View Full Version : CCW permit Question

09-08-12, 08:21
In Missouri we can obtain a separate ID card instead of your driver's license showing that you carry concealed. However, law enforcement is still notified through DOR that you are authorized to carry. So what would be the benefit of not having it on your DL and visa versa?? Is it personal preference or is there some other reason people like to have a separate ID for CC?

09-08-12, 10:13
Here you get a separate card but it is also on your DL computer record. That is good in general because when a cop walks up to your car, he knows you passed a background check and he does not need to stress that you are wanted and are going to bust a cap in his ass.

09-08-12, 10:42
Here you get a separate card but it is also on your DL computer record. That is good in general because when a cop walks up to your car, he knows you passed a background check and he does not need to stress that you are wanted and are going to bust a cap in his ass.

I agree. I would like the LEO to know that I carry and will let him know in our conversation but, was just wondering if there was a plus to not having it on your DL. In Missouri our DL renewal is every 6 years and our CCW renewal is every 3 so that could be a pain.

09-08-12, 10:46
the few times I have been pulled over i have my DL and My CCW out and hand both to the officer and let him know I am armed .i always get a "thanks for letting me know" and he hands My CCW back to me and runs my DL and thats it.
Never once have I been asked to show my weapon or had the LE act all freaked out because i was armed

09-08-12, 11:16
In this state, I've been told, handgun permit records are in a separate database from DMV data so on a routine traffic stop the officer has no immediate way of knowing if the driver is a permit holder unless he actively logs onto that other system. Here, we don't have a "duty to inform" that we are armed unless specifically asked. I have no personal experience because I've never provided my permit, nor have I ever been asked if I was carrying, and I've never felt the need to volunteer the information. I've seen the issue debated on local gun forums. Some here say that providing one's handgun permit with the driver's license on a traffic stop is sometimes appreciated (even to the extent of no speeding citation), and sometimes results in "extra attention", up to and including face down over the hood of a car.

09-08-12, 11:25
was just wondering if there was a plus to not having it on your DL.

Only if you want to keep something from the police. But you would never want to keep something from the police would you?

09-08-12, 11:47
I have been told by a few officers (in Wa state) that unless there is a compelling reason to mention the weapon (or it's visible), they'd prefer you not. One guy's explanation was, he's just doing a routine stop and as soon as you let him know there is a weapon in the equation, it changes everything. He just wants to to write the ticket and be about his day.

I'm sure there are other officers that feel differently, but as you have no obligation to mention your CCW or weapon unless asked, I don't see a reason to unless there is something about the situation that warrants it.

09-08-12, 12:12
well one of the reasons I do it is I remember reading were a guy got pulled over here locally(Birmingham) and after they wrote his ticket and came back with the ticket .
The officer asked if anything was in the car weapons drugs etc. the man said" i have a pistol, but i have a ccw "and they went ape shit on him saying he should have told them when they asked for his License .:confused:
Like I said the few times I was stopped the officers acted like it was not big deal and thanked me for letting them know .

In Alabama you don't have to tell them But to me it is Just one thing I disclose i have nothing to hide and to be Honest the Officers seem to Be Glad i was up front about it .

if one asked me to step out of my car and they see my weapon in My waist and i didn't tell them in advance .

I could end up on the ground with their guns pointed at me
Like I said No big deal to me Never had a problem with LE over it.

I have checked my Gun in at the front of the Court House before when i went in to sign some papers .when i was asked why i didn't leave it in my car, i was like someone could break in and steal it . the Sheriff said Yelp good thinking and I Got it back when I left .

I have friends that are Cops so i guess i just look at it different from all the "their out to get me thinking "

09-08-12, 12:32
well one of the reasons I do it is I remember reading were a guy got pulled over here locally(Birmingham) and after they wrote his ticket and came back with the ticket .
The officer asked if anything was in the car weapons drugs etc. the man said" i have a pistol, but i have a ccw "and they went ape shit on him saying he should have told them when they asked for his License .:confused:
Like I said the few times I was stopped the officers acted like it was not big deal and thanked me for letting them know .

In Alabama you don't have to tell them But to me it is Just one thing I disclose i have nothing to hide and to be Honest the Officers seem to Be Glad i was up front about it .

if one asked me to step out of my car and they see my weapon in My waist and i didn't tell them in advance .

I could end up on the ground with their guns pointed at me
Like I said No big deal to me Never had a problem with LE over it.

I have checked my Gun in at the front of the Court House before when i went in to sign some papers .when i was asked why i didn't leave it in my car, i was like someone could break in and steal it . the Sheriff said Yelp good thinking and I Got it back when I left .

I have friends that are Cops so i guess i just look at it different from all the "their out to get me thinking "

I volunteer time to the Tac Team, Bomb Squad and have for 16 years, and I was Assistant Coroner for this county for 6 years. I know a lot of cops, but I don't know all of them. I know that not all of them are out to get me. But I also know that with some cops and in some jurisdictions, carrying a gun even legally, there is still a chance I'll end up sitting in the back of a cruiser with my hands cuffed behind my back whether they discover it themselves or I tell them. Even if only briefly, it's a scenario I'd like to avoid and I'm currently of the opinion that the best way to avoid that around here is to keep quiet unless asked or discovery is likely.

09-08-12, 12:37
I volunteer time to the Tac Team, Bomb Squad and have for 16 years, and I was Assistant Coroner for this county for 6 years. I know a lot of cops, but I don't know all of them. I know that not all of them are out to get me. But I also know that with some cops and in some jurisdictions, carrying a gun even legally, there is still a chance I'll end up sitting in the back of a cruiser with my hands cuffed behind my back whether they discover it themselves or I tell them. Even if only briefly, it's a scenario I'd like to avoid and I'm currently of the opinion that the best way to avoid that around here is to keep quiet unless asked or discovery is likely.

I can see your Point Hmac I didn't Mean to come off as directing the "their out to get Me" comment to anyone here or you.
I just Know of a few friends that are like that I should have worded that Better .Sorry about that

09-08-12, 12:44
I can see your Point Hmac I didn't Mean to come off as directing the "their out to get Me" comment to anyone here or you.
I just Know of a few friends that are like that I should have worded that Better .Sorry about that

Nah, I didn't take it that way. Anyway, it's going to vary a lot from state to state, region to region, city to city, cop to cop.

09-08-12, 12:47
Only if you want to keep something from the police. But you would never want to keep something from the police would you?

More realistically I don't want the bank teller or bar doorman to know I carry.

09-08-12, 12:53
end up sitting in the back of a cruiser with my hands cuffed behind my back .

This kind of stuff definitely needs to be tailored based on the attitudes prevalent in your particular AO.

09-08-12, 14:10
In Missouri we can obtain a separate ID card instead of your driver's license showing that you carry concealed. However, law enforcement is still notified through DOR that you are authorized to carry. So what would be the benefit of not having it on your DL and visa versa?? Is it personal preference or is there some other reason people like to have a separate ID for CC?

NO need to advertize that. If you get stopped simply comply & be straight up.

GO Low Pro on your DL.

09-08-12, 17:57
More realistically I don't want the bank teller or bar doorman to know I carry.

My take on this too.

TX has my CHL linked to my DL; so the cop knows when I get pulled over. That said, I need my DL to cash checks, and don't want the teller to think I have a weapon inside the bank.

09-08-12, 18:04
Only if you want to keep something from the police. But you would never want to keep something from the police would you?

No I don't

09-08-12, 18:29
That is 100% on the money and I have been told the same thing. That is exactly how I roll. Unless it is legally required, I take the 5th.

I have been told by a few officers (in Wa state) that unless there is a compelling reason to mention the weapon (or it's visible), they'd prefer you not. One guy's explanation was, he's just doing a routine stop and as soon as you let him know there is a weapon in the equation, it changes everything. He just wants to to write the ticket and be about his day.

I'm sure there are other officers that feel differently, but as you have no obligation to mention your CCW or weapon unless asked, I don't see a reason to unless there is something about the situation that warrants it.

09-08-12, 22:15
I don't want my CCW status printed on my license, or tied to my DL record, and prefer a separate card. I want to be able to control who knows my status as I see fit.

My policy is that I do not disclose, to anyone, unless there is a seriously compelling reason to do so.

09-09-12, 03:09
Just completed a renewal course yesterday morning. In TX they do not put the info on your DL. However here our DPS issues both DLs and CHLs (CCWs) so when a LEO runs you through TCIC and NCIC they will know that you are CHL holder.

Also it is state law that you identify yourself as a CHL holder to a LEO who asks to see your ID creds. YMMV in your respective states.

09-09-12, 06:25
Around here we have a separate card and no duty to inform but if I recall correctly it can also be looked up by LEO when your DL is run.
Somehow they also seem to like to add notes about it, too.
A couple years back I lent my car to a friend who was moving to NoVA. He got pulled over with a car full of boxes and when he was asked why it wasn't his car and he was so far from home he explained he was borrowing a friend's car to carry boxes while he moved. They told him that I had a ccw (which he knew because we went to the range together pretty frequently) and that they would like to search the car just to make sure I hadn't accidentally left a gun in it.

Tapatalk ate my spelling and grammar.

09-11-12, 20:54
Ok now say you where in Walmart or something to that nature and some idiot starts shooting and you successfully take him out. Do you put your CCW back in holster to wait for the police to arrive? What if you had your weapon out and the police came rushing in thinking you was a bad guy? Do you keep it ready encase there was more than one?

09-11-12, 21:25
In Missouri we can obtain a separate ID card instead of your driver's license showing that you carry concealed. However, law enforcement is still notified through DOR that you are authorized to carry. So what would be the benefit of not having it on your DL and visa versa?? Is it personal preference or is there some other reason people like to have a separate ID for CC?

The main advantage I see is the length of your DL vs the length of CCW permit. In other words your drivers license has a longer time before it expires and if they are on the same ID you will spend more money when you renew your CCW.

09-11-12, 23:23
Let's not ruin this thread by getting into the hypothetical realm. I think if you think really hard, the obvious answer will be looking at you.

Ok now say you where in Walmart or something to that nature and some idiot starts shooting and you successfully take him out. Do you put your CCW back in holster to wait for the police to arrive? What if you had your weapon out and the police came rushing in thinking you was a bad guy? Do you keep it ready encase there was more than one?