View Full Version : What would you do...?

07-29-12, 17:27
I own a Colt LE6920 (and also a 16' CHF PSA MOE OD Middy)

I am about to buy another Colt

My dilemma is whether to buy another LE6920 so I have two alike or to buy the 6720 and have one of each.

Coin flip?

P.S. The 6720 is $985 after shipping and the 6920 is $1055

07-29-12, 17:30
I'm not a fan of personal internet democracy, but if I had to choose...

6720. Hands down.

07-29-12, 17:32
Variety is the spice of life. I would pick up the 6720.

filthy phil
07-29-12, 18:00
when the zombies are approaching you'll wish you had the grenade launching capability of the 6920.
and welcome nOOb:D

07-29-12, 18:07
I don't like the thin barrel of the 6720. I have a 6920 and I'd like to get a second one. If I was going to get a different one I'd like to get one with the heavier M4A1 barrel.

filthy phil
07-29-12, 18:09
I don't like the thin barrel of the 6720. I have a 6920 and I'd like to get a second one. If I was going to get a different one I'd like to get one with the heavier M4A1 barrel.
good point rem.
the heavier bbl should hold groups beta when hot.
for hit and run i might go for a pencil bbl

07-29-12, 19:24
Just ordered one of each...its expensive being indecisive

Thx anyways

07-29-12, 19:27
neither, save up a few hundred more and go 6933! :D

07-29-12, 19:32
neither, save up a few hundred more and go 6933! :D

I am in the process of building a 14.7...not the same, i know, but not sure i want one that short

07-29-12, 20:11
I own a Colt LE6920 (and also a 16' CHF PSA MOE OD Middy)

I am about to buy another Colt

My dilemma is whether to buy another LE6920 so I have two alike or to buy the 6720 and have one of each.

Coin flip?

P.S. The 6720 is $985 after shipping and the 6920 is $1055

Well, I just went through the same thing, but I already had a Sporter SP6290 and an LE6920. So I bought a 6720. Personally, I don't think if I ever need to fire enough ammo fast enough to starter losing accuracy on the LW barrel, small groups will be the least of my problems.

BTW - That's a great price for a 6720.

07-29-12, 20:32
Two is one and one is none. This too is an expensive mantra..

07-29-12, 20:41
Remember that old commercial "double the pleasure, double the fun"? I believe it was for gum or something. That is my answer, you can figure it out.

07-29-12, 23:25
6920 I'm not a fan of the pencil barrel too.

07-29-12, 23:37
good point rem.
the heavier bbl should hold groups beta when hot.
for hit and run i might go for a pencil bbl

For what now? This isn't Call of Duty.

07-29-12, 23:42
I'm a pretty big proponent of having two identically configured rifles. One gets shot to piss, while the other gets tested for function and more or less put aside. If your primary rifle has issues, you can pick up the other and continue your class, training, patrols, whatever you do, and have zero break in continuity when it comes to training or performance.

The 6720 and the 6920 have overall similar but still noticeably different handling characteristics, and switching back and forth can keep you from fully realizing your potential with either one. For this reason, I'd recommend putting together a duplicate of your primary configuration. Once you have that, move on to a lightweight 6720 upper (or complete) for your next purchase and go from there (if you really feel another purchase is necessary).

Now, if your goal is just to collect guns and not reach peak performance, it really doesn't matter I guess.

07-30-12, 02:36
Alternately, just have a spare set or two of the most commonly worn/broken parts and save the rest of the cost of buying a second full carbine for a different weapon or more ammo. :)

07-30-12, 04:20
I have both I like the 6720 better. There is no noticeable accuracy loss from the difference in barrel profiles. Neither are precision rifles anyway and both are more than accurate enough for their purpose. After owning an AR for a little while now I can't see any reason to get an m4 profile unless you are planning on mounting a grenade launcher.

I was in the same boat as you, the only real consideration is if you want to have two different rifles. I don't really care about having two exact rifles so I got the 6720. If you don't mind having two different rifles get the 6720.

07-30-12, 05:47
Well, I see you already ordered both, but I would have suggested the 6720 to correct your prior error in buying the 6920 ;)

the only reason the 6920 was ever popular is because it was all that was available, and the only people more clueless than the gun-buying public are the gun-making companies. The manufacturers thought that what everyone wanted was a civilian copy of the military gun, and the public reinforced this idea because we only ever bought what was readily available. Well, except for a few of us that bought the A2-sighted 6520 and changed out the upper for a flattop.

Once you've done that I agree withe the above re:6933. If you have NFA in your state the only choice smarter than the 6720 is the 6933.

07-30-12, 08:55

Get another 6920. Set them up identically and have one for HD/PD and the other can be a training rifle. The best thing is, if you never use the second one for training, you'll have it as a back up if your primary goes down for whatever reason. No fiddling with anything, no having to learn something new, it'll all be the same as your primary.

I've got 4 6920's. 2 are identical (HD/PD). 1 is a training rifle and one is a "do-all" rifle.

07-30-12, 09:28
A zombie reference is largely unsurprising from somebody with an earth-shattering 70 posts calling somebody else "noob...." as if post-counts magically contribute to providing reasonable responses, however...

for hit and run


Strike three. Stop posting in this thread, go back to coloring.