View Full Version : ?M&P 9mm enhanced slide stop?

08-27-12, 16:13
I searched and couldn't come up with much; so I figured I'd ask. I know Grant mentioned something on a possible enhanced slide stop, but I cannot find any confirmation if they exist/are available or not at this point in time.

Is anyone coming to market with an enhanced slide stop for the M&P series; specfically the 9mm full size?

My full-size doesn't auto-forward and has had thousands of rounds down tube; but my wifes is auto-forwarding with only about 1K-1.5K down-tube...

I know I can just get a new factory one and it should help, but with so few down the tube and the auto-forwarding happening (SHE DOES NOT LIKE IT AT ALL- and requested I fix the problem; she won't carry it until it is fixed...) I figured if there was an enhanced stop out there I'd rather put the money into a proper fix.

Thanks for your help gents.

08-27-12, 21:37
Enhanced slide stop.... Well, when M&P first came out, it had a flat slide stop, absolutely flat against the frame flat. So in a sense, current slide stop is enhanced version... ;) BUT, that's not what you were asking, were you? You were asking if there was even BIGGER aftermarket slide stop, right? Well, to the best of my knowledge, there aren't any. I'm sure someone will come along and write that you shouldn't use slide release, instead you should sling-shot the slide, but that's none of my business. Whatever works for you.

As for slide autoforwarding.. It's really a technique. What works for me is: When inserting a magazine with my M&P in my workspace, I slap my magazine in UP and FORWARD, like I'm pushing my magazine up at 45 degree angle.

08-28-12, 03:52
If you flip your slide stop spring, you might be able to stop the auto-forwarding problem.

It worked on my girlfriends P2000. Hers started autoforwarding. Contacted HK, asked what to do. They said flip the slide stop spring. Sent her one (for free), she did it. And it stopped.

Might be worth it.

08-28-12, 10:17
If you flip your slide stop spring, you might be able to stop the auto-forwarding problem.

It worked on my girlfriends P2000. Hers started autoforwarding. Contacted HK, asked what to do. They said flip the slide stop spring. Sent her one (for free), she did it. And it stopped.

Might be worth it.

Cant do that on the M&P.

If you work on the angle at which you reload and the speed at which you slam that mag home you can prevent your M&P from auto forwarding. Having said that, unfortunately these guns are EXTREMELY prone towards auto forwarding.

08-28-12, 10:19
Cant do that on the M&P.

If you work on the angle at which you reload and the speed at which you slam that mag home you can prevent your M&P from auto forwarding. Having said that, unfortunately these guns are EXTREMELY prone towards auto forwarding.

Can you cause failure to fully chamber a round doing that? (Getting the case stuck between the feed ramps, and the slide.)

I didn't know that, by the way. How come you can't flip that spring?

08-28-12, 10:31
If you flip the spring there will be no tension on the slide lock lever...none at all other than what your follower provides. This will leave your slide lock flapping in the wind.

Plus, the slide lock spring is secured to the slide lock via a bend in the spring. I also believe it is a unidirectional spring, meaning flipping it is impossible but i would have to pull apart a pistol to confirm that.

Yes, you can cause feedway stoppages via auto forwarding BUT, changing your angle and force of the reload can prevent auto forwarding which is a good thing.

08-28-12, 12:27
If you flip the spring there will be no tension on the slide lock lever...none at all other than what your follower provides. This will leave your slide lock flapping in the wind.

Plus, the slide lock spring is secured to the slide lock via a bend in the spring. I also believe it is a unidirectional spring, meaning flipping it is impossible but i would have to pull apart a pistol to confirm that.

Yes, you can cause feedway stoppages via auto forwarding BUT, changing your angle and force of the reload can prevent auto forwarding which is a good thing.

When I said ''flip'' I meant ''replace.'' As in ''flip it out.''

08-28-12, 13:36
I have a two M&P45's (one issued for work) and an M&P9, and all three auto forward. I'm in the sling shot camp and do not use the slide stop for anything except to lock the slide to the rear. I've had to replace an M&P45 broken slide stop due to it breaking off during a training session at just over 5,000 rounds. It did not impede the function of the pistol so I continued my range session. The replacement slide stop is still intact after another 3k rounds.

As posted eariler, there isn't much that you can do except try a different angle when reloading. As far as not carrying the M&P because it auto forwards, that would only be an issue during a reload. With training time, that becomes a non-issue. Good luck.

08-28-12, 14:33
They are easiest to reliably auto forward on a full magazine. Partial mags is where you tend to have issues.

Blame any misspellings on Tapatalk

08-30-12, 15:17
Thanks for the responses guys. I appreciate it.

I showed her how to adjust the angle/force to help stop the auto-forwarding, but it seems to be more of a mental issue with her atthe moment.

I'll work on it with her more and I['m sure all will be fine. I might just have to replace it with a factory slide stop and see if that helps her out.

It doesn't/hasn't sandwhiched a round in between the slide/feed ramp; so thats good.

I was just hoping an enhanced slide had made it to the market.

I would think one would have already or is in the works as it is a known issue with the M&P series. I know it is not the end of the world as far as issues are concerned, but I figured someone would want to make money off of enhancing this design- it could use a bit of improvement. JM2C...

Thanks all and take care.

07-10-13, 11:33
I've heard that the auto-forwarding issue is due to weak magazine springs. They aren't strong/fast enough to push the slide stop all the way up before the slide hits it and locks back. That's why if you manually push the slide stop up and lock the slide back, it will rarely auto-forward when you reload (at least that's the case on my M&P9 and all of my friends'). I've read in several places that replacing the magazine springs with stronger ones solves the issue. I haven't tried it since I really like the auto-forwarding and it greatly speeds up my reloads in USPSA, but it's a cheap fix so it's worth a shot if you don't like it. I know some people have a fear that if you insert a partially loaded mag and it auto-forwards, it might fail to strip the top round off and you're left with an empty chamber, but I have never had that happen. Hope this helps

07-10-13, 15:14
I cannot for the life of me remember who suggested it....I want to say that it was d90king, but can't be certain..., but in regard to a possible technique-driven solution:

Upon getting the top of the mag inserted into the well, think of bringing the gun DOWN on the mag, instead of driving the mag up into the well.

I know it probably reads as being weird, but it worked for me, and didnt palpably alter the motion of my reload. I believe that it had the benefit of foregoing having to think overmuch over small angular movements of the hand holding the magazine by essentially limiting it to simple guidance, instead of having to do that AND push.

I just know that it CAN work, and am fine with leaving it at that! Perhaps worth a try...

07-10-13, 23:41
I cannot for the life of me remember who suggested it....I want to say that it was d90king, but can't be certain..., but in regard to a possible technique-driven solution:

Upon getting the top of the mag inserted into the well, think of bringing the gun DOWN on the mag, instead of driving the mag up into the well.

I know it probably reads as being weird, but it worked for me, and didnt palpably alter the motion of my reload. I believe that it had the benefit of foregoing having to think overmuch over small angular movements of the hand holding the magazine by essentially limiting it to simple guidance, instead of having to do that AND push.

I just know that it CAN work, and am fine with leaving it at that! Perhaps worth a try...

I was going to post about this... I've only done dry runs(full mag with top round being a snap cap to keep mag weight), and one live fire trip... but I have not AF since thinking this way. It also makes reloads smoother which = faster, at least for me.

After spending time with a timer and some mags, I've noticed that slamming a mag home slows me down, and (relatively) gently seating the gun on the mag will lead to a more reliable (no AF), and quicker mag change.

07-11-13, 03:33
Newer slide stops have a substantially stronger spring, with a light wash of yellow paint.

07-11-13, 11:27
Will have to try what JSantoro mentioned when I get home. The newer springs do seem stiffer and it is more difficult to AF mine on a partial mag but it 'reliably' still goes forward on a full mag. Shooting hollow points it will not feed the gun. Round hits the feed ramp and thats as far as it gets. FMJs are no problem whatsoever.

It is enough of a concern for me that my spare carry mag's first round is a FMJ.


07-11-13, 17:55
I've heard that the auto-forwarding issue is due to weak magazine springs. They aren't strong/fast enough to push the slide stop all the way up before the slide hits it and locks back. That's why if you manually push the slide stop up and lock the slide back, it will rarely auto-forward when you reload (at least that's the case on my M&P9 and all of my friends'). I've read in several places that replacing the magazine springs with stronger ones solves the issue. I haven't tried it since I really like the auto-forwarding and it greatly speeds up my reloads in USPSA, but it's a cheap fix so it's worth a shot if you don't like it. I know some people have a fear that if you insert a partially loaded mag and it auto-forwards, it might fail to strip the top round off and you're left with an empty chamber, but I have never had that happen. Hope this helps

When slide auto-forwards, magazine isn't engaging the slide release. If that was the case, slide will auto-forward every time the magazine is inserted. I've owned M&P almost since they came out, and I let the slide auto-forward on almost all my reloads and never had a single issue with round not chambering nor slide not picking up a round and chambering. This is with full magazine. My friends and I did some experiment on M&P's, Glock's and XD's and found that they might not pick up a round from magazine when auto-forwarded if you did the reload with thumb on the slide lock lever or if reloaded with partial magazine, i.e. 10 rounds in full size magazine for IDPA etc. But with full magazine and thumb off the slide lock lever, they always chambered a round when intentionally auto-forwarding the slide. Hope it helps.