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08-02-12, 11:15
Stephen Moore: The Man Who Saved Capitalism - WSJ.com



08-02-12, 13:11
Great article, thanks for sharing Chad.

It is kind of ironic regarding the discussion of Federal tax policies. I was watching a cable news program and it was acknowledged that the proposed income tax increases would be spent in a very short amount of time.

Perhaps someone should send Mr. Freidman's books to the White House and Congress for consideration.

08-02-12, 16:07
Pffft... 'send a copy to congress'... passage of obamacare kinda proved that they don't know how to read anyway didn't it?

08-02-12, 23:33
Great article, thanks for sharing Chad.

It is kind of ironic regarding the discussion of Federal tax policies. I was watching a cable news program and it was acknowledged that the proposed income tax increases would be spent in a very short amount of time.

Perhaps someone should send Mr. Freidman's books to the White House and Congress for consideration.

Thats assuming they are not playing the class warfare game, and almost every democrat talking point is based on an emotional argument not a factual one.

Such as Obama's new TV ad.....tax the rich to PAY DOWN the debt. To pay down the debt would require balancing the budget, and with a yearly deficit of over 1 trillion a tax increase to balance the budget let alone PAY DOWN the debt would make ObamaCare (largest tax increase in history) pale in comparison, and would likely send us into a depression.

I remember a little while ago I was arguing with a lib my MIL knows, and she wouldn't even acknowledge the public debt numbers on the .gov website were accurate. These people are so delusional, and so emotionally based they will drive our economy right into the shitter for political gain and vote buying. Thats all they have. The right and left "base's" are so far apart anymore its nuts.

08-03-12, 06:35
Thats assuming they are not playing the class warfare game, and almost every democrat talking point is based on an emotional argument not a factual one.

Spot on... Fact based talking points are pointless when you consider the demographic that the emotional ones are directed at, women and the poor. Do you think it was an oversight that sufferage and poll taxes were not specifically addressed in the Constitution or Bill of Rights?

08-03-12, 09:16
Recently I've watched the Milton Friedman PBS(?) specials numbered 1-10 on Youtube. His ability to dispatch critics is awesome. Reminds me of Reagan in his ability to poke holes in people's arguements with a smile.