View Full Version : The Numbers Are Horrifying....

09-12-12, 19:21
The numbers are horrifying, Amerika is almost certainly going to re-elect the welfare king, quite possiblly in a landslide....


09-12-12, 19:29
The numbers are horrifying, Amerika is almost certainly going to re-elect the welfare king, quite possiblly in a landslide....

Sure, I believe the media why not. I mean their completely ethical, honest & straight up w/ the American public right ?

I mean the American media would't deceive it's own people in a free Republic right ?

09-12-12, 19:34
You know, there is a reason why the silent majority is silent. ;)

Heavy Metal
09-12-12, 19:39
Todays Rasmussen shows Romney ahead again. The bounce has dissapated. That Fox poll was done prior to that.

Ask President Dukakas about his post-convention 14 point bounce over GHWB and how well that worked for him.

Heavy Metal
09-12-12, 19:42
The numbers are horrifying, Amerika is almost certainly going to re-elect the welfare king, quite possiblly in a landslide....

Horrifying would be 20 points. That is him up 5 points and the poll likely oversamples Dems by well mort than 5. Fox does not weight its polls for party ID. Other polls are assuming a Dem turnout like 08.

Follow Rasmussen and Gallup and ignore the rest. Obama also had a terrible news day yesterday.

09-12-12, 19:44
Which one of them is cutting the budget by 40%, taking GM union stock and giving it to the bondholders, and throwing the SEC, Federal Reserve, Giethner and member banks into prison for life? I can't remember...that's right, NEITHER OF THEM.

I hate Dear leader but it is pretty bleak future even without the Great Teleprompter Reader. We are headed over the fiscal cliff regardless who is elected. Won't that be special for the Repubs to be at the helm when the sovereign debt bomb explodes? I think the polls are skewed as always, but Romney may want to pass this one up anyway.

I'm digging the ole bunker deeper either way!

09-12-12, 19:49
Sure, I believe the media why not. I mean their completely ethical, honest & straight up w/ the American public right ?

I mean the American media would't deceive it's own people in a free Republic right ?

Who counts the ballots?

09-12-12, 19:51
Horrifying would be 20 points. That is him up 5 points and the poll likely oversamples Dems by well mort than 5. Fox does not weight its polls for party ID. Other polls are assuming a Dem turnout like 08.

Follow Rasmussen and Gallup and ignore the rest. Obama also had a terrible news day yesterday.

Horrifying is Amerika favoring Obama's foreign policy experience by a 15 solid percentage points!

09-12-12, 19:52
Who counts the ballots?

Exactly, who needs ballots when you have the media to tell you what's really going on. I mean after all Obozo, Joe, Eric, Janet, Nancy, Harry & the cast of miscreants from OZ et alia know what's best for our country.

Heavy Metal
09-12-12, 19:55
Horrifying is Amerika favoring Obama's foreign policy experience by a 15 solid percentage points!

Take that poll again today. I bet it ain't so rosy for him now!

09-12-12, 20:10
Which one of them is cutting the budget by 40%, taking GM union stock and giving it to the bondholders, and throwing the SEC, Federal Reserve, Giethner and member banks into prison for life? I can't remember...that's right, NEITHER OF THEM.

I hate Dear leader but it is pretty bleak future even without the Great Teleprompter Reader. We are headed over the fiscal cliff regardless who is elected. Won't that be special for the Repubs to be at the helm when the sovereign debt bomb explodes? I think the polls are skewed as always, but Romney may want to pass this one up anyway.

I'm digging the ole bunker deeper either way!

I'm with this guy. Better for the country on the back end if a tax and spend demorat is at the helm when we go over the fiscal cliff than than a republicant, even though both parties are to blame. The pendulum would swing left, very, very, very left.

09-12-12, 20:29
The election has already been decided folks. The people have NOTHING to do with electing the president.

Look who is Mitty's main supporter, Goldman Sachs. Guess who was Barry's biggest supporter last go-round.....Goldman Sachs.......Hmmmmmmmm

Either they want Barry out, or they didnt want him to have much competition.

Either way the people with the $$$$$$$$$$ run this country. Not the people. Voter fraud is real and it took place during the primary.

09-12-12, 20:33
The election has already been decided folks. The people have NOTHING to do with electing the president.

Look who is Mitty's main supporter, Goldman Sachs. Guess who was Barry's biggest supporter last go-round.....Goldman Sachs.......Hmmmmmmmm

Either they want Barry out, or they didnt want him to have much competition.

Either way the people with the $$$$$$$$$$ run this country. Not the people. Voter fraud is real and it took place during the primary.

You just hit the X-ring.

09-12-12, 20:44
In all fairness the Republicans decided to run Mitt Romney against a guy that everyone with a liberal bias or racial agenda / consideration has everything invested in.

I will actually be stunned if Romney can defeat the Great Liberal Hope.

We decided to run a clown against a clown and we are hoping that Clarabell and defeat Bozo.

09-12-12, 20:59
1 of my friends who happens to be a libertarian with whom I share quite a few ideas and views also thinks that Barry is going to get reelected. As much as I'd like to say he's wrong I think he maybe right. He made the case that things have to get much worse for America to finally wake up and realize what the **** is going on. Who knows maybe something will happen and it will be the spark that lights the fuse.

09-12-12, 21:19
Im pretty sure he will get another term. Romney isnt a strong enough candidate imo.

I can see the panic buys now... my goodness!

09-12-12, 21:21
I'm getting the distinct vibe that this thing is going to descend into a conflagration of political extremity, a serious vibe, where half of the nation, perhaps even more, is totally in lockstep with whatever lunatic fringe thing that the DNC, and its media juggernaut decides is necessary for "progress!"

I am not, nor have I ever been religious, nonetheless, I have the eerie sensation that I'm ringside to the "tower of Babel" redux.

09-12-12, 21:25
Based on what happened 4-years ago, I started looking at the amount of money aa candidate raises and stopped listening to thes "polls".

First of all if you look at the number of individuals they actually polled you will see that the numbers are so insignficant I wonder why they even bother. How relevant can a poll of 1,000 be representative of a country that has a population of over 300 million?

IMHO, the amount of campaign money raised is more reflective of the actual support for each candidate.

09-12-12, 21:27
Romney isnt a strong enough candidate imo.

A ham sandwich should be a strong enough candidate, we are virtually witnessing the suicide march of the lemmings, there is nothing we can do to stop them. And "uhh" they are going to do it!

Dirk Williams
09-12-12, 21:30
That final count will not include my vote.

09-12-12, 21:56
Im pretty sure he will get another term. Romney isnt a strong enough candidate imo.

I can see the panic buys now... my goodness!


"For Obama, this perhaps the most threatening statistic. No President has won re-election with such a high [unemployment] rate since World II."

Not to mention if the Obama campaign cannot turn-out the vote with the group of young college voters who helped him in 2008, his chances will be even

Lastly, the Romney campaign is raising more money than Obama. Money provides for more ads, which could be a pivitol in some of the key States.

09-12-12, 21:56
That final count will not include my vote.

It's hard to believe that one would let idealogical resentments stop them from at least taking a step to better their situation. If you think it doesn't matter then you're simply being selfish, as with Obama comes Holder, Jarret and overall liberal empowerment.

09-12-12, 22:19

"For Obama, this perhaps the most threatening statistic. No President has won re-election with such a high [unemployment] rate since World II."

Not to mention if the Obama campaign cannot turn-out the vote with the group of young college voters who helped him in 2008, his chances will be even

Lastly, the Romney campaign is raising more money than Obama. Money provides for more ads, which could be a pivitol in some of the key States.

Hopefully you are right. We will see.

09-12-12, 22:33
That final count will not include my vote.

Or will it?

Does Oregon require proof to vote? Not the last time I checked.

But I am truly saddened about how pretty much all states treat the absentee ballots because of the legitimate military overseas voters who are being robbed of their say ... those should be counted first.

09-12-12, 22:39
It's hard to believe that one would let idealogical resentments stop them from at least taking a step to better their situation. If you think it doesn't matter then you're simply being selfish, as with Obama comes Holder, Jarret and overall liberal empowerment.

Nothing Romney has said or done suggests he would be that much of a change. It says on his own website after 4 years the deficit would only be reduced by $500 billion. Thats not even half way to the average during the Bush years which, at the time set their own records, and apparently all the welfare programs keep unabated for another decade. How you going to keep spending trillions on welfare and reduce the deficit? '

Remember Obama said he was going to reduce the deficit by half, and Romney isn't even promising that. Given the average lying by both parties Romney's 500B is more likely about 100b and thats assuming R's win the senate. They need 60 seats to even pass an Obamacare repeal or pass the welfare reforms. Thats assuming no turn coats.

Besides our deficit is what is keeping the GDP numbers up. Say a republican wins, and cuts spending. GDP goes down, and all we hear for 4 years is how the GDP is worse. Americans are too stupid to under even basic economics. Things that make sense to you or I are foreign to most of the voting public. I bet if you asked 500 people off the street what our public debt is at least half wouldn't know what the public debt is and maybe 5% would know within a trillion what it is.

The democrats keep going further left and so do republicans in an effort to keep up since democrats are so much better at message, and we run idiots like McCain who runs around saying we have nothing to fear from Obama. That statement he made is because even the republican leadership are leftists and believe in most of the same principles. Remember when the stimulus happened Boehner suggested a stimulus of half a trillion instead of a full trillion. Republicans are mostly leftists who don't want to admit it.

09-12-12, 22:51
Based on what I'm seeing in Northern Va there is no Romney has no chance in hell.

09-12-12, 22:52
Or will it?

Does Oregon require proof to vote? Not the last time I checked.

But I am truly saddened about how pretty much all states treat the absentee ballots because of the legitimate military overseas voters who are being robbed of their say ... those should be counted first.

Here's 1.8 million free votes (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72830.html) up for grabs.

The United States’ voter registration system is in chaos — about 24 million registrations are no longer valid and nearly 2 million dead people are still on voter rolls, according to a new report Tuesday.

Along with the one of every eight voter registrations that is not valid or has significant inaccuracies, there are 2.75 million people currently registered to vote in more than one state, the Pew Center on the States study found. And the millions of problematic registrations aren’t the only issue — researchers estimate at least 51 million eligible U.S. citizens aren’t registered to vote. That’s nearly one in four, or 24 percent of the eligible population.

09-12-12, 22:53
legitimate military overseas voters who are being robbed of their say ...

An absolute black outrage...

09-12-12, 23:28
Stuck between a rock and hard place I think I would rather Obama win this one. Romney is a neutered muppet and Obama is more neutered than can-do and if Obama wins it will give the Republicans (maybe) a wakeup and opportunity to find real candidate, and the real downside to Romney winning is he won't do shit and Repubs get the blame and we get 8 years of Hillary:eek:

I really believe that it will happen that way if Romney gets elected and I am not really scared of impotent Obama, but I am terrified of a DESPERATE country and a President Hillary Clinton!

It could be safer stuck between a rock and hard place with Obama and be better off there than stuck between a rock and the abyss with Hillary:eek:

09-12-12, 23:33
An absolute black outrage...

I was at Ft. Lewis during the last election, registered to vote, voted, and when I got back to where I was registered to vote they had no record of me having registered. Pretty sure all of it went into a black hole and was never counted. But in Wisconsin they can find votes in the trunks of people's cars, and recount until they win then certify the election to give the democrats a super majority. Votes in trunks, sewers, ditches whatever it takes to win. Have to show ID to buy a six pack or a can of dip but heaven forbid we show ID to vote. Thats racist!

09-13-12, 00:15
Stuck between a rock and hard place I think I would rather Obama win this one. Romney is a neutered muppet and Obama is more neutered than can-do and if Obama wins it will give the Republicans (maybe) a wakeup and opportunity to find real candidate, and the real downside to Romney winning is he won't do shit and Repubs get the blame and we get 8 years of Hillary:eek:

I really believe that it will happen that way if Romney gets elected and I am not really scared of impotent Obama, but I am terrified of a DESPERATE country and a President Hillary Clinton!

It could be safer stuck between a rock and hard place with Obama and be better off there than stuck between a rock and the abyss with Hillary:eek:

Such a mindset is hopelessly lost, obviously you'll object to that reality, but that is meaningless reflex, Obama impotent? That is the absolute height of foolishness, he passed virtually everything he wished into law, and the rest he forced via executive order! He compromised the sitting chief justice of the high court into ending federalism!

So, by all means, return to your place in the sand, and put your head back into its hole.

09-13-12, 00:32
Such a mindset is hopelessly lost, obviously you'll object to that reality, but that is meaningless reflex, Obama impotent? That is the absolute height of foolishness, he passed virtually everything he wished into law, and the rest he forced via executive order! He compromised the sitting chief justice of the high court into ending federalism!

So, by all means, return to your place in the sand, and put your head back into its hole.

Obama winning means the republicans will give us someone further left of Romney because they will view the failure as not being left enough rather than not being right enough. Every republican nominee since reagan has been further and further left than the previous one. As pathetic as McCain was at least he didn't have a history of signing AWB's, gun laws, and ObamaCare/RomneyCare. I wouldn't even be surprised if the next time the republicans elect hillary or michelle as the candidate.

JFK was a democrat and further right than Romney and Obama. At least back then the democrats fought communism. Now democrats are communists, and Republicans embrace it at least half way.

09-13-12, 00:35
OK man behind the curtain:eek:, Oh, I mean Great Oz:rolleyes: tell all us cretinist fools how to save America without an actual revolution (which I know is actually what you want and long for:suicide:) since you seem to have all the answers:blink:

Stop insulting people and wow us with your all knowing wisdom...

09-13-12, 00:35
The upcoming debates will be something interesting to watch.

I do not see zero being able to best mittens in a live debate.

Prepare for the stutttttutttutttering.

09-13-12, 00:37
The upcoming debates will be something interesting to watch.

I do not see zero being able to best mittens in a live debate.

I'm with you Voodoo. Should make for some entertaining television for a change.

09-13-12, 00:47
Obama winning means the republicans will give us someone further left of Romney because they will view the failure as not being left enough rather than not being right enough. Every republican nominee since reagan has been further and further left than the previous one. As pathetic as McCain was at least he didn't have a history of signing AWB's, gun laws, and ObamaCare/RomneyCare. I wouldn't even be surprised if the next time the republicans elect hillary or michelle as the candidate.

JFK was a democrat and further right than Romney and Obama. At least back then the democrats fought communism. Now democrats are communists, and Republicans embrace it at least half way.

You may be right, but we are sooooooooo much more polarized now that I don't think the Republicans can lean any more left without falling over. Atleast I hope not. In my experience poser lefties start moving right when the car won't start, the utilities don't work and they are cold and hungry. Most American's are NOT idealists they may be Dems today because it is fashionable, but they are not going to risk it all to save the lazy. I just think it is going to get far worse before it gets better and Hillary can make it far more worse than Obama ever could. Does not mean that I want or will vote for him to win, just worried about a win by Romney inviting something worse... which ever way you look at it its a big shit sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite:(

I am still praying that the American people stop being fooled by both parties and demand campaign reform and just start realizing it isn't the Blue or Red that is the enemy, but the corruption pervasive thu out both parties and the systems they have implemented.

09-13-12, 00:52
You may be right, but we are sooooooooo much more polarized now that I don't think the Republicans can lean any more left without falling over. Atleast I hope not. In my experience poser lefties start moving right when the car won't start, the utilities don't work and they are cold and hungry. Most American's are NOT idealists they may be Dems today because it is fashionable, but they are not going to risk it all to save the lazy. I just think it is going to get far worse before it gets better and Hillary can make it far more worse than Obama ever could. Does not mean that I want or will vote for him to win, just worried about a win by Romney inviting something worse... which ever way you look at it its a big shit sandwich and we are all going to have to take a bite:(

Yeah but some whore can't get free birth control even though its available for 50 cents in a truck stop bathroom so I didn't care about your post. :D

09-13-12, 01:05
The Dems are never going to actually allow free birth control to actually take effect as they want & will do anything to create more Democrats:D

09-13-12, 01:20
Its more of a battle against religious institutions since they are the main ones opposing mandating BC coverage as being mandatory.

Im not sure how people think they can mandate what an employer offers as extra benefits. With all the mandated care they want its cheaper for an employer to pay the fine and tell their employees they are on their own. They certainly aren't going to pay the fine and offer less than minimum required coverage as well.

Remember what Fluke said at the DNC. Women need BC to choose when to get pregnant, because presumably, they are incapable doing so by the opening or closing of their legs. I wonder if that defense would work in a child support case before a judge? "Sorry your honor I should not owe any child support because the mother's employer didn't offer birth control in their benefits, and therefore the mother was incapable of deciding when she got pregnant. Her employer should then be liable for child support not me."

09-13-12, 04:11
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Thomas Paine

09-13-12, 04:35
I hate Dear leader but it is pretty bleak future even without the Great Teleprompter Reader. We are headed over the fiscal cliff regardless who is elected. Won't that be special for the Repubs to be at the helm when the sovereign debt bomb explodes? I think the polls are skewed as always, but Romney may want to pass this one up anyway.

I'm digging the ole bunker deeper either way!

That's something a lot of people miss.

Whoever is Captain on the bridge when the ship sinks is going to live forever in infamy, even if the previous two captains were the ones who actually hit the iceberg.

09-13-12, 06:51
If we can take back the senate that has a spine, we can at least put a leash on him.

09-13-12, 06:58
1 of my friends who happens to be a libertarian with whom I share quite a few ideas and views also thinks that Barry is going to get reelected. As much as I'd like to say he's wrong I think he maybe right. He made the case that things have to get much worse for America to finally wake up and realize what the **** is going on. Who knows maybe something will happen and it will be the spark that lights the fuse.

What's that old Boy Scout motto? Oh yeahhhh... BE PREPARED.

It WILL get worse, BEFORE it gets better, and preparedness is a large reason of why we congregate thusly...

09-13-12, 07:18
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Thomas Paine

This right here ^.

Doc Safari
09-13-12, 09:55
I was listening to Bill Cunningham's radio show one Sunday night.

He presented a detailed analysis of the Electoral College map for this election.

The short version is that if Barry wins four counties in Ohio he wins the election. No Republican has ever won the White House without Ohio, and Barry is believed to be ahead in those four counties.

Plus, how difficult do you think it would be for Barry to steal the election through voter fraud in four measly little counties?

This is the reason Paul Ryan was picked (as corroborated by this source):


...Bill Cunningham('s) show indicated that one reason Paul Ryan was picked was because:

Because he is a graduate of Miami U in Ohio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Ryan

And he is very popular there, Ohio is where they had to turn away some people from an event.

Bill Cunningham was saying 4 counties in Ohio are of mega importance and they are around that Miami University of Ohio area.

09-13-12, 10:06
Crap that is bad news.

09-13-12, 10:08
This is the reason Paul Ryan was picked (as corroborated by this source):

Interesting read

Dirk Williams
09-13-12, 10:37
What I was trying to say was, when the votes are done being counted, my vote will not have been in Barry's side of the box.

Had to go back and re read my post. I had a very bad day yesterday, for some reason this shit in the middle east is really kicking my ass. I was in the navy and deployed in 1979. I remember clearly the Iranian incident.

I've never not voted since I was 18 yrs old.


09-13-12, 13:17
OK man behind the curtain:eek:, Oh, I mean Great Oz:rolleyes: tell all us cretinist fools how to save America without an actual revolution (which I know is actually what you want and long for:suicide:) since you seem to have all the answers:blink:

Stop insulting people and wow us with your all knowing wisdom...

It could be safer stuck between a rock and hard place with Obama and be better off there than stuck between a rock and the abyss with Hillary

As prognosticated....meaningless reflex...Oh, and you weren't insulted, by myself! I merely responded to your posting, which being analogous to the defensive strategy of an Ostrich, prompted a mild rebuke for its folly...

The great "OZ" has spoken...

09-13-12, 19:13
So, the Great Oz has a Thesaurus and still said nothing of substance and only spewed forth insults. I suggest you stay behind he curtain:p

09-13-12, 23:24
What's that old Boy Scout motto? Oh yeahhhh... BE PREPARED.

It WILL get worse, BEFORE it gets better, and preparedness is a large reason of why we congregate thusly...

Totally agree. I think we can try to cushion the fall and wreckage but the day of economic reckoning approaches. Now with no-limit QE3 (we don't need no stinkin' budgets!") I see this as the final curtain call.

While we cannot avert the societal implosion and resulting implosion, we best be doing what we can for ourselves and family survival and prospering in troubled times.

Heavy Metal
09-13-12, 23:29
There have been two times in American History where the Popular Vote winner did not carry the Electoral College. Both times, the margin was inside of one percentage point. At a certain point, the Electotal College tends to break for the Popular Vote Winner.

Today, Rasmussen has Romney 49 and Obama 47 with Leaners counted. I suspect if the election were held today, I would be Romney 52 to 53 and Obama stuck at 47, 48 absolute tops after all the remaining undecideds come home. Not to mention Obama has had a terrible 48 hours that the rolling average has yet to capture little of.

One thing is sure, Obamas bounce is fading fast.

09-13-12, 23:42
So, the Great Oz has a Thesaurus and still said nothing of substance and only spewed forth insults. I suggest you stay behind he curtain:p

"Uhh" the insults have sprung forth from yourself
Great Oz , a reflex action, as apparently your feelings have been touched up a bit, a consequence of my mild rebuke of your stated opinion to the forum, an opinion founded upon your fallacious understanding of the impact of Mr Barack Hussein Obama on the nation.

You do recall stating that he(Obama)was less of a threat then Hillary, don't you? I merely corrected your fallacy that he was basically a "neutered pooch," by reminding you, or perhaps instructing you for the very first time, of his first term accomplishments...

Your response to my gentle critique was to conduct an ad hom personal attack upon me....:rolleyes:

09-14-12, 04:01
I guess you can't argue with the creepy guy.

09-14-12, 12:20
part of the conspiracy side of me wonders if poll numbers being so leaning to obamas side are so they can recall the election
figuring they can say look there is no way he could have lost all our poll numbers show this and start the process to keep obama in office or force a massive redo which of course would be crooked etc...

09-14-12, 15:35
During the 10 p.m. Eastern hour, when the broadcast networks were airing live coverage of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, cable's Fox News was No. 1 among all outlets, averaging 6.9 million total viewers, according to early data from Nielsen.

That was well ahead of runner-up NBC, which averaged 5.4 million, not to mention CBS (3.3 million) and ABC (2.3 million). CNN and MSNBC tied with 1.5 million apiece.

On the surface FNC thumps all comers. Yet we must consider that back in the day, before cable fragmented the networks viewing audience, a typical audience for a specific nightly newscast may well have been 15-20 million viewers!

Herein resides the mystery of the polls, while FNC, which is really the only remaining legitimate nightly news dispenser, thumps any individual challenge, its reach is dwarfed by the combined totals of the original network media enterprises and their cable offshoots!

So, the above numbers must be looked at through the prism of the combined totality of the ratings figures, which translate to ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/CNN 14.000.000, FNC 6.900.000!

The vast majority of Amerika gets its information from a source tainted by almost total DNC control & saturation, those sources are not reporting anything negative on Obama, or the DNC, often they are not reporting at all, they are simply disseminating propaganda! Instead they are coordinating their efforts upon the Romney campaign, and this is what the majority is treated to on a nightly basis, regardless of which individual network gets their attention span.

The networks are acting as one, they are for the most part in lockstep with the talking points of the Obama administration, as a consequence they are almost always on message...Factor in the DNC's monopoly on the print & electronic media/pop culture and we begin to realise the reasons for the polling results reflecting a stupefying imbalance favoring the status quo....

09-14-12, 16:20
Everyone in this thread needs to watch this:


09-14-12, 16:51
The numbers are horrifying, Amerika is almost certainly going to re-elect the welfare king, quite possiblly in a landslide....

I have not read the poll numbers but I think it will be a tight election. Time will tell. I am not that excited about either guy personally. With Romney I thought at least he is pro gun and then I saw his record for passing some of the most restrictive gun laws in his home state and being on record as being for the assault rifle ban. He had changed his tune now but that seems to be the norm with him he has flip flopped on several issues.

09-14-12, 18:30
I ordered $2K worth of magazines today in preparation for our muslim president's second term.

09-14-12, 20:17
That's something a lot of people miss.

Whoever is Captain on the bridge when the ship sinks is going to live forever in infamy, even if the previous two captains were the ones who actually hit the iceberg.

Or the previous 9 or more;)

Heavy Metal
09-14-12, 20:31
I ordered $2K worth of magazines today in preparation for our muslim president's second term.

Why? If he does win, it will be in a squeaker, he will still likely lose the Senate and the Republicans are pretty much a lock to keep the House.

He will be in no position to ban magazines.

09-14-12, 20:44
Why? If he does win, it will be in a squeaker, he will still likely lose the Senate and the Republicans are pretty much a lock to keep the House.

He will be in no position to ban magazines.

Tell that to the people on welfare who no longer have a work requirement and the kids of illegals getting work permits.


09-14-12, 20:46
I ordered $2K worth of magazines today in preparation for our muslim president's second term.

Just now . . . :confused::D

I hear ya man, I've spent the last two years picking up lowers, LPKs, mags, BCGs, and built another two carbines up just for this election. Thats not to mention ammo. :ph34r:

09-14-12, 20:54
I ordered $2K worth of magazines today in preparation for our muslim president's second term.

What utter nonsense. He is not muslim. I am not sure who I am going to vote for at this point but these type of out right lies only show ignorance on the part of the person saying them. Lots of racism that is veiled in off the cuff remarks like yours. Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

09-14-12, 21:16
Lots of racism that is veiled in off the cuff remarks like yours. Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

To call anyone a "racist" for bringing someones religion and or country of origin into question who happens to be seeking the highest office in the land is straight out of the red left's libtard playbook.

Suwannee Tim
09-14-12, 21:21
.....The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

I have to disagree. I, as virtually all Southerners my age, was raised a racist and everyone I knew was a racist. My skin is dark enough I can "pass as black" if I want to and I have a fair number of black friends so I have some understanding of racism. Most, 90% or more of the animosity towards President Obama is a result of his policies, not his skin color. And I think President Obama is probably an agnostic Christian though I would not be shocked to learn he is an atheist or Muslim. The case can be made for any of the three.

09-14-12, 21:34
What utter nonsense. He is not muslim.

Please remove head from butt and open eyes.

I am not sure who I am going to vote for at this point

Then you must have been in a coma the last 4 years or completely illogical.

. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

I am sick of this bullshit. Obama is a communist who derides this country every chance he gets. He worships the loser parasitic class and wants to punish hard work and success. I hate him for it.

Does that make me racist?

If you can't argue anything other than the race card, then there is not much going on upstairs officer.

09-14-12, 21:38
To call anyone a "racist" for bringing someones religion and or country of origin into question who happens to be seeking the highest office in the land is straight out of the red left's libtard playbook.

I should have worded it differently as I am not singling out a single poster as being raciest however much of the comments about Obama are anti muslim and raciest at their roots. There is no denying it. A friend of mine's father the other day commented on the first lady's speach and called her a wookie. The far right is showing a lot of veiled racism. Liberal is also not a dirty work. Frankly the crap coming from the far right makes me not want to vote republican in this election and I am sure a lot of other independant voters feel the same. The republicans need to reign in their radical fringe.

09-14-12, 21:45
I should have worded it differently as I am not singling out a single poster as being raciest however much of the comments about Obama are anti muslim and raciest at their roots. There is no denying it.

I deny it because it is bogus. You are singing the theme song from the far left.

A friend of mine's father the other day commented on the first lady's speach and called her a wookie.

So what. She is a wookie.

You are probably one of those weenies who thinks Lord of the Rings portrays black people in a negative light.

The far right is showing a lot of veiled racism.

That is a lie.

You simply cannot argue the merits of Obongo's candidacy so you play the race card.

You are hopeless.

I however have hope for a sharp reduction in force at your department. Enjoy your 99 weeks.

09-14-12, 21:46
What utter nonsense. He is not muslim. I am not sure who I am going to vote for at this point but these type of out right lies only show ignorance on the part of the person saying them. Lots of racism that is veiled in off the cuff remarks like yours. Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

Do you know him personally or something ?

Ignorance is believing a liar like him IMHO not sure what he is ? But he is not Christian at least all the things he has done and say sure do not add up to being one ? So maybe he is a muslim or just a atheist who is saying he is Christian to get votes ?

No racism in any way when you dont agree with a guy who seems to want to destroy the US the way we know it ?

If anyone is racist he is with all his race bating and things he says and does !
And the does part is what is important and I am judging him on his actions !
Hating a person is not racist :) hahhahaah that is pretty left thinking though and typical of lefties who are usually so narrow minded and racist themselves

09-14-12, 21:47
Please remove head from butt and open eyes.

Then you must have been in a coma the last 4 years or completely illogical.

I am sick of this bullshit. Obama is a communist who derides this country every chance he gets. He worships the loser parasitic class and wants to punish hard work and success. I hate him for it.

Does that make me racist?

If you can't argue anything other than the race card, then there is not much going on upstairs officer.

Let’s see the last 4 years. No control was passed. We have better health care than we did before. For the first time in years health care costs did not go up at 3 times the rate of inflation. Insurance companies are under a lot more scrutiny and are no longer able to rob us blind like in the past. I don't see it as that bad.
Anyone saying race is not an issue in the hate speech for Obama needs to pull their head out of their ass. I have not seen this much hate for a candidate ever. It goes beyond politics.
What we need regardless of who wins is campaign fiancé reform. Romney has bought his way to where he is at this point. There should be strict limits on how much people can donate to a political candidate and corporations should not be able to donate a dime. Corporations should not be given the same status as people, the courts made a huge mistake with that one. Now the office of the presidency is up for sale to the highest bidders. Let us not forget the financial crisis was caused by hard core capitalist like the Lehman Brothers who basically screwed America over and walked away scot free.

09-14-12, 21:49
Do you know him personally or something ?

Ignorance is believing a liar like him IMHO not sure what he is ? But he is not Christian at least all the things he has done and say sure do not add up to being one ? So maybe he is a muslim or just a atheist who is saying he is Christian to get votes ?

No racism in any way when you dont agree with a guy who seems to want to destroy the US the way we know it ?

If anyone is racist he is with all his race bating and things he says and does !
And the does part is what is important and I am judging him on his actions !
Hating a person is not racist :) hahhahaah that is pretty left thinking though and typical of lefties who are usually so narrow minded and racist themselves

Frankly who gives a shit if he is a christian or not. Someones religion should not be an issue when being considered for public office or any job for that matter. Actually the far left and the far right are just as ignorant and narrow minded generally. Also do you really believe he wants to destroy the US. Come on that is pretty ignorant. You may not agree with his politics but you can't possibly think he is trying to destory the country. I did not care for George W Bush but I don't think he was trying to destroy the country. People disagree on what is best for the country and that does not make one side evil and one side good.

09-14-12, 21:49
You are a socialist. And you are completely misinformed about the financial collapse (blame Klinton), but since you are not paying tuition I will leave you to your ignorant bliss.

Doesn't your department have IQ test to keep folks like you out of positions of power??

09-14-12, 21:53
I deny it because it is bogus. You are singing the theme song from the far left.

So what. She is a wookie.

You are probably one of those weenies who thinks Lord of the Rings portrays black people in a negative light.

That is a lie.

You simply cannot argue the merits of Obongo's candidacy so you play the race card.

You are hopeless.

I however have hope for a sharp reduction in force at your department. Enjoy your 99 weeks.

So you want me fired because I disagree with you politicially. Typical intolerant response from a tin foil hat idiot.

09-14-12, 21:55
You are a socialist. And you are completely misinformed about the financial collapse (blame Klinton), but since you are not paying tuition I will leave you to your ignorant bliss.

Doesn't your department have IQ test to keep folks like you out of positions of power??

Oh no you called me a socialist oh no I am so insulted. Typical right wing response to throw out labels like Liberal and Socialist.
Actually we had the best economy in decades under Clinton. Remember the 1990's. Also typical response from someone with a weak argument, insult the messanger not the message. Anyway I am done in this thread no minds are going to be changed with this stupid exchange of insults from those who obviously need to learn some tolerance.

09-14-12, 22:00
Clinton's economic policies came from Newt Gingrich. Educate yourself please.

Your colossal ignorance just screams "do nothing government worker". Tell me I am wrong.

09-14-12, 22:18
You drank the cool aid then !
How is our health care better ?
Its gone up a lot and most new plans wont cover labs they now can change the plans at will ! Health care is a mess these days !

My cousin who runs a large hospital will tell you its great for him bad for the people ! And obama care is destroying the health industry !

Its obvious you must be a gov or state worker and dont have to get your own like us small biz owners :)
Same as my brother he is a prosecutor so not a rub on you just that its handed to you with a great policy ? If not then you would know
When I tell my brother what we have and what policy changes are he is blown away
Trust me I wish I could have medical like him or some of my local detective friends etc...
Wanted to make that clear :) not a cut on your job you are lucky !
So for some it is better for others in their own we are the ones taking the huge hit !

Sorry the rest of the folks will say its worse ! And it is
Rob us blind ! How does taking away labs and charge more for meds and able to change what they want better !
Oh cause they give you one free checkup hahahahahha

Yes race is in play by the left to try to demonize those who dont go their way !

Agree the hate for Romney is insane ! The left is demonizing him beyond belief ! Heck they are now blaming the middle east issues on him

Yes romney has raised for money but did you say that about obama when he was ahead or last ellection with the highest amount he raised in history ! Nope again typical crying baby when you start to loose !

Financial crisis was caused by Our lefties in gov demanding everyone get a house even if they could not pay for it thanks to the gov for that and the housing crash !

Agree sadly the office is up for the highest bidder and obama won it last time around !

Let’s see the last 4 years. No control was passed. We have better health care than we did before. For the first time in years health care costs did not go up at 3 times the rate of inflation. Insurance companies are under a lot more scrutiny and are no longer able to rob us blind like in the past. I don't see it as that bad.
Anyone saying race is not an issue in the hate speech for Obama needs to pull their head out of their ass. I have not seen this much hate for a candidate ever. It goes beyond politics.
What we need regardless of who wins is campaign fiancé reform. Romney has bought his way to where he is at this point. There should be strict limits on how much people can donate to a political candidate and corporations should not be able to donate a dime. Corporations should not be given the same status as people, the courts made a huge mistake with that one. Now the office of the presidency is up for sale to the highest bidders. Let us not forget the financial crisis was caused by hard core capitalist like the Lehman Brothers who basically screwed America over and walked away scot free.

09-14-12, 22:25
Then why did you defend he is not a muslim ?
If it did not matter you would have said that !
Agree he should juat state the truth what he is ?

Also it goes to character if one says they are something then not that makes him a liar to many !

Yes I do think he wants to destroy the US as we know it and have some stupid socialist redistributive wealth thing except for folks like him ! He has pretty much come out and said that many times ! He believes success should be capped and taken away !

He does not like capitalism that is quite clear ! Talk about ignorance if you brush off all the things he has said and his wife !
Not only recently but in the past !

agree hate the persons policies and not the person and respect the office !

Bush hosed us to and obama took the keys and pushed the throttle down driving us into the mess at 4x the speed bush did !

As I say both sides are crooked for the most part with just a couple good on each side ?

Also agree radicals on both sides but in general themlefties are willing to do and say anything if you do not go theirmway !

Instead of talking how good their canidate is they spend the whole time bashing others and I think many are sick and tired of it

Just like the comment about money buying the presidency
Why wasnt the left saying anything when obama had all the money ! Hypocrits I would say :)

Frankly who gives a shit if he is a christian or not. Someones religion should not be an issue when being considered for public office or any job for that matter. Actually the far left and the far right are just as ignorant and narrow minded generally. Also do you really believe he wants to destroy the US. Come on that is pretty ignorant. You may not agree with his politics but you can't possibly think he is trying to destory the country. I did not care for George W Bush but I don't think he was trying to destroy the country. People disagree on what is best for the country and that does not make one side evil and one side good.

09-14-12, 22:46
Clinton's economic policies came from Newt Gingrich. Educate yourself please.

Your colossal ignorance just screams "do nothing government worker". Tell me I am wrong.

And Gingrich is some kind of hero now?

Come on... You know, I'm sorta not gonna be sad when "banned" appears beneath your username, considering your apparent inability to carry on a coherent and logical discussion.

Heavy Metal
09-15-12, 00:36
Tell that to the people on welfare who no longer have a work requirement and the kids of illegals getting work permits.


So what law will I be charged with breaking if I make a Magazine? There must be at least a ghost of a framework for an EO to work off of. There is currently no Federal Law that regulates the manufacture of Magazines in any way, shape, manner or form.

Heavy Metal
09-15-12, 00:41
The far right is showing a lot of veiled racism.

There is far more rascism on the left thru the soft bigotry of low expectations. The cry or rascism from the left is mostly a lie and a cheap attempt to change the debate when it isn't going their way.

When I hear that charge trotted out, the person is pretty much dead to me as worthy of any intellectual consideration ever again.

It is a slimy, sleazy, hateful tactic to oppress legitimate debate. The kind of crap I expect from psycophants like Tingles the Clown at MSNBC.

09-15-12, 07:54
What utter nonsense. He is not muslim. I am not sure who I am going to vote for at this point but these type of out right lies only show ignorance on the part of the person saying them. Lots of racism that is veiled in off the cuff remarks like yours. Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

I should have worded it differently as I am not singling out a single poster as being raciest however much of the comments about Obama are anti muslim and raciest at their roots. There is no denying it. A friend of mine's father the other day commented on the first lady's speach and called her a wookie. The far right is showing a lot of veiled racism. Liberal is also not a dirty work. Frankly the crap coming from the far right makes me not want to vote republican in this election and I am sure a lot of other independant voters feel the same. The republicans need to reign in their radical fringe.

1. Muslim ≠ race
1a. "Racist" is the word you are looking for there

2. You are buying into media propaganda that is incapable of seeing the world outside of the prism of race. Put the race card away. Race only continues to be a prominent issue because the left insists on using it as a club against the right. Those who claim to want a post-racial world are, at the core, scared of losing the power that they have by perpetuating this myth.


95% of Republicans will vote for a black person for president. (96% of the country in total will). 4-5% of the population is about the bottom limit for this kind of thing, and zeroing in on that "fringe" as a reason not to vote for whoever is silly. That fringe will *always* be there...and it will always be blown up by the leftist media in true Alinsky form to support their side. Don't be stupid enough to fall for it.

BTW, blacks are the least "oppressed" minority group in terms of how many people will automatically disqualify them from consideration for a vote based solely on their minority characteristic. Catholics, women, Jews, hispanics, and *gasp* Mormons are far more discriminated against in that regard. Related fun fact: 18% of the country will not vote for a Mormon. Well over a quarter of Democrats won't vote for a Mormon. Perhaps the bigotry from the "far left" should likewise have you reconsidering a vote for Obama.

09-15-12, 08:41
WTF is it with everyone nowdays throwing around accusations of racism? The term has been worn out like a cheap hooker & hold no value anymore. It's a sorry attempt to silence the opposition.

Alaskapopo, go ahead & vote for obama. I hope you get what you wish for.

09-15-12, 10:04
Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. By the same token, it's ridiculous to think that Romney's Mormon faith isn't an issue for a different segment of the electorate.

That's not to say that everyone who opposes Obama is racist or everyone opposing Romney is a religious bigot. There are ample legitimate reasons to oppose both candidates.

But to deny that people's votes are not influenced by prejudices which originate far outside the realm of politics is absurd.

09-15-12, 10:21
Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. By the same token, it's ridiculous to think that Romney's Mormon faith isn't an issue for a different segment of the electorate.

That's not to say that everyone who opposes Obama is racist or everyone opposing Romney is a religious bigot. There are ample legitimate reasons to oppose both candidates.

But to deny that people's votes are not influenced by prejudices which originate far outside the realm of politics is absurd.

The most significant role that racism is playing in this election is Chris Matthews et al accusing every single Republican of being racist on national television on a near daily basis. Second place would be the near monolithic support of Obama by the black community and those that vote for him because he is black. A very distant third would be those who are not voting for Obama because he is black.

09-15-12, 10:59
Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. .

You are correct of course. 96% of black people support Obama because he is black. It is a tribal kind of thing, which I guess equates to racism.

09-15-12, 11:01
Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

This post is from a friend of mine who reads the forum but is not registered. He sent it to me via email.

The question is, "Why go to a gun forum and shill for the people who want to take away all guns, land, money, and freedom?"
In return you get vet level health care lite after waiting in a 10 month line with the homeless.

A gun forum is where people believe in the 2nd amendment, not some black worshiping, global warming believing, back door communism. For that, go the the huffington post or the man-boy- love association.

Obama slept with his gay lover, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, all through his education at Occidental college, where he got terrible grades.

He wasted a trillion dollars of borrowed money on political kick backs to public service unions, so we will all have a lower standard of living for a generation.

He has done a lot more damage to the USA than Hitler. Hitler could have only dreamed of "cash for clunkers" where the US borrows money to put sand in the crank case of good running used cars. None of Hitler's bombs ever reached the US. He would have loved to put sand in our crank cases, as any enemy of the US would.

And now we can't criticize this horrible villain that has destroyed so much of the US, because that would be racist?
Then we all need to get very racist for a little while until we get things straitened out.
It should be done in generation, when our standard of living recovers from our historic President.

Heavy Metal
09-15-12, 11:35
I live in a very Redneck area and I have yet to encouter a single individual who has expressed that they voted or were voting against Obama because he was Black. Not a single one.

Communist, Closet Muslim, Socialist, Grossly Incompetent, Corrupt Thug...Yes. Black? No.

Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. By the same token, it's ridiculous to think that Romney's Mormon faith isn't an issue for a different segment of the electorate.

That's not to say that everyone who opposes Obama is racist or everyone opposing Romney is a religious bigot. There are ample legitimate reasons to oppose both candidates.

But to deny that people's votes are not influenced by prejudices which originate far outside the realm of politics is absurd.

09-15-12, 11:39
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim


What utter nonsense. He is not muslim.

Don't know what to say here other than your response above here explains a lot.

09-15-12, 12:02
Agree when Over or close to %95 of all blacks vote for obama and many will say its cause he is black is very racist !

Yet the left hate Romney being mormon yet love Harry Reid ! hahahahah yeah explain that !

Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. By the same token, it's ridiculous to think that Romney's Mormon faith isn't an issue for a different segment of the electorate.

That's not to say that everyone who opposes Obama is racist or everyone opposing Romney is a religious bigot. There are ample legitimate reasons to oppose both candidates.

But to deny that people's votes are not influenced by prejudices which originate far outside the realm of politics is absurd.

09-15-12, 12:19
This post is from a friend of mine who reads the forum but is not registered. He sent it to me via email.

Well, it's refreshing to see that after being banned from this site you've picked up right where you left off.

And just in time for another election.

Funny how that works out.

As for the racial prejudice angle and NO ONE is voting against Obama because he's black, tell that to my neighbor who looked at my Obama yard sign four years ago and said, "That some kind of joke? You're not serious about voting for that n*gger, are ya?"

Yeah, we're livin' in a post-racial utopia.

Wake the **** up.

Heavy Metal
09-15-12, 12:22
So Montanadave, are you voting for him again?

09-15-12, 12:37
So Montanadave, are you voting for him again?

Believe it or not, I haven't made a decision yet. I'm not particularly thrilled with either alternative.

Frankly, for the first time in over thirty years, I'm seriously considering sitting this one out.

And for all the boo-birds waiting to pounce, I'll save you the trouble. It's my vote and if I should choose to toss it in the crapper, that's my damn business and no one else's.

And, yes, I will continue to bitch about the whatever POS everybody else elected. Cause that's my right, too.

09-15-12, 12:51
Believe it or not, I haven't made a decision yet. I'm not particularly thrilled with either alternative.

Frankly, for the first time in over thirty years, I'm seriously considering sitting this one out.

And for all the boo-birds waiting to pounce, I'll save you the trouble. It's my vote and if I should choose to toss it in the crapper, that's my damn business and no one else's.

And, yes, I will continue to bitch about the whatever POS everybody else elected. Cause that's my right, too.

We all have to sleep in the beds we make.

09-15-12, 13:04
Well, it's refreshing to see that after being banned from this site you've picked up right where you left off.

And just in time for another election.

Funny how that works out.

As for the racial prejudice angle and NO ONE is voting against Obama because he's black, tell that to my neighbor who looked at my Obama yard sign four years ago and said, "That some kind of joke? You're not serious about voting for that n*gger, are ya?"

Yeah, we're livin' in a post-racial utopia.

Wake the **** up.

Racism is still prevalent. But I don't see where one sides racism is any better than the others. Worst of all one sides racism is sanctioned by things like affirmative action.

But IF in 2008 the GOP ran Condeleeza Rice against Hillary Clinton you wouldn't be able to find a major news outlet wiling to suggest that those who don't support Rice were doing so out of a racist motivation and nothing else.

I think that is the point many here are trying to make.

09-15-12, 13:47
As for the racial prejudice angle and NO ONE is voting against Obama because he's black, tell that to my neighbor who looked at my Obama yard sign four years ago and said, "That some kind of joke? You're not serious about voting for that n*gger, are ya?"

Yeah, we're livin' in a post-racial utopia.

Wake the **** up.

Anecdotal evidence. Doesn't prove that DPMS rifles are the most reliable ever because Joe Bob's has been flawless since he bought it, doesn't prove that a significant percentage of the population isn't voting for Obama because he is a "n*gger", to quote your neighbor.

There will always be a small segment of the population that feels as your neighbor does. We are approaching the limit of how small that population will ever be...at least with respect to blacks.


Are there racists out there on the right? Yes. But the real point is what SteyrAUG said. In the majority of cases the accusations of racism leveled by the media are made without a shred of evidence and without any basis in reality.

For crying out loud, the evil racist Tea Party at one point in time earlier this year had their weight thrown behind Herman Cain, until his (totally unrelated) skeletons fell out of his closet. Now his issues with women or whatever notwithstanding, the Republican party is perfectly capable of supporting a black candidate.

09-15-12, 14:36
As for the racial prejudice angle and NO ONE is voting against Obama because he's black, tell that to my neighbor who looked at my Obama yard sign four years ago and said, "That some kind of joke? You're not serious about voting for that n*gger, are ya?"

Yeah, we're livin' in a post-racial utopia.

Wake the **** up.

I'm sure there are some white voters who won't vote for Barry due to him being half black, BUT how many blacks are not going to vote for that all white cracka honkey for no other reason than his skin color? There are more black voters who vote as if it were a black vs. white election than the other way around.

So yes, racism is alive and well.

09-15-12, 14:50
I'm sure there are some white voters who won't vote for Barry due to him being half black, BUT how many blacks are not going to vote for that all white cracka honkey for no other reason than his skin color? There are more black voters who vote as if it were a black vs. white election than the other way around.

So yes, racism is alive and well.

Hello, Nail meet Hammer's Head.

09-15-12, 17:55
What utter nonsense. He is not muslim. I am not sure who I am going to vote for at this point but these type of out right lies only show ignorance on the part of the person saying them. Lots of racism that is veiled in off the cuff remarks like yours. Obama is no saint but he is just a man not the antichrist. The outright hate people have for him seems to have very raciest roots.

Anyone who doesn't concede racism plays a significant role in this presidential election is either being intentionally disingenuous or hopelessly naive. By the same token, it's ridiculous to think that Romney's Mormon faith isn't an issue for a different segment of the electorate.

That's not to say that everyone who opposes Obama is racist or everyone opposing Romney is a religious bigot. There are ample legitimate reasons to oppose both candidates.

But to deny that people's votes are not influenced by prejudices which originate far outside the realm of politics is absurd.

On the surface FNC thumps all comers. Yet we must consider that back in the day, before cable fragmented the networks viewing audience, a typical audience for a specific nightly newscast may well have been 15-20 million viewers!

Herein resides the mystery of the polls, while FNC, which is really the only remaining legitimate nightly news dispenser, thumps any individual challenge, its reach is dwarfed by the combined totals of the original network media enterprises and their cable offshoots!

So, the above numbers must be looked at through the prism of the combined totality of the ratings figures, which translate to ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/CNN 14.000.000, FNC 6.900.000!

The vast majority of Amerika gets its information from a source tainted by almost total DNC control & saturation, those sources are not reporting anything negative on Obama, or the DNC, often they are not reporting at all, they are simply disseminating propaganda! Instead they are coordinating their efforts upon the Romney campaign, and this is what the majority is treated to on a nightly basis, regardless of which individual network gets their attention span.

The networks are acting as one, they are for the most part in lockstep with the talking points of the Obama administration, as a consequence they are almost always on message...Factor in the DNC's monopoly on the print & electronic media/pop culture and we begin to realise the reasons for the polling results reflecting a stupefying imbalance favoring the status quo....

The above are quoted as evidence of the reach, and virtually diabolocal effect, the DNC media juggernaut is able to produce within its audience. In truth they are nothing more then the victims of a corrupted stream of information...They are parroting what the DNC's media apparatus has been busily disinforming their audiences with for years, and they truly know no better.

Calling them names, and otherwise savaging them, will accomplish nothing! Whether you like it or not, they are reflecting the majority opinion, corrupted as that may be....They have basically been psyoped into lockstep with the prevailing socialist lurch toward totalitarianism, yet to them its just the truth...

We have a huge problem, the numbers are not lying, Obama is pulling away from Romney, almost effortlessly! The major network media entities are operating in concert, as you can see the disinformation campaign is working to perfection....Its my humble opinion that the USA is doomed, you should be making your plans accordingly. While I will of course stay the course, hoping for the best, I am not expecting it...

09-15-12, 18:36
Race is a distraction from the issues. I love how ONE person throws race out there, and then we have nothing but two pages of BS about race. THATS why they use the race card. It stops the debate dead in its tracks, and now we have to prove we aren't racist. Its like an extreme version of musical chairs where everyone tries to find a safe seat otherwise they get to wear the sign like Bruce Willis in Die Hard.

This is what happens when you let the left control the message.

09-15-12, 19:07
Race is a distraction from the issues. I love how ONE person throws race out there, and then we have nothing but two pages of BS about race. THATS why they use the race card. It stops the debate dead in its tracks, and now we have to prove we aren't racist. Its like an extreme version of musical chairs where everyone tries to find a safe seat otherwise they get to wear the sign like Bruce Willis in Die Hard.

This is what happens when you let the left control the message.

It's called topic delusion and yes it's a tactic in the leftist playbook (no I'm not calling Alaskapopo a minion of the left).

The subject matters of race, homosexuality, and religion (or the lack thereof) are all the lighting rod topics in this GD forum. It seems they always have been (in life in general) and always will be. So it is only natural when someone pinches a loaf in the punch bowl for people to call that person out on the said floater.

09-15-12, 19:11
As the leftist playbook continues to roll while our liberties/constitution's rights are beseiged at our expense attempting to lure in on the other leftist countries so that they can relax and perceive the US is no longer their threat. The UN becomes the almighty ubiquitous savior through media control & political prestidigitation. They will continue the sympathy/pandering towards UDA's/OTM's/Muslim's to weaken us, vilify Vets & convince the rest of the planet that the US is no longer a threat to Muslim's, LGBT's, minorities or Mexico since it is viewed as part of NAFTA region (UN region already laid out many years ago in the 50's or Mexico/America/Canada)

Why, because there is a World Wide Food shortage crisis coming.
The real weapon used will be food. That is coming BANK on it as this continues to wind down.

That will be way it will be best weapon implemented by them. No real enemy to fight with that, get all the guns off the streets they can for now in the meantime.

FOOD/Survival will be the weapon used for capitulation/surrender etc.

The solution is to stock up, seeds creative ways to grow, stack grow, roof grow etc. How much, how long ? It's hard to put a finite accurate number on that.

09-15-12, 19:14
Well, it's refreshing to see that after being banned from this site you've picked up right where you left off.

And just in time for another election.

Don't think I missed your idiotic post about Romney wanting to establish a Mormon theocracy. I think that tells us your views are far from rational.

Yeah, we're livin' in a post-racial utopia.

Wake the **** up.

The racism of Barry, Moochelle, the DNC and the DOJ are absolutely revolting.

And Steyeraug is right, affirmative action is the worst kind of racism, and it perpetuates and encourages private party racism.

And then there are the FBI crime statistics, which are the elephant in the room. Remember when some liberal commentator accused Sarah Palin of locking her car doors and rolling up her windows when she drove through a black neighborhood? Anyone who doesn't do that is suicidal.

09-15-12, 19:18
Did someone say Obama is not a muslim?

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A Channel 2 Action News investigation found that the State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas. This investment has received criticism as the United States makes an effort to slash nearly $4 trillion in government spending.Plenty of outrage following the announcement made Thursday afternoon by a government commission that suggested huge cuts to the budget, including eliminating the interest education for home mortgage. This juxtaposed with the United States investing millions to refurbish mosques as a good-will effort in Muslim countries has upset many taxpayer groups.

“We are spending money we don’t have. This is all on a gigantic credit card right now,” said Jared Thomas, a taxpayer advocate.

Millions more dollars have been sent to places like Cyprus. The State Department displays before and after pictures of mosques refurbished with U.S. tax dollars.

“I think it is very hard to explain to the American taxpayer right now whose having an extraordinary time paying bills and making ends meet that this is why we took this out of your paycheck, so we can fund this,” said Thomas.

The State Department declined a Channel 2 Action News request for an interview. We wanted to ask why are we using tax dollars to refurbish religious buildings overseas. The State Department did send Channel Two Action News an e-mail saying that they are fighting Islamic extremism by building relationships with Islamic leaders.

Egyptian-American human rights activist Nonie Darwish told Channel 2 Action News anchor Justin Farmer that trying to buy respect in the Middle East only shows our weakness.

“This part of the world has a lot of respect for power and America is not showing its power, it’s showing its appeasement. They are laughing all the way to the bank,” said Darwish.

Darwish was born in Egypt and is now a former Muslim. Darwish told Farmer that she moved to America and has written several books critical of radical Islam. Darwish said that most of the mosques in Egypt are run by extremists who have ordered former Muslims like herself to be killed.

“We are rebuilding mosques to support the radicals, not to support the moderates. We are building mosques to issue fatwas of death against people like me,” said Darwish.

Your tax dollars also fund computers and mosques in places like Tajikistan and Mali. At an ancient mud brick mosque in Mali, the State Department has provided Internet service and computer equipment to local imams.

Taxpayer watchdogs wonder how the State Department can explain paying for Internet service while Americans struggle through the worst recession in decades.

“To the average person who has probably seen their paycheck shrink and not grow, this could be an insult to them,” said Pete Sepp, President of the National Taxpayers Association.

With radical websites inciting violence and extremism worldwide, there are concerns that the taxpayer-funded Internet service could be misused.

“That is not the job of the U.S. because giving them Internet access to imams and Muslim preachers who hate America,” said Darwish.

Critics say that it is time to review funding for all federal programs that do not directly benefit taxpayers.

“We are spending money we don’t have and certainly we can cut items like this,” said Thomas.

The Deficit Commission announced it would look at slowing the growth of foreign aid. Channel 2 Action News is not aware if there will be cuts in this particular U.S Aid program.

09-15-12, 20:27
Let’s see the last 4 years. No control was passed.

The SBR NFA loophole to 922r has been closed.
MKE MP5s are banned from importation
A sporting purpose test on imported shotguns is underway at the ATF

We have better health care than we did before. For the first time in years health care costs did not go up at 3 times the rate of inflation. Insurance companies are under a lot more scrutiny and are no longer able to rob us blind like in the past. I don't see it as that bad.

My health insurance premium has doubled per month in the past two years along with most other people in the private sector. It immediately increased after obamacare passed. Why do you think that is?

I see you are probably a government servant that gets a pension when you age plus years of service equals 80, that nobody gets in the private sector.

You draw on the system more than you pay in. That is the problem we have right now.

Local municipalities being held hostage by the police/fire/teachers unions.

You don't have a problem with the government taking over half of someone's money in taxes (with the business end of a firearm) if you don't pay, to pay for 150 million people in this country that are on some type of government dole.

09-15-12, 20:56
Why? If he does win, it will be in a squeaker, he will still likely lose the Senate and the Republicans are pretty much a lock to keep the House.

He will be in no position to ban magazines.

He has the authority to ban imported magazines under the GCA and sporting purposes test.

The days of imported high capacity magazines, Arsenal AKs, imported pistols with threaded barrels, etc, are numbered, no matter who is in the white house.

09-15-12, 22:01
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim


You can take selective sound bites from the Pope that make him sound like a Muslim. Videos like this are used to discredit legitimate questions about Obama's upbringing and political roots.

Did someone say Obama is not a muslim?

He's not a Muslin. Well, he is a really bad one if he his. For example, he smokes, drinks alcohol, eats pork, and used drugs in college. I'm not sure if anyone has ever seen Obama at prayer as required by the Quran.

On the other hand, there is plenty of real evidence that Obama subscribes to a theology that is also damaging to the American capitalistic way of life. In fact, it may be more damaging than Islam. Take a look at Black Liberation Theology and you will find a lot of commonality with Obama's mentors, policies, and appointments.

09-16-12, 02:59
Well for a guy who spends millions of dollars on keeping his records sealed . . . I sure would like to know why paperwork from a school in Indonesian lists Barry Soetoro's religion as Islam and his country of origin as Kenya.

Was he lying then or is he lying now . . . :confused:

And what about that Social Security Card registered in March of 1977 in Connecticut? :secret:

I know, I know . . . tin foil and black helicopters nothing to see move along. :lazy2:

09-16-12, 03:12
My health insurance premium has doubled per month in the past two years along with most other people in the private sector. It immediately increased after obamacare passed. Why do you think that is?

Same here. Nearly doubled

09-16-12, 05:52
He's not a Muslin. Well, he is a really bad one if he his. For example, he smokes, drinks alcohol, eats pork, and used drugs in college. I'm not sure if anyone has ever seen Obama at prayer as required by the Quran.

ahhh like that matters ? to some of them they can kill people and go to heaven in their mind ! so doing what he does is just fine with some

consider what the 911 hijackers did to fit in !!!

09-16-12, 08:45
For **** sakes, why can't folks just say, "I don't like the guy's politics and I vehemently disagree with him on X, Y, and Z" rather than trying to cast the president as some nebulous Manchurian candidate planted by a nefarious conspiracy to destroy the United States.

Have an adult debate on the substantive issues rather than wasting everyone's time on two-bit, half-baked conspiracies. Perhaps if people in this country spent a little more time looking for solutions and little less time denigrating those who hold opposing views, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

Half the time, the threads in GD sound like a food fight in a grade school cafeteria.

09-16-12, 09:53
For **** sakes, why can't folks just say, "I don't like the guy's politics and I vehemently disagree with him on X, Y, and Z" rather than trying to cast the president as some nebulous Manchurian candidate planted by a nefarious conspiracy to destroy the United States.

Have an adult debate on the substantive issues rather than wasting everyone's time on two-bit, half-baked conspiracies. Perhaps if people in this country spent a little more time looking for solutions and little less time denigrating those who hold opposing views, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

Half the time, the threads in GD sound like a food fight in a grade school cafeteria.

Because people view things differently. You think he's the bringer of sunshine & rainbows, but lots of folks here think he's the devils own. Tell me the lib's weren't foaming at the mouth with the same type of shit for Bush, or will be if Romney gets the spot. Obama is the farthest thing from a good president this country has EVER seen. People lives are changing for the worse daily because of this man.

09-16-12, 11:49
Because people view things differently. You think he's the bringer of sunshine & rainbows, but lots of folks here think he's the devils own. Tell me the lib's weren't foaming at the mouth with the same type of shit for Bush, or will be if Romney gets the spot. Obama is the farthest thing from a good president this country has EVER seen. People lives are changing for the worse daily because of this man.

I do not see President Obama as "the bringer of sunshine & rainbows." I have elucidated on multiple occasions my opposition to positions taken by his administration on a variety of issues.

Stick to issues, not personalities. The American public is far too enthralled by celebrity rather than substance. And Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

It's easy to demonize a person by making false and unfounded accusations intended to assassinate someone's character or destroy their credibility. It takes a little more effort to formulate and articulate a cogent argument in opposition to specific policy issues.

How about we try to raise the bar just a tad and dispense with the adolescent mud-slinging, name-calling, and dog whistles?

09-16-12, 12:19
I do not see President Obama as "the bringer of sunshine & rainbows." I have elucidated on multiple occasions my opposition to positions taken by his administration on a variety of issues.

Stick to issues, not personalities. The American public is far too enthralled by celebrity rather than substance. And Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

It's easy to demonize a person by making false and unfounded accusations intended to assassinate someone's character or destroy their credibility. It takes a little more effort to formulate and articulate a cogent argument in opposition to specific policy issues.

How about we try to raise the bar just a tad and dispense with the adolescent mud-slinging, name-calling, and dog whistles?

Don't kid yourself into thinking that political discussion will ever be civil & conform to your standards. When you **** with people's lives and financially bury generations to come, people tend to get a little hot about it. They have every right to be. Obama has no credibility at this point IMO. He's proven his character & leadership skills. He is not fit to lead this country. Let's get some new blood in there.

09-16-12, 12:19
I do not see President Obama as "the bringer of sunshine & rainbows." I have elucidated on multiple occasions my opposition to positions taken by his administration on a variety of issues.

Stick to issues, not personalities. The American public is far too enthralled by celebrity rather than substance. And Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

It's easy to demonize a person by making false and unfounded accusations intended to assassinate someone's character or destroy their credibility. It takes a little more effort to formulate and articulate a cogent argument in opposition to specific policy issues.

How about we try to raise the bar just a tad and dispense with the adolescent mud-slinging, name-calling, and dog whistles?

When anyone uses that term it's a dead giveaway they are full of shit. It's used by people who have nothing substantive with which to mount a counter-argument, or even a real defense, for their side and instead rely on a hackneyed implication of racism as an argument ender.

I'm not saying that's you Dave, but it most certainly is true of the people you've been reading/watching who've recently introduced that term to the American political lexicon. The guys who use it link it to any criticism of Obama, no matter how completely unconnected to race that criticism may be and then use to attack the entire "right" for racism.

It's ****ing pathetic appeal to ridicule, and a phrase that allows me to conclude that I can safely ignore everything that the person who utters it ever has to say about anything even tangentially involving politics.

Heavy Metal
09-16-12, 12:30
He has the authority to ban imported magazines under the GCA and sporting purposes test.

No he doesn't because the GCA and the Sporting Purposes Test does not address magazines, only firearms. The GCA as currently written, only gives the authority to regulate firearms. Remember, the language concerning magazines from the 94 AWB has been entirely stricken from the GCA.

I encourage everyone to read the 68 GCA and the NFA in their entirety, they are only a few pages long.

Simply put, it will take an act of Congress to ban the import of Magazines.

09-16-12, 12:46
There is far more rascism on the left thru the soft bigotry of low expectations. The cry or rascism from the left is mostly a lie and a cheap attempt to change the debate when it isn't going their way.

When I hear that charge trotted out, the person is pretty much dead to me as worthy of any intellectual consideration ever again.

It is a slimy, sleazy, hateful tactic to oppress legitimate debate. The kind of crap I expect from psycophants like Tingles the Clown at MSNBC.

spot on.

09-16-12, 12:58
No he doesn't because the GCA and the Sporting Purposes Test does not address magazines, only firearms. The GCA as currently written, only gives the authority to regulate firearms. Remember, the language concerning magazines from the 94 AWB has been entirely stricken from the GCA.

I encourage everyone to read the 68 GCA and the NFA in their entirety, they are only a few pages long.

Simply put, it will take an act of Congress to ban the import of Magazines.

I am not confused.

How did imported magazines over 5 round for shotguns get banned then?

How did barrels to imported rifles also get banned?

09-16-12, 13:10
Who counts the ballots?

Touché, mon ami! Touché!

09-16-12, 13:16
We don't need no stinkin' Military votes or Ballots...

Heavy Metal
09-16-12, 13:18
I am not confused.

How did imported magazines over 5 round for shotguns get banned then?

How did barrels to imported rifles also get banned?

The barrels are specifically numerated as a feature related to sporting purposes in the 68 GCA. As I said, read it.

And the Siaga magazines are not legally prohibited from importation. The importer of the shotgun refuses to import them because it would require parts substitution to make them 922r compliant with the magazine inserted.

BTW, here is the relevant section from the 68 GCA. Notice the part in bold:

The Attorney General shall authorize a firearm to be imported or brought into the United States if the firearm:

(3) is of a type that does not fall within the definition of a firearm as defined in section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and is generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes, excluding surplus military firearms, except in any case where the Secretary has not authorized the importation of the firearm pursuant to this paragraph, it shall be unlawful to import any frame, receiver, or barrel of such firearm which would be prohibited if assembled.

09-16-12, 16:20
The barrels are specifically numerated as a feature related to sporting purposes in the 68 GCA. As I said, read it.

And the Siaga magazines are not legally prohibited from importation. The importer of the shotgun refuses to import them because it would require parts substitution to make them 922r compliant with the magazine inserted.

BTW, here is the relevant section from the 68 GCA. Notice the part in bold:


You just don't get it do you? What gives them the authority to carry out a study to ban picatinny rails or lights from shotguns?

What gives them the authority to ban imported rifles under a 1990s era ruling that says they can't accept a full size magazine, which gave us the HK USC and SL8?

09-16-12, 16:45
Stick to issues, not personalities.

Is there a law requiring us to do this, or is that a new rule you are imposing?

How about we try to raise the bar just a tad and dispense with the adolescent mud-slinging, name-calling, and dog whistles?

How about you tell us what is in Obongo's secret sealed records?

Heavy Metal
09-16-12, 17:01

You just don't get it do you? What gives them the authority to carry out a study to ban picatinny rails or lights from shotguns?

What gives them the authority to ban imported rifles under a 1990s era ruling that says they can't accept a full size magazine, which gave us the HK USC and SL8?

That would be the 1968 GCA that I have suggested several times in this thread for you to read in it's entirety, which will take you less than thrity minutes and answer all your questions.

09-16-12, 18:40
Question: You have stated publicly that you believe President Obama is illegitimate to hold his current office. If true, many in America believe that a genuine public hearing would result in the nullification of his many popularly detested and damaging public policies. In your view, what are the implications of presidential illegitimacy in this particular case, and how might Americans approach this issue? Can any action be taken that has not already been taken to foil the criminal and fraudulent usurpation of our highest office? Finally, should Americans focus on election, or make legitimacy a continued centerpiece in the struggle against the agenda of the sitting president?

Lord Monckton: I do not know where Mr. Obama was born. Therefore, I do not know whether he is entitled to be your president. However, I do know beyond reasonable doubt that the document on the White House website that purports to be his birth certificate is a forgery. The implications, if the establishment in both parties gets its way, are nil. Mr. Obama will serve out one or two terms as president and, if the United States survives the financial wreckage he has caused, his embarrassing “presidency” will be consigned to a smudgy footnote in the history books. However, if someone were to write to those whose duty it is to act – notably Mr. Obama’s lawyer qua officer of the court; the head of the Secret Service qua defender of the presidency; the head of the FBI qua chief investigator of major domestic crimes – and were to draw their attention to my Peers’ Briefing Paper on the forgery, and were to demand an investigation, someone might at last actually try to investigate. My best guess, though, is that no one will lift a finger, everyone will go on looking the other way, and Mr. Obama will get away with it. Whether the United States will get away with Mr. Obama is another matter altogether.