View Full Version : The faceless men behind the curtain

Dirk Williams
09-16-12, 23:22
Its obvious we all recognize the problems. What is not so obvious is exactly who is behind this path of destruction.

We collectively refer to those responsible as THEY, THEM etc etc. as it comes down to the final chapter.

Let's put names and faces to those responsible. Let's identify those driving and pulling the strings.

If any of you really really think our president is driving you are sadly mistaken.

We here on this site are well versed on the issues and where we are headed.

It's time to physically identify those setting the agenda and their objectives.

Truth be told I simply don't know who is responsible for our path. I think I know but no tangible evidence to support my views.

What say you men who do we hold accountable at the end of the day.


09-16-12, 23:38
A good place to start would be George Soros.

09-17-12, 00:27
Its obvious we all recognize the problems. What is not so obvious is exactly who is behind this path of destruction.

We collectively refer to those responsible as THEY, THEM etc etc. as it comes down to the final chapter.

Or "the Globalists". Just as obnoxious and frustrating.

The halls of power can be pretty obvious at times. i.e. The CFR. Almost all cabinet members since forever are CFR members, as are many senators, presidents, vp's. Industrial leaders.

Another one has to be Goldman Sachs. Too many of its former minions enter power in government, in the tresury, a Fed branch, various alphabet agencies.

I think there are probably around 500 or so die hard globalist tyrant traitors in very high places, so putting a name on "they" can be tricky.

09-17-12, 00:51
Federal reserve, and the banks/people who are a part of it(high ups).
The HUGE national unions (small precise ones are very important, however)
George Soros
Presidents and congresses who have implemented "spread the wealth" practices.
*cant think of the name* The guy who was one of Obamas advisors and is now not, also head of one of the BIG unions.
A lot of political figures. I'd almost rather have ones bought out than the ones we have now that actually believe this shit is good.

People talk of wallstreet and the banks a lot in a bad way, but there are a select few that actually have heavy influence.
Also, if you look at some very high up US officials, you will see some common ground between them. 60's hippies that grew up, put on a tie and now are actually acting out their Utopian dreams.

Dirk Williams
09-17-12, 12:18
Seems to me that We The Peolpe should be able to put a name and a face to those who are gutting our way of life, for their personal gain.

In our world we Always recognize the problem and are quick to offer suggestions.

What we rarely do is publicly identify those responsible. Bringing THEM out into the light, might ,just might make them think twice if they feel their exposed identity could pose huge personal security problems for each of them.

Ananimity breeds boldness. Exposure creates caution.

Just thinking out loud.


09-17-12, 13:37
Read up on the history of European bankers. Starting in the late 18th century. See what Thomas Jefferson had to say about Europe and their central banking system. ;)

09-17-12, 13:57
Here's a few to get you started:

Chip Berlet

09-17-12, 17:33
Read Dr. John Coleman's Conspirator's Hierarchy. Institutions and people are named throughout the work.

09-17-12, 21:35
I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, maybe too much, but I think you are chasing shadows. Of course, a well trained CT person would say the person that started this thread was trying to throw you off the scent with red herrings.

Wink wink, in other words, chasing shadows is a waste of time when you should be doing concrete things like taking care of the widow down the street or mowing your neighbor's lawn when they are on vacation. You won't be able to influence the NWO anyway. You can stand outside and point at the the Project Bluebeam hologram and shout "it isn't real" but Boehner and Pelosi will have back-to-back pressers to tell you not to panic.

Not sure if that makes sense... :D


Dirk Williams
09-17-12, 21:50
It works for me. Personally I want to know the identity address and habits of the person who has little or no regard for the world I know.

Boys I got thick skin, for what it's worth I enjoy everyone of you guys input.

As for Glen Beck I personally think the man is a hero. Been paying attention to him for about five yars now.

At the end of the day his INTEL is wicked right on.

He has some very turned on sources.

He took a stab at what really happened in llybia today. His theory was interesting and made sense. Seems the ambassador is likely a CIA guy and was present on short notice to purchase or recover the ground to air missiles the US provided.

Personally I think he's right on the money again. Time will tell.


09-17-12, 21:53
Read Dr. John Coleman's Conspirator's Hierarchy. Institutions and people are named throughout the work.

If you can find it a great short is "none dare call it conspiracy ". Though it is a bit dated.