View Full Version : Trip to the Zoo

09-04-12, 20:26
I went to the zoo the other day. It was great to see all the beautiful animals. What was disgusting was seeing the people. People were whistling at sleeping animals, yelling at them, throwing stuff into animal enclosures, etc. I couldn't help but wonder who the real wild animals were? The human visitors seemed way more vicious and uncivilized than the lions, tigers, and bears. I felt so bad for the animals I thought they had to be traumatized from all that constant harassment day after day after day. Parents weren't disciplining their children as kids were spitting and throwing objects at the animals. It was disgusting.

I saw some guy hurl a stick into the lion enclosure and hit the male lion. The fully grown lion remarkably just ignored it. I would have loved to see that guy be put in the enclosure with the cat and see how he would act then. I heard young children talk about how they would love to kill the bison and shoot the bears because it would be "fun."

Now who are really the most vicious barbarous beasts? Us.

09-04-12, 20:45
F**king Amen!!! I honestly couldn't agree more with your premise here....the arrogance, combined with the ignorance of humans is mind blowing sometimes.

Personally I've never shed a single tear when man gets his ass handed to him in nature...and especially not when he goes looking for trouble in nature.

Just imagine if Elephants, and Lions got together and got a bunch of different Humans from around the globe and stuck their ass in cages or behind glass....

09-04-12, 20:48
Personally I've never shed a single tear when man gets his ass handed to him in nature...and especially not when he goes looking for trouble in nature.

Look for more of that in the not so distant future....

09-04-12, 21:31
What troubled me so much was the utter lack of respect for animals and the absolute arrogance and stupidity exhibited by many people. I heard lots of kids ask their parents questions only for the parent to give the child a retarded answer. Truly scary. I saw parents yelling at the animals in front of their own children. One obese guy was whistling and cursing at a giraffe in front of his own children. Way to set an example. Also, in the low light exhibits that prohibit flash photography, people were ignoring the rules and snapping away on full flash right on the cave bats.

I thought about it some more and reached the conclusion that the majority of people are just egocentric selfish pricks . They believe that the animals are there to solely provide for their entertainment. They will hurl a stick at a sleeping lion just to try to elicit a response for their own entertainment. They will potentially mess up a nocturnal animal's vision just to have a "cool" picture to show his or her friends. The bottom line is that for most of these people, it's all about ME, ME, and ME!!

09-04-12, 22:39
Now who are really the most vicious barbarous beasts? Us.
There has never been any question about this. I have never met a mammal I didn't like with the exception of certain people, and there seems to be more and more of them every day.

09-04-12, 23:40
I kinda feel bad for non-domesticated animals being cooped up in pens. Especially the ones who wear a path into the dirt where they pace back and forth all day.

09-05-12, 09:06
I thought this thread was going to be about visiting a public high school.

09-05-12, 09:19
I thought this thread was going to be about visiting a public high school.

great, now my coffee is all over my computer.... lol

09-05-12, 10:35
Could be the fluoride dumbing down everyone.

I dont know whats causing it, maybe technology brainwashing, who knows.....but people are turning into retard jellyfish.

Throwing things at animals in cages sounds about right. Were they obese?

09-05-12, 11:14

Did you confront the person doing this or at least find security/zoo employee and report this?

09-05-12, 11:58
^^ The person who runs around the zoo correcting assholes, or their special little snowflake of a child isn't winning any "Human of the Year" awards in my book either. Not to mention you would have a 24/7 job fixing stupid in this world.

The problem with the world we live in currently is that "Stupid" doesn't get self corrected by Darwin.

Humans should have to see Lions, Tigers, etc....where they actually live, than when dumb shit throws a stick at them....poof, tasty treat for a pretty kitty :cool:

09-05-12, 12:46
As irritating as it was, I let it be. I never interfered with all these rude people whistling or kids running around screaming and making retarded animal noises at the sleeping animals. However, I was about to confront the man who actually hit the lion with a stick. To me, that really was crossing the line. I turned and walked in that direction, but the culprit left quickly. I thought of reporting the incident to the zoo authorities but thought better of it and didn't.

09-05-12, 13:42
As irritating as it was, I let it be. I never interfered with all these rude people whistling or kids running around screaming and making retarded animal noises at the sleeping animals. However, I was about to confront the man who actually hit the lion with a stick. To me, that really was crossing the line. I turned and walked in that direction, but the culprit left quickly. I thought of reporting the incident to the zoo authorities but thought better of it and didn't.

Just as well. The Zoo management is not going to correct the cultural ass-hatery of social darwinism's failures.

09-05-12, 14:41
In Yellowstone I yelled at a French teenager who threw rocks at a cow elk. I probably should have let him get hooved to death instead.

09-05-12, 14:49
Agree...history has already proven that irregardless of how much "policing", or educating in regards to zoology there will always be people that go into zoos to do nothing more than screw with innocent animals.

The only equalizer for this as I see it is when a really rare super specimen gets outta this world pissed off after being bullied to no ends, and then defies everything humans know about it's abilities....and turns a human or two into a late night treat.

SF Zoo X-mas tiger attack....where the several young men harassed a tiger to death, until he said f**k it.


Amazing the Tiger was killed, and the surviving humans sued the city. That Tiger made my Carlos Hathcock list if you know what I mean:cool:

09-05-12, 20:33
Yes, from what I read on that story, the guy got what he deserved. I don't feel sorry for him at all. If you watch many National Geographic shows, you can see how tough survival is in the wild. Sometimes it is very inspiring what these animals do and what they have to go through to try to survive. It is also funny to see the expression on an animal's face sometimes. An example would be a male lion glowing with joy since he just got laid and had a good meal. Studies have shown that many many animals are actually far more intelligent and complicated beings than we previously thought. Dogs frequently have the mental capacity of a 5 or 6 year old child. Animals just don't have a voice box to talk and hands to work with many things. However, they often understand more of what is going on than we would think.

09-05-12, 23:10
So not doing something (inaction) will only spread the action (stupidity) more through society (Yes I know it's huge and cumbersome) so that these idiots continue doing stupid shit unchecked.

Is it easier to walk the other way and not say something? Sure.

Could your one action change the future action of that one person and stop them from continuing their stupid? Possible.
- Even if it's just one person

However, coming to the internet to bitch about ****ed up society and asshats and bags and bitches and shleps etc…Is better than confronting a real problem.

09-05-12, 23:32
Speaking as someone who deals with human (or supposedly human) visitors in a wilderness setting daily, humans are for the most part worthless ****ing pieces of shit. Shitting all over bathrooms (everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE but the toilet), throwing their garbage everywhere, acting like complete dicks, excercising not the least bit of common sense in their activities (start hiking an hour before dark on the hardest, most dangerous trail in the park when your only hiking experience is to the fridge and back? SURE!!!!!).

I say to every new ranger that comes under my supervision "This job will make you hate people. Are you prepared for that? You are going to see some impressive pieces of human filth, plus lots of crazy people. You're going to be cleaning up their messes and dealing with the situations they create. You probably think you went to school to get a nice outdoors job where you can get in touch with nature. Drop that notion right now, it's completely opposite from what you are going to encounter. Reality is a toothless methhead screaming at you because their shitty camper electrical system doesn't work, because that's obviously your fault. This is a job, nothing more, nothing less, you get paid for it but don't expect many thanks."

09-06-12, 04:32
Humans are the only living creatures that torture. That speaks volumes.

09-06-12, 05:15
Humans are the only living creatures that torture. That speaks volumes.

not sure about torture ? but I remember watching this special on baboons or something and how they would kill these small monkies for no reason ? slam em around then throw em to the side

you ever watch a killer whale throw around a seal for a while before it eats it ? sometimes they have been known to let them go grab them let them go throw em in the air etc..

I agree though that humans are the pigs to other creatures for the most part with stuff like the zoo etc..

09-06-12, 06:16
not sure about torture ? but I remember watching this special on baboons or something and how they would kill these small monkies for no reason ? slam em around then throw em to the side

you ever watch a killer whale throw around a seal for a while before it eats it ? sometimes they have been known to let them go grab them let them go throw em in the air etc..

I agree though that humans are the pigs to other creatures for the most part with stuff like the zoo etc..


09-06-12, 08:15
not sure about torture ? but I remember watching this special on baboons or something and how they would kill these small monkies for no reason ? slam em around then throw em to the side

you ever watch a killer whale throw around a seal for a while before it eats it ? sometimes they have been known to let them go grab them let them go throw em in the air etc..

I agree though that humans are the pigs to other creatures for the most part with stuff like the zoo etc..

But I'm talking about torture. Keeping something alive and inflicting horrible pain upon it. Ive never seen an animal do that to another animal. They kill, to eat or for defense.

09-06-12, 09:50
I read a journal not too long ago about marine mammals. I'll find the PDF when I can.

One of the articles was about dolphins. It said that, other than humans, dolphins are known to pack/gang rape their own, male or female. They are also known to torture the inferior dolphins within their group. They would pack assualt a specific dolphin, ramming, biting etc until there was no fight left in them. They would leave them alone for a short period and then repeat it until that dolphin was dead.

But I'm talking about torture. Keeping something alive and inflicting horrible pain upon it. Ive never seen an animal do that to another animal. They kill, to eat or for defense.

09-06-12, 15:50
I say to every new ranger that comes under my supervision "This job will make you hate people. Are you prepared for that? You are going to see some impressive pieces of human filth, plus lots of crazy people. You're going to be cleaning up their messes and dealing with the situations they create. You probably think you went to school to get a nice outdoors job where you can get in touch with nature. Drop that notion right now, it's completely opposite from what you are going to encounter. Reality is a toothless methhead screaming at you because their shitty camper electrical system doesn't work, because that's obviously your fault. This is a job, nothing more, nothing less, you get paid for it but don't expect many thanks."

Sounds like my job lol

09-06-12, 16:05
I read a journal not too long ago about marine mammals. I'll find the PDF when I can.

One of the articles was about dolphins. It said that, other than humans, dolphins are known to pack/gang rape their own, male or female. They are also known to torture the inferior dolphins within their group. They would pack assualt a specific dolphin, ramming, biting etc until there was no fight left in them. They would leave them alone for a short period and then repeat it until that dolphin was dead.

Correct & spot on.

They have an instinctive mechanism like (Alligators as well) "Albo Gator" (instinctive social darwinism or selective apoptosis) to cull the weak from their Pods etc.

09-06-12, 17:16
I read a journal not too long ago about marine mammals. I'll find the PDF when I can.

One of the articles was about dolphins. It said that, other than humans, dolphins are known to pack/gang rape their own, male or female. They are also known to torture the inferior dolphins within their group. They would pack assualt a specific dolphin, ramming, biting etc until there was no fight left in them. They would leave them alone for a short period and then repeat it until that dolphin was dead.

Yes indeed, but that same ability of theirs has allowed them to save literally countless humans from a shark attack. In recent years it saved a young man in CA who was attacked by a White shark, and then surrounded by a pod of dolphins while escorted to the shore.

Currently, dolphins, and apes are the only animals that science acknowledges as sharing the human's "Self Awareness" quality. That goes incredibly far in terms of why the social behaviors of both dolphins, and humans are so unique.


09-06-12, 17:26
But I'm talking about torture. Keeping something alive and inflicting horrible pain upon it. Ive never seen an animal do that to another animal. They kill, to eat or for defense.

I have seen it with my own eyes with dolphins ! and plenty of video of killer whales

cetacea family can be quite brutal and also very playful and the two can match up sometimes !
heck look at what a few trainers went through ? was that protection ? if so they would have killed them ? was it playing ? who knows was it just OK enough of your crap I am going to train you now !!!!

and again watched that special on the baboons or whatever they were maybe it was chimps ? cant remember now but they would grab these little guys buy the legs and swing them around into the ground and hold them down hit em etc. then when dead just throw them to the side

and like someone else said cats :) thats a big one I missed

09-06-12, 18:49
The irony is astounding to me that Governments will kill 1,000,000's people & justify it one way or another, but politicians use the weak as fodder for their agenda or ROL, while the Dolphins/Gators/Crocs/KW are smart enough to get rid of the weak for their survival of species.....

When at the end of the day it's going to be a struggle for the Earth's last resources & yield enough food/jobs etc. for everone's (our current poplulation) survival which is not going to happen ultimately on our current azimuth.

Just more shit that makes you shake your head at.

09-06-12, 20:29
Yes indeed, but that same ability of theirs has allowed them to save literally countless humans from a shark attack.
I have seen it with my own eyes under water. I have probably posted this before but I have seen audlt dolphinis gang beat the s**t of of a hammerhead that got too close to dolphin babies.

I have also played with dolphin pods for my entire tank and never felt theatened.

09-06-12, 20:46
I haven't heard you mention that story before as I would have certainly remembered it...that's bad ass to say the least :cool: Even more bad ass is the dolphin's method of delivering death...straight up blunt force trauma to the body.

Without question dolphins are the most amazing animals I've personally had contact with in the wild....I do a good bit of saltwater fishing out of the Keys, and on two different occasions while fishing for tarpon in the bays we came across a small pod of dolphins, and on both occasions we jumped in the water with them. The most incredible thing on both occasions was that the dolphins pursued their enormous curiosity the moment we got into the water, before we could even explore ours. It honestly seemed that they were as happy to be exploring their curiosities as was I.

Those two brief encounters will stay with me in vivid detail the rest of my days on earth.

ETA....Dolphin are so smart that we continually have to re-bait our tarpon lines as the dolphin are able to remove the baits from the hooks, without even the slightest detection of a strike.

Also I strongly urge anyone who hasn't seen "The Cove" documentary to watch it asap....one of the saddest f**king things I've ever seen humans do. Sickening to the core!


09-06-12, 21:33
I think the main reason most other animals don't torture is there is nothing to gain from it in terms of survival. Cross-species communication isn't a practical reality (far as I know) so there isn't much to be gained, and most species don't keep vast supplies of information or materials stored away. Their only value is the calories in their corpse, to the predator. Now, they play with their prey because it's probably quite amusing for them.

09-06-12, 22:23
Cause I taught scuba for 15 years mostly in Hawaii got to see a lot :)

Used to live on Lanai and one time we were playing with some dolphins and they had babies
A new guy who came to work with us decided to swim over to the babies :)

Two big mom dolphins came up sandwiched him with their bodies and pectoral flippers by putting their flippers under his arms into his armpits lifted him to the top and swam him about 50 feet away then went back to playing :)
Was funny to see jim cruising about 10mph over the water :)

Was fun to swim and see em almost daily :)

Have lots lots of underwater critter stories :)

About 25 years ago a dolphin was swimming with a autistic kid and the two started chattering away ! Like they were talking ?
Turns out they were !
The kid told how the dolphin likes to play at this one place and described a sea mount they play around very well and a few other things about underwater formations ? That no way the kid could know about believe it or not but like the dolphins saving divers many have had life altering encounters with them

We used to play this game with them they would do a move and we would copy they would do the move then add something to it this would go on for about 15 minutes until we could not do what they were doing and I swear they were laughing at us ! Then they would swim away
Do this all the time with the same pod :)
This was also when I lived on Lanai with Hawaiian spinners which we could swim with every day :)

09-07-12, 09:53
There is some incredible but very real older video footage of the Cousteau team diving off Wuvulu Island on the north side of PNG in the Bismark Sea.

Two killer whales come up from the deep to check out the divers, then dive back down out of sight. A few moments both came back up, each with a hammerhead shark in its mouth showing them off to the divers like a cat bringing a mouse home.

ETA: Google is amazing - found a print account of it from 1989; although, the video I saw clearly had 2 Orcas with sharks: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/42840/SWIMMING-WITH-PAIR-OF-KILLER-WHALES-IS-BOTH-EXHILARATING-AND-HUMBLING.html?pg=all

09-07-12, 10:07
haha...I was just googling the more recent Orca attack on a white shark that resulted in the white shark dying....this was off Catalina Island IIrc.


And in case anyone forgot what this thread was exactly about....


How many bites do you think it would take that badass Lion to eat that baby?:eek:

eta...ok, perfect example of what im talking about....people constantly intervene when "Stupid" is about to get eaten by nature:


Lady jumps in polar bear enclosure...then kinda wants out when they start to eat her:)

09-07-12, 12:39
Lady jumps in polar bear enclosure...then kinda wants out when they start to eat her:)
She would have been easier to pull to safety if she wasn't so fat. Yes, people do very stupid things around dangerous animals.

09-07-12, 14:27
Talk about Animals/Mammals in Pods. The Stalkerazzi were out last night in force w/ clients. Crazy how they actually block the Suburban & it's 9,000lb. payload like it doesn't even exist etc. Ambushed by at least 40+ Stalkerazzi last night after MTV Awards & dinner.

Humans are interesting creatures.


09-07-12, 16:22
You got the most interesting "day job" out of anyone I know Voodoo...globe hopping, Border crossing, and now Star protecting must have to get old every now and again ;)

It also seems like I've seen you mention you worked several big award shows as of recent...I'd rather drive around a pair of horny, pissed off apes, than Lohan or the like:D

09-07-12, 16:58
You got the most interesting "day job" out of anyone I know Voodoo...globe hopping, Border crossing, and now Star protecting must have to get old every now and again ;)

It also seems like I've seen you mention you worked several big award shows as of recent...I'd rather drive around a pair of horny, pissed off apes, than Lohan or the like:D


Yes sir if you only knew. Yes you are correct, I do have a better time driving around PSD duty types w/ a pair of horny, pissed off apes. Driving around Rumsfield, Zunika, Powell, Rice was way more entertaining than baby sitting etc. I've seen a lot & hear a lot more. I have learned how to listen. I mean really listen. I hear many things that are not published but do exist. Something most people today don't have a clue how to do as well as pay attention to the world around them.

Every job has it's pros & cons no doubt. The food is a good Pro however.
I will take protecting Katy Perry any day over protecting Lindsey Lohan however.

09-07-12, 17:09
some of you have heard about test bites that sharks do
often why surfers and swimmers some times live

we used to say they are curious and have no arms ;)

cause when you see a shark or other animal truly hunting to eat its usually very quick very hard