View Full Version : Cinemax strike back show

08-25-12, 13:03
Anyone watched/watching this

this above link is the one I am watching first season of ?
more here

then seems to merge with the show below ?
this link is my original ? so check out the above link :)
Just found it :)
Did a search here did not find any thread on it ? If there is sorry for the double post

Seems entertaining so far but only saw first episode

Any thoughts from anyone good or bad :)

08-25-12, 13:35
Combat seems realistic enough, but the plot - what there is of it - seems hokey & thin... :o

08-25-12, 17:30
I liked the trailer but since I don't pay for Cinemax I'll be sitting this one out.

08-25-12, 19:26
Is there season 1 that was BBC (with the guy from Walking Dead) and then season one that was Cinemax which is being followed by season two starting now on Cinemax?

I watched the two first episodes of season one from Cinemax on youtube. Seems pretty interesting. 24 with more action and way more boobs. Not liking the big plot of international conspiracy on WMD and where that is leading. Aren't 7th centrury fun-for-mentalists who want to kill us any way they can a good enough enemy?

Saw Best Buy had the blue-ray of season one so stopped by to pick it up- no luck their online inventory system is hosed. Why I even give them a chance is a whole other thread.

Looks like lots of AKs, interesting plots, boobs and gun play. Beats the crap out of Newsroom on HBO...

08-25-12, 19:52
its also on disc now :)

watched two episodes so far pretty good show

the story/plot seems to be OK
the guy in the first season was a guy from the BBC MI5 show I liked for a twist on a spy show non US focused which was fun to watch
also the sheriff from walking dead

this being British angle makes it a bit more like watching from the outside for some reason ? not sure why
its a bit like The Unit in some sense has family life and such so far

08-25-12, 19:58
its also on disc now :)

watched two episodes so far pretty good show

the story/plot seems to be OK
the guy in the first season was a guy from the BBC MI5 show I liked for a twist on a spy show non US focused which was fun to watch
also the sheriff from walking dead

this being British angle makes it a bit more like watching from the outside for some reason ? not sure why
its a bit like The Unit in some sense has family life and such so far

Cool, I'll wait for it to be out a couple more years until the discs come down in price then give it a whirl.

08-25-12, 20:03
GOOD CATCH ! FromMyColdDeadHand

I had the link to the cinemax one but I am watching the BBC version for sure with the guy from walking dead etc..


british site

SO the british one is
Chris Ryan's Strike Back
first season is Strike Back: Project Dawn
second season is Strike Back: Vengeance

sounds like then the second season things started to merge and cinemax was brought on board

so its a bit like 24 where the season takes you through a situation :)

frigin confusing !!!!! how they did the merger !!!!

I do think/view going into these shows they are not realistic and are acted dramatized etc.. :) so when its good its good in a way that the early shows of The Unit were fun to watch :)
agree enemies like this dont need more reason the plot is OK like 24 is OK its a show after all :) and The Unit was fun first season !

also I have only watched two episodes :) it could go downhill quickly :)

Is there season 1 that was BBC (with the guy from Walking Dead) and then season one that was Cinemax which is being followed by season two starting now on Cinemax?

I watched the two first episodes of season one from Cinemax on youtube. Seems pretty interesting. 24 with more action and way more boobs. Not liking the big plot of international conspiracy on WMD and where that is leading. Aren't 7th centrury fun-for-mentalists who want to kill us any way they can a good enough enemy?

Saw Best Buy had the blue-ray of season one so stopped by to pick it up- no luck their online inventory system is hosed. Why I even give them a chance is a whole other thread.

Looks like lots of AKs, interesting plots, boobs and gun play. Beats the crap out of Newsroom on HBO...

Joe Mamma
08-25-12, 22:38
Awesome show! I stumbled across it by accident a while ago. There is a lot of good gun play. They also seem to show some guns that you normally do not see in shows or movies.

You can see a lot of full episodes from different seasons on YouTube.

Joe Mamma

08-25-12, 23:29
It's a great show. It's a hell of a lot better than some dancing reality contest show my wife watches.

I've only seen the cinemax version. I do get a kick out of them using some expensive high end gear one episode and then using a fairly cheap rifle with some cheap accessories the next.

I watched one of the after show interviews last season. I got a kick out of the American actually being Australian and the british guy actually being American. It always amazes me how many actors actually have a fairly strong accent.

08-25-12, 23:39
Strikeback is my new favorite show.

It's got everything.

08-26-12, 05:32
Entertaining! Plus it gets bonus points for copious amounts of ta ta's :D

08-26-12, 08:48
Strikeback is my new favorite show.

It's got everything.

Entertaining! Plus it gets bonus points for copious amounts of ta ta's :D

Exactly. Throw in some tips on how to BBQ, and it would be the only show I watch.

08-26-12, 13:26
Just watched it, it's pretty good.

Not spectacular or anything, but not bad. The boobies tip the balance and I'm now recording it.

08-26-12, 15:49
Season 1 was pretty slow and difficult to keep focused IMO. Season 2 (our season 1 I guess) was awesome! Just shooting this up, humor and bewbs.. what more do you need? Season 3 (or season 2) is starting out much slower than season 2. I know they need to set up the antagonist and storyline and what not but it just doesn't have the same feel to it as season 2 which was great entertainment. Overall, one of the better firearm related shows on TV now so while many will try to slam it to make themselves seem like some sort of tactical elite ninja it's a decent watch with cool guns and the use of full power blanks gives it a more realistic feel than most shows/movies these days.

Personally, I would never make a show to suit the firearm crowd because they're WAY too picky. It's much easier to make some mindless sitcom or reality show and make millions of dollars than try to please the narrow gun crowd market because you'll never make them happy is what I've noticed.

08-26-12, 17:08
I've sat through season two and now season 3's two episodes. lot's of action, decent story, and lot's of lovely lady parts. If it were on HBO it would be far more popular, but Cinemax is HBO's bastard son.

It's work checking out if you haven't seen it, ton's of good gunplay and dead bodies. Did I mention awesome boob shots for days? All of the naked chicks are hot as hell.

The two hero's sustain a shit ton of damage and keep on kicking ass, I think it's The Unit on steroids, without the bitchy wives interrupting the story line. The American dude bangs chick after chick and lasts about two minutes each, just like most M4C'rs.

08-26-12, 17:10
The American dude bangs chick after chick and lasts about two minutes each, just like most M4C'rs.

"America **** Yeah!"


Season 2 was the best. They found a way to shoot or sex their way out of every situation... even if it wasn't a situation worthy of shooting or sexing. :cool:

08-26-12, 17:40
I've sat through season two and now season 3's two episodes. lot's of action, decent story, and lot's of lovely lady parts. If it were on HBO it would be far more popular, but Cinemax is HBO's bastard son.

It's work checking out if you haven't seen it, ton's of good gunplay and dead bodies. Did I mention awesome boob shots for days? All of the naked chicks are hot as hell.

The two hero's sustain a shit ton of damage and keep on kicking ass, I think it's The Unit on steroids, without the bitchy wives interrupting the story line. The American dude bangs chick after chick and lasts about two minutes each, just like most M4C'rs.

yup that is the show :)

bang ! (guns)
bang ! (fighting damage)
bang ! (the chicks)
rest time
repeat !

but its done in a way that delivers better than most shows
good build up good suspension points good climax points :) in more way than the gun fight scenes and has a story line that you can watch and follow and keeps you wondering whats going on a bit more than some shows where you can totally guess every part
its not perfect but better than most

08-26-12, 19:09
It's one of the few shows that you can watch the same episode twice and see something you missed the first time, they don't make em like that often.

If you aren't watching it, you are missing out on great TV. The quality is actually better than most, considering that it's British, Hollywood should be embarrassed that they are being outdone by a much smaller studio.

08-27-12, 01:10
"America **** Yeah!"


Season 2 was the best. They found a way to shoot or sex their way out of every situation... even if it wasn't a situation worthy of shooting or sexing. :cool:

The irony of the show is the "American" is played by a Australian born actor and the "Brit" is played by an American born actor.

08-27-12, 02:58
I thought YouTube doesn't allow Tig old' Bitties unless it's an educational video.

But there they are

08-27-12, 09:18
I thought YouTube doesn't allow Tig old' Bitties unless it's an educational video.

But there they are

I think I had to log onto youtube to see the shows because of 'adult content' or something. Skinemax must have some understanding with youtube? The BBC season 1 seems to be posted by fans, I can't believe that they haven't cut it down for copyright infringement...

08-27-12, 22:25
I think I had to log onto youtube to see the shows because of 'adult content' or something. Skinemax must have some understanding with youtube? The BBC season 1 seems to be posted by fans, I can't believe that they haven't cut it down for copyright infringement...

maybe cinemax bought some rights and are OK with it trying to let it draw more to see the rest ? cause yeah thats strange

then again Britian has dif rules on things ?

09-09-12, 05:54
Found both "American" seasons on U-Verse's On Demand...

Pretty fun show...kind of like what a James Bond movie would be like if Ron Jeremy took over as executive producer.

Best line so far: "hey, don't worry baby - I'll, uh, friend you on Facebook." :D

10-25-12, 02:19
Having watched the complete first season and being current on the second I'd like to change my opinion.

This might be the greatest tv show of all time.

10-25-12, 02:33
Season 3 is great also :)

amazing how great this show is yet dont seem to hear much about it ?

10-25-12, 19:13
Just got caught up. Was waiting Skinamax to do the free preview weekend so I could DVR all the ones I missed. Yea Season 3 was the Best so far. Hope they keep it comming...

10-25-12, 20:13
Season 3 is great also :)

amazing how great this show is yet dont seem to hear much about it ?

I didn't realize it was actually Season 3 we are into currently. But yeah, I agree.

10-25-12, 21:05
Ha! Brits that can shoot pistols? Completely unrealistic.


10-26-12, 00:56
Ha! Brits that can shoot pistols? Completely unrealistic.


Funny because its true. I have a Brit boss I took to the range. Great guy, consevative as hell- you would have thought that you handed him the Devils cock to hold. He's not against guns at all, its just that he had been so ingrained that only bad guys use hand guns. He had shot a few rounds of .303 in school- just in case the Germans got out of line- but no real reference to handguns.

Went to the store a month or so ago and they only had the DVD version, looking for the blue-ray. Maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow for the weekend.

10-26-12, 02:03
Ha! Brits that can shoot pistols? Completely unrealistic.


While I completely get the basis for the joke, I know of some Brits who can shoot their Hi Powers pretty well.

10-26-12, 02:04
You guys are really makin' me want to check this out.

10-26-12, 11:28
You guys are really makin' me want to check this out.

Me 2. Wish Netflix would hurry the F up and get it posted to the streaming section.

10-26-12, 16:44
While I completely get the basis for the joke, I know of some Brits who can shoot their Hi Powers pretty well.

I bet you are a lot of fun at cocktail parties! :cool:

10-26-12, 17:28
I bet you are a lot of fun at cocktail parties! :cool:

Wouldn't know, I'm usually at home watching PBS.


07-16-13, 11:44
Bump for the new season!

Strike Back: Shadow Warfare starts August 9th on Cinemax.

ETA: Trailer


07-16-13, 12:34
Can't wait. I can only take this True Blood nonsense for so long.

07-16-13, 16:06
Can't wait. I can only take this True Blood nonsense for so long.

Or that progressive fantasy 'Newsroom'.

07-16-13, 18:35
cant wait for this but will wait till I can get it on disc or netflix etc..

we cut our cable and actually might just wait till the season is done so I can sit down watch it all in its glory :)

started re watching the old ones again just to get in the mood :)

07-21-13, 05:44
finished re watching season 2 ! forgot just how good this season was :)
wish all shows could be this fun to watch !

07-21-13, 17:59
I like the show a lot. I listen to "Short Change Hero" on my way to the range to get my mind right.

08-10-13, 07:37
so who watched the season 4 1st episode ?

I broke down and watched it :) great action again and good antics and good entertainment

Alex V
08-10-13, 08:33
so who watched the season 4 1st episode ?

I broke down and watched it :) great action again and good antics and good entertainment

The wife is in love with Stonebridge, and of coarse I don't mind the gratuitous female full frontal/boobs.

The action is fun and at least the don't blade or chicken-wing lol

We watches the first two seasons in three weeks on On-Demand and now I have to find the true first season from England.

08-10-13, 12:33
I watched it. The new DEA agent chick sucks and ****s up the show.

The credibility was already being strained when Section 20 chicks went out on "ops" but they tried to make it plausible with them being firearm dependent for the most case.

But we are supposed to buy the 100 lb. black chick physically kicking the crap out of cartel bodyguards who outweigh her by three times as much as effectively as special operations guys?

Seems like every show has to have a Michone. Might as well have zombies and vampires if you are gonna pull this GI Jane crap.

08-10-13, 15:41
We have it but haven't yet watched it. One of my favorite series on TV right now so I've been patiently waiting the new season. I can't wait to have the time to sit down & watch this. :cool:

08-10-13, 15:50
agree the new chick is a bit to over the top ?
dont like her much myself hope they dont over do it with her ?

I give it all a pass as entertainment and compared with other current shows :)

this and Hell on Wheels which starts tonight and Justified we have 3 good gun shows :)

I watched it. The new DEA agent chick sucks and ****s up the show.

The credibility was already being strained when Section 20 chicks went out on "ops" but they tried to make it plausible with them being firearm dependent for the most case.

But we are supposed to buy the 100 lb. black chick physically kicking the crap out of cartel bodyguards who outweigh her by three times as much as effectively as special operations guys?

Seems like every show has to have a Michone. Might as well have zombies and vampires if you are gonna pull this GI Jane crap.

08-12-13, 09:31
The first episode of the season was just ok. I fear that the additional popularity, funds & input will turn into a slow Hollywoodification of the series. I dislike the addition of more field operatives & characters. The firefights are becoming too Hollywood and the draw of the series is slowly being lost IMO. I liked the show the way it was for the past two seasons (season 1 didn't really count IMO) and in one episode I'm already feeling a slow transition to the status quo.

08-12-13, 12:48
like that CIA chick they had to meet up with !
blah on her "mad" skills that were very uhhhh hollyweird like !
I hope it does not go to far !

for campy stuff I love Burn Notice because its made to be campy

the Unit was never as good as this show but fun TV show sadlyit quickly went down hill and once it started having the wives do missions it was over ?

The first episode of the season was just ok. I fear that the additional popularity, funds & input will turn into a slow Hollywoodification of the series. I dislike the addition of more field operatives & characters. The firefights are becoming too Hollywood and the draw of the series is slowly being lost IMO. I liked the show the way it was for the past two seasons (season 1 didn't really count IMO) and in one episode I'm already feeling a slow transition to the status quo.

08-12-13, 17:46
Funny, I was thinking of Burn Notice too, but I thought in the beginning it was a lot less campy and formulaic. Then it seemed the funding was cut and the had to go simpler and more formulaic. In the beginning his field expedient stuff seemed more plausible.

Damien and Michael need to learn from Chris and Travis about getting too popular.....