View Full Version : Bill Maher to Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison: The Koran Is a “Hate-Filled Holy Book”

09-16-12, 18:59
I think Maher feels the sword of Islam approaching his neck.



Bill Maher to Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN):

“I would say the threat from radicalized Muslims is a unique and greater threat. It is the greatest threat. Let me give you the reasons why I jotted down why.

One. It’s been going on a thousand years, this problem Islam and the West. We’re dealing with a culture that is in its medieval era.

It comes from a hate-filled holy book, the Koran, which is taken very literally by its people.

They are trying to get nuclear weapons. I don’t think Timothy McVeigh would ever try to get a nuclear weapon because I think right-wing nuts, they think they love this country and they are not trying to destroy this country. They want to get it away from the people that they see as hijacking it. That’s different than Muslim extremists who want to destroy it.”

09-16-12, 19:10
Probably the only thing Maher has said that I will agree with.

09-16-12, 19:22
I love Bill Maher, and have now for some time. He is a genius on the topic of religion!

I'm sure I'll catch "blow back" for my endorsement of Bill, but I'm not ashamed, and I'm proud to consider myself one of his fans.

09-16-12, 19:26
Unfortunately, Maher's views on the Second Amendment are deplorable.

09-16-12, 19:42
If Maher had any balls he'd 'interview' Mohammed. That would send the goat-****ers into a tizzy.

09-16-12, 19:58
I love Bill Maher, and have now for some time. He is a genius on the topic of religion!

I'm sure I'll catch "blow back" for my endorsement of Bill, but I'm not ashamed, and I'm proud to consider myself one of his fans.

Say it ain't so!!!!
And I had so much respect for you and your posts! ;)

Well, this is America, so I'll still respect ya. ;) just not your Bill Maher love.. Wow. Lol

Now... If you start drinking 17oz or greater soda's.... You're dead to me!!!

09-16-12, 20:00
I love Bill Maher, and have now for some time. He is a genius on the topic of religion!

I'm sure I'll catch "blow back" for my endorsement of Bill, but I'm not ashamed, and I'm proud to consider myself one of his fans.

With the exception of his 2A stance, I'm completely with you on that one.

09-16-12, 20:16
Despite being known for advocating the "courage" of the 9/11 hijackers, he has made statements similar to the above before. Of course he is also against all forms of organized religion, but he'd rather find fault with Christians more so than any of the others.

09-16-12, 20:23
I love Bill Maher, and have now for some time. He is a genius on the topic of religion!

I'm sure I'll catch "blow back" for my endorsement of Bill, but I'm not ashamed, and I'm proud to consider myself one of his fans.

Great to hear. But it would seem your adoration is short sighted, as he would look far down on you as an "assault" firearm owner. He would categorize you as an ignorant person who feels the need to cling to your guns due to your own short sighted misperceptions and irrational fears.

Maybe you are aware and just don't care, which would be questionable judgement at best.

09-16-12, 20:24
Despite being known for advocating the "courage" of the 9/11 hijackers, he has made statements similar to the above before. Of course he is also against all forms of organized religion, but he'd rather find fault with Christians more so than any of the others.

I'm totally okay with that part, though I fault most organized religions equally.

I wasn't aware of the 9/11 hijackers thing. I will do more research before I reply to that.

09-16-12, 20:40
I don't accept anywhere close to all of Bill Maher's views, and essentially despised the man until I bought the movie "Religulous"...from that time on I watch all his HBO shows, and his occasional comedy stand up set.

The movie "Religulous" is just that damn good imho.

09-16-12, 20:44
Even a blind retarded squirrel finds a nut sometimes

09-16-12, 20:45
Even a blind retarded squirrel finds a nut sometimes.

09-16-12, 21:40
I don't accept anywhere close to all of Bill Maher's views, and essentially despised the man until I bought the movie "Religulous"...from that time on I watch all his HBO shows, and his occasional comedy stand up set.

The movie "Religulous" is just that damn good imho.

I enjoyed it too.

Specifically the scene where Mahar was talking to that arab guy (been a few years since I saw it so I forgot who it was) who was texting, and captions were edited in. That was great.

I also liked the guy dressed as Jesus. He was pretty okay about being questioned about Christianity. Didn't get all super defensive or anything.

09-16-12, 21:43
I don't accept anywhere close to all of Bill Maher's views, and essentially despised the man until I bought the movie "Religulous"...from that time on I watch all his HBO shows, and his occasional comedy stand up set.

The movie "Religulous" is just that damn good imho.

I agree with all of this, but I don't have HBO.

09-16-12, 22:00
I enjoyed it too.

Specifically the scene where Mahar was talking to that arab guy (been a few years since I saw it so I forgot who it was) who was texting, and captions were edited in. That was great.

I also liked the guy dressed as Jesus. He was pretty okay about being questioned about Christianity. Didn't get all super defensive or anything.

Going to the Holy Land Experience is seriously on my bucket list...next time I go to O-town it's on like donkey kong:D


Holy Land Experience (http://www.holylandexperience.com/)

I think he did a great job at examining all the religions, not just one. I honestly couldn't pick a favorite segment. He ties them all together so incredible well that it is indeed a film about religion...not just Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.

09-16-12, 22:42
Unfortunately, Maher's views on the Second Amendment are deplorable.

Something tells me that the winds of change may soon be blowing on that issue. Just wait until the first Jihadi shows up on his front lawn...

09-16-12, 23:23
Something tells me that the winds of change may soon be blowing on that issue. Just wait until the first Jihadi shows up on his front lawn...

his armed body guards will take care of it !!

you know important people like him need protection so its OK for him not stupid people like you and I !

09-16-12, 23:58
Hell yeah!!! Only smart thing that piece of human trash has ever said

09-17-12, 01:28
I dont know about all that. It sounds right on paper, but I dont think McVeigh thought the kids he blew up were hijacking the country. When you go full retard, no one can predict what you will do. Extreme = extreme no matter what side.

He does have decent logic with this one - which is suprising.

09-17-12, 11:30
Maher is a blatant liberal anti-gun Hollywood type and generally nasty in his condemnations. However, he has been willing to call out hypocrisy on his team's part, so he isn't 100% bad. I find him tolerable for someone I'm diametrically opposed to on many occasions.

09-17-12, 11:49
I love Bill Maher, and have now for some time. He is a genius on the topic of religion!

I'm sure I'll catch "blow back" for my endorsement of Bill, but I'm not ashamed, and I'm proud to consider myself one of his fans.

There's no blow back. Just PM me your address and I'll send you the "Obama 2012" hat that you earned. You see, Bill cut Obama's SuperPAC a $1 Million dollar check a couple of months ago :eek:.


That's right, it's true, it's true. Your support of Bill makes donations like this possible. I call it trickle down donations...

09-17-12, 12:39
He's a liberal socialist who believes himself to be a Libertarian, but he is right on some things (especially religion).

And he has a few "extremist views" himself.

09-17-12, 13:22
Maher is a hate filled extremist. I HATE stubbing my toe, Hitler may have hated the same thing, but it doesnt mean we stand on ANY common ground.

09-17-12, 14:15
Maher is a hate filled extremist. I HATE stubbing my toe, Hitler may have hated the same thing, but it doesnt mean we stand on ANY common ground.

'Bout sums it up.