View Full Version : Open carry weapons check by LEO

08-25-12, 08:39
I searched to see if already posted, but did not find it.

I guess it isn't all bad to have a moron running around with a camera. If he hadn't been out there, this cop would never have been recorded to give us hope there are more like him.

Still think the kid is obnoxious.

He has several videos on YouTube, but this link was sent to me from a cop buddy.


08-25-12, 09:01
I searched to see if already posted, but did not find it.

I guess it isn't all bad to have a moron running around with a camera. If he hadn't been out there, this cop would never have been recorded to give us hope there are more like him.

Still think the kid is obnoxious.

He has several videos on YouTube, but this link was sent to me from a cop buddy.

That may have gone a lot different if that officer was not as versed in the firearms culture as he was. It was a good video

08-25-12, 10:26
As Most have said I give props to the officer .this should be used as a training video for law enforcement on the right way to handle a person in a open carry state .

Good for him :D I hate police bashing videos as i have friends in LE and have even looked into LE for work.
It is a good feeling to see the good officers get praises when far to often the bad ones steal the Limelight .

08-25-12, 11:03
I wonder if that officer was M4C's very own "Dirk Williams"? :p

I just wish he wouldn't have encouraged him. "Come to the academy", "join the reserves", "glad you guys were out here"... I think the local PD would be better off keeping him away. Far, far away.

08-25-12, 11:08
He did a great job handling that situation with a goofball/Fudd.

08-25-12, 11:40
I think the dooches that do this give folks that carry a bad name and waste the valuable time of the officers.

08-25-12, 12:19
I think the dooches that do this give folks that carry a bad name and waste the valuable time of the officers.

Agreed. Looking for lawsuits, I think.

Dirk Williams
08-25-12, 12:45
RWK, I'm a retired policeman for the past 16/18 months. I really like being retired. Don't have to work for,or answer to retards anymore.

I saw the tv spot, I agree the young officer handled the situation well.


08-25-12, 13:43
I could not make it past 1:29. Assholes like that give all legal gun owners a bad name. They probably would have done all of society a favor if they made him a an example of Darwinism.

Kudos to the Officer for the way he handled the incident.

08-25-12, 14:18
I could not make it past 1:29. Assholes like that give all legal gun owners a bad name. They probably would have done all of society a favor if they made him a an example of Darwinism.

Kudos to the Officer for the way he handled the incident.

Are you actually suggesting that the cops should have killed a guy for doing things completely legal in their AO. What next your gonna want to kill people who speak out against gun ownership cause they give the rest of us speakers a bad name. Really???

I agree the guy is a deuche bag for trying to bait a law suit, but there is nothin illegal about it. Does he give gun owners a bad name; to a certain degree, but to me he's the same as the asshole Ohio cop on Rhoid rage.

As for the cop. EXCELLENT work. Truly a good example of a professional who can control a situation without being an overbearing asshole. I wish there were considerably more people like him around. Hell maybe of there were more like him people wouldn't be trolling for law suits...I'm not holding my breath on that one.

08-25-12, 15:55
These people who carry with video cameras in hand, in ways that attract attention, are complete asshats. I feel for the police officers who have to deal with these jerks.

08-25-12, 16:07
These people who carry with video cameras in hand, in ways that attract attention, are complete asshats. I feel for the police officers who have to deal with these jerks.


Know your rights, & avoid conflict.

El Cid
08-25-12, 16:16
I get the reasons behind open carry. But an MP5/HK94?? What a complete toolbag... Attention whores are everywhere I suppose.

Reagans Rascals
08-25-12, 17:06
I get the reasons behind open carry. But an MP5/HK94?? What a complete toolbag... Attention whores are everywhere I suppose.

It was a shitty .22LR GSG-5..... simply made to resemble an MP5....

and that's exactly why those mall ninjas were carrying it.... because they want to be HSLD but can't afford to spend $2800 on a Dakota Tactical Clone let alone 19k+ for the real deal....

pure shit bags.... can and should are not synonymous.... simply because you can... does not mean you should...

and if they were dead set on open carry as a right, and not simply as a provocation, they would have carried a legitimate CCW and not something that specifically resembles an MP5....

it was a beautiful thing to see them squirm once the officer basically shut them down with knowledge.... and they have no recourse other than.... uhhh uhhh uhh but how do you know its a full auto just by looking at it..... priceless

08-25-12, 17:38
The best video in this genre (which has been posted here before) was of one of these ass clowns open carrying and holding a video camera IIRC in AZ. Of course people called 911 and when the cop rolled up the kid started out with “I'm a Marine blah blah blah”. Turns out the veteran officer was also a retired Marine and professionally handed the kids ass to him (figuratively speaking) on his own camera!

During our in-service ethics classes we watch a lot of these YouTube ass clowns attempting to entrap LEOs, good training.

08-25-12, 17:48
A douchenozzle without a gun and a camera is still one with a gun and a camera.

08-26-12, 21:27
Are you actually suggesting that the cops should have killed a guy for doing things completely legal in their AO. What next your gonna want to kill people who speak out against gun ownership cause they give the rest of us speakers a bad name. Really???...

Relax, Francis. I made that very statement to emphasize just how much damage a dumbass like that does to the legal gun owning community. It was totally tongue-in-cheek. Something that everyone else obviously caught onto. For one thing, that idiot wass hardly worth the time it took to view the video much less the cost of a bullet.

You should go out more. :rolleyes:

08-26-12, 22:13
The best video in this genre (which has been posted here before) was of one of these ass clowns open carrying and holding a video camera IIRC in AZ. Of course people called 911 and when the cop rolled up the kid started out with “I'm a Marine blah blah blah”. Turns out the veteran officer was also a retired Marine and professionally handed the kids ass to him (figuratively speaking) on his own camera!

During our in-service ethics classes we watch a lot of these YouTube ass clowns attempting to entrap LEOs, good training.


08-26-12, 22:37
It was a shitty .22LR GSG-5..... simply made to resemble an MP5....

and that's exactly why those mall ninjas were carrying it.... because they want to be HSLD but can't afford to spend $2800 on a Dakota Tactical Clone let alone 19k+ for the real deal....

pure shit bags.... can and should are not synonymous.... simply because you can... does not mean you should...

and if they were dead set on open carry as a right, and not simply as a provocation, they would have carried a legitimate CCW and not something that specifically resembles an MP5....

it was a beautiful thing to see them squirm once the officer basically shut them down with knowledge.... and they have no recourse other than.... uhhh uhhh uhh but how do you know its a full auto just by looking at it..... priceless

I'm gonna disagree in theory.

Essentially the GSG-5 is a .22LR just like my dad used to sling in the 50s when he was a kid and walked through town to the local plinking range.

The only critical difference between my Dad's .22 and the GSG-5 are aesthetics and quality. The GSG-5 is basically a "scary black gun" to some folks and nobody "pro gun" should buy into that shit. In terms of function this is no different than a 10/22 (which ironically can be dressed up to look like several machine guns).

As for the "wannabe" status of the individual, that is a poor reason to deny somebody their rights. It's almost a fudd mentality that if you aren't wearing a plaid shirt and jeans you must be one of those "crazy black rifle" people.

08-26-12, 23:42
This kind of ass-hattery will do nothing good for the rights of citizens to carry. You get too many clowns like that waltzing around town and it will backfire at some point, and the ensuing public opinion will be leveraged to implement new restrictions on carrying.

Like another poster said, know your rights and go along your business without provocation.

08-26-12, 23:47
I'm gonna disagree in theory.

Essentially the GSG-5 is a .22LR just like my dad used to sling in the 50s when he was a kid and walked through town to the local plinking range.

The only critical difference between my Dad's .22 and the GSG-5 are aesthetics and quality. The GSG-5 is basically a "scary black gun" to some folks and nobody "pro gun" should buy into that shit. In terms of function this is no different than a 10/22 (which ironically can be dressed up to look like several machine guns).

As for the "wannabe" status of the individual, that is a poor reason to deny somebody their rights. It's almost a fudd mentality that if you aren't wearing a plaid shirt and jeans you must be one of those "crazy black rifle" people.

In theory, that's correct. But it's pretty obvious that this moron was hunting over bait, trying to get a LEO to pick a fight with him so he could be Mr. Badass on youtube. He just happened to pick a very professional LEO who knew what he was doing, and did everything correctly.

08-27-12, 03:30

That's the one! The guy is a true professional, thanks for the link.

08-27-12, 07:36
What really gets me is that these people are doing everything they can to bait the police into a situation. The idiots doing the vid's are doing nothing to further 2nd Amendments rights! Thankfully this last video and the OP's video show great, professional LEO's doing a fantastic job!

08-27-12, 09:26
Verbal Judo at its best!!!! Deflect deflec deflect.

Nicely done I must say. He had all the probably cause he needed, and took care of business in a professional manner.

Now as for the retard walking down the street with a piece of shit mp5 clone .22lr. He's just trying to stir the pot, and it almost worked.....almost. Morons like this are what people think of when they hear "the right to bear arms".....sad.

08-27-12, 10:04
Bravo Zulu! Well done, officer.

08-27-12, 10:19
I'm gonna disagree in theory.

Essentially the GSG-5 is a .22LR just like my dad used to sling in the 50s when he was a kid and walked through town to the local plinking range...

I'd have to disagree. When your Dad used to walk through town to go squirrel hunting or target shooting, he probably carried something that looks more like a hunting or target rifle than a GSG-9/MP5 clone. He probably didn't walk around with a loaded "banana" magazine and with the rifle slung in front of him like this idiot did.

Times have changed, sometimes for the worse. I wish we could all sling a rifle, regardless of what make, model or purpose, and walk to the local plinking range just like days of old without alarming anyone. But with the growth of gun-toting, lead-slinging, life-taking gang-bangers and school killings; this is no longer possible in most places.

We can all thank idiots like this, along with the real murdering pieces-of-dawg-shit that has ruined it all for the rest of us. Until we can quell those types of people, any gun seen by the sheeple will invoke fear. Heck, when I was still an LEO I had people asking me if I could lock up my sidearm in my vehicle when I went to church while in uniform!! These idiots actually believed that the gun was "too evil" to be in the House of God. :eek:

Reagans Rascals
08-27-12, 11:06
Heck, when I was still an LEO I had people asking me if I could lock up my sidearm in my vehicle when I went to church while in uniform!! These idiots actually believed that the gun was "too evil" to be in the House of God. :eek:


just proves its a fallacy to believe churches are immune from violence...

08-27-12, 14:34
In theory, that's correct. But it's pretty obvious that this moron was hunting over bait, trying to get a LEO to pick a fight with him so he could be Mr. Badass on youtube. He just happened to pick a very professional LEO who knew what he was doing, and did everything correctly.

And so in this case the system worked. He exercised his rights without any real incident, the LEO did his job correctly without any real incident.

The only thing of significance is this guy was obviously an asshole. But if we are going to start doing something about assholes can we please start with the gang bangers who intimidate everyone they come in contact with, the assholes who smoked weed in public and those ****ers who pound their boom cars at 2 ****ing am?

Once you've taken care of those assholes I'll be more than happy to revisit the "I tried to start some shit on youtube" assholes.

08-27-12, 14:36
I'd have to disagree. When your Dad used to walk through town to go squirrel hunting or target shooting, he probably carried something that looks more like a hunting or target rifle than a GSG-9/MP5 clone. He probably didn't walk around with a loaded "banana" magazine and with the rifle slung in front of him like this idiot did.

So "scary black guns" is your issue?

I got news for you, if the GSG5 existed when my Dad was a kid, everyone on his block would have had one.

08-27-12, 14:40
What really gets me is that these people are doing everything they can to bait the police into a situation. The idiots doing the vid's are doing nothing to further 2nd Amendments rights! Thankfully this last video and the OP's video show great, professional LEO's doing a fantastic job!

Is it really any different from ATF trying to bait people into illegal firearm activity?

I see this thing completely differently. Some goober "tested" local law enforcement and they passed with flying colors. We need MORE videos like this showing cops who do their job correctly and professionally so they get due credit.

I'd rather see ten videos like this every day of cops squaring away the retards and sending them on their way to look like jackasses on youtube than see the unfortunate police videos that most of us tend to focus on.

08-27-12, 15:19
Kudos to the cop. He controlled the conversation without having toresort to raising his voice even.

Anytime you use the word 'constitution' in a police stop it's like using 'nazi' in an internet forum, you lose. Not the fight you are going to win.

I think the cop knew what the story was when he rolled up and saw these two. Surprised the kids posted the video since it showed them in a pretty bad light.

They give reserve officers MP5s? Sweeeet.

08-27-12, 15:38
Outstanding Officer!

Dirk Williams
08-28-12, 10:39
Just read our local rag and was amused to see that this guy or a copy cat was here in Klamath Falls Oregon yesterday.

He was carrying his .22 caliber ar platform with a pistol. Officer Mike Nork contacted him and the whole thing was again put on YouTube.

Mike did a good job, which is interesting. Many who come into contact with mike end up getting NORKED as the hospital staff here calls it.

I've known Mike and his family for 20 years. Great folks.


08-28-12, 11:18
This kid was purposely drawing attention and baiting this very incident to occur. While I think this particular kid was an asshat for his choice of weapon, I don't disagree with what he is doing. In certain jurisdictions people aren't treated as nicely as this guy was while open carrying regardless of local laws. Sometimes it takes a proactive citizen to bring abuses to light and change the local law enforcement mentality. Whether it is through education or legal means, a video taped encounter goes a long way to helping the process.

Here in Utah we have great laws regarding firearms. In most of the state there are no problems whatsoever. I was just in a gas station in Price, UT a few days ago and I was open carrying a S&W M&P9FS. There was a local PD and a Sheriff's Deputy sitting in the station having coffee and when they saw my firearm they just smiled and waved at me. A great example of how things should happen. If that same thing had happened in West Valley City a couple years ago, there is a good chance that it wouldn't have went so well for me. It has taken open carry activists to "educate" the law enforcement in that area as to what is appropriate. Things are still not perfect in some areas and there is a good chance you may still get hassled or find yourself prone on the sidewalk, but things are getting better because of a few folks with recorders.

Kudos to this officer for handling himself well.

08-29-12, 07:35
CCW is still fairly new in most parts of the US. I think it will take a 'generation' of cops before LEOs get used to so many citizens being armed.

If you want to play gotcha games like these guys did, don't be surprised when you get tagged for minor infractions and expect no lee-way or warnings. Play by the absolute letter of the law, pay the same way.

Dirk Williams
08-29-12, 11:17
CCW is new? Interesting, something's doesn't sound right with this one. How new is new.

Thanks in advance