View Full Version : My night as a phish...beware! FYI

09-11-12, 18:02
Less than 24 hours ago I decided to download a live television streaming website. Ilivid.com - BEWARE of this site.
I was Jones'n for O'Reilly...I could even hear his voice and then bingo...next thing I know I was froze up and being threatened with jail time and fines by the FBI.
I was funkin' innocent! They're outta get me!
There was a few red flags which made me question it's authenticity:
The 'IPS' location indicated Central Europe and there were a few typo's and some of the text had a Eurpoean tone to it.
Sure enough it was a phishing scam and I was a trout... a few phones calls and this was discovered:


and this...


Thank God a good friend of mine is an IT guy and he 'wiped' my hard drive down today and now I am back up and running.
This was the first time this has ever happened to me or I have ever seen anything like it.
It was an un-nerving event until I figured out I had a fb inserted.
I hope no one else runs across this prick.
