View Full Version : State Dept negotiates blind SHIEKS release.

Dirk Williams
09-17-12, 16:12
Great news. Our Department Of State is admitting to negotiating with the President of Egypt for the release of the Blind Shiek.

For those with short memory's the Blind shiek is responsible for 9/11. Doing life plus 100, and our admin is talking about letting him go. Better get your shit in a sock, things are happening way way to fast.


09-17-12, 16:15

09-17-12, 16:20
Sigh...... spectacular.

09-17-12, 16:45

The unimpeachable Glenn Beck.



Dirk Williams
09-17-12, 17:22
Not sure if that's a shot t Glen Beck or me..


09-17-12, 17:25
Great news. Our Department Of State is admitting to negotiating with the President of Egypt for the release of the Blind Shiek.

For those with short memory's the Blind shiek is responsible for 9/11. Doing life plus 100, and our admin is talking about letting him go. Better get your shit in a sock, things are happening way way to fast.


With the release of the Lockerbie Bomber, NOTHING surprises me any more. They should just let everyone out of jail, few have done anything as bad as the Lockerbie Bomber and Blind Sheik.

09-17-12, 17:30

Maybe they are all planning a party and we're not invited.

09-17-12, 17:36
The blind Sheikh was implicated in the first WTC incident (1994?) not 9/11 - or so I recall.

Ones should closely investigate that incident, too.

09-17-12, 18:29
The unimpeachable Glenn Beck.



OK, so you don't like Glenn Beck.

But do you want the blind Sheik released or not?

09-17-12, 18:38
I want to go back in time when I was a small kid and have Reagan as our leader and enjoy the good old days of only worrying about global thermonuclear war. Seems like this country made a little more sense back then.

This makes me sick.


09-17-12, 21:36
How can this be important? Whats important to Amerika is that homosexuals have superior rights, now thats important, a blind muslim cleric who tried to murder tens of thousands of American's? Well that was long long ago, and far far away from Amerika....

09-17-12, 21:39
The blind Sheikh was implicated in the first WTC incident (1994?) not 9/11 - or so I recall.

Ones should closely investigate that incident, too.

First WTC attack was 2/26/93.


09-17-12, 21:45
I want to go back in time when I was a small kid and have Reagan as our leader and enjoy the good old days of only worrying about global thermonuclear war. Seems like this country made a little more sense back then.

This makes me sick.


Those were better days. I was a senior in high school when President Reagan left. Those were the days of real hope and change.

09-17-12, 22:45
Upon election, the new Egyptian Government publicly stated that this was one of the subjects on their agenda. Approaching State and asking about it is far different from "negotiation".

RAHMAN is currently housed at the Butner Federal Medical Center, in Butner, North Carolina. He is currently 74 years old and in poor health. I am sure he will die of old age before State could ever work this up anywhere near the top of their "we need to work on this" list with the Department of Justice. In an election year, I just can't see this being on anyone's to-do list in either department.

There currently is a DOJ program where foreign national federal prisoners can serve a portion of, or the remainder of their sentences in their home countries. Inclusion in the program is not automatic and has numerous hurdles for the prisoner to overcome, one of which is the sentencing judge to sign off. I don't see this happening.

09-17-12, 22:53
He is currently 74 years old and in poor health.

They said something similar about the Lockerbie Bomber.

09-17-12, 23:31
Upon election, the new Egyptian Government publicly stated that this was one of the subjects on their agenda. Approaching State and asking about it is far different from "negotiation".

RAHMAN is currently housed at the Butner Federal Medical Center, in Butner, North Carolina. He is currently 74 years old and in poor health. I am sure he will die of old age before State could ever work this up anywhere near the top of their "we need to work on this" list with the Department of Justice. In an election year, I just can't see this being on anyone's to-do list in either department.

There currently is a DOJ program where foreign national federal prisoners can serve a portion of, or the remainder of their sentences in their home countries. Inclusion in the program is not automatic and has numerous hurdles for the prisoner to overcome, one of which is the sentencing judge to sign off. I don't see this happening.

Thanks for being a consistently calm and rational voice amid a sea of hysterical (not in a funny way) posters.

1. Behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.

09-19-12, 17:46
First WTC attack was 2/26/93.


Thanks. I was thinking back wondering because the office admin and I were close and her brother was in the building. Seems like it was later based upon our conversations but now that I think about it that event happened prior to my starting work there.



Doc Safari
09-19-12, 17:52
The unimpeachable Glenn Beck.



I watched that entire episode of his TV show and he pretty close to swears they wouldn't have put it out unless their source was credible.

Glenn Beck is like Dick Morris: one day I'd love to read a thread where somebody actually analyzes his track record of predictions.

Would be an interesting read.

09-19-12, 17:58
I trust Barry, oh I mean Barack. He does what is best for our country time and time again.

The sheik is an elderly fragile man guys, come on and give him some slack already as he has done his time. I’m mean it’s not like he succeeded in destroying the WTC. Remember one man's "terrorist" is just another man's "freedom fighter".

09-19-12, 18:17
I double pinky promise I won't ever plan/execute/cohort/talk trash or smack/associate w/ other Muslims oh I mean Muslim Terrorists.


Al-Arabiya: US in talks to swap jihad terror Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman & 49 others for 19 Americans held in Egypt"






"What we’re seeing here is the jihadist movement achieving psychological ascendancy over the Obama Administration. They have been out maneuvered at every turn and are now doing what weak players always do: they try to bargain their way out of their predicament. This administration is as effectively laying the groundwork for the next 9/11 as the Clinton Administration did for the last."

Nice to see we are keeping our word & are consistant w/ our 'We don't negotiate w/ Terrorists' policy.

I'll take my chances, I want off this planet now.

Dirk Williams
09-19-12, 21:21
VooDoo, it's all good. Got a fake hip, got a fused upper spine, right hips starting to go. I ach every day even worse in the cold.

In the end nobody gets out alive. It is my intent to ride the rest of my life like I stole it. When I die I want to be old worn out and ready to rest. But not until I've experienced everything life has to offer.

It's all good brother.

09-19-12, 21:36
Nice to see we are keeping our word & are consistant w/ our 'We don't negotiate w/ Terrorists' policy.

Hard to expect any sense of continuity with that particular policy from a cinc who kicked off his glorious political ascendency of the Amerikan political system from the living room of two murderous, marxist/leninist, domestic terrorists!

09-20-12, 00:57
Upon election, the new Egyptian Government publicly stated that this was one of the subjects on their agenda. Approaching State and asking about it is far different from "negotiation".

RAHMAN is currently housed at the Butner Federal Medical Center, in Butner, North Carolina. He is currently 74 years old and in poor health. I am sure he will die of old age before State could ever work this up anywhere near the top of their "we need to work on this" list with the Department of Justice. In an election year, I just can't see this being on anyone's to-do list in either department.

There currently is a DOJ program where foreign national federal prisoners can serve a portion of, or the remainder of their sentences in their home countries. Inclusion in the program is not automatic and has numerous hurdles for the prisoner to overcome, one of which is the sentencing judge to sign off. I don't see this happening.

Thanks for being a consistently calm and rational voice amid a sea of hysterical (not in a funny way) posters.

1. Behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.

Yes, because Eric Holder would never work on the behalf of releasing terrorists! :rolleyes:


Here's a pretty good list of his "activities". Sad to note that Reagan appointed this puke as a superior court judge. :(


09-20-12, 18:16
Release him, but only after someone yells "Pull!" .