View Full Version : Anti-gun school district wants to force deaf kid to change his name

Doc Safari
08-28-12, 17:19

Three-and-a-half year old Hunter Spanjer, who is deaf, signs his name by crossing his forefinger and index finger and moving his hand up and down.

But to Hunter's school district, it might mean something else. The district claims that it violates a rule that forbids anything in the school that looks like a weapon

And Hunter's parents claim that Grand Island Pubic Schools administrators have asked them to change their son's sign language name.

Hunter's father Brian Spanjer said, "It's a symbol. It's an actual sign, a registered sign, through S.E.E."

They'd have really freaked if his parents had named him Gunnar.

Sometimes I think a good horsewhippin' is what some of these politically correct nut-jobs need.

08-28-12, 17:22
I hope they sue the school for harrassment or some shit like that

08-28-12, 17:47
Guess what sign language I'd give the school admins!!

Is this Nebraska? Some teacher must be a transplant.

Good thing his first name was Dick.

08-28-12, 18:08
Political Correctness - Taste the STOOPID... :bad:

Reagans Rascals
08-28-12, 18:12

from now on he needs to just sign his name with the bird...

08-28-12, 18:35
Zero Tolerance = zero thought. It allows schools to hand out absurd punishments and do stupid shit like this without repercussion.

08-28-12, 20:22
They haven't locked the kid and his family up yet? He's clearly a danger to society, genuine home-grown terrorist that one...:mad:
I remember when you could have a gun in your car/truck in the school parking lot, loaded, as long as the car/truck was locked. I used to go hunting in the fall, before class. I had an insulated cap on the back of the truck, we'd leave a dead deer in there for the whole school day, on ice...Those were the days...

3 AE
08-28-12, 21:37
I liked the comment from Joe,

"It's ok people. This is an easy fix. We just make his middle name "Safety On" this way no one will get shot." :lol:

08-28-12, 22:20
Political Correctness - Taste the STOOPID... :bad:

Its not PC, its a tactic, a tactic that has worked very well for the marxists that have subjugated America's youth....

08-28-12, 22:23
Its not PC, its a tactic, a tactic that has worked very well for the marxists that have subjugated America's youth....


08-28-12, 22:24
Wonder what would happen if has name was "Jesus" and his sign was doing the sign of the cross.

08-29-12, 04:19
No end to the lunacy.

The kid's parents need to sue the ISD via the ADA route. ;)

08-29-12, 05:09
It's interesting to me that the story doesn't mention who, specifically, registered the initial complaint and why. That would seem to me to be a crucial bit of information.

08-29-12, 10:18
If public schools are so bad, why do so many still send their children to them. It's not like leftist PC is a new phenomenon. If you keep feeding the beast with your children, expect to have them devoured. STOP feeding the beast.

08-29-12, 10:45
If public schools are so bad, why do so many still send their children to them. It's not like leftist PC is a new phenomenon. If you keep feeding the beast with your children, expect to have them devoured. STOP feeding the beast.

Quite possibly because most people can afford to get ass raped by the tax man for school district taxes and then pay tuition for a private school. Nor can most people afford to have a stay at home parent and home school. Hell the average parent wouldn't even have a clue how to teach their kids shit to begin with.

Call me crazy, but when people bought into this whole consumer based economy and society we screwed ourselves big time in many ways.

As for the OP. The child's parents really need to take a close look at their rights under the ADA and tell the school officials to STFU or start writing the checks. If the sign for the kids name is a standard recognized sign rather than what the kid/parents came up with the school is trying to bully the kid and parents cause IMO they don't have a leg to stand on.

08-29-12, 10:57
There are always hard choices to be made. I had to choose to work 2 jobs so my wife could stay home with our children. I've been doing the 2 job thing for over 15 yrs. People that want to flee the government schools can, but they will have to give up much of their worldly comforts to do it. In the end people (for the most part) will complain about how bad and oppressive the government school's, fill in the blank, are but end up knuckling under. It's just an easier path in the end.

As far as the school not having a leg to stand on, I agree. But they don't care, they have the power and really it's always been about power. Maybe, just maybe with threats of law suits the beast will relent.

08-29-12, 11:31
The school admin needs to be cordially invited to fornicate themselves with a rusty spork. :rolleyes:

08-29-12, 19:07
If public schools are so bad, why do so many still send their children to them. It's not like leftist PC is a new phenomenon. If you keep feeding the beast with your children, expect to have them devoured. STOP feeding the beast.

Because I haven't the time to home-school or the money to arrange private school. I educate my kids on the supplementary things I feel are necessary for them to know in addition to what they learn in school. We talk about the founders, the constitution, we discuss morality, and I emphasize critical thinking to them. When they bring home assignments or tell me about what they learned in school, we discuss it at dinner and anything I feel they need to know additionally I will input myself or have them research. This is the best I can afford to do, unfortunately. I do worry about them being in an environment where they are taught that "violence is never the answer" "sharing is caring" "people are naturally bad and can't behave without being forced".

I worry about them being physically so far away (they go to school 20 miles from my house, I drive to work 35 miles in the other direction for work, and TLSU drives even further) especially in light of the flawed emergency protocols and generally poor split-second decision-making of the staff. I've equipped them as best as I can for such emergencies, focusing on them getting their asses out in one piece.
The above may sound paranoid, but I put almost no faith in the ability of school teachers, many of whom lived their whole lives sheltered and don't know the first thing about keeping their head on straight when in danger, to defend my family...it's another reason I wish I could work from home and teach the kids myself.

08-29-12, 19:20
PC has gone WAY too far....