View Full Version : Bill to limit and regulate online ammo sales

07-30-12, 10:33
I really don't like to toot my own horn, but so far I'm 2 for 2. First the magazines, now the internet ammo sales.


Contact your Senators and Representatives!

Spread the word to other shooters, including those on M4C who may not be frequenting this particular forum.

With blowhards like O'Reilly and Savage supporting these "common sense" measures along with the mainstream media, we must not wait, we must take a stand now, while we can.

07-30-12, 11:22
I sent an email to the Pres of VCDL so he could hopefully send out a mass email to members.

07-30-12, 11:24
Oh brother. I guess I need to contact Webb and Warner yet again!

07-30-12, 11:25
I sent an email to the Pres of VCDL so he could hopefully send out a mass email to members.

I still haven't seen anything from them about the amendment to the Cyber Security Bill.

07-30-12, 11:25
I sent an email to the Pres of VCDL so he could hopefully send out a mass email to members.

Terrific idea, that's what we all need. Thanks for doing that, I'm going to see if I can find a similar group or groups in PA.

07-30-12, 11:30
Oh brother. I guess I need to contact Webb and Warner yet again!

I was thinking the same thing regarding my Senators and Reps. I'll wait a half day or so, to make sure my emails don't get lumped together with the ones I already sent.

Although I did say that ANY new gun laws or restrictions that change my rights as they currently stand at this moment would result in me doing everything in my power to make sure they, i.e. the respective recipient of the email, are NOT re-elected.

You would think that would cover it, then again, never hurts to be as annoying and passionate as possible when it comes to politics.

Heavy Metal
07-30-12, 11:55
Let them propose this shit. There is damn little chance it passes the Senate, zero chance it passes the House.

All it wil do is piss off gun owners and hurt the Democrats at the polls. Considering the slaughther they are headed to in November, I find this incredibly amusing.

Remember, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

07-30-12, 12:26
PAFOA and PA Open Carry are 2 that come to mind.

Terrific idea, that's what we all need. Thanks for doing that, I'm going to see if I can find a similar group or groups in PA.

07-30-12, 15:02
I called this on 25 May 2012.


Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act

It requires anyone selling ammunition to be a licensed dealer.

It requires ammunition buyers who are not licensed dealers to present photo identification at the time of purchase, effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by regular civilians.

It requires licensed ammunition dealers to maintain records of the sale of ammunition.

It requires licensed ammunition dealers to report the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to an unlicensed person within any five consecutive business days.


Don't know about the rest of M4C but I purchase 99% of all my ammo online.

07-30-12, 16:30
Those two blow hard antis have absolutely no credibility and will get no traction on that. I can walk into any gun store or walmart and buy all the ammo I want with cash and anonymously stack up my pile. Lol.

The bill is a joke and everyone knows it.

07-30-12, 17:37
Well shit. Wonder whats gonna happen with this B.S


Im thinking its not just gonna get thrown out. More regulations and background checks for ammo possibly?

With the prices the way they are for a thousand rounds, (about $500.00), I dont really see anyone buying more than that at a time, either way, complete garbage having your name on a "List" for ammo purchase

07-30-12, 17:56
yea because a law like this wouldve prevented this shooting

07-30-12, 17:57

POTUS is reviewing it.

07-30-12, 18:25
Oops. Current thread on subject.


07-30-12, 18:46
Shoulder-thing-that-goes-up woman is at it again. Lets see if obama keeps his word about no new gun laws. Then again its an ammo law not a gun law.

07-30-12, 19:16
Let them propose this shit. There is damn little chance it passes the Senate, zero chance it passes the House.

All it wil do is piss off gun owners and hurt the Democrats at the polls. Considering the slaughther they are headed to in November, I find this incredibly amusing.

Remember, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

I thought that about the health care though ?

Can see some way they will get it through depending how elections turn out will/might change things

07-30-12, 19:49
It requires licensed ammunition dealers to report the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to an unlicensed person within any five consecutive business days.

Just start selling packages of 999 cartridges. The other one is a gift.

That is the Brazilian way of circumventing the law without breaking it.

Heavy Metal
07-30-12, 20:07
I thought that about the health care though ?

Can see some way they will get it through depending how elections turn out will/might change things

Health Care was more politically popular than gun control and the Dems had the House or it never would have happened. There are several A Rated by the NRA Dems who voted for the health care law and also the Republicans have the House and are almost certain to keep it in November.

Even if Obama squeaks by, and that is looking less and less likely as he continues to make gaffes and the economy worsens, there will be even more than the current 50 A ranted Senators next January as anti-guners like Dick Lugar will not be back and others like Bill Nelson and Claire McKaskil look almost certain to lose.

If he wins, it will be by such a razor-thin margin, he will have zero coattails. The more likely scenario is a significant win by Romney wiht serious coattails for the Republicans. The political clout of gun owners in the House and Senate will be unprecedented and overwhelming, a super-majority.

There are simply too many hurdles stacked against this passing for it to have any chance of passage in the next 4 years regardless of who is elected president..

07-30-12, 20:13
I still haven't seen anything from them about the amendment to the Cyber Security Bill.

Neither have I might have to send another email with the links again.

Doc Safari
07-30-12, 20:19
If he wins, it will be by such a razor-thin margin, he will have zero coattails.

Okay, I'll be the "glass is half empty" guy. If he wins he won't have to fear anyone because he won't ever have to run in another election.

He has already proven he's willing to rule as a dictator, refusing to enforce the law here, implementing things not on the books there.

I will not feel safe until he steps on Marine One to go back to Chicago for the last time.

07-30-12, 20:43
I think we should focus on that POS Lautenberg. He's already been instrumental in anti-gun legislation that has a significant impact. At 88 years old, there's no guarantee that he'll run for reelection in 2014. whether he does or not, I think gun rights supporters would do well to focus a LOT of money on defeating the Democratic nominee in his district, specifically as payback for all the dirty work he's done in his nearly 30 years in the Senate. Looking at his election percentages, that district is not a guaranteed lock for the Democrats.

It's way past time to retire that sorry ****head! :(

07-30-12, 20:54
Okay, I'll be the "glass is half empty" guy. If he wins he won't have to fear anyone because he won't ever have to run in another election.

He has already proven he's willing to rule as a dictator, refusing to enforce the law here, implementing things not on the books there.

I will not feel safe until he steps on Marine One to go back to Chicago for the last time.

Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

07-30-12, 20:56
Dang.. Time to buy ammo again.. Who'd a thought... Ron

07-30-12, 21:18
Dang.. Time to buy ammo again.. Who'd a thought... Ron

I have plenty, soon enough, I'll be selling it at $500.00 a box, and the idiots will make me wealthy....

07-30-12, 21:22
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

I'm not so sure..Obombo's Achillies Heel is the economy....2% growth for the 1st quarter, 1.5% for the second...No one is really doing any hiring because of all the uncertianty.(fiscal cliff, taxes etc) Look at all the kids just getting out of collage...They're asshole deep in debt for school loans, and they can' buy a job, many are going back to collage, getting even deeper in debt, for a degree that maybe, will have a future, alot of these kids are the ones who voted for "hope and change"... They've now had 4 years to see how well that worked. I figure unemployment will start rising soon,when it does the polls are going to show a different story..Most folks want a job, not a handout.. And Obombo has'nt been able to deliver. If there is a silver lining in this otherwise dark cloud, it's that socialism ends just as soon as they run out of other people's money to spend... And that day of reckoning, is'nt that far off..

Doc Safari
07-30-12, 21:36
I am cautiously optimistic Obama won't win a second term ("glass half full guy" now :sarcastic:), but he can do a lot of damage before he's physically out of office.

Heavy Metal
07-30-12, 21:53
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

Actually, the two polls with the best track record, Rasmussen and Gallup, has Romney ahead by three and tied respectively,,,and that don't count undecided voters who historically overwhemingly break to the challenger. And Romney really hasn't even started to hit Obama yet, he has basiclly let Obama spend himself silly while he wears out his best tool to attack him with, Bain Capital. He is playing Rope-a-dope to bleed him of money now so he can clobber him in September and October.

Lets also remember the economy is getting progressively worse. Obama will be lucky if he is not blown-out along with other Dems on election day. Historically, Incumbents with economic and unemployment numbers this sour get trounced.

07-31-12, 00:04
Okay, I'll be the "glass is half empty" guy. If he wins he won't have to fear anyone because he won't ever have to run in another election.

He has already proven he's willing to rule as a dictator, refusing to enforce the law here, implementing things not on the books there.

I will not feel safe until he steps on Marine One to go back to Chicago for the last time.


he also has no problem bypassing the system when he can !

07-31-12, 00:06
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

hard to say polling at this point is polling I do agree though its not the same country at all and if not this election and things dont turn around its next one !

07-31-12, 00:41
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

I agree. There is no excitement for Romney. I live in a conservative district in NYS, and I just saw my first Romney bumper sticker last week. He doesn't have supporters, what he has are settlers, as in "I guess I'll settle for that douche".

Obama will win another term, and he'll be the last POTUS

07-31-12, 00:48
My fear is not an outright gun ban, the liberals learned their lesson there and no less than Bill Clinton has told them that's why they lost the Congress in 1994.

What I am concerned about is the way progressives operate; they chip away at things, more of the "death by a thousand cuts" philosophy.

They will push things such as the online ammo ban, the high capacity magazine ban and when someone questions the reply will be something like this:

"We aren't saying you cannot have your guns, we aren't saying you can't enjoy shooting or protect your loved ones or your homes. What we are saying is that this common sense legislation will help prevent criminals from stockpiling ammunition without ever having to meet a dealer face to face, without someone being able to get a feel for them, without having to present valid ID. We don't want drug gang members or Mexican cartels buying 1,000's of rounds anonymously any more than we do another James Holmes. Why does anyone need 4, 5, 6, 10 thousand rounds of ammunition?"

As far as magazines, they will say something like:

"Why do you need to be able to hold 30 or 40 or even 100 rounds in a magazine to enjoy target shooting? Why isn't 10 sufficient? In fact, California has something called a 'bullet-button' that permits the enjoyment of shooting military style weapons but they cannot be reloaded so quickly as to permit another Aurora-style shooting."

I can also see them going after reloading supplies, and while I don't reload, I'm sure many of us do. Don't be surprised if they claim some of the booby-traps James Holmes constructed used canisters of smokeless powder.

For those who say we have nothing to fear about these proposals, what is a good argument against those statements, an argument that even someone who is neutral towards firearms and shooting will embrace?

07-31-12, 02:34
stop online sales
regulate and limit sales
then tax the heck out of it

forgot what euro country is it where I thought I read the gov has the right to come in to your house and check your gov approved safe anytime they want ?

07-31-12, 04:33
forgot what euro country is it where I thought I read the gov has the right to come in to your house and check your gov approved safe anytime they want ?

Switzerland? Their active duty military keeps their individual weapons at home

07-31-12, 05:03
I agree. There is no excitement for Romney. I live in a conservative district in NYS, and I just saw my first Romney bumper sticker last week. He doesn't have supporters, what he has are settlers, as in "I guess I'll settle for that douche".

Obama will win another term, and he'll be the last POTUS

Reagan and Carter were within the margin of error right until election day.......

Some of you guys are seriously lacking any historical perspective.

07-31-12, 05:15
Some of you guys are seriously lacking any historical perspective.

LoL, coming from the guy that says he would gladly turn over his arms in order to be left alone. Plenty of historical evidence that idea will work like a charm. :rolleyes:

07-31-12, 06:07
LoL, coming from the guy that says he would gladly turn over his arms in order to be left alone. Plenty of historical evidence that idea will work like a charm. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that's what I said.:fie:

Clearly, your competence at reading is equivalent to your knowledge of history.


07-31-12, 10:03
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....Mitt Romney hasn't a chance of beating this thug... The economy is shattered, amerikans are eager thralls to the welfare state, and its food stamp king, it is all going to be happening very very fast...

Obama will not win re-election. If you feel uneasy, as I sometimes do as well, take a moment to remember the 2010 congressional elections. Think of Brown having been elected to Kennedy's seat...in Massachusetts.

Sanity will prevail, Obama is just too awful to win again and Romney has yet to begin his real campaign.

07-31-12, 12:25
My gut tells me O will win in November, and thnings could get even worse given the political cache it would give him and the obvious- he won't be up for reelection in 4; so he will do as much to damage any rights he can until he is out. Even if Romney wins, pretty much the same boat circling the same toilet bowl; it might stay afloat for a bit longer but the end result will be the same...

These new bits of knee jerk emotional legislation will most likely fall by the way-side, but they could gain traction given the right series of events.

In the very least it is a wake up call that they are constantly on the offensive trying to errode not just our gun rights, but all our rights in general.

Diane Degette (My "representative" here in CO) is putting forth some ammo/magazine capacity legislation as well from what I have heard, anyone got a line on that?

Be ever vigilant blokes. This fight is just beginning...

07-31-12, 14:10
Its a done deal....He is up in virtually every poll, this ain't America anymore, its amerika....

Geez, I thought people were smart enough NOT to listen to the news & mainstream media here & certainly not quote it as reputable truth.

I guess you have it on good authority that whatever the polls say must be true.

Despite being proven over & over the media is bought paid for & lies.

If people are of the opinion that polls don't lie & we are not at an all time unprecedented level of corruption, treachery, deception & lies etc.

I guess they have not figured it out yet regarding 4GW/5GW tactics.

Keep repeating a lie & enough people (read IDIOTS) will believe you....

"There's always free cheese at the mousetrap."

07-31-12, 17:00
I guess you have it on good authority that whatever the polls say must be true.

I read an interesting commentary on the latest poll or polls that shows O up. The commentary was on one specifically a few days ago and the first one to show O up. They basically oversampled registered Democrats by 11% (yet O was only up 6%) and polls that sample by registration are notoriously inaccurate. The polling of likely voters does not show O up.

This was from 6 days ago and was written by Gary Bauer (yes he is a partisan)


Polling As Propaganda

There is a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll out that is making a lot of headlines today. And I want to take it apart for you because it is a bunch of junk. According to the poll, Barack Obama is leaving Mitt Romney in the dust. In June the candidates were basically tied, but now the claim is that Obama is leading by six points -- 49%-to-43% -- and closing in on that ever crucial 50% mark.

That's terrible news for Team Romney, right? Wrong! Let's take a closer look at the data. Obama's 6-point lead comes from a survey that oversampled Democrats by 11 points!

It is unimaginable that Democrats would have such an advantage at the polls on Election Day. As Breitbart.com reports, that is "a level we haven't seen in the electorate since the post-Watergate GOP meltdown." In fact, Gallup is currently reporting a massive 12-point enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to voting this November, and it's Democrats who are demoralized right now!

But even with that biased sample, there are bright spots in the poll for Romney.

Only 32% of registered voters think the country is headed in the right direction, while 60% say America is "on the wrong track" under Obama's leadership.

Only 44% of voters approve of Obama's handling of the economy, while 53% disapprove. And that's supposed to be the biggest issue of this campaign, right?

When asked what worries them most about the future of the country, the decline of moral values tied with the growing federal deficit. (Note to the Romney campaign: Don't neglect values issues!)

55% of voters are less optimistic about the direction of the economy.

By a nearly 2-to-1 margin, voters think Obama is running a more negative campaign than Mitt Romney. That makes sense because Obama can't campaign on his record, which voters disapprove of and don't have much hope for anymore.

Things got really interesting when the pollsters tried to measure Obama's popularity versus his policies. Two-thirds of voters said they liked Obama personally. The media have repeatedly seized on such findings to suggest that Obama is cruising toward reelection, if not sainthood. But 55% said they disapprove of many of Obama's policies!

Think about that. If you need surgery, what's most important to you: your doctor's personality or his skill? If you're going on a business trip, do you care more about your pilot's sense of humor or his competence?

While Obama's 6-point lead among registered voters made the headlines, when the pollsters narrowed it down to "high interest voters," those most likely to vote, Romney led 48%-to-46%. That fact got buried in the tenth paragraph of the NBC News report.

Normally, my friends, I would tell you to dismiss this biased poll as worthless. But I think it is very valuable as an example of how the media uses polling to mold public opinion, not to measure it. It shows us just how desperate the media elites are to cause us to sink into despair, while doing everything they can to convince liberals that all is well.


But the "Polling as Propoganda" is verity apt and true.

07-31-12, 21:42
I guess they have not figured it out yet regarding 4GW/5GW tactics.

What specifically are you referring to?

07-31-12, 23:35
Obama will not win re-election. If you feel uneasy, as I sometimes do as well, take a moment to remember the 2010 congressional elections. Think of Brown having been elected to Kennedy's seat...in Massachusetts.

Sanity will prevail, Obama is just too awful to win again and Romney has yet to begin his real campaign.

If just one third of the thirty million illegal alien Hispanics get access to the polling booth,(and there is no reason to believe that they won't)its lights out...Its safe to conclude that the average illegal alien Mexican, has more representative government within the USA than does any citizen, the neo-democratic party, and its president, have all but declared for them...I hold no hope for America rising out of its ashes, nope, no hope at all....

07-31-12, 23:46
Geez, I thought people were smart enough NOT to listen to the news & mainstream media here & certainly not quote it as reputable truth.

I guess you have it on good authority that whatever the polls say must be true.

Despite being proven over & over the media is bought paid for & lies.

If people are of the opinion that polls don't lie & we are not at an all time unprecedented level of corruption, treachery, deception & lies etc.

I guess they have not figured it out yet regarding 4GW/5GW tactics.

Keep repeating a lie & enough people (read IDIOTS) will believe you....

"There's always free cheese at the mousetrap."


Unfortunately, they will be voting...Have you ever seen, or perhaps even been to Detroit? We call that, checkmate....

08-01-12, 00:45
Does anyone think this mail order ammo ban has a chance?

Will enough progressive RINOs defect to put this thing through?

Also, do you think that the desire to pass this horribly draconian statist cyber security bill will drive it to victory, even with the included mag ban?

(kinda like NDAA. "We need to fund our troops. I don't like the 'no due process' bit but I'll be damned if I'll vote against funding our troops)

"We need to shore up cyber security before a Stuxnet type attack hits our reactors or air traffic control. I'd prefer if this magazine ban wasn't in there, but I'll be damned if I'll vote against keeping our interests safe"

08-01-12, 01:12
these days I have no clue anymore
you used to be able to make some assumptions but not anymore IMHO

Does anyone think this mail order ammo ban has a chance?

Will enough progressive RINOs defect to put this thing through?

Also, do you think that the desire to pass this horribly draconian statist cyber security bill will drive it to victory, even with the included mag ban?

(kinda like NDAA. "We need to fund our troops. I don't like the 'no due process' bit but I'll be damned if I'll vote against funding our troops)

"We need to shore up cyber security before a Stuxnet type attack hits our reactors or air traffic control. I'd prefer if this magazine ban wasn't in there, but I'll be damned if I'll vote against keeping our interests safe"

Doc Safari
08-01-12, 09:35
Does anyone think this mail order ammo ban has a chance?

With the amount of shenanigans it took to pass the health care bill I wouldn't put it past them to pull a fast one while no one is looking.

Heavy Metal
08-01-12, 09:47
With the amount of shenanigans it took to pass the health care bill I wouldn't put it past them to pull a fast one while no one is looking.

They aren't in control of the House. They were when health car was passed.

They couldn't even pass Health Care today.

Doc Safari
08-01-12, 09:51
They aren't in control of the House. They were when health car was passed.

They couldn't even pass Health Care today.

Good point. I still don't trust them, though.

Heavy Metal
08-01-12, 10:06
Good point. I still don't trust them, though.

I would never ask you to trust a politician, not without verification.

08-01-12, 12:28
Does anyone think this mail order ammo ban has a chance?

Will enough progressive RINOs defect to put this thing through?

Also, do you think that the desire to pass this horribly draconian statist cyber security bill will drive it to victory, even with the included mag ban?

(kinda like NDAA. "We need to fund our troops. I don't like the 'no due process' bit but I'll be damned if I'll vote against funding our troops)

"We need to shore up cyber security before a Stuxnet type attack hits our reactors or air traffic control. I'd prefer if this magazine ban wasn't in there, but I'll be damned if I'll vote against keeping our interests safe"

In the wake of how Obamacare was rammed down our throats, in the process corrupting/compromising a chief justice of the high court, I would think that your answer would be self evident....Gray wolves, which are/were an endangered species, were deslisted via a rider to a budgetary bill, just a few months later western states basically re-exterminated them...There is nothing beyond their reach....

08-01-12, 13:24
Unfortunately, they will be voting...Have you ever seen, or perhaps even been to Detroit? We call that, checkmate....

Can't say your wrong Denali. But I also think there is viable hope. I'm in FULL awareness of methods, conditions & deteriorated state of America's cities, mentality, entitlements, tactics, media exploitation, financial balance sheets, cooked books, Federal Reserve scam etc.

I think it there was not the UN ATT would have been executed & not abandoned. I also think that Obama would have done executive order instructing Eric Witholder to start some semblance of a National Gun Registration process. Since he's backing off the Gun issues imo because of the election. So that gives me a sense of hope. However I do feel that this election is probably the single most important election I can recall ever & will most likely be FUGLY & heavily contested due to the unprecedented amount of Attorney's Obama has hired in anticipation of Voter election fraud etc.

Looks like Obama needs more $ for campaign to well, redistribute all the wealth he's been redistributing


Hopefully people won't be voting w/ lead etc.

08-02-12, 02:34
Wife got an email from our degenerate representative Degette. It started out:

Virginia Tech. Fort Hood. Columbine. Tuscon. And now Aurora.

I couldn't help myself, so I sent her an short note back starting with:

"I thought you were going to point out the failures of our mental health pros, but instead you are going off in the wrong direction."

I asked her to do something useful, like get rid of protection free killing zones like the AMC theater and ask Jeanne Assam about stopping crazed rifleman.

08-02-12, 13:42
Cybersecurity Bill Is Blocked by G.O.P. Filibuster

Doc Safari
08-02-12, 13:49
Cybersecurity Bill Is Blocked by G.O.P. Filibuster


I forget: does that affect the proposed hi-cap magazine ban, too, or was that another bill?

08-02-12, 14:01
Same bill Doc the anti's just tried to slip "Amendments" into it.

08-02-12, 20:39
make the sale of ammunition “safer for law-abiding Americans who are sick and tired of the ease with which criminals can now anonymously stockpile for mass murder,” this is the worst English ever ..who is doing who ??? what about the rights smashed ? collective guilt etc ...damn commie newspeak !!!

Heavy Metal
08-02-12, 22:03
Cybersecurity Bill Is Blocked by G.O.P. Filibuster

^^This is for those who say it doesn't matter which party is in charge.

08-02-12, 23:13
This is why you don't compromise with communists. Part of previous gun control laws were "favourable" things to gun owners like "safe passage" (people still get prosecuted), and ammo sales.

They may wait a while but they eventually go after the things you thought were a victory while never losing ground themselves. We have this idiotic moonbats proposing anti gun bills, and never a GOP person passing pro gun bills.

08-03-12, 13:16
.Gray wolves, which are/were an endangered species, were deslisted via a rider to a budgetary bill, just a few months later western states basically re-exterminated them...

What this has to do with the current discussion is beyond me, but since you apparently like your wolves so much, I'd like to ask you how I'm supposed to make a living if I'm constantly fighting to keep my animals from being chewed to shreds by wolves....?

08-03-12, 18:29
Propaganda wording. Emotion. Lies. Typical.

Also, this lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah4eywQlexo

08-03-12, 23:15
What this has to do with the current discussion is beyond me, but since you apparently like your wolves so much, I'd like to ask you how I'm supposed to make a living if I'm constantly fighting to keep my animals from being chewed to shreds by wolves....?

Oh stop it, its just an example of how easy it is for the congress to sidestep, or subvert existing law, to meet a political expediancy(the ESA/2nd/whatever)...

08-04-12, 07:38
I received an email in the junk folder of an address I rarely use.

They told me that people die because gun owners can buy ammo without the seller meeting them in person.(that was my summary of it)

and it had a link


has anyone else received this email?

08-05-12, 20:14

08-11-12, 06:29
Bumping this, because we must keep the pressure on our legislators, we cannot rest.

Absolutely no disrespect to the families of the fallen members of the Sikh Temple that were killed, but that shooting was almost convenient for the anti-gun crowd. (especially the part where witnesses from the Sikh Temple said, on camera, there were 4 shooters, not one...but I digress)

Email and phone your state and federal senators, governors and representatives that ANY form of anti-gun legislation they entertain or propose, even if it doesn't come to a vote, results in you voting for another pro-Second Amendment candidate.

08-11-12, 10:55
. . .that shooting was almost convenient for the anti-gun crowd. (especially the part where witnesses from the Sikh Temple said, on camera, there were 4 shooters, not one...but I digress)

Bingo. ;)

There are multiple witness statements from the Aurora theater shooting victims stating there was more than one guy there as well.

When Barry is "re-elected" he WILL use these "mass-shootings" for justification to implement further regulations and restrictions on everything from semi-automatic firearms to the online sale of ammunition.