ AK-47/AR-15

Also, I haven't looked into it, so maybe someone can fill me in. Bill referred to the "sixty-thousand" rounds to be "heavy-duty" rounds. I have also heard a couple of news outlets refer to the rounds as "armor piercing".

Does anyone know what 5.56 rounds Holmes was using? M855 perhaps?

Alex V
07-27-12, 14:50
Isn't Stern one of the Chosen Few with a NYC CCW permit? Talk about hypocrisy.

I have heard this as well, not sure if its true. I would not be surprised, he is, as they all are, a hypocrite.

07-27-12, 15:40
I liked O'Reilly when he first came in scene when I was in high school as would not throw softball questions at politicians or let them dodge questions with gobbly gook. He has become the typical knows best elitist blowhard.

He was always this. His "looking out for the folks" riff is populist statism and has been central to his worldview since his show on FNC started. As I've said before about Bill O'Reilly, if he thought Stalin would give him the innocent 1950's fantasy world of his youth he'd be Uncle Joe's lapdog.

07-27-12, 18:12
Bill O'Reilly is not misinformed. Bill O'Reilly is a ****ing tool. Ive been saying this my entire life, for as long as my father and grandfather listened to him, but they just couldn't see it.

07-29-12, 10:47
I have heard this as well, not sure if its true. I would not be surprised, he is, as they all are, a hypocrite.

Absolutely true. Just walking into 1 police plaza (I.e. the puzzle palace) as a celeb opens doors for you if you want a full carry permit. God help you if you're some poor schlub in a so so neighborhood trying to protect yourself. DeNiro, Trump and Stern all have carry permits along with many other high profile types including liberal judges.. And guess who else.. Chuck "you don't need guns" Schumer has one as well.

07-29-12, 11:51
WTF is this bill o'rielly douche?

07-29-12, 12:00
Stock in trade at Faux News. Is anyone really surprised?

You average "conservative" commentator on Faux is actually a Neo-Con Statist.

And did you know that Saudi Arabia owns 20% of Faux. No chance that could affect the programming?

07-29-12, 12:04
WTF is this bill o'rielly douche?

He is a douchebag but its par for the course with our news outlets these days. None of them bother research the issue and discuss the facts. They just sling shit in order to generate ratings. If everyone would just turn O'Rielly off he would be out of a job.

07-29-12, 14:10

Absolutely 100%!

I'm still waiting on a response. I have no hopes in receiving one but it's worth the try.

I would love an invite to the show. That would be awesome! But it'll never happen as well.

07-29-12, 14:28

07-29-12, 14:49
"Never argue with a pig; it just frustrates you and annoys the pig."

07-29-12, 15:53
Bill O'Reilly is not misinformed. Bill O'Reilly is a ****ing tool.

Truer words have never been spoken. O'Reily is a scumbag of the 1st degree...

07-29-12, 16:42
"Never argue with a pig; it just frustrates you and annoys the pig."

True. O'Reilly is a smart guy but very full of himself and ridicules any conservative opinion he disagrees with. Guns especially. Many liberal positions he will refute with facts. But being a RINO/CINO he resorts to ridicule on several economic and liberty issues. He is a big government, Rockefeller Republican.

07-29-12, 16:45
True. O'Reilly is a smart guy but very full of himself and ridicules any conservative opinion he disagrees with. Guns especially. Many liberal positions he will refute with facts. But being a RINO/CINO he resorts to ridicule on several economic and liberty issues. He is a big government, Rockefeller Republican.

I'd like to kick his ass. Seriously.

07-29-12, 18:09
I have always been amazed out how conservatives have taken to this douche when he doesn't even believe in Capital Punishment. :rolleyes:

His only redeeming quality . . . :D



07-29-12, 18:27
Correct. His views on guns are well known to those who want to hear it. He needs to shut his yap when it comes to guns and what he thinks he knows.

Im surprised right wing people are surprised at this. He stated shortly after Katrina that people should not own semi auto weapons, and he has been extremely rude to Fox's more libertarian leaning commentators.

Bottom line is he is a populist statist who has expressed anti gun sentiment for a long time. He is exactly what is wrong with "the right".

07-29-12, 18:29
Is that a real patch? It is funny.

07-29-12, 18:48
Is that a real patch?

